Are Latinos bringing back slavery Latino Residential Brothels in the United States?
2011-04-07 08:55:24 UTC
Cristina was just 24 years-old, living in a rural farming village in Mexico, when Amador Cortes-Meza told her he was falling in love with her. He promised her marriage and a good job, and then brought her to the United States. But when she arrived in the Atlanta area, he physically abused her and forced her to work as a prostitute. “That's when I realized he was not telling me the truth,” said Cristina (not her real name). “A man who loves a woman would not make them do that. I lived under his humiliation, I lived under the beatings, under the fear, there was nothing I could do.”

She is an example of an insidious form of slavery spreading across the United States – prostitution operations that traffic in women and children from Latin America.

In these operations, “closed-network” houses of prostitution cater to customers of a specific race or ethnicity, in this case, Hispanic women and Hispanic customers. One nonprofit anti-trafficking group labels them Latino Residential Brothels, or LRBs.

What separates them from other sex-trafficking operations, experts say, is their sophisticated camouflage and adherence to a simple business plan, used from coast to coast with cold efficiency. The operators set up shop in average neighborhoods and use coded advertisements and word of mouth to attract specific customers.

An underground growth industry
The Latino brothels rely on what amounts to slavery. Women and, in some cases, girls held captive, denied choice, denied freedom of movement, denied dignity, their bodies sold by someone else for sex.

Interviews with law enforcement and advocacy groups and independent research has found that Latino residential brothels have spread to at least 25 states and Washington, D.C. over the past 20 years.
See how the Latino brothel system works
Six answers:
2011-04-07 10:25:52 UTC
I saw a similar story to this on America's Most Wanted. They even bring little girls here to make them prostitutes. Anyone forcing another, especially forcing little girls, into prostitution should be given life sentences in prison.
Maricopa County
2011-04-07 16:38:15 UTC
In Myrtle Beach SC US Attorney Reggie Lloyd plans an increased push against human trafficking after authorities broke up a prostitution ring ran by three illegal immigrants in South Carolina.

In the past, South Carolina authorities would simply deport women in the county illegally if they were arrested for prostitution and charge the people running the ring with immigration offenses, such as falsifying documents, Lloyd said.

But that has changed, especially after the arrests last week of two men accused of smuggling a 14-year-old girl from Mexico into the U.S. and forcing her into prostitution, Lloyd said. A third man is being sought in the case.

The majority of residential brothels are “closed networks” for only Latino men as "johns." oddly the Latino men publicize their existence through word-of-mouth. The origins of Latino Residential Brothels in the United States go back to at least the late 1980s.
2011-04-07 16:03:57 UTC
Honey, Americans are just as bad. In Myrtle Beach SC an organization was busted. They were getting international student workers, then forcing them into the sex industry. This was Americans doing this. So don't be too quick to point fingers.
2011-04-07 16:15:16 UTC
sex servers, sexual slaves, prostitutes or however you want to call them are cheaper in cuba. 8 of each 10 women in cuba practice prostitution.
2011-04-07 15:57:41 UTC
Its not just south americans, there are similar operations run by chinese, koreans, russians. Just go to craigslist or backpage, they advertise their sex slave rings.
Javed Iqbal
2011-04-07 16:44:31 UTC
its substitute of prostitute which is legal in united states

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