Why did the "multiculturists" think they had the right to "multiculturise" without consensus agreement ?
2008-09-29 03:09:27 UTC
Fifteen answers:
2008-09-29 03:41:50 UTC
No one every asked me if I wanted to live in a multi-cultural, or for that matter, multi-racial society.

As a lifelong Labour supporter this is the one thing that I feel has let them down.

I'm sure the founders of the Labour party, Sidney Webb & his wife, Beatrice Potter didn't envisage a multi-cultural/racial Britain when they founded the party.

P.S. Without yet having read the other responses I've no doubt that the usual suspects will consider you, and me, racists; who cares!
2008-10-01 04:45:05 UTC
I don't think there are such people as 'multiculturists'. Nor do I think there is/was an explicit plan to 'multiculturise' Britain or Europe. Mass migrations are a historical fact and there is not an awful lot that you can do to stop them (apart from ethnic cleansing or genocidal policies, which, I am sure you'll agree, may not be the right thing to do!).

I live in a crumbling, neglected, multi-ethnic part of London (sorry the correct word used by the council is 'vibrant' ) and when I go to market at the week-end, I hear all the languages of the world. But this does not make me feel all warm inside! It doesn't make me think how lucky I am to live in such a place. Instead, if go to Sainsbury's and see Muslim women donning black robes and niquab (the full veil that covers the whole face) that make them look like walking wardrobes) I just want to scream.

Anyway, civilisations come and civilisations go. The West has had its turn. For better of for worse, things will change. As they always do.

The way I see it, is that if you spend too much energy on these issues, they will rob you of all the good things in life. I know that the gospel says 'love your neighbour'. But if you can't do that, how about 'ignoring your neighbour' and getting on with your life.
2008-09-29 05:49:48 UTC
El Cid your response is the very reason why many in Britain feel that they are ignored.

Like-it or lump-it people like to think that they are in charge of their own lives and to a certain extent their families lives.

By ignoring people's views and considerations you are in fact opening the door to extreme politics.

In some parts of Britain to-day the far right have gained a toe-hold and by ignoring these people you are in a sense casting their supporters to a political wilderness were argument and discussion are not allowed.

Many things what governments do have little if any direct impact on ordinary peoples lives and so are given little thought.

But on Law and Order, the NHS, Jobs, Immigration, Education and a whole host of other matters do have a impact on peoples lives and these should and must represent the majorities view, if not them why do we bother in free and fair elections.

Over the years the numbers and percentages of ordinary people turning out to vote has steadily declined and one of the main reasons is that all parties only want ask questions to answers they want to hear.
2008-09-29 05:38:07 UTC
Lucyfa: the 'mutliculturalism in the uk is more like 20 years of liberal government immigration laws. Answer me this, when was the last time you ever met, saw or even heard of a non oriental japanese person?

Compulsory multi-culturalism is simply the governments way of trying to deal with the recent influx of financial based immigration and i dont not agree with it. I have travelled the world extensively including the middle east and love to experience different cultures and lifestyles. But i dont want it within our own shores. If i wanted to visit india would it be easier to simply book a train ticket to Leciester. I shouldnt of spent all that money going to the middle east and just gone to Bradford.

Wasnt so long ago the government were trying to promote intergration but they realised people were not doing it therefore they had to come up with a new plan. The only reason a vast number of these immigrants are here is because of the freedoms and financial benefits they recieve coming here.

I dont accept a multi-cultural britain and im sure the 52 people that were blown to pieces of the underground a few years ago might have a few things to say about it as well. And is this an international thing, are all country supposed to just blend into one another. Travelling in a few years will be total s**t but somehow i think this is more just europe realising it cant stop the immigration so its just trying to tone down protests against it.

When i was in the middle east the nice locals would say "welcome to our country, have a nice holiday here" as it was obvious i wasnt from there. I thought id do the same when i got home. I did and it got me in a lot of trouble, this woman had apparently been here 20 years and didnt speak a word of english, i said it in arabic and her daughter went mental. I had a real problem with this.
2008-09-29 04:52:00 UTC
i agree with alana

i think the labour party has let us all down badly

i was once in favour of a multicultural society but the numbers of immigrants drowning our cities has made me see the folly of this policy

ghettoes of people living in disharmony is the legacy of this ridiculous ideal

many of the cultures moving to our children are unfortunately not compatible with the west and let us know how much they resent us our own country

many ''cultures'' being admitted in large numbers are from lawless nations and as a consequence these people abuse our hospitality and many wantonly break our laws

many people have migrated in the past ...this is true

but in the massive numbers that have swamped britain it is more like an invasion

multiculturalism is a nice idea .....but many many who move here have no respect for our culture and traditions; promote their anti-western ideology on the streets of our cities; import lawlessness and drug.crime and gun gangs; and some want to have their own legal system ....where is the multicultural society? it is a mismatch of people who in many cases do not want to assimilate into the society they have moved to and are by nature separatist.

If we had been asked of course we would have said no. They knew this so rode rough shode over us. It will the ruination of this country and I believe will and should mean we do not have another labour government adding to our misery.
2008-09-29 08:58:54 UTC
Of course not , they are way too powerful. The Zionist bankers are the the main force behind it all. They want to balk anise the west and destroy cohesion in every gentile nation. Zionists invented Political Correctness which is in fact cultural Marxism which developed from old style Marxism which was also a Zionist creation. The Rothschilds financed the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia.The banking families of City of London i.e. Rothschild, Goldsmith and Oppenheimer control all the parties in Britain including UKIP AND the BNP as well as the media the world over.

The problem is too many people believe voting gives them a choice , it is only when they start taking responsibility themselves will anything change.
2008-09-29 03:14:15 UTC
And how will you obtain an indication of 'consensus'? A referendum?

Both major parties (LimDem are even more so) are committed to multiculturalism, so a vote for either one is a vote for it.

You don't need to spell out in any manifesto when it is a matter of ideology. Our main political parties (like those in many European countries) are ideologically 'liberal' on the the question of cultural plurality although there has been a noticeable shift in recent times. As for the question of holding a referendum on this specific issue, that's not the way we do it in the UK, and you know it.
2008-09-29 03:38:24 UTC
It is a very important change we deserved to be asked, if people had been asked they would not have allowed it. I heard Blunket caused most of it by effectively just opening the UK borders to anybody and in any numbers. His "limit" was very big and it was a joke as it was exceeded by 100s of 1000s

Spacephantom below seeems to be saying the old mantra "we must fill the UK with people from Islam or Africa " otherwise we are "racist". This is what caused the problem in the first place , most people when asked will say we have the right to choose who lives here, it is a basic community right and nothing to do with racial hatred
2008-09-29 03:37:54 UTC
They knew they didn't have the right but they went and did it anyhow! typical of British democracy in the last years! They knew that given to a public vote there was no chance of it happening.

Everything is geared to dumbing down and lowering living standards I have said it for years.

The profits big company's make is obscene., and if they make a few million less they put prices up. Its one area where they are quick to act and learn from their mistakes.

None of their big fat wallets would have been so big and fat without mass immigration which they sell to us as multiculturalism. A few have fallen for the spin big time but the majority can see through it.

The power of a few has been grossly misused
2008-09-29 03:26:42 UTC
Nobody chose to ""multiculturalise" either with or without consensus. There has just been a natural progression towards multiculturalism in society.

When a number of communities with different cultures live together in close proximity, there is a natural human tendency to set aside cultural differences and live together in harmony (with the exception of a few extremist or isolationist elements). This does not result from any high minded moral stance, but simply from the fact that most people want to live a peaceful and happy life regardless of their culture or ethnicity.

The only real alternatives to multiculturalism, such the Apartheid system which was tried and failed in South Africa, and "racial purity" programmes, such as those tried in Nazi Germany and more recently in Serbia under Slobodan Milosovich, are at best morally unacceptable and at worst crimes against humanity.



Since another answerer has addressed my points with specific reference to Africans and people of the Islamic faith, I would just like to point out that I didn't mention any specific cultures or faiths above.

There are a multitude of people with all sorts of cultures, faiths and ethnic backgrounds in the UK. In addition to Africans and Muslims there are Afro-Caribbeans, Indian Hindus and Sikhs, Jews, Poles, Italians, Chinese and Japanese to name but a few. Not to mention Scots, Irish and Welsh who also have their own distinct cultures which in many respects pre-date that of England.

Those who have specifically mentioned Africans and Islam seem to be complaining about immigration, not multiculturalism per-se. Also singling out people of these specific cultures does seem to indicate an element of racism. If it wasn't for that I wouldn't have mentioned the word.
2008-09-29 03:18:04 UTC
Erm, what do you mean, exactly? Countries get multiculturalised for so many reasons:

Past Slavery

Trade Agreements



People are brought in from other countries to do jobs we need people for, and many countries are multicultural because of invasions and occupations.

Think about the USA, for example. All the white people are there because the country was occupied by them, but there are people from lots of different countries, because they were encouraged to come and live there in the past.

How exactly would consensus agreement be sought?

I cannot see how there would be any practical way of having consensus agreement?

And who are these mystical multiculturalists?

Multiculturalism is a result of hundreds of years of history.
Loony Left
2008-09-29 04:01:39 UTC
We have all types of people living in the ook with many cultures. It is a good thing

I like living in the ook and phoning people asking about the doovde and the joovce lucadativ which is ready for the hoode.
2008-09-29 13:06:49 UTC
Well that's Democracy for you, its kind of like dictatorship isn't it?
2008-09-29 03:43:25 UTC
Apparently it's all to do with equal opportunity, but it seems to me that the only people who have been forgotten in all this are the ones who were born in England. We don't even have freedom of speech anymore, cos we're either racist, sexism, homophobic or any of the other thousands of faults we apparently have.
2008-09-29 03:14:18 UTC

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