2006-12-03 20:11:56 UTC
Mexicans, at the cry of war,
make ready the steel and the steed,
and may the earth shake to its core
at the resounding roar of the cannon.
And may the earth shake to its core
at the resounding roar of the cannon.
First Stanza
Let gird, oh country, your brow with olive
by the divine archangel of peace,
for in heaven your eternal destiny
was written by the finger of God.
But if some enemy outlander should dare
to profane your ground with his step,
think, oh beloved country, that heaven
has given you a soldier in every son.
Stanza V
War, war without quarter to any who dare
to tarnish the country's coat of arms!
War, war! Let the national banners
be soaked in waves of blood.
War, war! In the mountain, in the valley,
let the cannons thunder in horrid unison
and may the sonorous echoes resound
with cries of Union! Liberty!
Stanza VI
Oh country, ere your children, defenseless
bend their neck beneath the yoke,
may your fields be watered with blood,
may they leave their footprints in blood.
And may your temples, palaces and towers
collapse with horrid clamor,
and their ruins continue on, saying:
Of a thousand heroes, this country was.
Stanza X
Oh, country, country, your children swear to you
to breathe their last for your sake,
if the bugle with its warlike accent
should call them to fight with valor.
For you the olive wreathes!
A memory for them of glory!
For you a laurel of victory!
A tomb for them of honor!