A person that was once an immigrant and now a citizen ...?
2006-05-24 14:41:40 UTC
can a person that was once an immigrant and now had become a citizen can actually say that an illegal immigrant have taken their jobs? I've noticed so many hypocrites claiming to detest hypocrisy.

Lets face it, most people in this country has ancestors that were immigrants, generation to generation, why hate the people who weren't as fortunate as those who have acquired citizenship.

I personally think we should be more open minded about these immigration issues and not condemn those that are here illegally...each of them has a story. Who are we to judge them? But then again they should play by the rules, and as for the government...they should give this people an oppurtunity to make things right and legal.
Sixteen answers:
2006-05-24 15:02:21 UTC
I agree with your point of view on illegal immigrants. My parents came to Canada 15 years ago, and to this day, only my mother is a citizen. When they first came to Canada they had to work in low-paying jobs even though they had both completed post-secondary education back in their country. Currently, through years of saving, they were able to buy a home and lead a middle-class life, but compared to the types of jobs they would have had back home, their jobs don't even compare.

My parents didn't come here to sell drugs or commit illicit activities, they came here to leave a country which was changing from communism to capitalism, and in the process having many problems. I believe that illegal immigrants such as drug dealers should be punished for their crimes and most certainly not allowed into another country. However, many illegal immigrants are trying to get away from persecution, war or other problems in their country. Also, it is hard enough for immigrants to start a new life, and we should try to be more open-minded towards them because they are not horrible people. As for illegal immigrants taking jobs, I believe that most of the jobs these people are taking are so under-payed that a citizen shouldn't even be thinking of it. Furthermore, if an employer feels that an immigrant is better suited for a job than a citizen then it is up to the employer to chose who they would like to hire. Everyone has a right to a better life.
2006-05-24 14:54:44 UTC
There is a big difference between an immigrant and an illegal immigrant. I think most Americans are really angry

that the law is not obeyed, either by the illegals or the people who hire them. What really upsets me is all the complaining against our government when Mexico's president sends his people here to be used as slave labor, so they can bring American dollars back to Mexico. This is not fair to the Mexican people or to US citizens. Do you understand what a huge revenue this brings to Mexico? Yet the people there are starving. Don't you understand that they always will be until something is done about the corrupt government down there?
2006-05-24 15:40:33 UTC
I’m a person that was once a legal immigrant and now a citizen. I can answer your question for sure. I came here legally just like people who waited for years and follow the law of the United State. When people do it legally they will have respect from others and won’t be afraid of deportation. I think you should be the one to get more open mind to think logically on this issue. There is legal channel to come to America and the Government has always give opportunity to everyone but it is just people want to skip it.

My mother has work as a Nanny, restaurant worker, and sewing operator. Her wage was force to lower by the influx of illegal and make it hard for her to raise us up. I was glad that my grandparent was able to taken care of us when we’re young so let our Mom to go to work.
2006-05-24 15:02:03 UTC
I have not heard an intelligent person disparage an individual person for immigration. The difficulty is with the entire 12-30 million of them. When social services, prison space, public housing, subsidized health care, and welfare benefits are spent on the "undocumented" the immigrant population, it is wrong. We need not to give "undocumented" immigrants any services or driver's licenses in any way. We need to make it unattractive to live off the hard work of others, not matter what race you are!

I do think there has to be an avenue to assimilate them into our greater society. They FIRST need to learn our common language. I know Americans are so "stupid" for not learning other languages, but the language of the USA is English, and the language of opportunity is English. So when you have 35-40% of Southern California that does not speak it at all, we have a PROBLEM!

I want SANE LEGAL immigration. I want border enforcement, so the legal immigrants can come here safely and without fear. The cost of a smuggler is MORE than the cost for a Visa application!

I want employers punished severely for employing ANYONE without the right to work. This leads to exploitation of the worker, and not benefits if they get hurt. We need social security cards that are counterfeit resistant, and EVERYONE should have to produce one in order to work.

The fact of the matter is, this country cannot support 10% of Mexico living in it for free, period. This is ALREADY the case.

We cannot pay for every poor and downtrodden person alive to come here. We CAN engage in the word economy and spread our values and freedom through diplomatic and economic progress. If we want people to stop coming here in droves, then build factories south of the border, and pay them more than the going rate. Maybe we should make Barbies in Mexico instead of Indonesia!

Who are we to judge them? We are the CITIZENS of this country, and our justice system has EVERY right to judge their actions that VIOLATE our laws. Why is that so hard to comprehend?!
2006-05-24 15:00:42 UTC
It's not hypocrisy. Immigrants from all over the world come here legally. They go through the whole immigration process - which includes long periods of waiting, a lot of paperwork, time in court, and time spent on education in American history and politics. It's a lot of hard work.

They do whatever it takes to find employment in the United States legally. They don't simply cross over the border and do whatever they please.

Most legal immigrants also take to the initiative to learn English, but a lot of the immigrants from the Mexico simply refuse to learn English. They insist on speaking Spanish and then they have the audacity to expect everyone else to accommodate them.
2006-05-24 14:49:45 UTC
Actually, it is the more recent legal immigrants and citizens that most directly compete with illegal immigrants for jobs. That is why Cesar Chavez was so rabidly anti-illegal immigrant. I mean, I'm against them, but I don't say 'go report the guy working next to you to the INS' or start labor movements that go to the border and beat up illegal immigrants as they come across. Chavez felt they were the bane of the worker movement for a fair wage.

We can't take on the world's poor. We pay for their benefits and enough is enough. That is why there are limits to legal immigration. Everyone who comes beyond that limit is stealing, and I'm paying for it.
2006-05-24 14:52:39 UTC
When you see mobs of illegals on the streets demanding rights waving the mexican flag and desecrating the US flag,that's enough for me to want them out,I don't care if bleeding hearts like you try to paint them as great people,they are criminals and they have shown their real intentions so stop covering something that everyone saw with their own eyes
shizbomb WMD
2006-05-24 14:47:13 UTC
My mother came to the US from Korea legally, why cant everyone else personally I am tired of all the illegal immigration here...we need to call all of our troops back from Iraq, Germany and other overseas assignments and place them on out boarders with SOS orders.
2006-05-24 14:50:05 UTC
Maybe that citezen is jealous because the illegal person did the job better. Illegals come over here to work. I wish people would remember that they have mouths to feed where ever they came from.
2006-05-24 14:53:27 UTC
I agree with you. But only if we allow the GOOD illegals to stay. That means not all 12 million of them. They should be screened thoroughly (background check). And we need to be fair with the number of issued green card per country. meaning mexico can't get more than their fair share.
Eva Daniel Rn
2006-05-24 14:46:45 UTC
i was an immigrant once, i have NEVER been illegal, in fact, i came here from Europe on first class ... yes illegal immigrant are not cool at all. besides why would you want to be in a place where you are not allowed????
Sam F
2006-05-24 14:45:18 UTC
Because there is a right way and a wrong way to come here. Why should they take presedence over the people who apply to come here legally and abide by the laws??
2006-05-24 14:45:23 UTC
youre kinda right.. but it comes down to this.

you want to see a paid.

youre there for the premiere

you camped out and waited for 3 days in line..

and then right before they open the doors

a van full of mexicans hop out and cut in front of you and get in for free.

youre all fans of the movie but youre gonna feel bitter.





youd want everyone else to do the same thing you did.
2006-05-24 14:45:00 UTC
A citizen of any country has freedom of speech no matter their origins.
2006-05-24 15:37:59 UTC
Provided i don't want to offend you let me explain why your theory on the fact that your country is made out of immigrants and therefore it should let in all immigrants in any case is totally wrong. And before you begin to think i am racist you think i am Italian, living in Italy but subject to long stays abroad for work and pleasure.

1) Originally your country is made up mainly of english immigrants, who are those who literally built the socio-political framework of your country in terms of democracy, living style, values etc. These people were helped by the immigrants who followed immediately after, i.e. Chinese, Africans (imported as slaves), and all the others, who never covered leading positions for many centuries (And i am not sure it was a mistake not to let them get to the power)

conclusion: AMERICA's FRAMEWORK (The status that led US to become a great nation) was created by ENGLISH PEOPLE mainly, not by Mexicans (Whose nation is still corrupted and relatively underdeveloped etc, or by Chinese whose or by Africans, whose countries of origin normally are in much worse conditions than the US are, even after independence etc, which means they are not able to rule a country yet, centuries after the slavery ended and several decades after they gained independence)

2) The living style and living standard of a given nation is defined by the rules applied by the dominating racial group (ie white, christians with a certain set of values), which somewhat force also the new immigrants to adapt to the rules.

Conclusion: If you allow in ALL IMMIGRANTS building on the fact that you country is made up of immigrants it could also mean that one day, thanks to your theory, you could have a majority of say, muslims, who gained a certain power could try to convert the whole US into an Islamic republic (utopic? Read more on what's going on in all countries where they are immigrating or look at what Mexicans are trying to do in California and what will soon happen in Florida, look at what Italians made with Mafia as soon as their number became enough to set their own rules, imported from their mother country.....i wouldn't call that INTEGRATION).

3) Allowing in all immigrants building on the base that your country is made up of IMMIGRANTS would also mean allowing in many more people than your country can actually handle.

Conlusion: Who is going to pay for their education, healthcare, who is going to take of the unemployed illegals and what will they do to earn a living and what will happen to the american citizens who had a work paid X dollars which is not cut off by 2/3 due to the fact that millions of starving immigrants (allowed in by people like you who let them in just on account of the fact that your country was made up of immigrants and then let's let them all in)

4) What will happen when the millions of immigrates (and their kids and the kids of their kids) will begin to become organized in political or pressure groups in the attempt to change the government on their advantage?

If you think that is utopic, again, get some more infos on what is going on outside the US, where double faced muslims claim they are peaceful and in the meantime they gain more and more power, where latin americans immigrating in european cities organize themselves in gangs (like those you have there), where chinese do nothing but money laundering, controlling prostitution etc.

If i were you i'd begin to leave aside demagogy and i'd get a sound cultural background on what is happening with immigration flows around the world, with particular attention to muslims, as wherever they go, there are integration troubles or attempts to create pressure groups to affect the countries they put roots in (In the US, check on Mexicans, Iranians and Saudi Arabians and then let me know).

In short, control on immigration is not an option; it's necessary to allow YOU to keep your job, YOUR kids to have a proper education and the same living standard, YOUR FAMILY to live safe without the risk of having bunches of violent wandering immigrates full of repressed rage for what they can see (your wealth) but they can't have. All this because someone, thinking she was being human and fair, let them in without thinking there wasn't enough jobs, enough money, enough funds, enough people to handle them all.

I am almost sure i won't get the 10 points but i hope you'll at least think about what you said and will realize why all those fair thoughts are pretty demagogic, which is more or less like being hypocrite itself. I wonder how would you react if your lost your job because a mexican works for half your salary or if your taxes raised up to 50% (Like in Italy) because the governmen can't keep up with the immigrates in terms of lodging, healthcare, education etc (not to mention massive corruption, like it happens in Italy and like it could happen in the US should mexicans ever get to the power, exactly as they did in their countries)

We are no one to judge them but i think every country has the right to decide whom to let in and whom to let out. And i think (Even going against my interests as i could be interested in immigrating in your country) they should begin to think on how to keep a good racial balance so that THOSE WHO MADE YOUR COUNTRY KEEP BEING THE MAJORITY as they showed to be much better than all the others.

Check on what happens in other countries and you'll see by yourself.

Finally, it is not said that ALL THOSE WHO WERE IMMIGRANTS AND NOW ARE CITIZENS share the values of your country nor it is granted they are integrated. In actual fact if you check a little bit at what is happening in California with Mexicans you'll understand they have been in the US for years and rather than becoming integrated they are thinking to merge Cali into Mexico (Yes they are extremistic, and YES they are a lot and not a minority, YES many of them are legal, and that is why they support the entry of all the illegals, the more they are, the more powerful they get, the closer their objectives). Wait till muslims will begin to gain power and then i dare you coming back to claim all what i am saying is not true. CITIZENSHIP does't necessarily equals SHARING your same values.

Wake up and smell the coffee.
2006-05-24 15:22:11 UTC
Illegal Mexican immigrants are the ones that put the focus on themselves and then painted themselves as victims. The bill that was up to become law to make illegal immigration a felony and hiring illegal immigrants a felony was intended for every illegal immigrant. Then the Mexicans, knowing that they make up so many of the illegals, took to the street in protest because they knew they would be affected. The Mexicans then played the race card. Then the liberals, pro illegal immigrants, big businesses, and illegals turned it into an attack campaign on American citizens painting them as a population of lazy, unmotivated racists. That's how this controversy started. If they wouldn't break the law then they wouldn't have had anything to worry about.

I used to argue strongly in defense of illegal immigrants before the demonstrations started. The illegal immigrants opened my eyes and made me realize just how wrong I had been. I did not realize just how much these illegals detest Americans, especially white Americans, until I saw them with my own eyes referring to us in such derogatory manner. I know personally of at least 3 other people who had this same revelation. These illegals lost a lot of supporters all across the country by revealing just how arrogant and entitlement minded they are.

Upon this revelation I started doing my own research into the manner and found out about the millions of people that get hurt by having their social security numbers stolen and their identities stolen by these illegals. I found out how much harm has been done to this country by these people. And I am now outraged.

And the insults saying I am lazy because I am a white American and that I wouldn't do the work infuriates me. I have applied for just such jobs numerous times and keep getting told that I'm "overqualified." I have been froze out of the job market because I actually was motivated enough to persue higher education. So now fast food places REFUSE to hire me. And these illegals that I had been defending all of these years have the audacity to call me lazy saying I wouldn't do this work? After I have personally gave food and clothing to some of them? After I have cared for them? I felt like I had been slapped in the face and stabbed in the back at the same time. They will never get my support again.

So I am in graduate school now doing graduate assistantships because I couldn't find a job with my degree since I had no experience and I apparently educated myself out of the available job market in my area EVEN THOUGH I WAS PERFECTLY WILLING TO DO THE WORK BECAUSE I AM NOT LAZY AND HAVE WORKED MY BUTT OFF ALL OF MY LIFE. I have worked my way up from being homeless and pregnant as a teenager after I had been raped and beaten by my ex-husband in retaliation for leaving him nearly killing me, leaving me with disabilities. I sometimes had to go days without food because I had been beaten so bad I was unable to work my job anymore. I had a lot of health problems while I was going to college for my undergraduate degree and was in and out of the hospital with several surgeries so I struggled to keep up my grades, but even with all of that I still managed to make presidents and deans list. I had a high grade point average, because in spite of my medical problems I was NOT LAZY, I was NOT UNMOTIVATED, and I am definitely a hard worker.

So not only did the May 1st protest hurt them, the whole protest leading up to May 1st hurt them as well. I know I am not the only person who got a huge wake up call.

The illegal Mexican immigrants are invading this country trying to take it over. It's encouraged by Mexico and the American businesses who use them for cheap labor. Their loyalty is to Mexico. They proved that during one of the first rallies when they took down the American flag, hung up the Mexican flag, and then hung the American flag upside down underneath it. THAT is how they feel about America.

Then the people who want to appease them pull out the excuses about how people who are not even alive now, and haven't been for hundreds of years, 'stole' the land from the American Indians. Even American politicians are carrying out this traitorous attack on our sovereignty! If this keeps up, the United States of America will become a 3rd world country, just like Mexico! Mexico's problems are not the fault of Americans, but they are becoming our problems because the Mexicans are invading us and bringing their problems with them.

The illegals make up about 5 % of the work force. The unemployment rate is about 4.5%. Keep in mind that the unemployment rate does NOT represent everyone who is unemployed. It only counts those who are collecting unemployment. Everyone else's plight is ignored. The unemployment rate if everyone was counted would be tremendous. We do NOT have a shortage of labor, we have a large surplus. The more illegals that come in and take our jobs at minimum wage or less (often less) puts more and more Americans out of a job. Most of these Americans are never counted in the unemployment rate if they do not manage to get unemployment benefits. Unemployment benefits are hard to receive.

Illegals draw welfare by stealing people's social security numbers and identities. That means there are a lot of people being directly hurt by these people as well. Innocent people are having their credit ratings ruined, having IRS problems, and social security problems. If someone who has had their social security number stolen gets married, if either spouse dies or become disabled then they can be denied their benefits.

My family moved to the US before WWII. Those of my family that didn't make it over got killed by the death camps. Our family assimilated to the American culture. We didn't expect the Americans to change to suit us. The illegal immigrants from Mexico are not civilized like that.

They not only changed the National Anthem to Spanish, they changed the words. They already burn our flag and hang our flag upside down. They waved the Mexican flag during a lot of their protests. Some schools have stopped hanging the American flag and forbidden students from wearing clothes with any part of the American flag on their clothing all to keep from offending the Mexicans. It's nothing short of an attack of our country, not only by the illegal aliens, but those who seek to appease them.

I am tired of the stereotype that Americans wouldn't do the work that illegals do. Illegals do all kinds of jobs for less than minimum wage which drives the wages down for U.S. citizens. Construction jobs are an example. There are lots of illegals doing construction jobs that Americans used to do because the companies can keep more of the profits if they pay less for the workers. All that does is make companies wealthier and Americans poorer. Illegals are stealing jobs that Americans have done for years.

"Mexico is waging war on the U.S. through mass immigration illegal and legal, through the assertion of Mexican national claims over the U.S., and through the subversion of its laws and sovereignty, all having the common end of bringing the southwestern part of the U.S. under the control of the expanding Mexican nation, and of increasing Mexico’s political and cultural influence over the U.S. as a whole.

Cultural imperialism

We experience Mexico’s assault on our country incrementally—as a series of mini-crises, each of which calls forth ever-renewed debates and perhaps some tiny change of policy. Because it has been with us so long and has become part of the cultural and political air we breathe, it is hard for us to see the deep logic behind our “immigration problem.” Focused as we are on border incursions, border enforcement, illegal alien crime, guest worker proposals, changes of government in Mexico City, and other such transient problems and events—all of them framed by the media’s obfuscation of whether or not illegal immigration’s costs outweigh its benefits and by the maudlin script of “immigrant rights”—we don’t get the Big Picture: that the Mexican government is promoting and carrying out an attack on the United States.

Another reason we miss what’s happening is that our focus is on the immigrants as individuals. Thus our leaders talk about illegal immigrants as “good dads,” “hard working folks” seeking to better their lives and their family’s prospects. In fact, this is not about individual immigrants and their families, legal or illegal. It is about a great national migration, a nation of people moving into our nation’s land, in order to reproduce on it their own nation and people and push ours aside.

Thus, in orchestrating this war on America, the Mexican state is representing the desires of the Mexican people as a whole.

What are these desires?

(1) Political revanchism—to regain control of the territories Mexico lost to the U.S. in 1848, thus avenging themselves for the humiliations they feel they have suffered at our hands for the last century and a half;

(2) Cultural imperialism—to expand the Mexican culture and the Spanish language into North America; and especially

(3) Economic parasitism—to maintain and increase the flow of billions of dollars that Mexicans in the U.S. send back to their relatives at home every year, a major factor keeping the chronically troubled Mexican economy afloat and the corrupt Mexican political system cocooned in its status quo. "

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.