2006-05-09 11:56:47 UTC
I think it's ridiculous that Border Patrol has an agreement with the Mexican government to disclose the location of Minutemen volunteers. If the President and Congress would simply enforce laws already on the books, the Minutemen wouldn't even exist in the first place. You know how many times that gang MS-13 has threatened to do harm to the Minutemen? Or how about the Mexican drug cartels? Because of corruption in the Mexican government, it's plausible that the "bad guys" (being cartels and gangs) could use this information to set up some kind of ambush. Whether you like them or not, their border protest is no different than the MayDay protests and they're simply exercising their rights to 1.) freedom of assembly and 2.) keep and bear arms. The fact that the U.S. government is passing this kind of intelligence is criminal. This ranks up there with wiretaps and Valerie Plame ... but the liberal media will bury the story.