Should the goverment stop immigration?
2008-07-22 13:46:41 UTC
This is for a book i am writing! I need your views! Thank you!

My answer: This is a very strong subject, it could lead to possible racial comments. However i believe England isn't what it used to be. The is way too many foreigners immigrating to England, stealing jobs because they will work for less! The Polish for instance (i love them, such funny people), they are everywhere, they go to houses which are having extensions etc done to them, and they say they will finish it off for cheaper! People from Pakistan Iraq etc...coming over here, complaining about English flags on vans and windows during the world cup! Seriously it isn't England anymore, its more like Multicultural-land or Everyones-welcome-land.

^^^Just my quick opinion! (not in depth)
27 answers:
Archie Bunker
2008-07-22 14:10:58 UTC
Well that ex beautiful awesome country of yours has been taken over my politically correctness so badly that even the natural born citizens are walking on eggshells. Too bad you don't have the common sense wonder of the world running your Country named Thatcher instead of the liberal yes men currently flushing it down the loo.No different then America letting in the Mexicans ... give is your most worthless, demanding and non appreciating non assimilating people on Earth. Generations of sacrifice and hard work and Patriotism to make them both great countries are ruined by 2 decades of open door policy by a guilt laden leftist agenda.

Not that I'm bitter or anything.
2008-07-24 12:42:14 UTC
Yes - what a great idea!!

Keep the doctors out, the nurses, the dentists and the surgeons.

That will lower the cost to the NHS (Oh! And the service)

Keep the workers out - you know those in agriculture, food production etc. (And watch the price of food go up faster than petrol prices)

Close the doors on researchers, scientists and any migrant with a degree (Lets aim our nation towards being a third world country)

Get real! What do you want to do - just let the select few in to keep up fed and fit? Well isn't that what we already do??

Now, I'm white & British BUT my great grandfather was born in India (albeit he was white) so would you have me extradited for not being British?

How many generations should we go back (be careful with the answer because there aren't too many British if you head towards the Anglo-Saxons).

All this rubbish about migrants - more are leaving than are coming because they realise that the British are wrecking the place all by themselves!!
2008-07-25 03:48:32 UTC
There are a number of measures that are open to us:

1) Discourage any Dual Passport-holders except with countries where English Language is the Official Language .

2)Any one residing in the UK for a decade or more and not taken up British Citizenship should be deported back to his country of origin.

3) All new places of worship must only be Lease-Hold...

4) Freehold housing to a Non Britisher may only be legal if a Britisher holds the Major Share-holding.

Businesses too may be owned Jointly but with the safeguards against one investor absconding.

5) The granting of Citizenship is a privilege not a RIGHT.and may be revoked or confirmed by authorities on an individual basis.

6) Absentee Land or property owners should be discouraged by penal taxation.Special considerations may apply if there are reciprocal agreements with any other Nation.
2008-07-23 07:15:46 UTC
What you've just said has been said/written by generation after generation of English people. If it wasn't for immigrants then how do you think there would be a population in England in the first place?

People thought those things when there were enormous waves of Irish and Jewish immigrants in the 19th century. Indeed, 15% of Manchester alone was made up of native Irish people. Those people, according to English people at the time, took all the jobs because they were willing to work for anything and turned England into another Ireland.

I suspect views like yours will always persist forever, given that we are an island nation.
Mick B
2008-07-22 15:07:51 UTC
When it has a profound effect as it is doing on the culture and traditional way of our country , Our schools, health service ,welfare system, police and just about everything else is being overwhelmed to the detriment of the native population. If these do gooders cant see that this causes resentment they must be on a different planet Oh and bye the way potato that age old argument of yours dont stand up, the immigration you talk about took place over centuries which allowed slow integration, unlike the mass overnight immigration which we have recently witnessed
2016-11-13 04:36:53 UTC
Immigrants are actually not the priority- freebies for all are. the government ought to make refugees paintings for a residing- all of them. If all the asylum seekers had to paintings for a residing they could combine better into society quite of basically sticking to their very own type. that in the time of turn could income race family- British human beings could be extra excepting of alternative nationals in the event that they did not bleed the rustic dry. extra human beings working could advise extra funds being spent hence springing up extra jobs and strengthening the economic equipment. extra human beings working could additionally advise that the crime cost will flow down. AND TO BE uncomplicated- IF the government compelled ALL IMMIGRANTS TO paintings - much less could desire to return right here!!
2008-07-22 19:50:15 UTC
Sounds like your a Brit.

Here in the USA, our intelligent government, which is having problems providing healthcare, reasonable gas prices, potable water, proper education or enough prisons for all the criminals that are here ...and more shortcomings; is allowing a miilion plus LEGAL people to enter our country anually

Add to that millions more who are illegal they apparently can't keep out.

The outcome. Our already struggling to get by country will have 4 times as many people in 15 years as it does today.

Those addtional extra people will ALL be immigrants. Poor folks who will need tax dollar help to get going.

50% of those will be from one country (Mexico) 8 of 10 illegals are Mexicanos. Why would a thinking country do this?

When I look around and imagine 4 times more people on the roads, in the schools, pumping gas, trying to get healthcare and realize the extra people ALL will be mostly Mexicanos, I wonder why we just dont GIVE our country TO MEXICO.

Yes, Mexico. That's where the country is being run by Drug Thugs and gansters that kill, rape, rob and torture as a way of life. Wonder why a government would allow this to happen.

I hear things are bad for the Brits and others (France) in Europe too due to immigration.

I think WE should put the brakes on and allow only the barest margin to immigrate legally. Stop illegal as much as possible and be sure we adjust WHO we let in to be from the world at large ...not just one country.

Yes, BOTH our government should stop or drastically limit immigration.

Check out these sites. Might find them interesting.
2008-07-26 04:56:02 UTC
No. The immigrants I've met are good friendly honest hard-working people. And they're an asset to this country. Unlike many Brits who are full of hatred and self-pity.

Sorry if this isn't the answer you wanted!

And why do you finish all your questions with 'just my opinion'? Y!A is about questions and answers. It isn't a soapbox to spread your prejudiced views!
Atticus Finch
2008-07-23 02:12:28 UTC
"This is for a book i am writing! I need your views! Thank you!"

Having had the misfortune to read the second paragraph of your question, i don't think any publisher would touch your book with a barge pole. Have you read any material from the refugee council, joint council for the welfare of immigrants, IPPR, policy exchange an other think tanks that deal with immigration? Or are you just going to regurgitate the xenophobia often on display in British tabloids?

I suggest you seek other sources for your material about immigration into the UK if you are really writing a book.

The answer to your question:EU treaty obligations, the refugee convention and economic well being prevent us from taking such moronic action as to halt immigration.
Loving Mother Of Two Boys
2008-07-23 05:39:58 UTC
I think that some of you people are goin to go to hell and I think it should be multicultured or everyones land not extremley religious but I don't think god mean for it to be this way with the fighting and the you stay in your country bull it's so sad how cruel we can be to one another call me a hippy or whatever but all this violence makes me sick
2008-07-22 14:11:12 UTC
Both the US and UK should reduce immigration to reasonable levels: in the US, that would be about 250,000 a year, and much less than that in the UK. It's a shame that your politicians are selling out your people by allowing in so many immigrants. You should end all immigration by Muslims into your country, or you will become a Muslim nation.
2008-07-25 19:25:51 UTC
You should change direction with your book,instead write one on the Marriage scams perputrated by them lovely (not So Lovely) women from Eastern Europe.They are the biggest liars,cheats theives you name it they are it,but certainly not good.They show gorgeous studio pictures but in the flesh they are old boilers.No it didnt happen to me, too smart.
2008-07-22 18:20:50 UTC
i think immigration has got out of control. we need to stop the open door policy and start to refuse the asylum seekers and illegals full stop also stop the European workers as they are undercutting the wages of UK trades and creating a massive unemployment problem. how can we compete with people willing to work for less than half of what we need to earn.

people that say we need the migrants are talking rubbish, get the dole dossers off their arses and working for the dole money ( you don't need education to pick litter of the side of the roads)

all it needs is someone in the goverment with some common sense and cares about the state of our beloved country to set the wheels in motion, rather than think about how to tax us to the brink of poverty to line their pockets with with massive pay rises and tax free living

not the best argument i know but that's how i feel

2008-07-23 00:04:34 UTC
Limits need to be set on immigration, I remember new labour saying there was a skills shortage yet most immigrants are unskilled!

Mass immigration is NOT a racial issue it is an economic issue.
2008-07-22 14:11:37 UTC
Yes. But will they? No, because the Govenment sees immigrants as a source of cheap labour, driving down wages and costs so that the companies the MP's all hold directorships in will make more profits and reward them more generously.
2008-07-24 07:43:26 UTC
Not just England, its the same up here in Scotland.
2008-07-23 02:27:12 UTC
It depends. If they want to get all the UK unemployed back to work then they will have to limit it at least.

Otherwise they will have to accept that there will not be enough jobs for UK natives AND all the migrants who want to come here, shut up and carry on paying out dole to the unemployed. Its their call.
2008-07-22 14:01:15 UTC
I am not a racist but I do think that a curb should be put on immigration as this country`s resources will only stretch so far. In addition to this, if the downturn in the economy continues problems will arise with unemployment; if foreign labour is used in preference to British applicants this could cause real problems..
2008-07-23 04:21:37 UTC
And your views on emigration? Or are we all expected to live here without freedom and liberty to choose? Or do we not count as immigrants when we live abroad as hundreds of thousands of us do? Earth was created without borders.
2008-07-22 15:15:50 UTC

I'm all for immigration.

I could take you to places where the born and bred natives of this country are a total disgrace. They really are garbage - career doleys and genetically in-bred wasters with no social or cultural value whatsoever.

By comparison a great many of the immigrants, the Poles in particular, have a tremendous work ethic and far better personal and domestic standards and values.

I'd be more than happy to replace all our our "own" wasters with decent foreigners.


And I have never, ever, heard one single complaint about the flag thing.

England has indeed changed, but not through immigration. England has changed because far too many of our own people are work shy gits who know how to play the system.
2008-07-22 14:30:08 UTC
omg i know same in America instead its the mexicans its so annoying i hate illegal immigration i want all of them to get deported no more jobs for citizens anymore for the same reason i agree 100%
2008-07-22 14:51:39 UTC
The government doesent want it to stop,it is part of the new world order. So we will all be peasants working for the elite.
2008-07-23 03:37:55 UTC
Yes, it's gone way too far and changed the nature of our culture. Incoming people should adapt to our ways - NOT VICE VERSA !
2008-07-22 13:55:55 UTC
London was found by foreigners.

"London (pronunciation (help·info); IPA: /ˈlʌndən/) is the largest urban area and capital of England and the United Kingdom.[7] An important settlement for two millennia, London's history goes back to its founding by the Romans."

No offense but without foreigners England would never exist. Without the richness of other countries England would be a lost island in the middle of nowhere.
Seymour Butz
2008-07-22 19:03:32 UTC
well look at it this way, 100 years from now, there will be no more white people.
2008-07-22 15:11:59 UTC
I agree, the US needs to shut its doors to!
2008-07-22 22:09:36 UTC
No, they shouldn't stop all immigration, just ILLEGAL immigration.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.