Why are some trying to make the illegal immigration issue into a racial one?
2006-04-29 15:58:21 UTC
Do you consider "illegal immigrants" to be a "new" race of people?

Why do some people think that this is an anti-hipanic issue when it is about ILLEGAL immigration. Only spanish and portugese people are truely hispanic. 'Hispania' is what the romans called the spanish & portugese peninsula so if you want to say that people from southern countries from the the u.s. are 'hispanics' unless they have portugese or spanish blood, you are mislabeling them. Most are native americans from a different american region. Guatamala still has a large mayan population, they are NOT hispanic or 'latin'. What is going on with all the mislabeling of issues?? (6_6)
22 answers:
2006-04-30 13:32:16 UTC
alnjk: I agree that it is difficult to circumvente around the meaning of the word illegal, although some have tried to distort the meaning by referring to those having an illegal status by calling them "undocumented" instead. The terms "immigrant" and "ILLEGAL immigrant are NOT interchangable. For example if I tell you to screw in a light bulb you would put the light bulb in...If I asked you to UNscrew the light bulb, you would know that I ment to take it out. PREFIXES make a BIG difference in the meaning of a word.......yes the word 'prefix' is a transitive verb.
2006-04-29 16:45:40 UTC
The RACE Card Was Pulled Out First By The ILLEGAL Camp

To Try To Provide An EXCUSE

To Influence The SENATE To Vote In Favor Of AMNESTY

Their Political Leaders Are DEMANDING

Nothing Less Than Amnesty

The TRUE Racists Are The POLITICOS Behind This Hispanic Movement, Who You Will See Arriving From MEXICO To Support The "BOYCOTT" On 5/1


Immigration Policies

It Makes ME Wonder What The TRUE AGENDA Is
2006-04-29 16:12:29 UTC
Most Americans couldn't tell the difference between a Guatemalan and what they call a Mexican. There is a LOT of ignorance on both sides of the border. A large majority of people just go by skin color and language without ever really learning anything about anybody. I blame the governments on both sides of the borders for perpetrating a myth & allowing the children to be taught from textbooks that were written by people who had very little knowledge of ethnic heritage & cultures.
2016-10-20 10:22:56 UTC
people in l. a. have kin in Mexico or different international places and now their kin cant come right here because of the hot rules. San Fresco enable me say this their is 1000's of extreme Enivermentalists and people. it truly is what l. a. is ***** and who cares what l. a. does. I help AZ's new regulation about immigration and that i imagine its a high-quality regulation. we are finally struggling with decrease back adverse to unlawful immigration. AZ's regulation about immigration isn't unconstitutional because immigrants at the prompt are not secure by the structure. people are in basic terms secure by the structure. Hitler placed Jewish people in gasoline Chambers, camps, and different terrible stuff. those who talk adverse to Arizona needs opt to ascertain the structure. Im purely about 15 and that i have been analyzing the structure and Arizona's rules at the prompt are not unconstitutional. believe me or examine the structure by your self.
2006-04-29 19:28:52 UTC

An anti-immigration group started up at my school... i dont care enough about the issue to have any interest at all in joining, but they got blasted in school papers and on facebook as racists which i though was bulls@#$. i think the school was going to have a town hall meeting on to decide on its fate but it may have gotten called off (i havent been following the drama closely). but it really pisses me off when people do that. i dont have a problem with latinos as a race, i just think it is trouble to make 10-20 million low income people "official" bc it would cost billions in programs like medicaid and other government assistance if they become legit.
2006-04-29 16:08:20 UTC
unfortunately anti-illegal immigration advocates throw terms like "beaner" and "wet back" around. that is why it's turning into a racial issue. in addition, a lot of these same people generalize immigrants and assume that brown=illegal. or that immigrant= Mexican. the ignorance being spewed by people forces the focus away from illegal immigration to racial profiling
2006-04-29 16:04:40 UTC
It's not racial. Illegal aliens are simply political and economic refrugees seeking a better life. No wall will ever keep them out. Their goverments are corrupt and have failed them. It's time they grow spines and take back their country and the U.S. should perhaps help them by sending in the Marines and to establish a military base there.
2006-04-29 16:11:40 UTC
Mexican or mezteso is a mix of Spanish and Indian all those wasted word you typed and didn't even know what your talking about. wow the ignorance is uncanny. hispanic does fit their nationality where did you educate yourself?
2006-04-29 16:13:25 UTC
You don't have to be racist to be against Illegal immigration.

Just because I don't agree with their way of thinking doesn't make me a racist. I just believe that they should not be Demanding anything!!!! Much less rewriting our national anthem in spanish (not with the same words, I might add) ....... That is appalling.
2006-04-29 16:08:59 UTC
Its not a racist issue until people start calling them "beaners", "wetbacks" etc. Then it becomes a racist issue.

And ive seen it happens an awful lot especially on the Immigration section of this forum.

Pinky and ebaymgo are completely correct on theyre statements.
2006-04-29 16:39:44 UTC
People start calling us racists for wanting to secure our borders because they know their arguments about the US being built from immigrants does not hold. Its nothing more then a desperate attempt to try to win a win-less battle for them.
2006-04-29 16:04:06 UTC
I'm against illegal immigration but I'm not racist against Mexicans. It's just that these illegals are running down our country's economy and health care system.
2006-04-29 16:43:09 UTC
Because the black people fought the fight and now certain groups want the special status bestowed by claiming that everybody that does not agree with their agenda is a racist.

its emotional and irrational and nonsensical.

Illegal Aliens are criminals ...not victims.
2006-04-30 11:53:50 UTC
Because it is very difficult to circumvent the word illegal. Definition: Prohibited by law or by official or accepted rules.
2006-04-29 16:23:40 UTC
yes...I have asked myself that very question...this is a matter of law and national sovereignty. This is a matter of showing those who enter this contry legally that their patience was not for nothing.
2006-04-29 16:15:42 UTC
Both sides have made this racial at some point.
2006-04-29 16:01:54 UTC
i completely agree. a lot of mexicans get quite defensive and accuse others by calling them racist
bad girl
2006-04-29 16:36:47 UTC
hell i dont care what they think they just need to stay home not here they are killing the usa and need to go back asap
2006-04-29 16:02:46 UTC
these people have no valid they play the race card...
2006-04-29 16:00:14 UTC
thanks for adding a bit of info to tons of racist ignorant people on here...
2006-04-29 16:35:43 UTC
Wow, finnaly thank the heavens someone finnaly has figured it out!!!!! You are 100% correct this isn't a racial issue this is a criminal and immigration issue, this issue faces people of all nations that have come here illegally! It is only the ignorant and shortsided people like Pancha that have turned this into a racial issue and the only reason they did that is because they can't give valid excuses or reasons for the facts of how the illegal immigrants in this country are taking advantage of the system and draining our economy!!!!! They feel that since 99.9% of the illegal immigrants in this country are Mexicans and other central and south american immigrants that this is racial problem!

News article taken from :

Illegal Immigration Is Actually Foreign Invasion

Chuck Baldwin | April 5 2006

Instead of calling it illegal immigration, we should be calling it a foreign invasion, because the consequences of this invasion are as terminal to our freedoms and to our way of life as any act of terrorism ever perpetrated against us!

First, let's talk about numbers. Even though the Census Bureau (CB) estimates 11 million illegal aliens live in America, the real numbers are much higher. Even CB officials admit that many illegal aliens purposely avoid the census count. A more reliable count is provided by Bear Stern. It puts the number of illegal aliens at around 20 million. Rep. Tom Tancredo (R-CO), Chairman of the Congressional Immigration Reform Caucus, puts the number at over 18 million.

According to Tennesseans for Responsible Immigration Policies (TNRIP), 6,000 immigrants arrive in America EVERY DAY. That equates to more than 2 million EVERY YEAR. In many communities in the Southwest, including Los Angeles, California, and Houston, Texas, Hispanics now comprise a majority of the population. But numbers of illegal aliens are quickly beginning to mount in cities throughout the United States.

For example, TNRIP documents the fact that the Hispanic population grew in three Tennessee counties by more than 70% between 2000 and 2004. In one of those counties (Robertson) it grew over 95% during that time. In seven Tennessee counties, the Hispanic population grew by more than 40%. Now, Tennessee can hardly be considered a "border state." The fact is, what is happening in Tennessee is happening all over the United States. And lest you think this is all harmless, think again!

According to TNRIP, the financial cost of this foreign invasion to U.S. taxpayers is staggering! Here is a break down of the annual costs:

Education: $22.5 billion

Bi-lingual Education: $3.3 billion

AFDC: $2.4 billion

SSI: $2.9 billion

Social Security: $24.8 billion

Housing Assistance: $2.6 billion

Criminal Justice: $2.6 billion

Jobs Lost by Americans: $10.8 billion

Other Programs: $51.4 billion

Food Stamps: $7 billion

Health Care: $1.4 billion

The first study of the net cost of illegal immigration to American taxpayers was conducted in 1997 by Dr. Donald Huddle, Professor Emeritus of Economics at Rice University. That study concluded that from 1970 to 1997, illegal immigration had cost taxpayers over $69 billion. Obviously, the financial numbers have exploded since then.

Furthermore, during 1996 alone, more than 2.3 million American workers were displaced by (mostly) illegal aliens. Harvard Professor George Borjas estimates that today American workers lose $133 billion per year in wage depression and job loss.

TNRIP warns, "Net cumulative costs for the 1998-2007 decade are projected to reach $932 billion, an average of $93.2 billion per year, even with recent changes in welfare and immigration policies and a prosperous economy, if current mass immigration trends are allowed to continue."

Secondly, consider the potential for terrorism that this foreign invasion brings. How many of these foreign invaders already have criminal records? How many are wanted on criminal charges in other countries? How many are surreptitiously snuck into the country by foreign governments? No one knows, and that includes President Bush and Hillary Clinton!

What we do know is that already a significant percentage of our federal prisoners is comprised of illegal aliens. For some prison systems, the number is around 30%. According to TNRIP, when many illegal aliens "are involved in [automobile] accidents, they simply move and obtain another license or move out of state to avoid arrest or litigation."

You see, as TNRIP notes, "the Tennessee Legislature voted in 2001 to allow illegal immigrants to obtain valid Tennessee Drivers Licenses by omitting the requirement to present a valid Social Security Card upon application even though LEGAL citizens are required by law to have their SSN on file with the state upon applying for their licenses!"

So, where is the incentive for illegal aliens to obey the law? They broke the law to come here, and they routinely break the law to stay here. And because our federal and state governments have made it so unbelievably convenient for illegal aliens to live and work in this country, they routinely do so without adherence to the laws that the rest of us must submit to.

Therefore, not only do our federal and state governments tolerate illegal immigration, they actively promote it! Why? There are several reasons.

Without elaborating on this first answer, I will respond by saying that I am convinced that there are many people in the higher echelons of our government and business leadership that desire to replace a free and independent America with a globally and regionally dependent one. In my opinion, that is what NAFTA, GATT, the WTO, and FTAA are all about. It's not about fair trade; it's about outsourcing American jobs and industry and insourcing foreign workers and products, which intrinsically brings with it commercial and political dependence.

Beyond that, let's not discount the individual motivations of the two major parties. Rhetoric to the contrary notwithstanding, both the Democratic and Republican parties in Washington, D.C., desire that illegal immigration continue unabated. When it comes to illegal immigration, President Bush and Hillary Clinton are allies not adversaries. (That's true about many issues, by the way.) There is only a handful of congressmen who truly desires to restrict illegal immigration.

For Democrats, the issue is votes. They see massive numbers of illegal aliens as potential voters for Democratic candidates. For Republicans, the issue is pleasing the business community. Numerous businesses take advantage of the cheap labor that illegal immigration provides. Instead of paying Americans a fair wage for their services, they deliberately choose to hire illegal aliens whom they know will work for half the price.

There is another reason both parties in Washington, D.C., like illegal immigration. Allowing thousands of American companies to hire cheap Mexican labor keeps prices low for the American consumer, so they will not feel the burden of high taxation as acutely as we otherwise would.

If American companies were forced to pay American wages to American workers, the cost of many products and services would be noticeably higher. Couple that with an already unconscionable tax burden that absconds 40%-50% of our income, and the true cost of doing business would probably put our country into a quick depression. Such an event would no doubt seriously restrict government's ability to tax. And what both parties totally agree on is ever-growing federal spending!

Therefore, in order to beguile the American people into believing that their dollars are going as far as they go (such as it is), they must continue to import cheap foreign products and cheap foreign labor. The independence-sacrificing "free trade" deals such as NAFTA, GATT, and FTAA take care of the cheap foreign products department, while illegal immigration furnishes the cheap foreign labor part of the equation.

Of course, a truly constitutional approach to commerce would put Americans back to work, would reward American productivity, not punish it, and would significantly restrict illegal immigration, foreign nation-serving trade deals, and burgeoning government spending. However, what we do not have in Washington, D.C., these days are constitutionalists.

So, when all is said and done, there will be nothing done to restrict illegal immigration into this country. Furthermore, don't be surprised, if the final law that Congress passes and Bush signs will actually further facilitate the influx of illegal aliens and will also further facilitate a speedy process by which illegal aliens already here can become U.S. citizens.

You should also know that there is considerable momentum within the Hispanic community that truly desires to create civil unrest in America. Such people not only desire to cripple American society, they desire to reclaim vast parts of America's Southwest for Mexico. The American people may not realize it, but these people have already declared war on us. (If you doubt this, go see for yourself:

I say again, we are not discussing immigration; we are discussing invasion! It is time we admitted it and treated it as such!
2006-04-29 16:25:49 UTC
thanks joe you got it right on again buddy

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.