I think that inmigration is great for the economy because there are more people to take the jobs nobody wants to do, besides there are highly intelligent foreigners, like me, that can help a lot the economy and society.
Notice: I'm NOT an illegal inmigrant and I'm NOT a mexican.
Quotes about inmigration by Ludwig Von Mises:
"There cannot be the slightest doubt that migration barriers diminish the productivity of human labor." LVM
"The closed-door policy is one of the root causes of our wars." LMV
"Immigrants soon find their place in urban life, they soon adopt, externally, town manners and opinions, but for a long time they remain foreign to civic thought. One cannot make a social philosophy one's own as easily as a new costume." LVM
"The principles of freedom, which have gradually been gaining ground everywhere since the eighteenth century, gave people freedom of movement." LVM
"A nation that believes in itself and its future, a nation that means to stress the sure feeling that its members are bound to one another not merely by accident of birth but also by the common possession of a culture that is valuable above all to each of them, would necessarily be able to remain unperturbed when it saw individual persons shift to other nations." LVM