Your ignorance is overwhelming. You said it yourself; your grandfather and grandmother came here as a young couple. So your parents were immigrants. Do you think they should go back? There are a number of reasons why I support unregulated immigration. I in fact support the abolition of borders and states, but that is another story.
1) Unless you are an Indian American you have no natural right to the land.
2)The U.S economy is BASED on the exploitation of the labour of 'illegal aliens'.
3) The trade policies of the United States are responsible for the poverty in south and central america; US corporations have been allowed to exploit the land, resources and labour of these nations.
4) People who come overseas 'illegally' do so because there is no other means possible. They are fleeing persecution and are likely to be killed if they return.
Stop attacking workers. These workers are exploited because they can be. The boss benefits and profits at their expense. Immigrants often work cash in hand jobs, are paid extremely poorly, have no rights to join a union, and they have no protections at work. They can be sacked without warning or reason.
As for terrorism, have you heard of state terrorism? It is the biggest form is terrorism in the world and responsible for many more deaths than non-state terrorism. This is the terrorism of the state, of the nation. Keeping people divided in often mutually hostile states protected by the military serves the ruling class by seperating the international working class. This means that instead of seeing ourselves aligned with our fellow workers, we turn against them.
Also, your a racist in your assumption that people from other countries must be terrorists (no one who is a white American could be a 'terrorist' huh?). I would also like you to define terrorism. Try not swallowing everything you hear on CNN. Question who owns and controls the media and think about whose interests they are out to protect.
"They don't contribute to the system at all. Sure they do jobs cheap, but that is the root of the problem - they suppress wages."
The point is, who benefits from the exploitation of immigrant labour? How about questioning why this happens. Also think about questioning why people come from Mexico in the first place, and why their economy is as bad as it is. Hint: US multinationals have exploited the natural resources of this country for years. Low wages are not the fault of the people forced to work for them, but a capitalist economy. Lower wages = more competition. Its is great for the economy (namely the minority who profit from this, i.e. owners of capital)
"Then there is the stupid statement about no one having rights to the land except Indians. If you want to be technical, the American Indians are immigrants too, so I guess no one has any right to the land according to your theory."
Yes, no one technically owns land, but if you want to claim ownership your argument falls short because people were here before you were. By the way the US economy is largely based on 'illegal' immigrant labour.
Yes, the Mexican government is corrupt and oppressive, but its supported by the United States because of its trade policies that benefit the rich and US corporations. I don't care how many Mexican friends you have. I am sure if they were in the same situation (as well as you) they would do the same. It doesn't change the fact that there is a reason that people risk their lives to cross the border. It is not something one would do for a bit of fun. You talk about propaganda, yet can't see past your own. Your blindly patriotic.
I am a "protester", do you have a problem with that?
*edited again*
Anyway why do you care? I think this is because you are all racists (those opposed to 'illegal' immigration). The bourgeois lie that immigrant workers are taking "your" jobs is crazy. Companies employ those who will work for the cheapest wages. How about looking at who the real enemy is. Its not poor immigrant workers slaving their arses off so they can afford to eat.
P.S: all those opposed I bet your comfortable in your cushy white privileged middle class lives. Oh the oppression!
Go Yankies> Well aren't you lucky that you had the ability to legally come into the country. Problem is, many people actually can't do this. For example, before the Iraq war many people were fleeing Iraq 'illegally'. Can you imagine someone actually applying to Saddam Hussein to get a visa? Fact is, its impossible in many countries. This does not make their need for asylum any less real. Also, many people don't have the money to do so. You don't have an inherent right to come over just because your mommy and daddy are rich. YOU don't know anything about hard work.