Here's a very simple question. WHY would anyone support illegal aliens having the right to stay and work here?
2007-09-15 15:53:34 UTC
My grandfather and grandmother came here as a young couple through Ellis Island, as did many of yours, I'm sure. My grandfather worked his "you know what" off to move to the USA with his wife to start a new life here. For that, I am proud.
I am also proud we have the label as the world's melting pot. I see so many families immigrating to our country every year to start a new life for their family and family's descendants.
BUT, I am disappointed to see, especially at this volatile time of war, illegal aliens coming here. They work here without the government's knowledge, don't pay income taxes, and often send all the money back to their country. For all we know, any nameless worker could easily turn out to be a terrorist.
Now I ask you, WHY would anyone support these people to come here and do this?
And for the record, every single advanced country has some sort of borders policy. Whether or not it is enforced efficiently is the only question.
36 answers:
2007-09-15 16:13:36 UTC
Easy answer: they are members of MS-13 and do all their personal correspondence in Krylon.
2016-05-20 10:24:44 UTC
Ha Ha. We all know it will only get worse if they continue to do nothing. It's really sad a school on the boarder had to put up a fence to protect the kids from them coming onto school grounds. There is no way in HELL I would let my kids go to a school that had to have a 7' fence around it for safety purposes. And for the people who think they should be here then take down the fence and in roll your child there. Then tell the rest of the country how you believe there is nothing wrong with illegal immigrants.
John Silver
2007-09-15 16:05:03 UTC
The point to all this is simple: illegal aliens work for less pay and harsher working conditions than our own citizens. The usual trick of employers along the border is to hire an illegal alien for cheap, hard labor; then a day or two before thier first payday, they will call in the border patrol and turn them all in, thus they have managed to get two or three weeks of free labor. Then they simply hire another group and do the same thing to them. The other thing is that the employers don't have to take out taxes or offer any benefits whatsoever for such employees, thus saving even more money and time and bookeeping.

And, for all I know, they may even have a kickback deal with the border patrol, receiving a portion of a bounty for each illegal they turn in. I've seen this in Southern California, where more than one business will agree to turn in each other's illegals at a predesignated time, so the word doesn't get out, discouraging further illegals applying for jobs at their place. It's called 'plausible deniability' in some circles. Here it's just considered a 'business strategy'.

When in doubt, check out the 'bottom line'. If there is a dollar sign and a large number after it, you've probably found the motivation.
2007-09-15 17:13:43 UTC
Because they keep America's economy balanced and so you can pretty much afford whatever you want. Get on the Internet and instead of looking for every negative thing about illegal immigrants look for the good.

-They do pay taxes, believe it! Buy houses, cars, own businesses, go to collage. How is that not a good thing for the country and the economy?!

-The MILLIONS of dollars that are deducted from undocumented workers who do not claim taxes go straight to Social Security so it can stay alive, and so that your grandparents can retire safely.

-To say that they might be terrorist, come on get real. They're good people, most of them. But that all everyone legal or not.

That's why America needs illegal immigration. I just hope that those honest, hard working people can some day live in this country, that they have helped made a better place to live, without the fear of being hunted down by ignorant people who don't understand the necessity for this country.
2007-09-16 04:36:17 UTC
What part of ILLEGAL are you pro-immigration people not understanding???

All of your arguments are moot points. These people are here ILLEGALLY and should not be rewarded for crossing the border and jumping the immigration line in front of immigrants who are trying to do it legally. If the US finds the price of tomatoes sky-rocketing (it would only mean less Ag profits, not higher tomato prices though really), or that there's a huge deficit of workers in some area (after we tap our own unemployed), then they should implement a guest worker program.

NO ONE has done a study on the impact of proposed immigration and amnesty and its affects on our environment, natural resources, urban congestion, school systems, etc.

For you bleeding hearts, why don't we just take on the rest of the third world and sink the whole lifeboat (ourselves included) while you're at it? This isn't about compassion, and if it is, you should be over in Africa personally breast-feeding infants.
john c
2007-09-15 16:34:31 UTC
The United States is the only country on this planet where foreign nationals enjoy more rights that the legal citizens. The current regime in Washington refuses and fails to enforce the Immigration statutes re illegal aliens. When a government does not represent the people (the subjects), there are remedies available for the people to act. The DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE provides specific instructions and guidance for the crisis we the people now endure. Neither political party now controlling the U.S. populace, represents the common everyday citizen. It is a government of big money controlled by corporate criminals who pull the strings of the puppet politicians. There is only one honest candidate running for president today, and he is Ron Paul, who will not have a chance because he is not a pawn of the big money group. If one enters the U.S.A. illegally, they have violated federal law and should be prosecuted. Those who are sufficiently naive or stupid to support illegal acts are an enemy and threat to the national security of this republic. In 2006, Mexican illegal aliens sent over $ 60,000,000,000.00 (sixty billion) to their home country of Mexico. None of this illegally gained money was taxed and there were no deductions for social security. If this assault is allowed to continue, the U.S.A. will be decimated and cease to exist as the great country we once enjoyed. Wake up,Citizens!
2007-09-16 01:05:28 UTC
Because it is the compassionate thing to do my friend. I understand your grandparents journey, but if they had been just accross the border, your grandparents would've done the same thing as mexicans do if they had no choice. No one wants to leave their own country, it is out of need, hunger.

It is a lousy thing to do to say terrorits are among illegals. Terrorists come here on visas, and never have to work, they mostly have the money to hang around among you, blend in.

I mean the Bin Laden's live in Bervery Hills lol how hipocritical is that.
MajorTom ©
2007-09-15 16:39:38 UTC
Because people like r1b1c* and sack your boss have no clue. They keep saying things like "undocumented workers pay taxes" Hey, they are undocumented, that means they do not have a SSN, how can they pay taxes? They don't contribute to the system at all. Sure they do jobs cheap, but that is the root of the problem - they suppress wages.

Then there is the stupid statement about no one having rights to the land except Indians. If you want to be technical, the American Indians are immigrants too, so I guess no one has any right to the land according to your theory. So how about we take your house and car and give it to the ILLEGAL immigrants. The bottom line is whether we like it or not, this country was built by mostly western Europeans. And yes immigrants helped, but they were LEGAL immigrants.

One other point, we already have a guest worker program that allows people to LEGALLY work in this country, so we don't need ILLEGAL immigrants to take jobs away from them or us, nor do we need them to continue to suppress wages like they do.

SACK YOUR BOSS - why am I supposed to feel guilty because I have made a good life for myself and want to enjoy it? You sound like one of those spaced out '60's protesters w/ all you "bourgeois capitalist" propaganda. You are one of those people who demonize America no matter what good they do. According to you it's all our fault Mexico is in the shape it's in. The fact that their own government is terribly corrupt and oppressive and does not care at all about their own citizens welfare has nothing to do w/ it I suppose. And then when you can't think of anything else to say you cry "racist". People like you will run this country in to the ground and then blame it on someone else.

I have a little tidbit of info for you, I have many friends and co-workers who are of Mexican descent and THEY don't want the ILLEGALS coming here either.
2007-09-15 16:09:27 UTC
There is no reason to aid illegal aliens in staying here. There are legal ways to enter the country, and thousands use the legal means all the time. Certain industries, like the lumber compqanies that need a lot of workers to cut down , clear, and plant trees, are allowed to hire legal, undocumented foreign workers. They are migrant workers, traveling from state to state, unprotected by child labor laws and often injured and told not to seek care that they are entitled to as legal workers.

There are also many industries that use illegal aliens because it is cheaper for them to do so, even if they are caught and the company is fined.

The problem of illegal immigration is that the laws against it are not being emforced.
george f
2007-09-15 17:23:16 UTC
well they pay taxes through there pay checks which there employer takes out fist of all the large companies and government are allowing illegal immigration to happen for profits and greed who is employed threw construction companies, restaurants,fast food,hotel industries ,janitorial companies a large amount of illegal aliens with fake papers which large corporations know they are fake but dont care cause they pay them less make huge profits and are huge donaters to government campaigns do you think for one minute the most powerful nation and most sophisticated country in the world cant put a stop to this they dont want to they get money from taxes from illegal aliens the companies make huge profits and donate huge amounts of money back to the government through taxes donations its all about greed nothing else they could of stopped this decades ago open your eyes people the government knows but turns a blind eye greed is what runs this country money and profit big businesses would complain and fight to keep things the way they are plus how much taxes does the government get from illegal aliens all 12 million cmon your government is in on the greed with big business do you really think the government cant stop illegal immigration if they wanted to all i got to say is have there SS verified before they got a job in construction ,restaurants ,fast food ,landscaping companies, etc and there would be no more illegal aliens here no jobs no illegals
2007-09-16 06:45:14 UTC
well lets see now there are a lot of jobs americans wont do they sit on there *** drawing welfare and food stamps there not paying taxes either so whats the difference??? if americans would get off there *** and work illegal wont be taking all the jobs here look at all the women on welfare getting food stamps and free money hell we pay tax dollars to house people in prison we could take that money to build jobs here so people could work but thats another subject but illeagles dont care about minum wage so thats the only real ansewre to ur??????
Alexis R
2007-09-15 22:31:12 UTC
People are uneducated and dumb. Thats the only thing I can think of. There is documented information that Muslim terrorists learn fluent Spanish and blend in with illegals to gain entry to our country. I think anyone illegal should be deported immediately, no questions asked. I'm not agains immigration, just ILLEGAL immigration. People who immigrate here legally wait years to gain access to our country but yet libs want to give amnesty to all illegals. Its pathetic and will be one of the many downfalls of our country. Why should illegals be rewarded for this illegal act? Some of my family also passed through Ellis Island just like your descendents. Why don't we just go spit on them and tell them what's going on now? They would roll over in their graves. I think we should militarize the borders and deport every single illegal immigrant. End of story. Bush needs to protect our borders, which he is doing a pretty poor job of right now.
2007-09-15 16:24:22 UTC
I imagine there are many people who think there is no such thing as an "illegal" immigrant...or they believe there should be no such thing. People with this mindset believe that any and all people should not only be welcomed in the USA, but have a right to come here, no matter what the laws state.
2007-09-15 16:12:08 UTC
You make some excellent points and represent the views of many people who are against illegal immigration.

There are reasons, however, on the other side.

Illegal Immigrants provide us with needed labor particularly in hard labor fields.

They are here to make a living and are hard working and therefore deserve to remain.

They represent a major voting block and politicians are anxious for their support.

People who legally reside in the US have relatives and friends who are illegal immigrants and want them to remain here.

Employers are able in many cases to pay them off the books with low salaries and therefore do not want to loose them.

Some Americans see the laborers as a depressed and worthy group and feel that for humanitarian reasons they should be helped.

These are the arguments that you requested. I am not in this answer saying that I support them. I am just attempting to answer your question.
2007-09-15 17:26:58 UTC
I am 100% against illegal immigration and their so-called rights. They are illegal and have no right to be here in the first place. I legally immigrated to the US with my parents and eventually became American citizens. It is a slap in the face to people like myself who became citizens by following the law. I grew up with hard-working parents who emphasized education as key to success. They paid taxes and never took one penny from the govt.

It is mostly our govt's fault. What is the purpose of having laws if they aren't enforced? It doesn't make any sense to continue to fight the "war on terror" while keeping our borders wide open.

Punish the employers who hire illegals.

Create a visa tracking system that actually works to stop visa-overstayers.

Stop giving illegals freebies.

End birthright citizenship!!! (no more anchor babies!!!)
2007-09-15 21:49:14 UTC
Big business and the current administration has shown that they can overlook ones legal status. Ever heard of the guest worker program? You break laws coming here and we will make you a guest worker. That's like having a guest teller program. Someone robs a bank and they get a guest teller job also.
2007-09-15 16:32:28 UTC
You say that our government is unaware of this? Our government and some of the biggest corporations in this country are the reason why they are you can see..."undocumented" workers are still here and comin' strong because all our government cares about is that mighty dollar, and not about what you think or feel.

BTW they are not nameless and they have SS#s which require them to pay taxes out of their paychecks just like you and I, but I can see that you think of them as things that came from Outer Space so you not knowing about these things before you speak about them doesn't surprise me one bit.

These people have been coming and going across these borders WAY longer than your grandparents were alive they've come to help build this country, not blow it up.

The REAL terrorists are so sophisticated, they don't need to go through the same horrors that these people go through to get here.
a las barricadas
2007-09-15 16:21:46 UTC
Your ignorance is overwhelming. You said it yourself; your grandfather and grandmother came here as a young couple. So your parents were immigrants. Do you think they should go back? There are a number of reasons why I support unregulated immigration. I in fact support the abolition of borders and states, but that is another story.

1) Unless you are an Indian American you have no natural right to the land.

2)The U.S economy is BASED on the exploitation of the labour of 'illegal aliens'.

3) The trade policies of the United States are responsible for the poverty in south and central america; US corporations have been allowed to exploit the land, resources and labour of these nations.

4) People who come overseas 'illegally' do so because there is no other means possible. They are fleeing persecution and are likely to be killed if they return.

Stop attacking workers. These workers are exploited because they can be. The boss benefits and profits at their expense. Immigrants often work cash in hand jobs, are paid extremely poorly, have no rights to join a union, and they have no protections at work. They can be sacked without warning or reason.

As for terrorism, have you heard of state terrorism? It is the biggest form is terrorism in the world and responsible for many more deaths than non-state terrorism. This is the terrorism of the state, of the nation. Keeping people divided in often mutually hostile states protected by the military serves the ruling class by seperating the international working class. This means that instead of seeing ourselves aligned with our fellow workers, we turn against them.

Also, your a racist in your assumption that people from other countries must be terrorists (no one who is a white American could be a 'terrorist' huh?). I would also like you to define terrorism. Try not swallowing everything you hear on CNN. Question who owns and controls the media and think about whose interests they are out to protect.


"They don't contribute to the system at all. Sure they do jobs cheap, but that is the root of the problem - they suppress wages."

The point is, who benefits from the exploitation of immigrant labour? How about questioning why this happens. Also think about questioning why people come from Mexico in the first place, and why their economy is as bad as it is. Hint: US multinationals have exploited the natural resources of this country for years. Low wages are not the fault of the people forced to work for them, but a capitalist economy. Lower wages = more competition. Its is great for the economy (namely the minority who profit from this, i.e. owners of capital)

"Then there is the stupid statement about no one having rights to the land except Indians. If you want to be technical, the American Indians are immigrants too, so I guess no one has any right to the land according to your theory."

Yes, no one technically owns land, but if you want to claim ownership your argument falls short because people were here before you were. By the way the US economy is largely based on 'illegal' immigrant labour.

Yes, the Mexican government is corrupt and oppressive, but its supported by the United States because of its trade policies that benefit the rich and US corporations. I don't care how many Mexican friends you have. I am sure if they were in the same situation (as well as you) they would do the same. It doesn't change the fact that there is a reason that people risk their lives to cross the border. It is not something one would do for a bit of fun. You talk about propaganda, yet can't see past your own. Your blindly patriotic.

I am a "protester", do you have a problem with that?

*edited again*

Anyway why do you care? I think this is because you are all racists (those opposed to 'illegal' immigration). The bourgeois lie that immigrant workers are taking "your" jobs is crazy. Companies employ those who will work for the cheapest wages. How about looking at who the real enemy is. Its not poor immigrant workers slaving their arses off so they can afford to eat.

P.S: all those opposed I bet your comfortable in your cushy white privileged middle class lives. Oh the oppression!

Go Yankies> Well aren't you lucky that you had the ability to legally come into the country. Problem is, many people actually can't do this. For example, before the Iraq war many people were fleeing Iraq 'illegally'. Can you imagine someone actually applying to Saddam Hussein to get a visa? Fact is, its impossible in many countries. This does not make their need for asylum any less real. Also, many people don't have the money to do so. You don't have an inherent right to come over just because your mommy and daddy are rich. YOU don't know anything about hard work.
Amanda h
2007-09-15 16:07:04 UTC
I think the issue is more complex now that these people are already here and have set up lives. Some having been here for 10 - 20 years, children being born here.

If someone is a hard working, good person that stays out of trouble, pays taxes, and, contributes to society, I suggest that they make better "Americans" than many of our biological brethren.

The issue becomes complex when you consider family systems and the effects on citizen children, their possibly become public charge, etc.

I don't think they have a RIGHT to stay here. But, I think our country has bigger issues to deal with: Like stopping the endless war, preserving social security, and, lowering crime. I don't want more resources wasted on "Pablo" who lives down the street and is a good neighbor, father, and, person.
2007-09-15 16:10:11 UTC
1.-Any latino would work twice harder than you do.

2.- Not a single american would take a farming/packing job.

3.- They go illegally to the US because there aren't enough seasonal working permits for the candidates and EVEN FOR THE PEOPLE WHO NEED THEM TO KEEP IN BIZ!!!

TERRORISTS???? C'mon!!! You watch too much TV.

I do understand not all illigal aliens are the most educated thing and I'm aware of this. What US should do is to send back legal or illegal guys when they drunk drive, or commit a crime.

Besides this, you could learn spanish and drop by any farm who hires illegal guys. Have a talk with them and you will have a better picture of all the cruelty, they have to deal with just because they have no choice in their home countries.

2007-09-15 16:11:29 UTC
Why ? So they can have their houses painted and lawns mowed for half the price, so they can dine at half the price, so they spend half as much for a motel / hotel room, so they can buy groceries at half the price...

Okay, I exagerate a touch on the "half-price" part, BUT illegal workers are what keeps our prices down... as well as keeping our taxes up.

I'm second generation on my Mom's side (German Jew), and 6th on Dad's side.... my wife and daughters are legal residents.

You hit the TRUE point... we have an administration, Congress, and Justice Department who refuse to enforce the laws. I'd like to see a class-action lawsuit against THEM.
2007-09-15 16:02:12 UTC
Actually you have it all wrong.

When you grandparents came here there were no demands anybody could come, they never had to work anything off to come here.

Undocumented aliens get taxes deducted from their pay and those monies get paid into the system by their employers, just like with you and me and there is nothing anybody can do to prevent or change that. Not doing so would mean a problem with the IRS and no company is willing to risk that. Now, they pay into the system by default but because of their status they can not get any of the benefits of doing so.

Yes anybody could be a terrorist, but all terrorists have been legal in this country up until now. If you are going to assume aliens are going to be terrorists you might as well assume a citizen will do that. Ohh wait, we've had that....

We support them because they come here to work and in the process improve this society and theirs back at home. Also, we are in a capitalist system where competition is the name of the game, if you are afraid of competing with them say so. But don't be chicken attempting to hide behind the flag and cry foul.
2007-09-15 16:46:16 UTC
Well some of them are illegal immigrants themselves
2007-09-15 16:01:29 UTC
Because most people feel guilty that America was ble to become so wealthy and they feel that they need to allow people to do whatever they want, including violating our borders. I say that as the son of Latino Immigrants and a proud US citizen.
Dirty Martini
2007-09-15 18:18:28 UTC
There is no reason that involves logic or intelligence.
2007-09-15 16:14:38 UTC
Because they have a "ferengi" code of ethics, they would sell their own mothers for profit
2007-09-15 16:02:15 UTC
Employers get cheap labor.

Hypocritical politicians looking for votes from those illegals.

It all stinks.
2007-09-15 19:27:37 UTC
stupidity,foolishness,one worlders,doo doo's a and other reasons
2007-09-15 16:53:29 UTC
My answer is that is what my " God" taught me to do. Plain and simple.
2007-09-15 16:11:23 UTC
your calling all illegal immigrants terrorists? wow man don't be late for your clan meeting.
2007-09-15 16:00:08 UTC
only the democrats,they are looking for more voters they can buy with more benefits! yep willing accomplices in the destruction of the USA!
2007-09-15 15:57:22 UTC
tell it to Bush
2007-09-15 16:01:26 UTC
Money, money ,money, they come here for it and we need them because of it.......
2007-09-15 15:59:19 UTC
because they make food cheaper for me.

efficiency is good.
2007-09-16 16:29:12 UTC

thanks for the 2 points!
2007-09-15 15:57:38 UTC
multiculterism and crazy people.

liberals are dumb and need something to complain about.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.