What do you think is causing the rapid up swing on anti-immigration hate?
2008-08-06 15:28:53 UTC
This is really scary stuff!!!! What do you think?

Anti-immigration hate on a rapid upswing

But the outrage over illegal immigration has gone far beyond those questions, entering the realm of hate. The Alabama-based Southern Poverty Law Center, which tracks hate groups more closely than any other groups, reports that fully 888 hate groups are now active around the nation, 80 of them operating in California. That's a growth of 5 percent nationally from the number of groups operating in 2006 and far above the 602 the center tracked in 2000. The number of hate groups active in California rose by a startling 27 percent in 2007 and another 19 percent this year, the center reports. (For a detailed list, go to

That count leaves out about 300 other groups that the center says frequently harass and intimidate immigrants.

In California, hate groups listed by the poverty center include racist skinhead gangs operating in locales from Riverside to Fresno to San Jose and Sacramento. Some might take exception to the "hate" tag the center applies to the National of Islam and the Jewish Defense League, both of which have strong California presences. Each would contend it does not push hate, but merely encourages ethnic pride.

"Anti-immigrant rage is the No. 1 factor driving the massive growth in American hate groups," says Mark Potok, poverty center's Intelligence Project director. "It's no wonder we are seeing a rise in anti-Latino hate crimes."
21 answers:
2008-08-06 16:34:49 UTC
Too many people looking for a scapegoat to pin the blame on for their own miserable lives. We see this trend every time the economy takes a hit, people can't own up to the fact that they contributed to the problem, so they need to put the blame on someone else to feel better. Today it's Latinos, tomorrow it will be some other ethnic group.
2016-10-09 13:18:54 UTC
it is not anti-Mexicanism or anti-immigrantism: it particularly is racism. undeniable and straightforward, you have television and radio channels pouring out racism 24/7. the U. S. citizenry are slowly, yet ever so truthfully, being grew to become into hatred crammed automatons which would be necessary for WW3. The loss of existence-camps are in place, the defense force build-up has been happening for years. All it particularly is important now's for the U. S. inhabitants to be switched over into the unthinking, unquestioning megalomaniacs that the subsequent Republican administration will would desire to convince that they might desire to kill 0.5 the planet's inhabitants to maintain peace. human beings international already hate the conceited way wherein US travellers behave: i've got self assurance that this very behaviour is a hallmark that that transformation is already underway. For heaven's sake human beings: the mass media are mendacity to us.
Chris M
2008-08-06 15:58:11 UTC
I don't think people should hate illegal immigrants, they should hate the company heads who make it policy to hire illegals at ridiculously low wages so they can pocket the difference between the living wage that an American citizen would get, and the $3 cash/hour the illegal worker actually gets. This business practice undermines the economy by hamstringing legitimate business owners who have to compete against the low cost of illegal labor. These types of business owners should be drug out of their mansion, shot up with morphine and skinned alive. But what usually happens is that the labor force trying to feed their families are arrested and deported. The companies using illegal labor should be seized by the state or local government, and all of it's assets sold and liquidated and the owner's U.S. citizenship revoked. Do that for a little while, and the illegal immigrant problem would fade away into history in short order.
Dios es amor
2008-08-06 16:51:33 UTC
In general, the USA don't see foreigners with good eyes. According to Mark Twain, in the XIX century people hanged Chinese just for fun

Later, the KKK did what everybody knows

Besides, as somebody said here, in the USA ( as it happened in Germany with that nice boy called Adolf and the Jews ) people love to find a scapegoat, somebody to blame

Now that I think of this, could it be that the USA have certain nazi profile ? Hummmm

Now, all that hatred is coming up to the surface again. It doesn't need much to appear . It is only keeping a low profile and waiting for the appropriate moment.

Many of these people strive to cover their racist ideas saying that it is only against illegals, but they don't fool anyone, except those that wish to be fooled. It is very clear what they really think
2008-08-06 16:49:49 UTC
Funny YOU should bring this up.

You mention skin heads as the one's fostering hatred towards Latins.

Last time I read about this issue it was an article based in LA and it had the Hate crimes at a higher level.

As I read on, the article indicated the hatred/fighting that was going on was between Latin and Afro Amer. gangs ...and the incidence was greater by far BY the LATINS against others.

I have voiced for years now how the illegal movement, most of whom are Mexicanos has created a tyranny of hate towards ANYONE who even looks hispanic or latin or who acts that way. It is radically unfair to those who obey our laws and come here legally to be considered of guilt simply because there is so much wrong doing surrounding those that enter our country illegally.

This is one more of many reasons that illegals must be sent home. Anything less will cause this horrific hate for Latins mostly by all Americans who see the carnage they (the Latins that come here criminally/illegally) create in so many ways in our culture here in the USA.
2008-08-06 20:56:25 UTC
The Mexican Defense League is against haters
2008-08-06 16:19:13 UTC
If you kill 10,000+ people each year in the US and cost people $338.3 billion a year in taxes, you have to figure that they are NOT going to love you! People are sick of hearing about illegal aliens killing people in the US. The government HELPS these people. We may try to get our government to do it's job but other are just fed up! If you son or daughter was gunned down by an illegal alien gang member what would you do? Violence begets violence. The more people that illegal aliens kill the more hate they gnerate. Most of the hate is for illegal aliens but unfortunately some is going to spill over onto legal aliens. Get rid of the criminal invaders and the hate will go down.
2008-08-06 15:49:16 UTC
I get angry not because they are here, but because they are here illegaly. Taking jobs, going to school, and using our hospitals without paying for any of it. I'm 16 and I pay taxes.

I'm chill with immigrants-just not illegal ones.

I think if we took away the income tax, and made it a purchase tax, it would be better. Everbody's taxes would go down, because anybody that used anything would be paying taxes
2008-08-06 17:01:03 UTC
i find your sources not only bias'd but weaksauce in content. I'm more concerned with all the crime that comes along with all the illegal immigrants this country has aloud to enter what used to be a soverign country........
Trader G
2008-08-06 16:12:11 UTC
Your question, "What do you think is causing the rapid up swing on anti-immigration hate?". My answer, "Propaganda distributed via the internet in forums like Yahoo Answers".
2008-08-06 15:34:09 UTC
Maybe people are tired of the massive invasion on our southern border. Build a fence close the border and stop the problem. Put any employer in prison that hires an illegal, most will go home, deport the rest. Problem solved.
2008-08-06 16:12:47 UTC
I live in L.A. and Latino hate mongers are growing at a pace never seen before. It's so bad they are calling it Ethnic cleansing because Latinos want' to kill us black folks over gang territory. I'm scared to go outside sometimes and I'm a big dude.
2008-08-06 15:45:08 UTC
The unemployment rate in the US is approximately equal to the proportion of illegal aliens in the workforce.
2008-08-06 16:43:00 UTC
Probably that same thing that's causing the rise in violent immigrants, that rise in attacks on Blacks, white people, bank robberies. etc.

Don't forget to mention the sharp rise in violet immigrants, immigrant gangs and attacks on every race.

Who are you people really scared, some elusive skinhead whom we never hear about, or the Krips, bloods, brown pride, 18th street, etc.
2008-08-06 15:34:01 UTC
I think it's exposure. It's on the front page. Crimes comitted by illegas, our social-services drying up from use by illegals, our prisons being filled by illegals, illegals flying their countries flags whilst parading down our streets. Exposure.
2008-08-06 16:18:42 UTC
Dude, seriously, you want us to believe some more internet bull from a website named Southern Poverty law center..........LOL no thanks. I'm not one of those people that believe everything they read on the internet especially from biased websites like that.

Nice try though, but this one is a swing and a miss.
2008-08-06 17:09:16 UTC
"Taking jobs"Which job?? Cleaning?? Construttion?!! For years the immigrants they do those jobs... and now the cowntry its down and we stole yours jobs??!!
2008-08-06 16:07:28 UTC
I've personally never seen any anti immigrant rage so it' doesn't really effect me.

What I have seen is immigrants with rage and committing more crimes, more immigrants who are racist and general lawlessness amongst new immigrants to the U.S. especially Latinos, that's scary stuff.

got MS13?
2008-08-06 15:39:55 UTC
it is caused by the recession that the US is currently facing.
2008-08-06 17:19:32 UTC
Mark Potok is a left wing subversive without one ounce of integrity in his entire body. The SPLC is a left wing group that vilifies any patriotic organization that opposes illegal immigration. Many left wing subversives hate this country, and want to stir up trouble. IF we didn't have so many criminal illegal aliens in this country, there wouldn't be a problem. Get rid of the parasitic illegal aliens and this country will be in great shape.

The Southern Poverty Law Center Manipulates Crime Data and Terminology in Last-Ditch Attempt to Stop the Immigration Debate

Release from FAIR March 10, 2008

(Washington DC) Today the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) issued a misleading release announcing a significant increase in the number of hate groups and hate crimes over the last few years. The release then suggests that our national debate over immigration reform has fueled the increase in both. Offering no criteria as to what constitutes a hate group, manipulating the data for self-serving purposes, and then making broad, unsubstantiated conclusions, this latest release from the SPLC constitutes one of its most reckless charges to date. It is calculated to be inflammatory, tarnish the reputation of leading immigration reform groups, and shut down meaningful public policy debate about immigration reform.

When examined responsibly, the FBI hate crime data show a dramatically different story than the one the SPLC portrays. First, in order to suggest an artificially large increase in the raw number of hate crimes, the SPLC selects 2003 as its base year, one of lowest years on record for hate crimes against Hispanics. If one compares the number of hate crimes between 1995 (the earliest report available on the FBI's website) and 2006 (the most recent statistical year available), one would see that the number of hate crimes has increased only 17 percent.

But even this is not the whole story. The SPLC conveniently forgets to index the raw hate crime data with the population, a step always taken by the FBI to more accurately depict an increase or decrease in crime. Thus, when one indexes a 17 percent increase in hate crimes against Hispanics with a 67 percent increase in the Hispanic population between 1995 and 2006, it becomes clear that the rate of hate crimes against Hispanics has in fact dropped dramatically - by about 40 percent.

This reduction in the rate of hate crimes against Hispanics is even more apparent when one considers that the number of law enforcement agencies that participate in the FBI's hate crime data collection program increased 33 percent between 1995 and 2006. Between 2003 and 2006 alone, the number of law enforcement agencies participating in the FBI's hate crime data collection program increased by over 700.

Topics: SPLC, FAIR, Southern Poverty Law Center, liars, amnesty supporters, attacks, crime data, skewed, media, press, Dan Stein

Finally, the SPLC claims that there has been substantial growth in the number of "hate groups" since 2000. However, the SPLC provides no definition of a "hate group" and offers no objective criteria that it uses to classify organizations as such. The SPLC appears to think that it can stick this label onto any organization it wishes, including long-standing, highly-regarded immigration reform organizations such as the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR) without being challenged as to its motivations or methodology. FAIR is confident the media and the American people will see through the SPLC's deceitful tactics.

"There is no level of hate crime that is acceptable -- period," says Dan Stein, President of FAIR. "However, the SPLC's calculated abuse of the term 'hate group' and manipulation of hate crime data for self-serving political interests is an affront to hate crime victims and those who advocate on their behalf. The SPLC manipulates data to reach deceitful conclusions, tosses the term 'hate group' at highly-respected organizations like FAIR, and then mixes the two in an attempt to stop our national debate over immigration reform. But this is consistent with the SPLC's growing practice of making allegations with no factual basis, no criteria and sadly, no one challenging their increasing habit of playing fast and loose with the facts. Unfortunately, it is the American people who suffer most through this irresponsible behavior."


Headquartered on Capitol Hill in Washington, DC, FAIR is the largest, oldest and most respected immigration reform group in America. With over 250,000 members, FAIR advocates for non-discriminatory immigration polices that protect American jobs, wages, the environment, and national security. As a bipartisan organization free from special interest influence, FAIR is regularly sought by Congress and the media for its objective analysis and for its fair, practical and effective policy solutions.

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2008-08-06 15:40:47 UTC
theyre mad.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.