Would not most people use the ".....almost everything she says." as the "key argument"?
What is it that you are disagreeing with, her stance or her sources of materials used? Maybe this is suppose to be her way to get a student motivated to seek out his/her own truth by study or self involvement. The little you wrote does not help me to decide ".....some key arguments to back up my view against illegal immigration." You do not give your view against or for illegal immigration, how would I be able to give "key arguments" to nothing.
What I see so far are person opinions in the three answers so far and to be truthful I would not use the "real life example" offered because it is a personal life example. Other than a claim of occurrence what proof is given. In fact what proof or source is offered to they use our tax dollars, get on welfare and gasp!!, are in our schools?
There is no support to "Amnesty= Civil War." Go ahead and click on the immigration counters link. When that page opens find Japanese, Polish, African, Jamaican, Italian, Norwegian, Mongolian, Russian, Canadian or Hmong and good luck finding information on those nationalities of possible illegal immigrants.
German is mentioned only in comparison of the numbers of millionaires between Mexico and Germany but German illegal immigrants like those nationalities above do not exist and as such are apparently not figured in to immigration counter receivers or takers of United States flowing monies.
Now find Hispanics on that same immigration counters page. Mexican, I found at least 12. Similar count with Mexico, I found 25 plus. Brazil and South America are mention only as business booms. Guatemalans, Cubans, El Salvadorians all these and the above not mentioned anywhere on the first page of the given immigration counters link, I guess they could not count past Mexico's numbers.
To me this site focuses way to much one one nationality as "the problem" and in looking completely ignores other nations and races as possible illegals immigrants or participates in the financial problems being pointed out. Then it is possible that the poster of the link used a page that gives this kind of interpretation to the information being given.
In that "real life example" offered I claimed it as his/her story unsuitable for evidence or support in an argument. What I would like to point is any information I read is slanted with his anger for his ex wife. I would not take this as a story unless I could hear the other side. In reading the story's little offered information things like " acquired 5 charges for theft" and "has already been denied citizenship for the first two shoplifting incidences 3 years ago' throw more questions into my mind than support of a "key arguments".
Edit: I searched Fox News for some (3) results, see source box below. Since I did not see any stories pointing to illegals as "reasons for" the claimed subjects I did not look long or far.
Interesting the one result I did find about illegals matching the subject/topic is below.
In the area of "stealing jobs" the search results show more jobs are being cut than stolen.
My search does not prove illegals have no part in stealing jobs, bankrupting hospitals or not paying taxes. But my search does show the claimed problems are not as plainly abundant written in one answer.
So if you do take any information to your teacher, as suggested, I would suggest a bit of self researching first. No one answer could make you look or sound as if you did your own work.