How do you think we solve the immigration problem?
phil W
2007-06-18 21:40:14 UTC
please provide realistic answers to how you feel we can solve the immigration problem.
Fifteen answers:
2007-06-18 22:03:55 UTC
First and foremost - undocumented, illegal immigrants working under the table for greedy, unscrupulous employers IS a problem no matter how hard you try to dress it up.

I honestly believe the solution is simple:

Harsh fines and penalties for employers and landlords who hire or house these people. Citizenship or green card requirements for any and all social programs.

No housing + no jobs + no free handouts = no incentive to illegally enter this country.

As far as the economy, the number of immigrant workers entering this country LEGALLY can easily be adjusted to accommodate any needs in the workforce.
Farly the Seer
2007-06-19 04:58:39 UTC
Close the border, completely. Nobody gets in without us knowing who they are. So honest, hard-working people get in. Terrorists and criminals do not.

Then fix our immigration process so people can get in legally without some long, stupid, bureaucratic process.

Illegals report and become legals, but not citizens. They will have no rights that current, legal immigrants don't have. From there, they can follow the same citizenship process that legals follow. After the reporting deadline, if you're still illegal and you're caught, you're gone - permanently. If your family wants to be with you, then they can go with you. If your family was so important to you, then you should've gotten legal.

We also probably need a cap on the amount of government entitlements they have access to. You can't come here and just live on the dole. Work, or go back and live on Mexico's dole (What?! Mexico doesn't have a dole?). Besides, we've been told these people are hard-working and are all doing jobs Americans won't do. So they shouldn't need a bunch of handouts, especially since (supposedly) their wages will all drastically increase once their "out of the shadows".

All legal immigrants will be issued unique, hologram, photo and finger print ID cards. Any employer found employing an illegal will be fined 20% of their annual revenue and the owner/CEO will be fined one year's salary and serve 30-60-90 days in jail (whatever).

In this forum, I can't completely detail the entire solution. I'm sure I'm missing some requirements. Immigrants, for example, have to assimilate. You can be proud of your Mexican heritage (even though you zealously fled that heritage), but you have to acknowledge that you live in America, are living much better because of America, and are here by the good graces of America. Seriously, you can't be a little bit grateful?

Basically, I think we should be tough but fair with immigration. And I say any deal that doesn't involve closing the border should be no deal. The illegals you make legal will just be replaced by more illegals, and we will still have no idea who is sneaking across the border other than Mexicans looking for work.
Simon H
2007-06-19 06:32:53 UTC
Sorry, but enforcing laws, police sweeps, closing the border, and so on are all ways of treating the symptoms, not solving the problem. Its like treating pnuemonia by giving a cough suppressant. Sure, you wont cough, but the problem is still there.

The problem is that Mexico has a less successful economy than the US, so the people naturally want to come here to earn money for their people. It's human nature. The immigrants of the late 19th century from Europe did so for similiar reasons. They make up most of Amercian ancestors (Irish, Italian, Eastern European, etc)

To fix the problem completely, without the need for drastic measure is to help the Mexicans develop their economy to the point that their citizens would rather stay there than come here. It has been slowly happening, and the immigration rate is less than it was in the early 90's. But it will take time (25-100 years) for the Mexican economy to catch up. But in general they are making progress.
2007-06-19 05:08:56 UTC
Perhaps admitting what the problem really is would be a good start.

Basically, if our economy was based on anything but endless profits for non-productiive citizens like golden parachuted ceos and the so-called'investor' class-- if there were actually products and goods we manufactured with an eye to excellence, then we'd have a market with plentiful jobs.

But we don't, and there aren't enough jobs, and so many Americans who would previously would not have seen the Mexicans as competition are suddenly doing so.

A truly productive country would have enough wealth and work for all.

We are not productive, and the blame for that should be put where it belongs: a very short sighted ruling class.

Just churning out games movies tvs and ipods is not enough...

Where is our ingenuity and our sense of purpose?
David C
2007-06-19 06:18:55 UTC
Firstly, I believe that the Government, especially in America is not concerned about immigration at all. look back and you will see that the same old problem happens time after time. Amnesty every few years for millions of illegal immigrants, they are allowed to become citizens if they hold their hands up and say sorry, ie the G H Bush/ Bill Clinton Amnesty in 2001 and the GW proposed amnesty going through the house at present.

Other easy to implement measures are rarely acted upon and so exfoliate the problem of Illegal immigration, ie: Employers being allowed to get away with paying peanuts to Illegal workers and exploiting them to do the menial jobs that there are no American citizens to do ie: Gardening, Cleaning, Hard labor, Fruit picking on farms. Can anyone see an American doing any of those Jobs, it is a very rare occurrence.

The Government has an ulterior motive to not fine employers, as they really do want the immigrants here. What about those lines of Illegals all over towns near Home Depots getting day work off contractors, it is rare that anything is ever done about that, if you ask most people in any town in America where do the illegals line up for work they will tell you directions immediately. What about that flipping great big hole (many miles long) in the border fence near San Diego that was there for Decades. Arnold Schwarzeneger had to Embarrass the Federal Government to fix it. The Government need a constant influx of immigrants as does most western countries, they just can never agree on how to do it properly.

These times are supposed to be about working towards the global economy, exporting Jobs around the world to benefit the needy people of poorer countries. Look at how whole industries, with Western Government Support have moved over to China, India and now North Africa ie: The cotton and clothing industries, Manufacturing and now customer call centers are moving away too, the Jobs are being replaced with High Tech industries and more service type work.

If we are now a world economy then we need a Global work force too, anyone should be allowed to move to any country of their choice by applying in a proficient and timely manner, with background checks, have work or business to move into their new country, speak the language of the country and not be a burden on that countries welfare benefit system, they go to the new country to work.

It takes too long to go through the legal immigration process and it is too exclusive to most types of workers for it to be of any use in the future, this is why workers often choose the illegal route to get into a country or remain there. It is easier for them to marry or pay someone to marry them to obtain Citizenship or set up a Business and apply for a Business Visa among other ingenious methods. Whilst it is too difficult to emigrate to the country of their choice there will always be illegal immigration problems.

In Europe over the last few years EEC member states allow each others citizens to relocate to other states within the community without the need to apply first, they are allowed to just arrive, passport stamped and then apply for jobs and enroll in schools, get a NHS Doctor and benefit from all of that countries resources just like any other Natural Born citizen of that country.

Now there are teething problems and some say that their country has been overrun with immigrants that do not speak the language, taking jobs, reducing their wages and taking the menial work away from natural born citizens. This is what happens when the process is not managed very well by the Governments involved and will have to be improved so as not to cause racial conflicts within a country.

The way forward is for more social, cultural and religious integration from peoples around the World to eradicate prejudice and racism in order to avoid future conflict and wars.
2007-06-19 05:06:24 UTC
We never will unless the gov't gets a tight grip on their coconuts and enforce the laws, and if someone wants to legalize, then they need to show faith and return to their country and start the legal process right and pay the fees, and prove they will not be a burden to the US and be productive citizens, I have no problem with someone trying to better their lives, but not on the backs of hard working AMERICANS,,,so they need to pull their own, not just take and take,,,and the rest of the illegals that do not want to come forward and do it legally,,," then round up time".....
2007-06-19 04:46:01 UTC
Enforce Existing Laws
2007-06-19 04:53:32 UTC
Harsh punishment for people who employ people who are illegal in the country. knowingly hired them, you go to jail, unknowingly hired them but you were negligent in checking is a fine and business license suspended while investigating, Unknowingly and unintentionally hired them business license still suspended whiel investigation is going on. Businesses will learn fast this way.

Require verification of identity for anythign that is tax payer paid for.

Expand the guest worker program and rework the permanant resident and naturalization program.

People who want to come to the USA to work should be welcome as long as they are screened for criminal history and contagious diseases.

Permanent residents we need to keep to an economically manageable limit.

We do not need to deport anyone, except those that they run across in the effort of some other activity of course.

The ones in the USA illegally if they cannot have access to any welfare systems and companies will not hire them will leave on their own or they will get their legal paperwork.
2007-06-19 06:41:36 UTC
1.give legal status to whoever has been here for more than 5 years, 2.payed taxes, 3.has no criminal record.

and of course don't forget the 1,000-8,000 dollar fee!

make the biggest wall in the world in the us/mexico border!

i'll help

but fix the legal status for the 12 million illegals here.

jeez get over your pride.
2007-06-19 04:46:50 UTC
Do you work in Congress?

Well... The problem is that most of you guys were born with a silver spoon in your mouths!

You don't understand this social and global issue because you've never been an Immigrant in a foreign land.

Think about it!

I am Mexican, Did congressman ever asked to a Mexican immigrant who speak English what he/she thinks, believe, feel or have to say about all this?

You brat bureaucrat congressman, should approach this issue from the bottom to the top. !

That will give you some clues in how to Reform Laws.

Suerte valedor!
2007-06-19 04:47:08 UTC
Doing ICE sweeps in all large cities where illegal employers hire these people, and fine those employers....Illegals will lose there jobs and leave voluntarily. The govt. will generate income from the fines and employers will think twice about hiring them....In my border city, this happened and many illegals left and employers stopped hiring them... That way we won't have to pay to deport them back to their homelands....Its a win win....Also put more border agents on both borders....
manuela e
2007-06-19 04:51:33 UTC
by making it nearly impossible for them to work here, that way they will leave on there own, after all it is impossible to deport the 25 million illegals already here, and also make it so that you are only a legal citizen if you are born here AND both of you parents are citizens, the anchor baby thing is a loop hole that needs to be fixed.
David M
2007-06-19 04:49:53 UTC
Stop calling it a problem. Support amnesty and the strength to the American economy it will bring. Expert economists agree that immigrants contribute more than they take and the result is net surplus to the economy.
2007-06-19 04:54:23 UTC
Lock n' load!
2007-06-19 04:48:14 UTC
a flaming mote with fire proof crocodiles! (-Colbert)

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