Why do we tell Mexicans to go home & fix their own government when our immigrant ancestors didn't do that?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
Why do we tell Mexicans to go home & fix their own government when our immigrant ancestors didn't do that?
Eighteen answers:
OE "800"
2007-02-28 00:01:10 UTC
No one is DEMANDING that Mexicans stay in their country and fix their own corrupt government. All we are DEMANDING is that they stay out of ours.
2007-02-27 23:03:09 UTC
America was mostly uninhabited. The "Native Americans" (although no one was Native to N. America...humanity originated in the middle east) were pretty spread out and didn't come close to owning even half the land. Mexico's invasion (for lack of a better term) is a group of people who are parasites on a larger and wealthier country. Their government actively supports the stealing of American services and shipping money back to Mexico (tariff and tax free, mind you).

Democrats will tell you that it's exactly the same, but anyone who studies the facts can discern reality. Illegal immigration is a plague that needs to be eradicated.
2007-02-28 18:40:45 UTC
the irony is in their faces and they don't even see it.. it is the exact same, British,Irish,German, etc, they all came over here looking for a better life, rather than stayin over there and fixing there own country,, Americans have no right to tell Mexicans to go back to Mexico and fix their country, when their ancestors didn't do it, so why should Mexicans have too,, whats funny is how many white people on here have Mexican ancestors,, and they prolly don't even know, but of course they wouldn't admit it,, it prolly never got passed down and was held a secret,, Americans have WAY more skeletons in their closets than Mexicans do... more Americans don't pay taxes or lie on their taxes than Mexicans,,, more Americans rape little children than Mexicans, check the freakin sex offenders registry,, check the facts,, stop blaming other people for ur problems except the facts and move on,,,,
2007-02-28 00:41:07 UTC
You are definitely history challeged. What more can anyone say. LOL
2007-02-27 23:28:19 UTC
Well if they are so smart why dont the colonize uninhabited undeveloped countries, like owr ancestors. Why they go into first world???.. They are parasites.

Pamela: Nice to see your personal attack on Morenda. Thats rich. Is it all you can do???..
Moody baseball Champs
2007-02-27 23:24:38 UTC
It is always easy to tell somebody what to do.Knowing that you will not have to do yourself.
2007-02-27 23:14:29 UTC
The difference is that when our "white" European ancestors came to America it was to find a new home and future in an unpopulated, undeveloped land where they were free to cultivate and harvest previously baron land and they helped America grow and flourish into the great land it is today...and when they arrived here, unlike the illegal aliens of today, they followed the rules and legal avenues to gain legitimate and legal immigrant status.

The Mexican government on the other hand encourages it's citizens to illegally cross the border, seek out and find even the most menial of jobs in order to send their hard earned pay back into Mexico to help the Mexican economy that cannot help itself and to take advantage of our already depleted health care system which they know cannot refuse treatment to anyone, even illegal Mexicans.

Last year, Mexico received more than $20 billion, from immigrants living in the United States.

And just what were the native American Indians going to do with this land? They were still living in teepees when the European and Irish immigrants came to this land and immediately started building cities and railroads.

The native American Indian's were backward natives with no prospect for future self-development and the best thing that happened to them is they finally evolved, with the help of the white man, to the point they could own and operate Casinos on their reservations...which as it turns out is their primary source of income even in this modern day and age....gambling and alcoholism is how far they've progressed in the last 300 years.

And you ask..."what's wrong with living in teepees?"...

are you serious?

Ok Pamela, you asked the question...I gave you an answer.

You've proven yourself to be nothing more than a narrow-minded, one-track mind individual having an agenda of ridicule, sarcasm, mockery and belittlement of the responders.

Unequivocally and unmistakenly, you are Anti-American.

Hope you had your fun!
2007-02-27 23:07:22 UTC
They were settling a new land , do you think it was easy for them ? This was not a country then . It was just unknown land . Times were differ back then .

Do you drive a car or still drive a horse , if you want to go back to that time then give up your running water and electricity and build your home , by cutting down your own trees .

Think about it , with some common sense , quit pulling ideas out of thin air .

If you give a man fish , he will never learn to fish for himself , but if you teach him to fish , he can feed himself forever .
2007-02-27 23:04:43 UTC
Well I guess that would make sense if our ancestors coming here and slaughtering all of the innocent people in order to acquire land was right in the first place. The pilgrims came here and settled on land that was not currently occupied (the occupants died of diseases brought by the whites, a horrible thing but not one that we knew anything about at the time) and I think we can all agree that for there children to kill the Native Americans in order to expand there borders was wrong.

I don't really care if they stay home or come here, but they should abide by the laws of the country. I know, the "Pilgrims" didn't have visas, but visas weren't exactly required back then. So I guess if you believe that we had the right to murder men women and children, to spread epidemics in order to win wars, and to all around be filth, then you are right. If you think that maybe we should have shared the land and come up with common laws that everyone could follow and lived together in peace then maybe the illegals should follow the common laws and get a damn visa.

"is you would" ha ha I love it when people screw up there grammar while yelling about other peoples grammar.

And the land that the Pilgrims settled on WAS unoccupied, the rest of the country was quite occupied, however the tribe which had lived in the area around where the pilgrims settled had died off from a plague carried over by white men.

"The first settlement of the colony was "New Plymouth", later Plymouth, Massachusetts. The site, known to the Wampanoag as "Patuxet", had recently been abandoned following an epidemic likely either measles or smallpox."
2007-02-28 09:57:46 UTC
I am sick and tired of going into it on here for natives, it's tiresome, repetitious, and there will always be pompous a--h---s commenting on natives and how we should be so glad, that we were killed enmasse, and our thousands of years of culture and tradition was "improved" by the industrious white man who cared only about land, and precious rocks.

I am also sick of the dumb comments about how this land was uninhabited, as if the millions of people who occupied it were nothing but spirits. These types of comments have been made for over a century now, and if you want to believe that fine, you already know what I believe about you--no point in repeating it.

I am also tired of natives used as an argument for both sides of this debate. The ONLY people who should be using the "native" card are those people who actually are a member of an American tribe, not the liberals, not the descendents of immigrants, not the Spanish-Native meztisos.

It is rediculous that anyone who is not a Native American feels that he or she has the right to speak on my behalf, or the behalf of any Native American.

This country is not a developing country anymore, we have 300,000,000 people here who are breeding, why do we need more citizens? More poor citizens at that? More poor citizens who refuse to assimilate? More poor citizens who are a drain on the US economy, not a benefit? The illegals are lucky to have their own country to fix. This land was invaded by whites, and now it is being invaded by meztisos. This land was inhabited by the American Indian tribes first, not the whites or the meztisos. Neither group has the interests of the Native Americans in mind, you are just using us. Both groups need to have a nice cup of shut the F up.

Added: Ah, you are part Cherokee. Yes, that makes a difference. Go ahead and speak for ALL Native Americans in support for the meztisos, you are qualified. The most common comment I get from non-natives whom I meet is "I am part Cherokee." To which I smile, and say "That's great, Cherokee Nation, Eastern, or Keetoowah?." They hesitate, and ask a question - "Cherokee Nation?" and I answer - "Yes, of course." and smile.

Added (2): I don't claim to know everything there is to know about the native tribes, but one thing I do know - I am a native, it's on my face, in my name, religion, and lifestyle there for the world to see. You are abusing the native card in many of your answers, in subjects that are not even native issues, try to argue your case from your own experiences, that is if you can.
2007-02-28 12:22:20 UTC
I never tell any immigrant to do that.Having lived in Latin America,I know the makeup of the society.Between the oligarchy,who rule and the corrupt politicians,who are also ruled by the oligarchy, a common person has absolutely NO say whatsoever in what goes on in the government.The poor,who are usually posses a 6th grade education, are only concerned with feeding their families and they will do anything and go just about anywhere to do so.Another thing that makes me laugh,how the HELL can people go around making assumptions about anyone if they've never been out of the USA or their backyards for that matter.
2007-02-28 02:30:17 UTC
It's called colonialism and the Native Americans lost out in the ensuing "wars" to it.

I gather from your question/statement that you are advocating South American rights to utilize the same methodology [in this day and age] to re-colonize North America. Well, I believe [based upon history] any war [be it political or actual] between the United States and South America will have the Hispanics on the losing end.
H. Scot
2007-02-28 04:15:04 UTC
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How does bringing up the past prevent our wildlife from being destroyed today...and our groundwater?

How does talking about previous wars, invasions, etc. prevent the blue salamander from going extinct as people flee cities and cover over vernal pools, the nurseries of the forests for ALL KINDS OF CREATURES THAT ARE DISAPPEARING!

You can talk, talk, talk, argue, bicker until the cows come home, but they will be coming home on pavement that has decimated our wildlife.

We can DO something about it now by drastically slowing immigration, or we can lose our songbirds, salamanders, fairy shrimp, turtles, etc., etc., ETC.

Get RATIONAL please. I said RATIONAL, Pamela. You are a know-it-all child with no experience. Don't put words in my mouth. I truly believe in my heart that it was people just like you—bigots against powerless people like the homeless—who are the Europeans who invaded our country...who are the slavemasters, etc. We can see your HARD HEART in your words.

You want to argue and blame while what's left of our beautiful wilderness turns to pavement. Without the wilderness, Pamela, there will be no health, there will be no humans. Your words continually convey your insolence...your rudeness...your childishness...your egotism.

When you grow up, you will learn that you are not always right, Pamela, and you will be better able to accept that other people are sometimes right, and you are sometimes wrong...your psyche will be able to tolerate other opinions.

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Edward C
2007-02-27 23:24:15 UTC
ok first of all we need to get somthing stright here we as a society of humanbeings and human thoughts alwayse believe we are better then every one else exspecialy chaucasians. "white suppremisy has alwayse been around for generations it is now our way of life. so i find it ironic that u care about such things in such times. well honestly no government is perfect excpecialy not the american government. u need to know that we as a society have norms and those norms are waht we believe is right. based on different cultural aspects we all have different norms but as a society we have only but one norm. and that is to be like every one else normal. it is because of this we as a society believe we are the better race.. the better spicies and the power to play ..quote unquote "god" so for use to basicly anialate the nativs of america wait let me re explain something...... the europeans did not kill the natives... it was the desieses that they brought, but the europeans have some part in murdering and the atempted genocide that happened years later, but it was all but nature. the aztects were the fierce worriors that eventualy took over city's and made it their home and the prophcy of the blond hair and blue eye god will come and smite the aztects.. that man that ultimately dystoryed the citys of the aztects was Cortez. so basicly because of europeans the natives were almost wiped out. and because the whites had a different cultural motive and had hysteria in it they believed the natives were savages because they did not understand the cultural differences. now on to the Mexicans. the mexicans are basicly native and portragees mix... most mexicans are all mixed with some native blood although as of now it would be imposible to trace. well to make things fast, basicly the government in the south america is almost fully curupted i have to say it is worse then communist china... mexicans come to america with a hope to have a better life but the sad thing is there are not welcomed because they simply take our jobs but not only that there childrens becomes citizens and they take our oppertunities.. so in the long rune from one gererations the illegals multiply them selves into citizens through generations of offsprings we as legal quote unquote have less jobs less homes less money and less opertunities. because the mexicans were so selfish for them selves they for got about the ripple effect and eventualy it will lead to waht we have today... because illegals do not need to pay taxes and such there for our governments need to use there taxe payers money to fill in the blanks we as legal americans are losing more then 10 million dollers every year due to this problem so how the heck are we suppose to pay of out national deficite u tell me. i am a Asian American and i can see only one thing... this world that we live in sickends me because of waht we believe is right and waht we believe we can do for our selvs it is because of this our society will eventualy end and then we have the theory of global warming. well i have said to muhc if u have any more questions reguarding any thing ill be happy to answer.. ^.^!!! have a awsome day!!

Hey can i get some feed back on my answer? im curious to know waht people think.
Nerdbot 5000
2007-02-27 23:07:56 UTC
You are not alone. I wish we could have an Immigration debate without racism. Not the accusation of it but the permeation of it in every aspect of the debate. Immigration is only talked about in the context of keeping out Mexicans it seems rather than limiting all immigration from any country. The only time this issue is addressed is when pro-antiMexicans want to try and convince people that they are not racistly targeting Mexicans. Some smart people have been saying all along that illegal immigration is just the symptom of the source of the problem which is employers who create the demand for their labor by hiring them.
2007-02-27 23:22:28 UTC
Amen. Just like Mexican immigrants, White Europeans came here in 1639 and enjoyed a wide variety of welfare programs funded by Native American taxpayers.
2014-08-01 12:17:09 UTC
I rebuke you Satan in the name of Jesus

the Satan be gone from me and i let Jesus come into me now

thank you Jesus

God bless all


Jesus name

2007-02-27 23:01:15 UTC
Good point. That's why everyone migrated, to make a better life because they couldn't fix the situation they were in.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.