I am sick and tired of going into it on here for natives, it's tiresome, repetitious, and there will always be pompous a--h---s commenting on natives and how we should be so glad, that we were killed enmasse, and our thousands of years of culture and tradition was "improved" by the industrious white man who cared only about land, and precious rocks.
I am also sick of the dumb comments about how this land was uninhabited, as if the millions of people who occupied it were nothing but spirits. These types of comments have been made for over a century now, and if you want to believe that fine, you already know what I believe about you--no point in repeating it.
I am also tired of natives used as an argument for both sides of this debate. The ONLY people who should be using the "native" card are those people who actually are a member of an American tribe, not the liberals, not the descendents of immigrants, not the Spanish-Native meztisos.
It is rediculous that anyone who is not a Native American feels that he or she has the right to speak on my behalf, or the behalf of any Native American.
This country is not a developing country anymore, we have 300,000,000 people here who are breeding, why do we need more citizens? More poor citizens at that? More poor citizens who refuse to assimilate? More poor citizens who are a drain on the US economy, not a benefit? The illegals are lucky to have their own country to fix. This land was invaded by whites, and now it is being invaded by meztisos. This land was inhabited by the American Indian tribes first, not the whites or the meztisos. Neither group has the interests of the Native Americans in mind, you are just using us. Both groups need to have a nice cup of shut the F up.
Added: Ah, you are part Cherokee. Yes, that makes a difference. Go ahead and speak for ALL Native Americans in support for the meztisos, you are qualified. The most common comment I get from non-natives whom I meet is "I am part Cherokee." To which I smile, and say "That's great, Cherokee Nation, Eastern, or Keetoowah?." They hesitate, and ask a question - "Cherokee Nation?" and I answer - "Yes, of course." and smile.
Added (2): I don't claim to know everything there is to know about the native tribes, but one thing I do know - I am a native, it's on my face, in my name, religion, and lifestyle there for the world to see. You are abusing the native card in many of your answers, in subjects that are not even native issues, try to argue your case from your own experiences, that is if you can.