They can't seem to get it because they don't want to get it. They have another agenda and keeping the border open is part of it. They dug a hole for themselves and really expected the people to just blindly sit by and not say anything and allow it to happen because we have with so many other things. Problem is....we aren't as stupid as they counted on us being and there's a limit to our tolerance.
We have been lied to for so long....had so many promises made that never came to pass that the fence is part of the answer in curbing illegal behavior but it's also a tangable, visable, symbol that the government is finally doing what they said would do. Does no good to make laws if you won't support them. Every suggestion they come up up with is something you never see any visable results from. You never know if they are really doing it or just saying they are doing it. Thats why the "virtural fence" is such a joke,
Secondly it does provide something more than an invisible line on the map to distinguish one country from another. It ends the question of whether or not people from other countries are ignoring our boundries. It's not a mistake...there's no confusion as to where it is. It's a blatent ignoring of our laws. It's distinguishes legal and illegal entry points so there is no confusion as to whether their intent was to enter legally or illegally.
I have seen use and abuse with our "loop-holes". If you really wanted to keep people out of your put a door on it. If you really ment it, you lock it. Makes the difference of being able to distinguish someone wandering in and not knowing....vs someone who is breaking in. Proves intent and knowledge of right and wrong.
We have people comming here to work. We have people comming here to do illegal drug trade etc, we have people with the intent of invading and destroying this country. Makes a difference to tell the difference between them all, and what, if any "reform" is necessary, and what to do about the rest.
Have to start somewhere and this is the most logical choice. Doesn't FIX anything totally and it isn't the be all end all answer....but it sure helps clarify the issues. On both sides.
The government can't keep erroding our personal rights under the guise of "national security" when they don't have the kahoonas to secure our borders. It also helps clarify the issue of the NAU and whether or not the "tin hats" are truely crazy or caught them (the government) with their hands in the cookie jar again trying to pass something else under our noses without the citizens knowledge or approval.
There are people who came here and randomly picked a number out of the air as a SS# to work, and those who made a business of stolen identies, complete with voting cards and drivers licenses. Which opens the ability for something like LaRaza or other groups to internally destroy our country. There are those who did it for a means for other illegal behavior and in some cases a specific intent to hurt people. Makes a difference.
Because they all aren't ALL nice, good, honest, people just wanting to pick tomatoes.
There would be no confusion then for border security to be able to shoot someone. If the Mexicans bombed the fence then there'd be no confusion as to whether this was the invasion many claim to be doing, or not. Doesn't clear the water.....but helps un-muddy it a bit so there's someplace to start and no doubt of confusion on a ton of different issues. And there are a ton of issues to be delt with. Can't even begin to "compromise" till the lines have been drawn.