Why is it so difficult for the politicians to understand the concept of fence first?
2007-11-25 05:43:48 UTC
Why can't they see the huge disconnect between the American people and themselves on this issue? I think the vast majority of Americans are willing to discuss compromise on a guest worker program, but we want the border secured first! What's so difficult about that?
28 answers:
2007-11-25 08:28:22 UTC
They can't seem to get it because they don't want to get it. They have another agenda and keeping the border open is part of it. They dug a hole for themselves and really expected the people to just blindly sit by and not say anything and allow it to happen because we have with so many other things. Problem is....we aren't as stupid as they counted on us being and there's a limit to our tolerance.

We have been lied to for so long....had so many promises made that never came to pass that the fence is part of the answer in curbing illegal behavior but it's also a tangable, visable, symbol that the government is finally doing what they said would do. Does no good to make laws if you won't support them. Every suggestion they come up up with is something you never see any visable results from. You never know if they are really doing it or just saying they are doing it. Thats why the "virtural fence" is such a joke,

Secondly it does provide something more than an invisible line on the map to distinguish one country from another. It ends the question of whether or not people from other countries are ignoring our boundries. It's not a mistake...there's no confusion as to where it is. It's a blatent ignoring of our laws. It's distinguishes legal and illegal entry points so there is no confusion as to whether their intent was to enter legally or illegally.

I have seen use and abuse with our "loop-holes". If you really wanted to keep people out of your put a door on it. If you really ment it, you lock it. Makes the difference of being able to distinguish someone wandering in and not knowing....vs someone who is breaking in. Proves intent and knowledge of right and wrong.

We have people comming here to work. We have people comming here to do illegal drug trade etc, we have people with the intent of invading and destroying this country. Makes a difference to tell the difference between them all, and what, if any "reform" is necessary, and what to do about the rest.

Have to start somewhere and this is the most logical choice. Doesn't FIX anything totally and it isn't the be all end all answer....but it sure helps clarify the issues. On both sides.

The government can't keep erroding our personal rights under the guise of "national security" when they don't have the kahoonas to secure our borders. It also helps clarify the issue of the NAU and whether or not the "tin hats" are truely crazy or caught them (the government) with their hands in the cookie jar again trying to pass something else under our noses without the citizens knowledge or approval.

There are people who came here and randomly picked a number out of the air as a SS# to work, and those who made a business of stolen identies, complete with voting cards and drivers licenses. Which opens the ability for something like LaRaza or other groups to internally destroy our country. There are those who did it for a means for other illegal behavior and in some cases a specific intent to hurt people. Makes a difference.

Because they all aren't ALL nice, good, honest, people just wanting to pick tomatoes.

There would be no confusion then for border security to be able to shoot someone. If the Mexicans bombed the fence then there'd be no confusion as to whether this was the invasion many claim to be doing, or not. Doesn't clear the water.....but helps un-muddy it a bit so there's someplace to start and no doubt of confusion on a ton of different issues. And there are a ton of issues to be delt with. Can't even begin to "compromise" till the lines have been drawn.
2007-11-25 08:15:48 UTC
Bring our troops home to secure the borders.....not much need for a fence then. The animal and water rights people won't have much to complain about or shouldn't, but you never know.

Our politicians want to pander to everyone and really don't get the picture that you have to take a stand wether it's right or wrong. I think the American public will have much more respect for a politician that stands up for what they believe in even if it isn't the popular or politically correct thing to do.

We have to enforce the laws that are currently on the books. If they would only do this, much of the division in this country over illigal immigration could be solved. Instead the politicians are going after votes and losing sight of the bigger picture.

Thats just my opinion.
2007-11-25 06:44:48 UTC
Border security is more than a fence. And the visa exit tracking program they 'couldn't get in place' by the deadline is needed as well, and the law needs to exclude the 'executive interpretation' trash Bush is doing unilaterally like deciding employers don't have to look for US workers first. A fence is needed as much because we can't trust our government to 'keep up' enforcement once they get what they want as for any other reason. They went to 'zero tolerance' and ALREADY pulled back both there and saying they 'just won't' pick up people in custody with less than a type C misdemeanor.

We need to see that they are willing to enforce the laws and they are absolutely not moving in that direction, beyond words.
2007-11-25 06:08:14 UTC
I disagree that most are willing to compromise. Politicians are led first by their wallets. The longer the fence stays unbuilt the longer the enormous pool of cheap labor stays available. It's more profitable for the labor to come to the US then for businesses to move to the cheap labor, which they will do if the fence cuts the flow enough. We've already seen it. Either way the US worker get the short end in the long run.
2007-11-25 09:02:01 UTC
If you have a LOT of money when you run for office, you do better than the person who does not have a lot of money. Big Business provides a LOT of money to our candidates, and they demand certain returns.

Big business wants cheap labor and doesn't want the fences... wants open borders in fact. Small business has to compete with that labor and they demand it be erected. And that is a smart idea to me because some 80% of the people in this country are employed by smaller businesses, and less demanding jobs.


Why don't the political folks see the huge disconnect? Ahhh... big business provides a LOT of money to the election of......


A web site you may want to consider if you know who La Raza is.
Rabid Frog
2007-11-25 07:46:54 UTC
In my opinion they are trying to stay as middle of the road as possible. The Anti side has seen an increase of enforcement, more of the wall being built and amnesty bills are being destroyed before reaching the final stages. The Pro side has seen an increase of bills that offer limited amnesty to this group or that group trying to be pushed through the legislature.....

Pro and Anti sides are both getting something but nothing significant is being done by the federal government about the real issues, playing games with constituents is nothing new. I think they are hoping that the people will find another concern to concentrate on and forget about the fact that we have somewhere between 12 to 20 million illegals living, working and educating in the United States.
Jake S
2007-11-25 06:01:13 UTC
The reason the it is so difficult for them to understand is because they believe that they know and are so much more intelligent than those who elected them. I guess that they have a point, after all we continue to elect them. I believe that the only way that the voters will ever convince the politicians to listen to us is to have are revolution. I do not mean a revolution with us using guns, but a revolution at the ballot box with the voting public removing all incumbents from office, demanding and getting term limits and returning to the concept that our founding fathers envisioned. A legislature that would be comprised of normal citizens not professional politicians.
2007-11-25 06:13:46 UTC
I don't think it is that they can't see the concept of a fence. A small child could understand that. I think they believe that not building the fence will further their own self interests. However, I believe that they are beginning to realize that if they want to keep their cushy government job as a elected official they better start listening an overwhelming majority of the American People who want an end to this illegal invasion and systematic destruction of our national identity and sovereignty.
2007-11-25 06:00:28 UTC
The problem is that you actually believe that the politicians actually are trying to do what is good/right for this country.

The politicians do not actually care what their constituents want because the believe that they know what is best. They will have their aides try to provide services to their constituents that will earn support on the small issues. But on the big issues they kowtow to the big business cartel. You can see it in their day-to-day rants and raves about how talk show hosts are the problem and need to be put in their place. However; if it wasn't for a good majority of the Conservative talk show hosts actually being right and attacking the President and Congress on the so called comprehensive immigration reform.

You are absolutely right! The border needs to be secured first and until then the U.S. is not safe. We need to have control of who enters the U.S., how long and ensure they depart as required. Until then politicians need to be run out of office until they get it right and forget about voting their pocket.
2007-11-25 06:02:50 UTC
They started building the fence but environmentalists have pending law suits to stop it because it interferes with migration of animals and I believe something about some water rights. It would seem they could use other kinds of technology in those areas to settle it, but I believe some groups will do anything to stop the whole process. It does remind me of Germany in some ways although not really the same at all.
2007-11-25 06:03:12 UTC
The government does not want a fence they want to put a highway 2 miles wide there that will run straight threw the heart of the U.S. ! Then they want Mexico to be new partners in there new plans to union new world order ! See the North America union want to have open borders with all of north America !the U.S. government tried to do this with out the U.S. people knowing but the word got out . The U.S. government all ready O.K. its plan with our future leaders ! Now since the deal is half way done they do not want to put a fence up because it will not look good in there evil plot to sell U.S. out !The government is going to hear the people of The U,S, but they are not going to listen to The U.S. People !! They already planed your Children's future and in there eyes there is nothing you can do !!!!

2007-11-25 06:28:02 UTC
Answer: Politicians want or otherwise.

With apologies to Moody, The Immigration Reform and Control Act (Simpson-Mazzoli), signed by President Ronald Reagan in November 1986, the law criminalized the act of knowingly hiring an illegal immigrant and established financial and other penalties for those employing illegal aliens.

,,,Today they demonstrate cowardice by Not Enforcing Existing Law!
2007-11-25 06:20:37 UTC
A fence isn't needed. All we need to do is quit supporting these illegals. What are they going to stay for if they can no longer get food stamps, free health care, free schooling, free housing and tax-free income? They will either go back or become legal. We just need to severely punish those businesses that employ illegals, and simply cut off all government aid to anyone who is not a legal citizen. The problem is the bleeding heart politicians see these people as potential voters and not the criminals that they are.
2007-11-25 09:43:14 UTC
Can you imagine the landslide if one of the viable Republican candidates came out with a very strong stance on border security and work-place enforcement?
jeffwey m
2007-11-25 08:25:56 UTC
Cheap Labor
Moody Red
2007-11-25 05:54:06 UTC
It is campaign season and no one wants to rock the boat. I totally agree with you. Congress is already at the bottom of the approval ratings and they are afraid if they make a commitment to something it would make them look even worse.

If they only knew that addressing this hot subject would actually help boost their pitiful job performance. It is not difficult to do the right thing, but so much easier to ignore it.

There ought to be laws prohibiting employers to hire illegals and get rid of sanctuary cities or face stiff penalties.


2007-11-25 05:59:06 UTC
Because our so called "representatives" think the American People have a short collective memory. The pro-illegal agenda is still simmering we have put a lid on it for now. But just wait and see what happens after the elections it will rear its ugly little beaner head and begin to boil all over again.------We the people have got to keep after "them" and not allow "them" to keep this "issue" on the back burner!! Kinda sad when you have to refer to your elected officials as "THEM" but i guess its nicer than callin them subterranean scumbags or something! Besides MU beat KU and I'm in a good mood and its Sunday for Christ's Sake!
2007-11-25 05:50:30 UTC
A fence won't work and is cost-prohibitive. People cut through, dig under fences, and we don't have the manpower to patrol or maintain the fences. I understand your question and theoretically like the fence idea, but since the border is so vast, it is virtually impossible. Think how many miles you are talking about covering ...

The best thing to do is decrease the incentives to illegally immigrate.
2007-11-25 05:51:59 UTC
American citizens want the borders secured.

American politicians want Mexicans to move here and vote for them.
2007-11-25 05:47:32 UTC
It is all about votes. Even though we want a fence the politicians are afraid to vote for one because they may lose the latino voters.
2007-11-25 08:22:43 UTC
its all about votes let the N.G. do the job a fence will do bring the N.G. home from a war we wont win and let them be the fence let them use thete guns if they have to
2007-11-25 05:46:33 UTC
I want the world secured first, then we won't need to waste money on a fence.
2007-11-25 06:19:48 UTC
We need to vote them out soon.
2007-11-25 05:58:41 UTC
They understand perfectly. Its just that the businesses and corporations bribe so well.
2007-11-25 05:49:12 UTC
The democrats and republicans don't want to offend hispanics because they want their vote.
2007-11-25 05:54:29 UTC
Security should come first.
2007-11-25 05:59:34 UTC
There is no reason why both can't be done at the same time.
logie ogie
2007-11-25 05:49:43 UTC
No discussion here.

First fence your garden,

then talk to the rabbits.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.