Nurse visas were abolished back in 2006 - that's over 7 years ago. No shortage of nurses in US actually. Only a third of trained nurses in the US actually work in the nursing field. You're not getting any visa.
IF you were able to legally immigrate & held a valid green card, you would have to take NCLEX exam - IF your training in your country met requirements to take that exam.
However! Since Obummercare (ACA) passed, half of the private practices, clinics, etc, have merged, sold or closed, with more up for sale/merger/closure. Hospitals are closing entire departments. Nurses & other staff are being laid off en masse. E.g. a hospital near me just laid off another 40-plus nurses in September, and that's at least the second mass layoff since early 2013, third in 12-13 months. That's not including all the other staff laid off, too! It is taking a year or more for a highly qualified & experienced specialty nurse (e.g. pediatrics, OR, ER, etc) to find another job, on average.
Don't even think about coming to the US. Even if you can legally immigrate. RNs from a variety of countries are working at minimum wage as NON-certified nurse's aides, and there aren't enough jobs for them, even as home health aides, private duty, whatever.