Is Anybody Staring To See A Pattern Here ?
2007-02-12 18:04:26 UTC
See another Border Patrol Agent Being Sent To Prison.
A Texas deputy sheriff who fired shots at a fleeing vehicle after the driver tried to run him down faces 10 years in prison for injuring one of the passengers, a Mexican national being smuggled illegally into the United States.
The U.S. attorney, who won lengthy prison terms last year for two U.S. Border Patrol agents in the shooting of a drug-smuggling suspect, also prosecuted Edwards County Deputy Sheriff Guillermo F. Hernandez, who is to be sentenced next month.
Seventeen answers:
2007-02-12 18:10:38 UTC
It is ridiculous because the border patrol is window dressing to make it LOOK like bush is trying to do something about illegal immigration. He is gladly welcoming them here and acting like he wants to do something when he doesn't. And it is the poor border patrol that is catching the hell being caught between his two lies.

Then what I hear the illegals they were after were bringing in drugs and they are bringing them back here to testify.
2007-02-12 18:25:16 UTC
There is a definite pattern

Republicans and Bush have talked a great deal about Border Security, building a fence, etc., but, that has all been sweet talk to distract people from what they are really doing. They have denied any funding for the fence, see link above, and are instead moving forward with the North American Union, otherwise called the SPP.( here is the official govt. website ). They want an open border with Mexico, giving their corporate backers easy access to the cheapest labor on either side of the border, and they don't care about you or your issues at all.

It is time for all of us to get informed and get some control back over our futures by learning and voting, or we all may end up as migratory workers for "the man." A good place to start would be right on this video.
2007-02-12 20:29:19 UTC
a young man in "Search of the American dream", with a recently married wife and newborn baby girl, having your world come crashing down around you overnight and call it depressing would be the understatement of the year. It is vital for Deputy Gilmer Hernandez's state of mind to receive letters from you to let him know he won't be forgotten.

Please send letters to:


Guillermo F. Hernandez

Val Verde Correctional Facility

P.O. Box 426011

Del Rio, Texas 78840-6011

The Border Patrol and the state or local police officers in a border area will likely "get the message" that the convictions are supposed to send - no aggressive pursuit of illegals or drug smugglers. The net effect will be to turn the border into a modern day version of 1920s Chicago or a north of the border version of Mexico. The gangsters will rule openly, and their hit men will be the law enforcers from Brownsville to San Diego. In due time, Anglos and assimilated Mexican-Americans will move northward to escape the narco-gangsters. Perhaps even the U.S. Armed Forces will abandon long standing bases like Fort Bliss and Fort Huachuca.

I do not know if this is the intent of President Bush and Attorney General Gonzales. But it will happen if the Border Patrol and local and state police are neutralized.

Vegas explain -Why did the Rocksprings sheriff call the Mexican consulate? What gives the Mexican consulate the right to contact OUR FBI? What gives illegal invaders ANY RIGHTS AT ALL?Gilmer Hernandez story will be on America's Most Wanted Next Saturday
2007-02-12 19:28:15 UTC
If I read correctly, the sheriff fired knowing there were passengers in that vehicle. The passengers are not responsible for the driver's actions. It would have been just as easy for that sheriff to call in help and have a road block set up. Sounds like the sheriff had a reckless disregard for the passengers when he fired the gun. This is another case that can't be tried over the internet.
2007-02-12 18:17:28 UTC
(Didn't you post this same question yesterday?) It certainly has been easy to confuse and "dupe the droolers", isn't it? Bush never had any intention of funding any such idiocy as a border fence. But, the notion got the droolers nicely distracted while the North American Union was being signed. The droolers and their intolerance, discrimination, racism and feeblemindedness significantly contributed to the collapse of their own communities. The typical drooler's concept of a guest worker program and control of the borders has been to criminally invite and hire undocumented Mexican labor in order to avoid paying Americans a legal and decent wage. THEN, they deny the children of those workers equal access to an education. Then, later, as their communities begin to fail and collapse under their stupidity and incompetence of intolerance and discriminating social "planning", they take Mexicans out into the desert and shoot them. AND, they vote Presidents into office who promise to give states more "rights" back. Intolerance, conservatism and racism breeds a level of stupidity in people that leads them to be unable to comprehend that what "states rights" REALLY means is state governments, not the national government or taxpayer, gets to pay the bill for their own states' problems. So, the morons who wanted to weaken the federal government are now all whiny about the federal government not footing the bill for state problems. The new North American Union was inevitable. What is STILL possible, though, if the droolers would get out of the way, is for REAL Americans to get some control over it through legal/political action, not through weirdo border fence building and hate groupings. This is still the United States of America and ALL of us, including our Border Patrol agents, are subject to the laws of this nation, not to the laws of the jungle. All borders are being eliminated. THAT'S the pattern that is forming. Become informed about the new Superstate, SPP.
political junkie
2007-02-12 19:03:30 UTC
ETA: have you noticed, that most of the border agents who have gotten in trouble have Hispanic sounding names? i know the two in jail for shooting that dumbass in the butt are. this is making me even madder................

yeah i see the pattern and it makes me sick.

i don't know why a lot of your answerers act like just because someone supports the president on one issue, that means that they can't notice and complain bitterly when he's done wrong. i'm the first to say it couldn't be clearer that he never had any intention of closing the border and i am absolutely livid about this whole thing. i have done calling and writing about the other two agents who are locked up right now. obviously i haven't done enough.

i hope it doesn't come down to violence, but it probably will. it seems that all of our lovely elected officials have zero intention of doing anything at all about this. i'm liking that Tancredo guy more and more.
ProLife Liberal
2007-02-12 18:18:43 UTC
I have seen a pattern for a long time. It seems that noone want to achknowledge the problem. Unfortunateley, ther will be some riots in the next summer, over the immigration issue,
2007-02-12 18:16:11 UTC
You do realize that thoe border agents are being sent to jail for shooting an unarmed suspect and attempting to hide the evidence and failure to report the shooting. If this was accidental they would not have been given a jail sentence but this was done with malice and deliberate hinderance to inquiry.
2007-02-12 18:07:17 UTC
This sucks. When are we going to get people in Washington who actually want to protect our country?
2007-02-12 18:06:35 UTC
link doesn't work.
2007-02-12 18:07:44 UTC
Yes, I see the pattern quite clearly. Big business wants cheap workers. That's it, that's all!
2007-02-12 18:10:10 UTC
Your link didn't work for me, just the info you posted makes my blood boil. What is wrong with this country when you become a criminal for trying to your job?
2007-02-12 19:28:24 UTC
Impeach el presidente!
Mr. Smoothie, aka Mr. SmartAss
2007-02-12 18:22:46 UTC
I'm seeing a concpiracy here
2007-02-12 18:14:05 UTC
I agree with Linda k totally.Sad but true.
2007-02-12 18:48:56 UTC
2007-02-12 18:07:14 UTC
No - I'm not STARING

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