My grandfather was a Catholic Irish man who came from County Cork in Ireland, to fight in the first world war... he was injured and invalided out and pensioned off, in Cambridge.
He could not go home again to his native land, because, the IRA was formed whilst he was away. He was then considered an enemy at home... yet they were neutral in the war.
We, the British born, had invaded their shores centuries before and cut their country in half and it was not forgotten, so anyone who chose to stand with us (my English rooted side) was an enemy forever back in Ireland. He was hated there and here... and had no other place to go.
I understand the way you feel. Though I never knew my granddad, I made it my business to know about him, since my mum never ceased to speak about him. She pined for him until she died at the age of 81 in 2000.
My grandfather didn't fit in England... even in retirement he was just another Irish paddy... an immigrant and a 'thick' joke... fit only for navvying and considered to be much less than the rest.
So, he drank to hide his pain and anger and sang the old songs of home inside the pub to make people like him, diffuse the situation... and eventually, he drank himself to death... literally... he fell on a fire when drunk one night and died at the age of 55, when my mum was just fourteen.
He died because, mum sent a letter from the convent in Northampton where she had lived from the age of 8, to tell him that since she was off age to leave and go into 'service' as a maid, she intented, to return and live with him and care for him, because she loved him.
He was so happy, he went and did what blokes do... got roaring drunk to celebrate... and died!
He was happy for the first time in years that night because, his wife had died at the early age of 35, from pneumonia, brought on by cramped and insanitary living conditions in a two up two down semi shared with two other families, when mum was only eight... and all their five children were sent away to Catholic orphanages in Northampton and London... and raised inside the bigotry and indoctrination of the Catholic faith...
So, now... at just fourteen, both mum's parents died due to poverty and racism... despite him fighting for his adopted country... England.
Race hatred and religious separation, is not a new event in England my friend... but over time, as with the Irish and the Catholics, eventually, all Muslims will be as acceptable too... since most decent Brits here have no axe to grind with anyone.
The only two thing any of us have to fear, is staying silent, when we should speak out against prejudice... and the fear we carry of reprisals if we do... it's the fear which creates suspicion... and is fueled by politicians, for reasons of their own.
Fear is the thing that gets in the way every time and is so easily manipulated, whipped up, and used against the very people that they profess to serve.
Bush and Blair have their own agenda and between them, they created this paranoia throughout the entire world. I personally think much of the so called emergencies created are fabricated by them both, then, having planted the ideas, they sit back and wait for some other zealous people like themselves, to make capital on their ideas and prove them right... and ensure they retain control by keeping us inside a constant 'emergency' state of mind... we wouldn't dare oust them would we... when we have emergencies? Better the devil we know, than the devil we don't?
Like the see saw, things go up and down in all societies, and eventually they do level off... sadly, sometimes after hundreds of years of wars, after teething troubles that cause a lot of pain and hardship, for all of us, not to mention heartache and many lives, before they do!
Stay faithful to God... there is only one, whatever name we call him... stay faithful to your children and your ancestry... but, stay faithful to the country of your birth and own it, you like me have this right... don't fight back, don't hate back, instead, be a shining example before prejudice and hate... since two wrongs never make a right, patience wins eventually, as does tolerance. Win for your children and grandchildren as my granddad did... to me he was a hero, not a failure!
You don't say who wants to deport you... I doubt the authorities can or would, if you are third generation Brit... so if it's merely racists and bigots, you have to rise above it. Don't hear it... don't see it. Pray for them, they need the prayers much more than you or my granddad did... because they have the serious problem in the end and will face their maker with the deeds they do on earth.
It will get worse before it gets better, but like all wounds, time eventually heals. Live your life the best way that you can and be like the three wise monkeys,,, blind, deaf and dumb to all malicious people, who succeed only, if and when you let them stir you up to fear and feelings of persecution and afford them power over you inside.
It's what they want, don't give it to them.
God bless you and yours:-)