WHERE SHOULD I GO?? 30 people here want to deport me from the country of my birth just because of my religion
Baaad Dokhtar
2006-08-10 12:20:08 UTC
Read this question and the answers :-((
Deport all Muslims from the UK?;_ylt=AtxFmcavVF3h2PcR48HMLp8SBgx.?qid=20060810062358AAKrJ7m&cp=2&tp=2#all-answers

England is the country of my birth , and my parents , and grandparents were born here too.
I am just as English as anybody and I hate terrorists just as much as you , if not more.

Why should somebody be blamed just because of their religion?
Would it be fair to say that all Catholics are terrorists because of the IRA?

Shouldn't we be sticking together at a time like this?
If you act like a barbarian and a bigot aren't you letting the terrorists win?
78 answers:
2006-08-10 12:32:23 UTC
It must be awful to be in a minority group, who has unfortunately an extremist element attached to its beliefs. People lump you into a basket – I guess it makes life easier. I am Australian, and I am amased at how many people have weird ideas about me – and, I would have to say, without being rude, that I am “closer” to the “White” British than Muslims etc. You would think that they would have an idea about who I am, but if they cant even get that right, what hope do they have of understanding something so different as another religion and culture!?

I don’t judge you because of who you are – your (and anyone’s) actions are what you should be judged on.

Pity the world, for all the stupidity in it.

Hope you don’t cop too much grief from today’s events – best wishes.
2006-08-15 14:46:58 UTC
No you shouldn't be held responsible but to shut people up the government has to take some kind of action and it's hard to make rules that don't effect every Muslim because of how the middle east leaders are handling the wars going on Terrorists are using the Muslim community as a human shield and some as soldgers and the government can't control who they can single out because of how the battle is being fought in the middle east human bombs, car bombs, fighting then retreating back into civilian territory to disguise them selves for another day of battle the US is having a harder time finding out who the enemy is that effects how the treatment of Muslims will be considering the united states has a faceless enemy. Im also sorry to hear that the US is thinking of doing that but the safety of the US residents is there main concern sorry to say.
2006-08-16 11:08:51 UTC
The IRA were not motivated by religion so much as wanting to see a united Ireland. Catholics in other parts of the world didn't rise up in support, because they would see themselves as being constrained by national boundaries ie, it is none of their business.

It was an historical thing between Britain and the IRA and their terrorist activities were directed at England alone. They are not murdering Protestants or British supporters in other parts of the world.

From a western perspective 'Islam' embraces Religion, Politics, Law and culture. In Britain we have seperated those components and feel able to criticise each area without giving offence.

With the IRA there was always the sense that some Irish Catholics in Southern Ireland might have been thought of as harbouring a tacit approval of the IRA.

In your final paragraph you talk about 'sticking together', but isn't that part of the problem. Are we together to start with? In my view there are insufficient examples of Muslims openly decrying terrorist acts, and given the fact that twenty five percent of Muslims think the 'Twin Towers' and 'London bombings' were justified is it any wonder that serious doubts exist. Muslims seem to operate in concert with each other worlwide, and don't see national boundaries as a constraining factor. ie one offended, all offended.
foxy miller
2006-08-10 13:09:48 UTC
Where should you go? where do you want to be? Regardless of religion or colour etc We continue to live in times where we are all at risk from a few fanatical people. Unfortunately for you and a lot of other normal, law abiding Muslims the focus of distrust and hatred is in your direction. It hasn't always been this way, black people have been subject to a lot of unnecessary negativity around the globe for centuries.

We are bombarded daily about Muslims terrorist here, there, your next door neighbour. All this in the media constantly, it conditions people that all Muslims must therefore be a threat. And there are plenty of people out there whose lives revolve around what they read in their tabliod news paper and watch on the t.v. and they believe it. Their life is **** well it must be the muslims.

I was a child when the ira was at it's height of setting off bombs, and for quite a while as I grew up if i heard an irish voice the thought in head was is this person a terrorist. We are conditioned by the media.

I'm not a muslim, but I think this is the time when your faith will be tested. We should all stand together as a society to beat this nonsense that's going on. I fear things are going to get far worse, in particular racial attacks.

What can we do?
2006-08-11 02:04:27 UTC
That's the third time in the last 24 hours. A person with a full British passport cannot be deported. Where to for God's sake?

Someone of another nationality by birth who has been granted a British passport by the process of naturalisation could have their British nationality revoked, but then they would really need to have committed (and be proved to have committed) a crime against the UK.
2006-08-10 12:31:09 UTC
I understand your point, but I also understand the point of U.K. and U.S. citizens. Not all who are muslim, are evil. Just as not all christians and jews are evil. However, because christians aren't trying to blow up muslim airlines and jews aren't strapping explosives to themselves and walking into shopping malls. Its a horrible stigma for muslims, but you have to approach this from a logical pov versus emotional or religious. There are definitely christian fundamentalists who attack those who don't believe what they do, but its a verbal attack, not violent. Muslims who don't understand the difference, confuse me. Maybe you do not support terrorism, but you support Islam, and Islam is the reason terrorism is happening in the first place. Im not saying that the Islamic religion promotes terrorism, but it has produced radical followers who have taken the Qu'ran to a totally different level! These radicals believe all who aren't muslim, should be eliminated. Starting with the jews. The hatred muslims have for jews has been contorted from a territorial dispute, to a religious war, or "Jihad". I believe that some of these younger radicals, don't even know the true history behind this war and this hate they've been fed all their lives. Can you imagine if all of the world felt the same way?? That their religion was the only way, and anyone who disagreed, should die?? Talk about armageddon! Buddhists flogging hindus, christians nuking jews, muslims beheading any non-muslim they could kidnap (heh), catholic priests molesting young boys (thats a joke, no need to get mean.;)

Islam has instilled fear in much of the world because of these terrorists. If their fight was about oil? Okay! Lets talk! But its their "God". Biiig difference! Huge! Look at what religion has produced. I don't know about your city, but mine has a church on every freakin street corner! People are more committed to God than they are their spouses and children. Ive asked so many, who comes first? Eighty percent of the time, I get "God is always first. Then my kids.....". What happened to "God created all men equal..."? Or that Allah is a God of peace and love?
2006-08-11 01:31:36 UTC
I have come to the conclusion since joining Yahoo answers that:

This country has far too many bigots who haven't even took the time to get to know any Muslims, they read the papers and place everyone in the same category, it's very sad that people can judge a whole religion on a handful of extremists.

I am Catholic and of Irish decent as I have mentioned before. I condemned what the IRA did and felt ashamed of my religion and the people who caused all this trouble.

In my work I have met many Muslims, I have yet to meet one who supports what was done during 9/11, last July and the other day, they are as ashamed as I was during the terror of the IRA.

I have many many Muslim friends from various countries including Afghanistan, Iraq, Kurdistan, Sudan and Iran, all are against the extremists, all against Bin Laden and his followers.

People need to take their blinkers off and look at the wider picture and NOT judge millions and millions of people from the actions of a minority.

And to answer jimmy teo times drivel, I support Ireland in everything they do, it's my history and roots and I would like to maintain that and not forget the fact that my family were Irish. I see nothing wrong with holding onto your history.
2006-08-15 13:34:06 UTC
You could always come and live with me but since I'm also a Muslim, I suppose they want to deport me as well.

I 've always been a law abiding citizen, I get on well with my English counterparts, I go to work, pay my taxes and pretty much mind my own business.

I abhor ALL terrorists Al-Qaeda, IRA, ETA, Tamil Tigers etc. Why should we be punished for the actions of a few misguided people?

Did the British government deport Irish Catholics when the IRA carried out their bombings of mainland Britain?

We should all stand together and respect and understand each others each others beliefs.
2006-08-12 15:22:27 UTC
As we approach the fifth official anniversary of the “war on terror”, the foiled UK “terror plot” has neatly provided George W Bush, the “leader of the free world”, with a chance to remind us of our fight against the “Islamic fascists”. But what if the war on terror is not really about separating the good guys from the bad guys, but about deciding what a good guy can be allowed to say and think?

What if the “Islamic fascism” President Bush warns us of is not just the terrorism associated with Osama bin Laden and his elusive al-Qaeda network but a set of views that many Arabs, Muslims and Pakistanis -- even the odd humanist -- consider normal, even enlightened? What if the war on “Islamic fascism” is less about fighting terrorism and more about silencing those who dissent from the West’s endless wars against the Middle East?

Can we have an independent inquiry this time, or are we supposed to swallow another white wash like we do every time?
2006-08-13 13:45:33 UTC
You shouldn't go. You are so right. If you can speak out like this, we all need you! Poor you though!

Thing is, not many will believe you are for real. How very sad! They will think this another Al Queda con to touch the average heart and then , well you know what.

You write beautifully but writing alone isn't going to get you trust.

If you want to act on this, activate yourself and go on public N.G.O. walk-abouts! Sell your cause.

I hope no-one victimizes you and that you can feel happy if you continue to live in England. You surely deserve that. I think you feel very deeply about this, so why not advocate what you believe?

Good Luck and love and peace to you!
carol p
2006-08-14 17:54:12 UTC
no you shouldn't be deported every religion and race has good and bad ppl in them you can not blame everyone for the few bad ppl just as you wouldn't throw a whole bag of apples out cos one or two have gone bad.... as for the IRA they were 1st set up to protect the catholics in Ireland from the blacken tans ,orange man and sinn fin but as time change so did they .... the only difference between the terrorists we have now and the IRA is that the IRA use to give warns of where they had planted bombs i grow up with them planting them in my school as i am catholic and yes i come from an Irish family and like you i was born in England and have been here all my life.... what we all need to do is get back the old community where everyone looked out for each other and don't judge ppl cause of there race or religion but for who they are .. treat other ppl as you want to be treated
2016-09-29 07:21:32 UTC
Why would desire to you need to leave? have you ever committed a criminal offense? i'm a white British, residing in Bradford (approximately as multi-cultural as a city can get!) and don't see any reason harmless human beings would desire to be made to leave their beginning united states of america basically because of the fact of their faith. Extremists on the different hand - no count number what faith - would desire to be dealt with by utilising society as an entire - returned no count number what faith. Pakistan does not decide on Islamic Extremists of their united states of america basically as much as we right here contained in the united kingdom do no longer. Extremists justify the killing of others with the aid of their misinterpretation of their very own faith. whilst human beings at right here, and for the duration of the rustic and international, are asserting deporting human beings of a definite faith, or race will rectify the terrorist subject, they're asserting it as a accepted announcement. no one is known with the thank you to rid this international of terrorism, and whilst non secular extremists are approximately, walking between us, we not at all will harmonise the situation. you need to undergo in strategies that over ninety% of all wars mankind has ever seen have had faith as its roots and until eventually human beings discover ways to be at one with their faith and know different peoples perspectives, in spite of they may well be, terrorists will win and this conflict will proceed. the place hi_patia states 'they have not got the skill to do it' they actually do. Jurisdiction would be made for mass deportation at any time and with none deliberation. Granted the UN and an excellent sort of worldwide places would oppose to it, even nevertheless it somewhat is don.
2006-08-11 17:06:13 UTC
You're in the country of your birth and rightly so.

If we let the terrorists drive a wedge between different segments of our population then they have won.

However you and other like minded Muslims need to speak out against the terrorists who claim to be acting for Muslims in general.

I'm a white, anglo-saxon protestant so I can't make the same points with the same sort of authority that a muslim could.

I'm tired of all the propaganda that the terrorists and their sympathizers put out to justify their actions but I'm also somewhat bemused by the lack of vocal outcry from the mainstream Muslim community about this hi-jacking of their religion for criminal purposes.

You have my sympathy for what must be a very trying time.
2006-08-10 12:58:14 UTC
I'm sure that in England, as in America, a person born in his/her country has citizenship as a birthright. No government official or person has the right to threaten deportation of one of it's citizens. Even if laws have been broken, deportation is not an option. Unfortunately, we live in an era of paranoia where all Muslims are being classed as potential terrorists. I believe that this paranoia is being perpetuated by our leader's rhetoric and often illegal actions. I stand with you as a Christian with similar principles.
2006-08-10 12:53:55 UTC
JMS----who on earth gave you the right to claim this or any country, YOURS??????

This is God's great earth.

Hon, you stay right where you are. You don't have to go anywhere.

I am an adult and I am not racist. I have many friends that are Muslims. Two families, not on paper BUT, have adopted me as their childrens aunt. I found that to be very unique. I have been in their homes and in their business and Muslims are human beings just like the rest of us..

Come live next to me..I don't have a problem with that at all. I will even help you move if you like.

I feel for you and all Muslims. There is so much hatred. God help us all.
'Dr Greene'
2006-08-10 12:24:06 UTC
Some people will exploit the current situation to further their own agendas, such as the far right who want a whites only Britain.

I agree it's a shame and goes against all I believe about being British. The chances are our ancestors fought along side each other in the last wars and spilt their blood in the same mud.

I will never forget the unity we showed then to overcome a bigger evil than the one we currently face, and I'm sure we will do the same again.
2006-08-12 14:37:09 UTC
All muslims peaceful or not, should be sent to the Middle East. The problem is, that all people can't live together, that concept is flawed. The British have the right to protect themselves, and if that means sending those who have a high potential to plot against them out of the country, then that is what they need to do.

How can you tell a difference between a peaceful or extremist muslim? You can't. Extremist muslims are secretive, and try to blend in. It is not the fault of the British that is causing you worry, frustration, and anger--it is the fault of muslim extremists. Just be glad that that the British want to move you, instead of taking the Hitler route of extermination. Besides, I wouldn't take answers on Yahoo so seriously, they are unlikely to pursuade the British government.

I wish the US would consider exiling muslims here, for preventive protection. I don't care how peaceful Islam is supposed to be, it is better to be safe than sorry.
2006-08-10 12:27:09 UTC
I feel sorry just to hear this, the only answer i can give you is that its not right for anyone to move you or deport you, you have the right to anything in this world as much as those who want you deported. You have answered your question by saying that sticking together is the key in times like this. So have faith and all the best
2006-08-10 12:27:19 UTC

I don't think today's plot was real, but that's another story.

I feel for you. I was brought up an English Catholic in the North of Scotland and I was personally blamed at school for the bombing of soldiers and horses in Hyde park (many years ago).

I served 11 years with the RAF Regt, but absolutely hate what we are doing around the world today.

I wish you and your family all the very best.

Take care and stay strong.

These arses (excuse language) who say their granddads fought for this country and they think we are losing it.... forget that their granddads fought against racism, fascism and racial intolerance.

If that didn't make sense it's because I am incensed by this stuff.
2006-08-10 12:27:38 UTC
You should not have to go anywhere. Who are they to tell you that you must go anyway. It is a shame that people want to target the innocent because of the actions of the few. The people that believe this are no better than the terrorist and playing right into their hands.
2006-08-15 05:51:42 UTC
sadly its the same old story a few mindless idiots condem a hole race for the sake of a mindless few everyone is entitled to there beliefs and why should the innoscent pay for it when will people wise up a stop listerning the the so called keep britain white groups am white and i got no problems with living in a multi cultral society hope you can sort your problems out and good luck
2006-08-10 12:39:09 UTC
Society as a whole is totally out of control, religion,ethics,morals.

What is it to be British,Asian,Muslim..etc. We segregate ourselves into our own realities with needs and wants that big corporate sponsorship/advertising that dictate to society, it's not just here but it's all over the world.. What happened to democracy every decade democracy is stripped of it's very essence from us but they still insist it's a democratic state. A person has the right to be where ever he/she chooses to be.

Maybe one day after all that has passed that was destroyed and have started a fresh then maybe we can ask ourselves who are we really.
jimmy two times
2006-08-11 02:06:23 UTC
Are you really English. Do you know about British history, do you support the English at Cricket, do you support the English at Football? Define being English to me? Do you follow the British culture? Do you go to the Pub and sit and watch the Cricket in the summer? In war would you fight for the Queen? Where do your loyalties lie? Your Country or your Religion? Just because you were born in this country does not mean you are British / English! Look at hundreds of Muslims who march along the streets of London, burning the Union Flag and wearing mock suicide bombs on their bodies and spouting hatred and death against the British? They were born here but have no loyalties to this country. Their loyalties lie with their religion. Are they British or do they still class them selves as Pakistani, Yemeni etc...

Look at Headingley when England play Pakistan at Cricket you see hundreds of British born Muslims shouting and cheering on Pakistan. Are they British? Or do they still wish they were Pakistani, Where do their loyalties lie. Do you see my point. I believe many people were born in this country and have loyalties elsewhere. To me they are not British.
2006-08-10 12:27:46 UTC
i do feel it is very wrong to be prejedised, however it is hard when the terrorist are on the telly saying that the reason they want to bomb us is so that we comform to islamic beleifes,

i feel that some reffuggess come into this country claiming there lives are in danger and then they demand that we strip our country of it origian and origional beleifes

i also feel that it is because of these people and not the likes of yourself why there is such hatred,

tony blair should stop letting them in now

we as a christian state are being told we cant celebrate christmas in our school incase we offend the muslim comunity, we wouldnt dare demand things liek that in islamic countries

we should all leasrn to understand that we all should have a voice but that it shouold be used for love and not hatred and that we should use our voice to educate NOT DISCRIMINATE
2006-08-10 12:26:01 UTC
Stay here, you can live next door to me, I don't mind, just keep the noise down.

Remeber though that your chosen religion has been highjacked and it is making people angry.

Irish people living in England had a bad time after IRA bombs.

Black people still get followed around shops by security.

These are the problems with the small mind.

Be aware, freedom isn't taken overnight. If it looks like these dissenting voices are getting too loud, then get to the polling station, form protest groups and don't be shouted down
2006-08-10 12:24:55 UTC
I think that, like America, we have to look at this on a case by case basis. If you aren't supporting terrorists, or committing terrorist acts, you should be left alone. Of course, this is hard for the average citizen to get the gov't to understand, but, it is true.
2006-08-10 12:54:01 UTC
I think problem with current is the generalization. Why actions of very few are generalized to all muslims? I'd like to quote the which has been used so many times but still it is valid, what do you think about the actions of christian hitler?

and then everything should be seen in totality, consider how muslims are being dissociated from mainstream uk society, lebanon, palestine, iraq, afghanistan, kashmir, bosnia, chechniya. all these things are linked.
2006-08-16 15:38:12 UTC
Come to America, we are the land of sanctuary. We wouldn't deport you even if you were a terrorist.
2006-08-10 13:01:13 UTC
Well thank you for condemning the terrorists and confiming your Englishness, its so good to hear a Muslim say that. It give me hope.

Put it this way. How do YOU as a British person feel about these people (like Omar Bakri and Abu Hamza) who stand on a soapbox and scream that they hate all British, they hate the West, death to Infidels and Kafhirs etc etc?? Don't you think THEY should leave this country?? And go to their ancestral homelands where they can live according to their religion? Rather than stay here and plot death and destruction to us?

THIS is why people are getting angry! I myself cannot understand why such people STAY here. They say that 30% of British Muslims condone 7/7 and say they would rather live under Sharia Law. Then why are is this 30% living here?!?! For God's sake let them go and live in an Islamic country! Its really shitty of them to expect us to change our laws just for them! Presumably this also means that 70% of Muslims (like you) are happy to abide by British laws and be a decent British citizen. Then great. The more the merrier. They are welcome. But the 30% that condones terrorism and wants us to change to an Islamic State just to suit them should go and live in a Muslim country. They are not wanted here. Do YOU want people like that here, knowing they could let off a bomb on a bus when you or your family are on it?

If you are happy to live in the UK and abide by our laws and respect our traditions (even if they are different to your own) then great I don't see why anybody should want to "deport" you. You're welcome to live here I'm sure everyone else would agree. Being British is a state of mind.

But anyone who rails and spouts hatred against Britain and its people and its culture and wants to force their own beleifs on us (on pain of death) is NOT welcome here. Surely as an intelligent person you can see this?!

You can see why people are angry? We have all seen the videotape of the 7/7 bombers rejecting their British birth and saying they are waging a jihad on the West and British people deserve to die? Can you understand that this has made many people angry and mistrustful of Islam?

Anyone who wants to live here as a decent law abiding citizen, then yeah great - they're welcome. But anyone who is here to stir up pain and hate and resentment and cause a threat to the British public should go NOW! If they do not see themselves as British but as Pakistani, Bangladeshi, Somalian, Arabian etc then let them go to their family's homeland. Anyone who does not want to live under our laws but will only live under Sharia law should go and live in a country that has Sharia law and not try to force their beliefs on us. Surely you can see the sense in this?
2006-08-10 12:23:11 UTC
Yes. That's exactly what the terrorists want to happen.

I don't know whether to be relieved or terrified that the insanity of religious bigotry and group persecution is just a prevalent back across the pond as it is in the US.
2006-08-10 14:18:38 UTC
I've had enough of your sick and twisted religion. If I were the prime minister, I would deport you. If your beliefs, values and traditions are not compatible with the west, go somewhere else that is, i.e., an islamic country. You are only English by citizenship and your minority can't seem to assimilate or intergrate, so get out. The truth is not bigotry.
2006-08-10 12:32:57 UTC
One goal of the terrorists is to encourage this type of marginalisation. You're right in that we should be sticking together. Unfotunately bigotry is an all too common human trait.
2006-08-12 02:55:06 UTC
Terrorism is the catalyst of hate, and the Muslims are not the only group to become victim of that. I hope you will stay and help show that those who hate on religious or ethnic grounds are themselves the tools of a terrorist regime. All but lawless fools want peace.
2006-08-15 03:33:46 UTC
you shouldnt go if you were born here you have as much rights as me and i am born here your faith is your faith im a christian and i beleve all good thing will come dont put your self down you may be a diffent colour skin to me but in the in side EVERYONE is the same (brain , heart (some people ) ect)

take care and GOD bless
2006-08-12 16:34:47 UTC
Because you were born in a country does not make you from that country when you believe in everything contrary to that countries beliefs and way of life. If you believe in the way of a certain country then you should go to that country.!!!
2006-08-10 12:30:49 UTC
My dear you are witnessing the start of Christians and Jews committing Genocide on the Muslim faith because they are afraid that it might be the true religion and it is growing like a wildfire.Come to Canada where we believe that we are all created equal and we accept other cultures and religions.I am Catholic but I renounced my faith as soon as a Nazi Pope was elected.Talk about hypocrisy.
2006-08-17 07:29:46 UTC
well...ask yourself why. Exremist mayby. What the f*ck do you meen we should all stand together.....everything was fine before we opened the gates to you lot. All i ever f*ckin hear about is this sh*t. I will be moving to a nice peacefull country as soon as i can afford it coz i am sick to f*cking death of you people
Oracle Of Delphi
2006-08-10 12:37:08 UTC
It's tempting to say just ignore the idiots, but idiots can be very dangerous people. I can only suggest you stay proud of your identity, and add my voice to the support you, and any one else in a similar situation, receive from this answer.
2006-08-10 12:33:01 UTC
I don't care if you were born here or not. As for counting where your grandparents were born, the Nazi's used to do that. If the majority of people wanted to live under fascism it would have been voted in.

I think your question deserves an answer. If people say you should leave, they should say where they intend to send you.
2006-08-11 02:26:12 UTC
If you really don't support terrorism, then I don't really see what the problem is. Are they just going to deport all Muslims?
2006-08-10 12:32:51 UTC
I think people get confused by ethnicity but not by actions. I think the fact that Muslims march in the street for Hezbollah is shown as a backing of the terrorist Muslim fascist.Are you speaking out against the acts of terror carried out by other Muslims because if not (and I haven't heard of any protest marches against what they're doing)then the thinking is "if your with them your one of them.
2006-08-10 12:24:51 UTC
Yes, you are right. Bigotry is letting them win because they are trying to turn us against ourselves and it works. Republicans in the United States and those who fail to comprehend the history of US civil liberties are making the same mistakes here with extreme prejudice.
2006-08-10 12:28:37 UTC
You stay put....There are alot of ignorant, cruel people and I feel so bad too when I here those stories..... This world is falling apart and yes we should all stick together but as long as there are two people left in this world there will always be war.... It breaks my heart....and I'm sorry for your pain....
2006-08-10 12:28:49 UTC
You should not be judged on your religion.

Could you possibly use this as a way of bridging two cultures?

We need people to stand up for what is right, ending the violence, and you seem to be in a good position to take a lead in this.
2006-08-10 12:23:40 UTC
You are right - judging people by some kind of group generalization is called pejudice, which most intelligent people have grown out of.
Dale W
2006-08-11 01:28:48 UTC
I think you are just looking for sympathy of which i have no time for people like you - i save my sympathy for the victims and families effected by the recent bombings (in the name of your religion)
canada grl
2006-08-10 12:26:48 UTC
i tend to agree with you, but a lot of people are very angry and scared right now and unfortunately their fear is in the shape of the "muslim" faith. i know these terrorists aren't true muslims, just splinter groups claiming to be....but to the laymen, it takes the form of this religion as the terrorists preach they are. people are really scared and fear has no rationality.
2006-08-10 12:25:41 UTC
You shouldn't go anywhere! Stay where you are, leaving will only encourage further bigotory becuase they will think they won. Truth be told you have just as many rights as anyone else and i hope that for your sake and others like you that people will take the sticks out of thier butts.
2006-08-10 12:24:22 UTC
I am from the US, not from England, however, the same topic comes up here, and you are right. All peaceloving people should be standing together against the bad guys.

Of whatever religion.
2006-08-10 18:58:08 UTC
Three generations of you but are you truly British?

Would you accept British law rather than Islamic law when there is conflict between them?

Would you, or members of your family, fight against a Muslim country if the government of Britain declared war against it?

Christians would say "yes" to similar questions, would you?

2006-08-10 12:28:27 UTC
Pitty peeps's nature...but it's wrong!! Sorry to hear a few minorities are making it hard for you and your peeps.

This should be a diverse country!!!
Blunt Honesty
2006-08-10 12:23:32 UTC
1. You shouldn't be blamed.

2. No it isn't fair

3. Yes we should

4. Yes
Mitchell B
2006-08-10 12:25:30 UTC
Stay away from the words of the arogant.Even if it be me.As salamun alaikum
2006-08-17 00:49:58 UTC
I'm in the U.S. and I couldn't agree more...
2006-08-10 12:26:32 UTC
What are you on about?

Are you paranoid?

You can't be deported from England because of your religion - unless you have been hate campaigning.........what have you done to offend 30 people? I live in Huddersfield, very peaceful and multicultural.
peter b
2006-08-10 12:47:26 UTC
We have many religions, cultures, nationalities, locations and values, but we are one tribe.

Peace and love
2006-08-10 12:32:02 UTC
The community or government do wing that with you are thinking like other terrorist.
2006-08-17 08:37:51 UTC
at one point youre family came here to sponge from us so you not british go home and get beheaded xxx
2006-08-10 12:25:48 UTC
Many are the lambs that will be slaughtered on the tables of the Elite to stuff their insatiable desire for more. Mo
2006-08-10 14:52:22 UTC
I think you are the first generation born here,if you are...of course...and yes, if you people cannot stay out of trouble, you have to go!
2006-08-10 12:29:54 UTC
Islam is the root behind terrorism. Move to an Islamic country. They support muslims, as long as they understand Islamic writings correctly, the way they do.
2006-08-10 12:24:18 UTC
I don't think you can really trust a lot of the answers on this website. It seems to me like most of the people who use it are in their younger teens, and are very immature. I think most people in the UK do not want you deported, nor should they.
2006-08-10 13:02:07 UTC
I am in total agreement with you.
2006-08-10 12:29:29 UTC
What they do isn't what we do they have their own country and history. It wouldn't fly here, but what they do is their soverign right and none of our business.

May I suggest Mexico? So many people have left they have admitted they have no one left to work there.
2006-08-10 12:24:04 UTC
Dont associate with those people, they will go out of thier way to ruin you because it bothers them to thier core to see you happy.
2006-08-11 00:58:26 UTC
You come and live with me.
2006-08-10 12:25:31 UTC
you can't lose your religion just because many people in UK are completely ignorant of Islam, stay in your birth country you have rights too and pray to Allah for sabr(patience)
2006-08-10 13:15:59 UTC
My grandfather was a Catholic Irish man who came from County Cork in Ireland, to fight in the first world war... he was injured and invalided out and pensioned off, in Cambridge.

He could not go home again to his native land, because, the IRA was formed whilst he was away. He was then considered an enemy at home... yet they were neutral in the war.

We, the British born, had invaded their shores centuries before and cut their country in half and it was not forgotten, so anyone who chose to stand with us (my English rooted side) was an enemy forever back in Ireland. He was hated there and here... and had no other place to go.

I understand the way you feel. Though I never knew my granddad, I made it my business to know about him, since my mum never ceased to speak about him. She pined for him until she died at the age of 81 in 2000.

My grandfather didn't fit in England... even in retirement he was just another Irish paddy... an immigrant and a 'thick' joke... fit only for navvying and considered to be much less than the rest.

So, he drank to hide his pain and anger and sang the old songs of home inside the pub to make people like him, diffuse the situation... and eventually, he drank himself to death... literally... he fell on a fire when drunk one night and died at the age of 55, when my mum was just fourteen.

He died because, mum sent a letter from the convent in Northampton where she had lived from the age of 8, to tell him that since she was off age to leave and go into 'service' as a maid, she intented, to return and live with him and care for him, because she loved him.

He was so happy, he went and did what blokes do... got roaring drunk to celebrate... and died!

He was happy for the first time in years that night because, his wife had died at the early age of 35, from pneumonia, brought on by cramped and insanitary living conditions in a two up two down semi shared with two other families, when mum was only eight... and all their five children were sent away to Catholic orphanages in Northampton and London... and raised inside the bigotry and indoctrination of the Catholic faith...

So, now... at just fourteen, both mum's parents died due to poverty and racism... despite him fighting for his adopted country... England.

Race hatred and religious separation, is not a new event in England my friend... but over time, as with the Irish and the Catholics, eventually, all Muslims will be as acceptable too... since most decent Brits here have no axe to grind with anyone.

The only two thing any of us have to fear, is staying silent, when we should speak out against prejudice... and the fear we carry of reprisals if we do... it's the fear which creates suspicion... and is fueled by politicians, for reasons of their own.

Fear is the thing that gets in the way every time and is so easily manipulated, whipped up, and used against the very people that they profess to serve.

Bush and Blair have their own agenda and between them, they created this paranoia throughout the entire world. I personally think much of the so called emergencies created are fabricated by them both, then, having planted the ideas, they sit back and wait for some other zealous people like themselves, to make capital on their ideas and prove them right... and ensure they retain control by keeping us inside a constant 'emergency' state of mind... we wouldn't dare oust them would we... when we have emergencies? Better the devil we know, than the devil we don't?

Like the see saw, things go up and down in all societies, and eventually they do level off... sadly, sometimes after hundreds of years of wars, after teething troubles that cause a lot of pain and hardship, for all of us, not to mention heartache and many lives, before they do!

Stay faithful to God... there is only one, whatever name we call him... stay faithful to your children and your ancestry... but, stay faithful to the country of your birth and own it, you like me have this right... don't fight back, don't hate back, instead, be a shining example before prejudice and hate... since two wrongs never make a right, patience wins eventually, as does tolerance. Win for your children and grandchildren as my granddad did... to me he was a hero, not a failure!

You don't say who wants to deport you... I doubt the authorities can or would, if you are third generation Brit... so if it's merely racists and bigots, you have to rise above it. Don't hear it... don't see it. Pray for them, they need the prayers much more than you or my granddad did... because they have the serious problem in the end and will face their maker with the deeds they do on earth.

It will get worse before it gets better, but like all wounds, time eventually heals. Live your life the best way that you can and be like the three wise monkeys,,, blind, deaf and dumb to all malicious people, who succeed only, if and when you let them stir you up to fear and feelings of persecution and afford them power over you inside.

It's what they want, don't give it to them.

God bless you and yours:-)
2006-08-14 19:20:46 UTC
Yes no yes and yes
2006-08-13 09:38:02 UTC
You are an attention seeker, stop it, or we will send you home, young lady!
2006-08-10 12:27:23 UTC
Some of you believe different things to me. get out of my country. (sarcasm)
'Cause I'm Blonde
2006-08-10 12:31:14 UTC
They are a little fearful of Muslims ....
2006-08-10 12:58:19 UTC
obviously whoever asked that question is an absolute retard
2006-08-10 12:24:47 UTC
In WW 2, Germans, Italians, Japanese, were interned.

What do you think about that..?
2006-08-10 12:24:47 UTC
Whay do radical muslims want to kill all non-muslims? Answer that and you will get the answer to your quesions.

BTW - British history hasn't been kind to Catholics, has it?
2006-08-10 12:23:23 UTC
Thats the way she goes
2006-08-10 12:24:21 UTC
move somewhere where other people believe in the same thing as you
2006-08-10 12:29:01 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.