Can marry a green card holder, and live in the US?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
Can marry a green card holder, and live in the US?
Seven answers:
2016-12-07 08:40:09 UTC
ok, in basic terms Fred knows what he's speaking approximately right here. you could forget with regard to something. Marrying a green card holder isn't comparable to marrying a US citizen. mutually as marrying a US citizen mutually as on a vacationer visa facilitates the foreign places spouse to stay interior the U. S. (even after the vacationer visa has expired). and alter status to that of an eternal place of abode, it truly is not the case with marrying a GC holder. while marrying a GC holder, there's a wait time after submitting the I-a hundred thirty petition earlier the foreign places spouse could be conscious for an immigrant visa or adjustment of status. the present wait time (based on the Visa Bulletin, yet this would substitute each and every now and then) is two years. this suggests that if the foreign places spouse intends to stay interior the U. S. for the duration of the two-365 days wait time, then he/she has to maintain a valid nonimmigrant status of his/her very own in able to effectively alter status while the time comes. starting to be to be out of status, overstaying etc will reason issues, because it truly is barely forgiven in spouses persons voters. If different than a vacationer visa, the foreign places spouse isn't able to get yet another nonimmigrant visa which will permit him/her stay interior the U. S. mutually as waiting for the petition, then he/she has to bypass decrease back to his abode u . s . a . as quickly as the 6 months is up and wait out something of the petition there. precis: Marrying a US citizen - vacationer can stay and be conscious for green card while not having to go away (even overstaying would be forgiven) Marrying a GC holder - if the vacationer desires to stay interior the U. S. for the duration of the two-365 days wait time, then he/she has to stay in valid nonimmigrant status (ex. be conscious for F1 visa). If unable to try this, vacationer has to bypass decrease back abode and wait there. Overstaying will reason issues as quickly as he/she tries to be conscious for adjustment of status, since spouses of GC holders at the instant are not granted a similar advantages as spouses persons voters.
2006-03-30 11:45:14 UTC
oh yeah u can! then get job or homemaker
2006-03-30 08:58:41 UTC
You are better off applying for a fiancee visa. The other way will take 6 years!
2006-03-30 08:13:43 UTC
Yes, but you will still need a visa to first enter the US. After being married you will recieve a temporary Perminent Residency card after about 11months. This is good for 2 years. After that 2 years you will be interviewed by the INS to ensure that the marriage is real. You will then recieve perminent residency. PS after you get your initial card you will be able to travel home and re-enter the US with no problems
2006-03-30 08:10:50 UTC
I would say yes

but I would contact the city or town he lives in in the USA

before contacting the state department
2006-03-30 08:10:11 UTC
yes you can.
2006-03-30 08:18:08 UTC
And if it all works out for you, Welcome to the United States of America and may you have a wonderful life here :)

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