He was never for AMERICA so why should he be now? HE wants those votes and YES THEY CAN VOTE..all you need is a drivers license and those can be counterfeited.
You have to understand the frustration of those in Arizonia and dealing with illegals and the rapes and murders and drug trafficking. IT is a SHAME the states have to do something to protect themselves because the federal government will not.
THIS IS A MATTER OF NATIONAL SECURITY and Obama does not do anything about it. NO ONE HAS...and that is wrong.
Profiling? TOUGH CRAP! I am sick of being politically correct all the time while the illegal and criminals get more rights than we do.
GOOD FOR THAT GOVERNOR....and I applaud her for having courage to do something that must have been extremely painful for her to do. She is a good woman who has struggled with this problem and finally wants to do something about it.
Federal government should back her up and not allow lawsuits against her o the state! MISTAKES? OF what...asking for papers to make sure you are not a criminal? THIS IS A PROBLEM and it is putting that state into financial ruin supporting those illegals ..not to mention the crime rate that has SKY ROCKETED lately.
I am sick of LIBERAL thinking. PROTECT OUR COUNTRY FIRST!!!!!!! THEN worry about hurting feelings. Goodness...you aren't beating them to death..just asking them for papers! If they have them...fine ..if not...they go back.
Is it the perfect solution? NOPE...but federal government isn't doing anything and everyone has the right to protect themselves and that is what she is doing for her state!
BUT THEN...what is the perfect solution to get CRIMINALS OUT OF OUR COUNTRY? GET THEM OUT and MEAN IT and they will get the message.
GET ILLEGALS OUT. THEY cost us 338 BILLION DOLLARS A YEAR....it is enough....
HOW DARE HE take away states rights over his. WHAT A JERK!