what are the best solutions to stop illegal immigration?
2006-11-15 10:38:29 UTC
Find best solutions to stop illegal immigration.Why illegal immigrants are harming us and how?
Eighteen answers:
2006-11-15 10:46:59 UTC
What can we do to stop illegals?

1. Actually enforce the immigration laws currently on the books.

2. Imprison the landlords, employers and anyone giving any assistance to illegals.

3. Place automated cameras and remote operated fully automatic weapons on the border.

4. Deny citizenship to children of illegal aliens.

5. Set up an actual hotline for people to report the presence of suspected illegal aliens in the workplace or neighborhood.

6. Adopt English as the official national language making it easier to identify people that are not citizens. Even if you must use broken English, although humorous at times, it is understandable and you will get better at it if you try. If you can't speak English you obviously are not a citizen, where is your visa?

7. Adopt English only for all government paperwork to help eliminate the filing for benefits by foreign nationals with the one exception of visa applications.

Why are they harming us?

1. They want a better life. We can't blame them for that, but it is not our job to support them nor should we look the other way from the crime of illegal entry. If they wish to have the same rights as our citizens, they can apply for citizenship after they have met all of the other legal requirements.

How are they harming us?

1. By draining billions of our tax dollars with free medical care, requiring the hiring of Spanish language teachers due to the fact that they refuse to learn English, welfare benefits for children of illegals.

2. 15-20 or more people living in a single family residence creates unsanitary living conditions and lowers the values of all of the neighboring properties. If you want to live in these kinds of filthy conditions, you can do that in your own country; do not drag our neighborhoods down.

3. Over crowding in the schools is making it so that our own citizens cannot get a decent education.

4. Refusing to immigrate legally bypasses the required health screen and allows previously eradicated diseases back into the country.

5. Illegals accepting jobs at below minimum wage suppresses the wages of our own citizens.

6. Using stolen SSN and other US identification wreaks havoc for taxpayers by totally screwing up the tax bracket they are currently in, forcing people to waste hundreds of hours to even attempt to get this straightened our with the IRS.

7. Illegals often support themselves with drug smuggling bringing the drugs across the border with them.
2006-11-15 10:50:34 UTC
Hold the people who hire and house them responsible. No warnings or small fines. Seize their property and take away their right to own a business.

Other than just overpopulation the illegal immigrants are unable to provide for their own due to no skills and education (the majority) and a job for below minimum wage will not pay the bills here in Socal. There is also the problem of the burden on our schools, not only are they over crowded but now they are trying to teach kids who don't understand the language. If you look at Ca schools since the last Amnesty bill was approved they have gone from one of the best in the nation to one of the worst. Guess what other states are at the bottom ( if you guessed AZ., NM, TX) you would be pretty close.
2016-03-14 05:58:13 UTC
A Comprehensive Immigration Reform, Path to Citizenship, Anyone convicted of a felony, here or country of origin, gets deported. No immigrant is eligible for federal mean tested social benefits, may receive benefits from private agencies such as The National Counsel of La Raza, Chicanos por La Causa etc. negotiation with Mexico agreed and signed, each side must secure their side of the border.
2006-11-15 11:33:20 UTC
To stop illegal immigration two things have to be done.

The first is to close the borders. Really close them in whatever manner it takes so on one crosses without being checked in.

The second is to form a realistic and comprehensive immigration policy. We have millions of illegals now and no matter what anyone says they are here to stay. But before we address that problem we have to have a policy for new immigrants to enter and it has to be one that actually allows people into the country. We need these people as workers and they need the work.

Without a realistic policy to bring and encourage new Americans we can never get out of the hole we have dug ourselves into.

(oh yeah they are going to have to learn English. this is one big thing that will show that they are serious about being Americans and not North Americans and it will give us all a common language.)
2006-11-15 11:06:12 UTC
Large Berlin style Wall along both borders and the National Guards should be patroling the border and ..Guarding the Nation.

Immigration reform is also needed to open up and update the process of citizenship application.

Also for legal immigrants I think there should be policies in place to help extend visas, address problems, remind of deadlines, etc.

There also needs to be a HUGE increase in housing regualtion such as not allowing 300 people to live in a single family home.

Also employers caught employing ILLEGALS need to be fined $30,000 per occurance until 3rd strike which makes it life imprisonment+no parole
2006-11-15 10:51:54 UTC
We should do something to the people who are us citizens hiring them and not paying for Workman's comp or their part of social security or withholding taxes. These greedy people are the problem and if we cracked down on them then it would make the job market for illegals tighter and then there wouldn't be any reason for them to come.

I guess the main thing that I see as harm from the influx of illegals personally is as follows. Contractors hire them and they don't pay workman's comp or social security or give them paid vacations or pay part of their health insurance and then the contractor that hires citizens and legal aliens and pays this is always underbid and the greedy shady one is making bank even with the lower bid. Even if the illegals pay all their taxes and social security the contractor is getting over with loop hole laws.
2006-11-15 10:45:42 UTC
Enforce our laws, the very best way to stop illegal immigration. They are harming us just by breaking our laws, its like saying to the whole world that breaking the laws in the U S A is ok.
2006-11-15 10:55:21 UTC
Minute Men, more Border Patrol, the Fence and each city or town enforcing immigration laws.
2006-11-15 10:44:33 UTC
um, enforcing the law for one.

and checking more (every if possible) vehicle that crosses the border.

It's so goddamn stupid. I've heard of people who've got through by hiding in cars because only certain ones are searched. What a farce.
2006-11-15 10:44:27 UTC
The United States needs to get a tight grip on their "coconuts", and not worry about the bleeding hearts, and offending other countries and enforce the law against these "illegal aliens"!!!! They will get over it with time.
2006-11-15 10:42:58 UTC
The fence entire border,

lay land mines in front of the fence

a auto turrent system that shoots humanoids

a few guard stations placed to re-arm and protect the turrents.
2006-11-15 10:58:38 UTC
send all the white guys to construct a wall like the "great wall of china" how's that
2006-11-15 10:40:50 UTC
ken y
2006-11-15 10:46:14 UTC
prison for any we find here

and for those that hire them

and for those that house them

1 year 1st time and 5years the 2nd time

just pass that law and watch them stampede back to Mexico
2006-11-15 10:46:23 UTC
Have lazy fat americans clean toilets and mow lawns and take jobs away from illegals.
2006-11-15 12:12:19 UTC
2006-11-15 10:46:37 UTC
Well to start with STAY IN AMERICA!
Anti-illegals are out to get me
2006-11-15 10:42:46 UTC
Give up. It won't stop ever.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.