When will people get it illegals are humans?
2006-07-20 11:51:34 UTC
Most of the people here hate illegals and that is very evident. They continue to say its not rascist and in my point it is. If they would just leave it in the legal issue but no they go as far as insult them and wanting them killed. Most of the people that argue say things like that they don't pay taxes,they take their jobs, benefits , and what not. First of all if you work in this country with real or fake papers you have to do taxes because you are forced to. The fact that people say that they their jobs to me seem a way for people to justify their misfortunes instead of working to better themselves.People that say deport illegals need to realize that this country was build on the backs of all those illegals (though the term wasn't used back then its the true) who came here for opportunities like the immigrants of today. The claims most people make today are the same made by a hatred group the kKK. Those believes point to white superiority. What do you think and without disrespect?
56 answers:
Irene A
2006-07-20 12:01:33 UTC
Thank you cute brunette!!! Finally a girl with brains. I agree they do contribute to this country. They aren't taken nothing from anybody ...........for those that say they take goverment things. I see more white & black people in those Welfare places than any other race. This hard working people that take several jobs and they don't cause harm to anyone. Look buttom line is Bush made this an issue just recently so that the whole world can look at something rather than what we really need to be worried about.
loving father
2006-07-20 12:01:10 UTC
While illegals are more certainly humans, and I don't feel the need to degrade any of them as well, because I'm sure most of them are here because they want to make a better life for themselves, and also for their family. The fact still remains that even though they may be human, they are also criminals! And America should NOT turn the other cheek when people break the law. While I don't believe there would be any good way to round up and send home 12 million people here illegally, I think the government should take action against business owners who are knowingly or even not knowingly supporting illegal employees. Yes, there's most certainly a place for immigrants in our great nation... But we must consider first our own safety and security of this same great nation. Secure the borders first, penalize businesses next, and lastly enforce our current laws pertaining to people here illegally, without appropriate documentation... Hard, fast rules, because right now the illegals are making a mockery of our own justice system as though it's simply a game of catch and release. We are a nation of laws, and those laws were designed to protect all we've fought for throughout our own lives and longer! It's got nothing at all to do with having hatred towards a person, or even a group of people for that matter, and it makes no difference to me what country they have migrated from... My point simply is, have they migrated here legally, with the appropriate documentation?
2016-03-27 05:08:28 UTC
yes, labeling people in a generalizing way isn't the greatest thing to do, but that's how human organize their world, we label things, otherwise we could not talk about them. We don't say this person is an illegal human, but an illegal immigrant, because it it not being human which is the reason of their illegality, but the way the moved to a different country. While you may have sympathy with the reason for their breaking the law you also have to understand that if somebody breaks the law one has to be willing to accept the consequences. Somebody may have been stealing because they were hungry, and we can understand that but nevertheless it's in general not right to steal. We can't really pick and chose for which laws there shouldn't be any consequences if anybody breaks it. If you think a law is wrong you can vote or lobby for it to change, you can become a politician trying to change the law and form a group trying to bring about change. If sufficient people agree it will be changed. If too many people disagree it will not be changed. But it has to go through a process of a community, not through the decision of an individual. If somebody decides it is worth the risk to go somewhere illegally, they should not do it if they are not willing to face the consequences. There are other people who follow the immigration rules who decide they are not willing to risk it and they either stay at home or usually jump through a lot of hoops in order to immigrate legally. Why should they be worse off for not breaking the law? That would be equally unfair to those.
2006-07-20 12:01:01 UTC
Ok 1st off You are wrong...

The majority of people don't hate illegals.. they just hate what they are doing.. breaking the law..

Let me ask you a question.. do you think we should get rid off all laws involving immigration.. meaning anyone can come in when ever they want.. and as soon as they get here they are made legal.?? no back ground check or anything? or do you think that it is just ok for Hispanic immigrants to come in without the US knowing ( by the way I am Hispanic)

You don't have to pay taxes if you are paid cash under the table.. and that's what most people do.. Also if they have fake papers then don't have to file their taxes each year..

You are right this country was built by immigrants.. however the LEGAL ones. go to Ellis Island in New York, you see everyone one that came on boat across the Atlantic was checked in.. Legal immigration is great, Illegal immigration is against the law and it allows for people that want to do you harm to come in....

By the way I;m not in the KKK.. but it seems to me you wish for anarchy./.. no laws what so ever....
2006-07-20 12:02:42 UTC
Yes Illegals are Human butthey are Illeals because they have entered this COuntry illegally.

There is a Country that has even stricter laws on Immigrants in this certain COuntry you cannot get Employed unless you speak the Official language of the Country, no exceptions for anyone not even Americans who Emigrate to this certain Country, anyone who comes into this certain Country Illegally will be Jailed and likely Deported.

Sound Harsh? the COuntry that has these laws is Mexico.

In Mexico you have to be fluent in Spanish to be able to work even if you are an American, if ya don't speak Spanish ya can't work.

Heck most Countries in the World require you to speak their language to be allowed to work, likewise America should require fluency in English to be allowed to work.

By the way the Immigrants who built this Country were Legal, in the 19th Century whether you were Legal or not was determined by the Immigration Ports, if they said you could enter you were Legal but if they said you could not enter you were sent back to where you came from.

Today you can apply for the right to come here before coming into this Country, the ones who come in here the Legal way are Legal Immigrants.

The Legal Immigrants learn to speak English, they adapt to American culture as well as Assimilate, many even eventually become American citizens spending obscene amounts of money becoming Americans.

The Illegals come in here Illegally, a lot don't learn English and the ones from Mexico want Americans to learn Spanish instead but I say if ya wanna speak Spanish then go live in Mexico and if ya wanna live here then speak English or get out.

Some Hispanics have actually congratulated Ted Nugent for saying "if you can't speak English then get out of America."
2006-07-21 01:58:06 UTC
So, they're humans........they can be humans in their OWN country! What I want to know is... when will people learn the REAL meaning of the word 'ILLEGAL?' You say most of the people here hate illegals, well, I'll give you my reason for hating them. And I believe it's a very good reason. Several months ago during the protests, in my town (near Houston, Texas) they lowered our US flag, turned it upside down, and put the Mexican flag above City Hall! Do you think that's right? Of course people are going to take exception to it! This is NOT Mexico.

Reason #2 I'm in desparate need of an operation and can't afford to have it, but, healthcare is free to them. My Aunt, who is 90 years old, can't afford to even buy groceries because all of her social security money goes toward her prescriptions. But, again, healthcare is free to illegals. Are you on welfare? If so, you have NO idea how it is for people like me!

Why don't you go to the REAL KKK website and read it. It's not what you think it is. People make it out to be a horrible organization, and it's not. Remember now, I said the REAL KKK. The blacks have the Black Panthers. Why can't we have our own? There's nothing in the world wrong with being proud to be white and standing up for, and preserving our race!
AsianPersuasion :)
2006-07-20 12:00:31 UTC
The people that built this country did so before it had a population problem. Also, back then, there wasn't a welfare system. So, they did work hard and help make this country great, not come here and suck it dry and cry about not understanding English, not commit crimes and then say they didn't understand. It strikes me odd that all other immigrants that have came here LEGALLY have learned English. I am Chinese. Obviously my great granparents immigrated here. They learned English. I think todays society has a problem with illegals because they do get on welfare, they do dodge taxes and most importantly they show no respect for our country. They act as if we OWE them.
2006-07-20 12:01:18 UTC
Aliens need to go to their home planet and stop trying to conquer Earth. I'm with INS division 6. ;) j/k...

I'm a mutt, like just about everyone else in America. I think we forget all too often that this country was founded on "free trade" and continues because of people "working for an honest dollar." If you're positively contributing to society, then you're ok in my book. :) There should be a better system in place though, just so we can protect America from terror. I'm all for "open" borders, so long as everyone is screened so we can keep out drugs and terrorists- and those who come pay taxes fair and square. Nothing should ever limit our freedom, but unfortunately just letting people in and not paying attention isn't very safe because of a few dirtbags.
2006-07-20 15:48:21 UTC
Cutebrunnette, it's amazing isn't it? If we were to work WITH Mexico to make a solution that would help those who want to come here to work, the Mexican government would do it. It would and could be very economically advantageous to them. It would quickly result in a flow of papered, legal workers into the states (see my other posts for an explanation on that), and would NATURALLY eliminate both illegal immigration AND the coyotes who abuse and exploit the immigrants. The result? We would have an increasing population of tax and social security-paying workers, RATHER than a decreasing population.

Why is this important? We're about to see the cost of an aging baby-boomer population hit us. If people think illegals on the dole are costly, just wait. Those of us in GenX and later will be enslaved to the social system to care for "our own" via taxes. I don't resent baby-boomers, but frankly they have a large enough voting base that they will CONTROL the evolving tax rates.

We will NEED taxed, legal, migrant workers. But these idiots can only squeal, "shut down the border," and "kick-em all out," EVEN if they are working and producing. These people are racist, self-inflated, self-terrorized idiots. What's worse is that I cannot comprehend why Latin countries, including Mexico, have remained devoted to the US.

Not that I want this as an American, but if I were Mexican I'd be aggressively pursuing ties with China and Venezuela. BOTH of those countries are offering solutions, economic alliances, and political solidarity to Mexico. 15-20 years from now we will be struggling to maintain an economy taxed by a massive geriatric population, will be competing on world markets with the Sino-Mexican/Central/South American super-economy, and won't be able to COAX immigrants across the border to solidify our tax and revenue base.

WE will be today's Mexico economically, and THEY won't let US across the border to get work. They may even allow Chinese troops to patrol the border for them. Does that sound far fetched? Don't believe me? Read ..... (For those who hate what I'm writing challenge your 1st-grade education and read the full article.)

The REAL haters of America's future are those who don't recognize that migrants ARE human, not only from the perspective of pain, dreams, and desire, but from the perspective of justified vengeance and long-term resentment.
Wisline F
2006-07-20 12:03:30 UTC
It's not a matter of people hating illegals, that's just what they are illegals. People work hard follow the rules then a group sneaks into their country the (ILLEGAL WAY) & expect to be treated kindly, it's not fair & it won't fly. Why should we have to pay for them comming into the country the improper way, granted the correct way takes longer, but check out the benefits by doing it right. It's like a catch 22 you're damned if you do damed if you don't, These people have to understand we all go thruogh trials & tribulatations but theyres a right way to do things & theirs a wrong way. Just a thought.
2006-07-20 11:58:30 UTC
Incorrect, I don't "hate" any illegal more than I hate any criminal, which is what they ARE. The thing is, all these people are comprimising our national security. One of these days a person with cancer and a few months to live could walk into our country and blow something up. I don't want that to happen.

I am also highly disapointed with congress right now. I believe the only fair way to resolve this issue is to hit it at the SOUCRE. The country of Mexico itself needs the most reform, and the U.S has to put more pressure and make some changes to force them to do so.
2006-07-20 13:39:47 UTC
What part of ILLEGAL,do you not understand?? ANYONE who sneaks into this country,is in FACT a CRIMINAL!!! That's why they are called ILLEGALS!!! Also, using STOLEN and FAKE i.d.'s is a FELONY!!! Do you even stop to consider the irreperable harm illegals cause to those whose identitys they STEAL??! My friend had that happen to him,and he is STILL fighting with the IRS over this. An illegal STOLE his social security number,did NOT pay taxes,and the IRS came after my friend to try and collect money owed by the ILLEGAL!!!! Is this FAIR??? HELL,NO!!!

And,illegals DO get welfare benefits in my state, as migrant workers!! They get food stamps,AFDC,WIC,low-income housing free,etc. ALL these benefits are PAID for by the taxpayers

Then,there's also the VIOLENT criminals,that committ over a MILLION such crimes each year!! These include,child molestation,rape,murder,etc.

Is it any wonder,that we do NOT want them here??!!

And, what gives them the right to come here and start demanding things of US??! They are NOT our problem! We have our OWN poor people in this country,to look after!!

They need to start marching in their OWN country,and start DEMANDING their rights down there!!!
2006-07-20 12:02:01 UTC
I sort of have mixed views on this one. I agree something drastic needs to be done on the border to prevent further illigal crossings. As far as the ILLLEAGAL imagrants that are here. I feel they should be given the chance to apply for citizenship based on there present status. If they are here and working law abiding citizens they should be allowed to stay as long as they pay taxes apply for citizenshio and speak/understand english (1 year is more than enough time to learn the basics of the english language)

Those who are constantly in trouble refuse to pay taxes(working under the table) and show no desire to learn the english laguage should be deported.

Just one persons opinion. FYI my hubby is well was a Bosnian imagrant. Speaks English actually working on his second bacholers degree. Works two jobs pays taxes and is now a US citizen.
2006-07-20 11:56:08 UTC
My great grandparents were not illegals, they were immigrants.

Please learn the difference.

They came here on a boat straight from Italy to Ellis Island. They registered, took citizenship classes, learned the language and culture of this country, found jobs, and became productive tax paying, law abiding citizens.
2006-07-20 12:02:36 UTC
I respect your right to have an opinion.

I have my opinion too...based on facts.

This is a great nation to live in. Why? Because we are a nation of laws. Do people here legally break the laws? Yes. But we also expect to pay the price if caught. It is the compliance of laws by most of the people that makes this a great place to live. When this many people come in making a joke of our laws, our society goes down the drain. Collectively, we agree to follow the laws. When millions spit in our face in regards to our laws, they are letting us know that they do not want to become a part of our country. They might physically be here on the land, but are not choosing to become an American. We just don't need people like that here...regardless of skin color.
2006-07-20 11:59:46 UTC
Well there is a large communication gap between citizens and illegals as you call them. Not to mention they influence the poor economy. Many of them drive, which also influence the gas prices AND count how many of them are driving without insurance and are in accidents and the victim is usually screwed because the illegals didn't have insurance. This is just the tip of the iceberg, they're not above the law. English should be mandated as the official language of the US and anyone who wants to live here, should be required to speak and write it.
2006-07-20 11:56:30 UTC
I think you are correct in saying illegals are humans and they should be treated humanely, but I don't think I should fund their lifestyle because they migrate to the U.S. illegally. Let me give you some information, people who are here illegally do not pay taxes! Their employers pay them in cash. If the employer paid them by check, they would be have to pay payroll taxes and withhold government and state taxes and that's not happening. The employer would be in trouble for hiring an illegal immigrant if they paid them by check! You need to understand these things before you post such a silly remark. I don't have a problem with immigrants migrating to the U.S. I have a problem with illegal immigrants sucking the system dry and expecting us to prop them up! If they want to come here to make a better life for themself, fine, but do it legally and contribute to the country that you are living in. Don't expect us to pay for your healthcare, your childrens education, etc.
2006-07-20 11:59:07 UTC
Sadly your first responder is the answer to your question...why think when I can just tell you to shut up...aren't I so much cooler than you because I tell you to shut up...WTF?

You have a very valid point but very few people (on this site anyway) will see it or accept it after some logical thought.

I cannot agree more on the subject of "they are taking our jobs" ... Not even the loudest proclaimer of that little ditty would even consider washing a toilet or picking a piece of fruit before they happily accept welfare.

Here's to hoping that minds and hearts will see clearly or we can kiss the human race good bye.
2006-07-20 11:57:32 UTC
I just posted a similar question a few minutes ago, is a shame that this land which is based on immigration, now is so full of hatred toward immigrant, sometimes they hate even legal people. To me they are just a bunch of racist, ignorant and selfish people who long time ago kicked out and kill all Indians and now claim this country as theirs.

some time I doubt about "The land of the free" phrase.
2006-07-20 11:57:22 UTC
One word - Illegal

I dont want the killed or anything, but them coming here illegaly is a complete disrespect for our country and our laws. So I dont want anyone here that cant obey the laws.

To me criminals are criminals and I cant stand them.(criminals, legal or illegal)

if you commit a crime you should be punished. period. not granted amnesty and given full rights to health care, social security, any thing else they dont get.

Should we release everyone in our prisons and give them money and pay for school and let them run free as if they did not commit any crimes?
2006-07-20 13:13:18 UTC
Yes they are, but it doesn't give them any rights in our country, or us in their country either for that matter, or any country in the world that you enter illegally.

You can get over yourself now.

And this country wasn't built off the backs of illegals. 84% of all people living or dead built this country as CITIZENS. 14% built this country as LEGAL IMMIGRANTS.

Again, you can get over yourself now. If you don't know what your talking about, you should learn about it first, just having first cousins as illegal aliens doesn't make you an expert.

There hasn't been an amnesty since 1986? WOW ARE YOU WRONG THERE HAS BEEN SEVEN SINCE THEN!!!!

enough is enough - IT'S TIME TO DEPORT ALL OF THEM!!!
2006-07-20 11:56:05 UTC
"if you work in this country with real or fake papers you have to do taxes because you are forced to"

Not true, most illegal workers are paid under the table and pay no taxes. Of course, no one really wants the jobs they have anyway.
2006-07-20 12:57:14 UTC
So let me get this straight. You know for sure that every single illegal does not get paid under the table? And you know this how?

This country was not built on illegal immigrants. Get your facts straight. You call us racists, Look at the agenda of La Raza and Mecha, and don't call someone something you are yourself.
2006-07-20 12:54:21 UTC
Illegal immigrants are predominantly poor. Because our tax system redistributes wealth to some extent for services like education, indigent health care and welfare, poor people pay few taxes even if they pay all taxes for their income group. Instead the middle class and higher pay virtually all costs of their education, health care, food stamps, welfare, etc. That is why there are limits on how many poor people can come. Many countries don't let any poor people come legally at all for this reason. Mexico is one of them.

The number of poor illegals is way too high and the burden on our education and other services in border towns and areas where they concentrate has become way too great. We ARE paying for them.

Our ancestors were not illegal, and mine all came long before there were subsidies of services. When my most recent ancestors came over, neighbors gave up parts of their land for school and for church, and collected money to pay teachers and ministers. My ancestors donated land for this purpose.

We pay for the poor and are willing to pay for our own poor from our country's budget collected from our taxes, as we are willing to pay for our own children from our family budget. However, we are not willing to pay to educate foreigners and their children who come illegally above the number of poor immigrants we allow in. Mexico does not pay to educate its poor because it is expensive. However, that doesn't mean we should be the ones to do it.

Having said that, I agree that insults are unnecessary. I would point out that some of the insulting Avatars are too extreme to be believable. I believe that people on both sides set up 'opposite position' straw personalities who are so 'racist' or 'reconquista' oriented that they are designed to inspire anger to bolster the imposter's true point of view.
2006-07-20 11:58:26 UTC
oh come on honey you cant be serious?? You are comparing people today with the KKK??? No way...illegals are a burden on they have their own humanitarian groups working on them and helping them to drain the hell out of america...And no you dont have to pay taxes on something the government doesnt have on paper...since most of them are paid with cash...they should take all the effort of crossing the border and having to be worried about being deported and go work on their own damn country and leave ours asap... we dont want you here
2006-07-20 11:57:00 UTC
We don't hate immigrants. We are a nation of laws and Mexico is used to laws meaning nothing. Their system is corrupt, so people there do not respect the law. Understandable. We in the US, respect our laws and institutions even though, and perhaps because, we criticize them constantly. We disrespect illegals for precisely that reason: They are illegal.
2006-07-20 12:03:19 UTC
It is part of the history of humankind to view others who are different from us as "not worthy of the 'human status' that we are". You can sing that song over and over again, but it will never make a difference.

In order to start treating other people "as human beings" in other words to treat them exactly the way we want to be treated, it has to start with the person in the mirror. We can't compel others to to do that, we have to do it ourselves.

Don't be so concerned as to what another person's attitude is. Most of the time, it is more about themselves than the people they're targeting. I know this is easier said than done, but it is so distressing. The key is to detach yourself from people who have such attitudes and have little or nothing to do with them as a way to maintain your own emotional sanity. I know this is easier said than done, especially when more times than not, it could be about your own family, but in the end it will be worth it. Surround yourself with people who are tolerant and nonjudgmental, and your life will take a turn for the better, and it will be easier to overlook such hateful people without taking it in so emotionally.
2006-07-20 12:16:48 UTC
)))))CLAPPING((((((((((((!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I think you have just said what myself and several on here have been trying to point out for a LONG time.Immigration issues have nothing to do with racism and hatred.People can discuss issues without being mean.I respect everyone and their opinions,even if I don't agree with them.But I cannot respect racism and I can't carry on a decent debate with anyone like that.It's impossible to talk to anyone who won't listen to decent conversation.I know several people here who don't like illegal immigration and oppose it,but they don't resort to name calling and general crap.I respect their opinions and listen to them,even if I don't agree.

And if some people don't know that illegals do pay taxes yet,well,they are either lying or stupid.It's only discussed in every third question or so.It's just one of their many tactics against mexican people.They don't even say "hispanic people",they automatically assume all hispanics are mexican!UGH!!!!!!!!! I shouldn't let them get to me............

All these KKK and minutemen and other race hatred groups have my pity.They don't know that God doesn't like ugly and Jesus wasn't white either.He was jewish,in case ya'll forgot.
2006-07-20 12:00:08 UTC
People that enter a country illegally are just like anyone else, they are trying to make a better life for themselves, plain and simple.

You can't really blame them for that, can you, and they usually do the work that "legals" don't want to do.
2006-07-20 11:57:50 UTC
Yes they are human. But why can't they apply for work visas or work permits like anyone else. Or if they want to become citizens of this country LET THEM LEARN THE LANGUAGE. And show some respect for other people.
One Sly Look
2006-07-20 11:58:42 UTC
The problem alot of people have with immigrants in this country is that they do not learn our language. They want to mess with the American way of doing things. I feel if they want to come to America, either except the American way ,don't try to change our ways, or stay in your own country.
2006-07-20 11:58:07 UTC
Lazy people will always find an excuse for their misfortune. can you find any solid guy or babe moaning about illegal immigrants....absolutely not! they get on with life working hard and making money. They have more important things to think of than thinking of someone from somalia or peru!
2006-07-20 11:57:38 UTC
Just because they work does not mean they pay taxes. They take jobs that pay below minimum wage and get paid in cash. No record ....No taxes. Then they cost us millions. Yes they are human beings. I just dont want to support them so they need to go home. It is not my fault or problem that they dont want to live where they do.
2006-07-20 12:59:01 UTC
Illegals ARE humans

murders ARE humans

rapist ARE humans

pedophiles ARE humans

thieves ARE humans

I believe all criminals ARE humans

Cindy P
2006-07-20 11:55:40 UTC
I do not understand it. Why don't they understand. They want a better life, just like we do. They work harder than most Americans that are born here and are good people, for the most part. I think the more diversity we have the better!
2006-07-20 12:57:25 UTC
53 minutes ago

For the person that said that" illegals get paid under the table" That is not true. You need to be realistic what do you think they only work in the streets. Hello they work everywhere.


You don't know what you are talking about. Shut up, and stop defending what you know NOTHING about.
2006-07-20 12:19:35 UTC
THANK YOU (CUTEBRUNETTE) I agree 100% with everything you just said. You are a very intelegent woman!! You really know your stuff!! Isnt it "nice" how you asked for no disrespect and some people showed so much of it. But on the real tho, your awsome!!!!!!!

AND (TINKERBELL) I agree with you too!! Altho I myself have resorted to a bit of name calling on here that I'm not real proud of, but I am proud of what I belive in, and I have to admit it brings out the nasty in
2006-07-20 12:00:49 UTC
Yes...I do understand they are humans.....That is why I am certain they understand the right way and wrong way to do things. If they were less than human I wouldn't expect it. But...we both agree that they are human...Therefore cant you expect them to respect other humans?..Like those humans who create ways and means to enter this country legally?..Why cant they just enter legally?....Is it too much to ask of these humans? abide by the law?..
2006-07-20 11:55:38 UTC
I think yes they are humans but they are humans that break the law every single day just by being here. We punish everyone else who breaks the law in our country (or try to), why should they be different?
Aegis of Freedom
2006-07-20 12:03:51 UTC
When will people like you get it that we are human too? Illegals are stealing money from me (a human), and job opportunities for my fellow citizens (also human). Why don't they stop disrespecting me and my fellow citizens by breaking our laws? I'm willing to be fair, I'll respect them, when they respect me. Of course, if they respected me, they wouldn't be here illegally.
who be boo?
2006-07-20 12:00:42 UTC
illegal immigration has always been a problem, people shouldn't hate them for wanting to make a better life for themselves, but thousands of people work to become citizens the right way. it is not fair to them or to us to accept illegals as a normal thing. irespect that they want to work and provide for their families, but not at the expense of those who have done it right.
2006-07-20 19:50:43 UTC
As a matteer of fact YES THEY ARE CRIMINALS!

WE have gangs of all nationalities in this country and not all of them are AMERICAN CITIZENS.

Spouting all this racist crap is BULL.

It is a fact not racism.

They do commit crimes. RAPE,MURDER,GANG SHOOTINGS,.

Should they get amnesty for it?


AS humans they should be punished for that crime and deported for being here ILLIGALLY!
Mox Nix
2006-07-20 11:55:54 UTC
Human or not, this country has established rules and regulations for the welfare and protection of its natural and legal citizens (dont anybody get on the native american trip, i know they got boned).
2006-07-20 11:57:07 UTC
Its not hard to bc an American. But they don't follow the rules so they have to pay the price. Illegals are wrong .
2006-07-20 11:56:55 UTC
Who said the weren't human?

They are humans who are here ILLEGALLY. We are not yet a borderless world and with the plight of terrorism, we won't be for a long time.
2006-07-20 11:57:21 UTC
Amen to that. But I doubt we are going to make a difference with our opinions. There are people out there who love to hate someone. I am guessing it must make them feel better or they would not do it so often.
Joe B
2006-07-20 11:55:57 UTC
They should be people in there own country.
*** The Earth has Hadenough***
2006-07-20 15:02:15 UTC
Your first part was nice-very nice. I was listening.

But than you added the bull-sorry that threw everything out the door.
2006-07-20 11:57:11 UTC
as i said

when a BIG Comet hits this earth will people forget about their petty Rivalry's
2006-07-20 11:59:28 UTC
When will you get it that illegals are criminals?
2006-07-20 11:56:23 UTC
When will people like you get it that laws need to be enforced? Hello--NO TRESPASSING!
2006-07-20 11:55:24 UTC
pay your taxes...11 million illegal immigrants DEPEND on you!!!
2006-07-20 11:56:36 UTC
Thank you, I couldn't have said it better myself.

if you build it, they will still come.
2006-07-20 11:58:18 UTC
i didn't know that ppl claim this is not racist.

that's funny. how can it not be racist?

well, we'll just hope and pray for the best. thanks for posting this thought
spoof ♫♪
2006-07-20 11:54:56 UTC
i agree
2006-07-20 11:58:06 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.