Why is it that 70% of Americans think immigrants should speak English fluently to become citizens?
2007-08-15 22:27:11 UTC
I was watching 'Power of 10', a game show on TV tonight, and I was just appalled. I can't help but think this is unbridled racism and nothing else. Is American not a country that was founded on people from different cultural backgrounds? I am Canadian and live in a very multicultural city and I think this is one of Canada's greatest strengths - our multiculturalism. Yes, there is racism here, but I think people are very tolerant and welcoming to people of different backgrounds and this makes our country better. It just seems insane to me that so many people feel this way.
47 answers:
2007-08-15 22:42:39 UTC
Maybe its because sharing a language is both the key to partcipating in society as well as individual success?

People who dont speak the language of the country (not just US - this applies to any culture) do not assimulate and become part of the culture -- they wall themselves off in closed comunities. We want people to come to USA to be PART of the country -- not just occupy space.

Also if you cannot speak the dominate language you are doomed to poverty, or at best minor success in the limited scope of the barrio / ghetto you live in.

Also, if the 1st generation does not make a good effort to speak english, then their children will likely have trouble too, with the consequence of the next generations also being doomed to poverty / marginal social participation.

It is not so much xenophobia as the intuitive knowledge that anyone who cannot effectively communicate is unlikely to be a successful, productive member of society.
2007-08-16 04:05:07 UTC
actually the law says they must speak English. Now that doesn't mean they can't have an accent or that their English has to be perfect but they have to have a working knowledge. Now if the person is older than 55 or has a learning disability they do not have to meet that qualification. I think English is important to a person's success in this country however, I don't run around with English only on my shirts or complaining about a language someone speaks in public. I in fact speak Spanish and English as well as a working knowledge of Cherokee. I think that learning a foreign language is also absolutely a need in today's world and with the fact we have so much free trade it is more a need now than ever.
2007-08-16 06:14:32 UTC
I have to disagree with you, I do not think it is racism to require people to have basic skills to survive in a foreign country. You are right there are people that never learn english in the US, however those people are usualy a huge burdon on family and society or stay in poverty. You mentioned some reasons why they would not be able to learn english, those reasons also prove that they are not a group in demand and may only be able to survive on there own without assistance for a very short time and then become charity cases. This is acceptable to a certan degree and can be absorbed at established rates. You do not mention wether you are refering to illegal immigration or legal immigration, so I will mention a few fact's that may put thing's in perspective. The United States allows more immigration than any other Country in the world around 250.000.00 per year and has 9 different worker programs for people who are not here legaly. Not being able to speak English forces immigrants to do manual labor therefore are 3 times more prone to injury, injuries they must have treated and can not afford medical treatment, so now society must pay for it. If Canada were to have this problem it would bankrupt there health care in a matter of a couple of years. Older immigrants do not learn english, however younger immigrants do and these children must learn english in school, this in turn forces teachers to focus on teching children to speak english instead of teaching them math and science and proper english. Children of immigrants are 2 x more likely to drop out of school and therefore are more likely to be crimminals, and there are at least 250.000.00 known felon illegal immigrants in the US right now. What I'm trying to say is that the cause and effect can be huge down the line.
2007-08-15 22:37:52 UTC
I agree with the first answer. If I were immigrating to another country, any country that doesn't speak English as their first language, I would be required to learn that language.

Glad you are happy with the way things are in Canada. However, I do believe we have about 1000% more immigrants than you get there. (I know that is an exaggeration, but I did read somewhere we out number you in immigrants 10 to 1.) So how many people do we need to accomodate? Here in Minnesota, we have a huge Hispanic everywhere else in America...and we have had to accomodate that. We also have a huge Hmong population. So in the not so distant future, we'll have to accomodate that, I have no doubt.

When the original immigrants came here, guess what??? They had to learn to speak English, or they were SOL. I know this for a FACT, as my grandparents on both sides came straight over from Germany. NONE of them spoke English when they arrived. But they learned damn quick or they would have starved to death.

ENGLISH is our national language. If they want to make America their new country, they are going to have to accomodate us!!

Just an opinion. But it seems a fairly popular opinion. And I totally agree with it.
2007-08-15 23:19:06 UTC
Possibly because if you are unable to communicate with the general populace it makes it a bit more difficult for you to survive there. How are you going to get a job, answer the telephone, read road signs, ask for things in a store, read and follow instructions, have simple conversations, or make new friends. It's just things like that really.

I don't think people are saying that English has to be spoken all of the time - that would be stupid. But surely it helps people enormously in their general day to day life if they can at least understand the basics of the language in the country that they choose to live in. I imagine the same thing applies to anywhere you go in the world. :-)
2007-08-15 22:45:21 UTC
Well I'm the other 30% because I don't think Immigrants should speak English fluently. But they should at least speak a language fluently or sign language if they can't talk. And if they can add a second or third language even better. I'm guessing the other 70% feel that way because they are still part of the racist problem created by white people that was taught to them by their parents and grandparents and great grandparents. I might be wrong on the whole 70% but since white of non hispanic orgin is the majority in the U.S. and since the U.S. was the last to abolish slavery even went to war to keep slavery alive and had the most problems with racism alond side Germany is kinda makes sense.
2007-08-16 10:46:29 UTC
If I were to move to another country where most people speak a particular language, I would be expected to learn that language. The natives of that country would not be expected to accommodate my inability to speak their language by learning would they? Why should it be any different here? When you go into someone Else's country, you must learn their ways...that is only fair. There is nothing wrong with holding onto your own heritage, but you also have to accommodate the natural born citizens in your new country, as well. Our ancestors are also guilty of not accommodating the natives when they came here and took over. It was wrong then, too! *sm*
2007-08-15 23:20:27 UTC
Requiring English is for the benefit of the immigrants themselves if not for anyone else. Not all of our immigrants come from Mexico speaking a language that have established communities. And even in the case there is a community there is no guarantee they will always stay insulated in that community.

For an example I will tell you about the poor woman I met at a bus stop last summer. She spoke no English and clutched a bus schedule, she wanted to know if she was in the right place for that bus (At least that's what it seemed like) All I could do for her was point to the sign that listed the bus number that matched her schedule. But what if she needed something else, something more serious? I couldn't even tell you what language she spoke and no one else around could either.

Are we to expect our medical personal to not only be bi-lingual, but tri or quad? What about our police? Doctors? pharmacies? Where does it end? No one thinks they should turn their backs completely on their old culture, but if they are to come here and be successful they need to learn the local language and not expect the locals to learn theirs.
2007-08-16 04:36:48 UTC
Everyone knows that this country was based on immigration and people from different cultural backgrounds. That is not the issue! Knowing another language is a great benefit and no one is disputing that! But, everyone also knows that everything against illegal immigrants is NOT about race!!

Of course you need to be fluent in English in order to become a US Citizen!! If you go to another country you need to know the language in order to become a citizen. Not only is it common sense, but it is only right! For example - go to Germany and tell them you want to become a German citizen but don't want to learn German. How do you think that would go over???
2007-08-15 22:42:43 UTC
Because in order to become a legal citizen, you must speak english.

Its the law, STOP BEING LAZY! The only reason the hispanic populace is putting up such a fuss is because they don't want to take the time to learn another language. Americans should not have to make their own lives more difficult in order to make the lives of immigrants (many times illegal) easier. They need to sacrifice a little and bite the bullet.

As for Canada, the country was settled by both the English and the French. America was settled primarily by the English, thus we speak English. In Canada, you speak both French and English.

I think its insane that 30% of Americans think that we should have to learn another language in order to make the lives of those too lazy to assimilate easier. We aren't racists, we just hold immigrants accountable for assimilating. A task which they are not doing and refuse to do.
2007-08-15 22:43:30 UTC
Because in America, people speak English... You can come from a different culture and still learn to speak English. In my opinion, becoming an American citizen without being at least semi-fluent in English (I think you don't have to have like a degree in English, but you should be able to communicate fairly easily), would be like passing a math class but not being able to do arithmetic. Also, it's kind of hard to be an American if you have nothing in common with other Americans. Countries are made up of individuals, but the individuals also form the Country. If the people have nothing in common, they cannon truly claim to be a group; they are simply a gathered bunch of individuals. The founding fathers shared ideals.

I believe that it is not fair to force everyone who wishes become a citizen to have perfect English (plenty to Americans born in the States don't have perfect English), but they should have to be able to at least talk to people.

Also, America was founded mainly by a group of fairly wealthy middle-aged to elderly white males...
2007-08-15 22:36:12 UTC
if you move to japan to become a citizen...should you speak Japanese...or are all the Japanese racist because they expect you to speak Japanese...if you move here you learn the language in 5 years...if you don't you just don't care about being an american part of society...


Multiculturalism as a mass movement that has achieved a virtual hegemony in Western discourse was a product of the 1960s and 70s, and was probably exported from the United States. This does not, however, exclude the possibility that certain elements of this ideology are quite a bit older and may have originated in Europe.

It is possible to trace the anti-Christian, anti-Jewish and pro-Islamic bias of modern Multiculturalism at least back to Enlightenment thinkers such as the 18th century writer and philosopher Voltaire.
KC Desert
2007-08-15 23:58:28 UTC
Let me start off by saying this: I am an American, but I do love your country as well. I used to live right by the border, in Buffalo,Ny. I have found Canadians to be awesome and interesting people. I am proud to call them my friends. Plus, you guys have great music (Tragically Hip). Now, the United States is founded on ENGLISH. Our official government business is in ENGLISH. When the president gives his state of the union addresses, it's in ENGLISH. If I was to go to another country, I would be expected to learn their language. I expect anyone moving here, to learn English. I now live by the border of the US and Mexico. I cannot say good things about them like I do about Canada. Living by Canada was a wonderfull thing, I think it's what I miss most about living up there. But living by Mexico is the thing I like least about Arizona.
2007-08-15 22:43:14 UTC
The people who immigrate and make this country greater with their presence are those who assimilate. That means speaking English, adopting our ways, social mores, etc. They can keep their original countries customs in their own groups, etc. but look around. The two races who haven't done well are the Mexicans, who don't want to be Americans, they just want to live here. Look at the orientals. They thrive, do very well in business, they can speak English, helps them be successful.

There may be some prejudice here and there but most Americans are not racist. Sorry, you are wrong. Take a look at your own country - how many of the rest of your provinces are in love with the French Quebec folks? I know. Not many.
Michelle My Bell
2007-08-15 22:34:13 UTC
If you want to live in an English speaking country then you need to learn how to speak English!!

I understand they need to be here a while to learn, that doesn't bother me, it's the people who have lived here for years and feel they don't have to learn that irk me.

It's not a question of racism at all. America has always let immigrants in. What do you think America (or Canada) would be like now if the people coming from other countries (hundreds of different languages) never learned to speak English and everyone just spoke the same language? How on earth would anyone ever get along???
2007-08-15 23:32:10 UTC
You being a teacher how do you come to the conclusion that if someone isn't educated or rich could benefit us by living here and becoming a citizen. How does that benefit us again.You got it backwards it would benefit us if they were rich and educated that way they could take class to learn English. By the way why should anything we do bother you your not the one living here around these people I am and let me tell you they are not friendly people at all. We are really concerned with all the Mexicans that are bombarding us everyday they are crossing over by the thousands.If that makes me racist so be it.
2007-08-15 22:36:51 UTC
Well, someone coming into your country speaking French would be fine, but what if they only spoke Spanish? Or Chinese? Or Russian? Get what I'm saying. Don't try to act like you're all superior just because you have 2 official languages instead of 1. Tourists are one thing, but someone wanting to live in another country, whether it is America or China, should learn the language first.
2007-08-15 22:36:58 UTC
I think that a universal language for this country is a good idea. Or if you are going to have language options you need to have them all... If you call a company for help and you have the option 1 for English and 2 for Spanish or whatever i think that you should put all the languages. i think that it is unfair that certain languages get presidence or certain cultures have to learn English and others don't...
2007-08-15 22:34:26 UTC
It's simple really. English is the language of the land. And everywhere around the world, it's becoming evident that English is the language of prosperity.

Think about it this way. If you walk into Wal-Mart and ask where the Hot Pockets are to an immigrant who doesn't speak english, there are problems. It's not convenient for anyone when there are language issues. Problems arise, miscommunications and errors come about. Employers don't want to hire people who don't speak English, so it's really better for their own good that they speak English. They don't have to stop speaking their own or leave all of their cultural backgrounds, because that would be Un-American. But since basically everyone in the U.S. speaks English, it works better for everyone.
2007-08-16 00:39:39 UTC
Nothing wrong with holding onto tradition and culture BUT also learn the language and customs of the country you live in and make your home. If you don't want to be an American don't come to America..... stay where you are!
2007-08-16 00:14:47 UTC
Because they came here. They have plenty of time to learn English while they are waiting to become actual naturalized citizens and actually it is required in order to become naturalized. Most people here are not full citizens that are immigrants who keep talking in their own language. If they want to become citizens, it is a requirement. It should be worth it to them. If not, they don't have to stay. We should not be forced to learn every language on earth to become diverse. We are not leaving here, we do not force people to come here. Also, I have never heard of a Canadian who comes from a French/English area who feels good about that. If you don't speak French, hope you know what they say about you.
Jennifer M
2007-08-15 22:40:28 UTC
Because America WASTES millions of dollars each year employing translators for each and every language known to man for each and every county in the united states. Also, it is hard to have a good working environment when no one speaks the same language. I worked construction for a few months and had to quit because every time I had to instruct someone on what to do or even where to sign a delivery slip (that they'd signed a million times before), I had to waste time and money finding someone to translate for me, because the only answer I'd get when I would point to the line and ask them to sign is a "no habla" at which point I would get my translator and they'd have a good laugh at me for not speaking spanish- excuuuse me for not taking a language course in high school- I enjoyed art more. So, can you understand why it's so frustrating to the flawless workings of society. It may be cute and charming where you come from but here it's just a royal pain in the neck!
2007-08-15 22:38:48 UTC
Main Entry: rac·ism

Pronunciation: 'rA-"si-z&m also -"shi-

Function: noun

1 : a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race

2 : racial prejudice or discrimination

Racism has nothing to do with the language you speak. "American" is not a race. If we were to demand that all black speak swahili or some other african language, that would be racism. English is the language we use here. Use it, or prepare to have difficuly communicating.

How's that answer, eh?
Doug favors universal insurance!
2007-08-15 22:37:31 UTC
I think that English should be required. I am not a raciest, but I think they should be able to speak the English language. If you went to their country, you would have to know how to speak their language if you hoped to be successful at all. There are many business in Miami that requires you to speak Spanish just to work. I am not for that. I think we should all know more then one language, but in the USA, English should be the required language. I agree, we are made up of many culture, and I love culture but in this case I think you not correct. Great question
2007-08-16 01:45:29 UTC
Because that's what the majority is spoken here. They would expect me just as much to learn Russian if I moved to Russian and just as much Swedish if I moved to Sweden. That's the sacrifice you make when you moved to a different country. Yeah, sure you're proud of Canada, but Quebec would expect me to learn French as well. And this is coming from a Canadian.
2007-08-15 22:36:46 UTC
Because Americans think America runs better if it's somewhat homogenous, at least as far as communication goes. I wouldn't call it racism. It's a little different then Quebec, which, by the way, as you know, many there would love to leave Canada.
ken erestu
2007-08-15 22:38:05 UTC
I wish it were that simple. America is made up of people from different cultures, people who speak different languages.

Luckily Federal laws provide for citizens, residents who are not English proficient. In this manner, our government seeks to incorporate ALL those who have the will to become involved.

By the way, you can get 70% of people to agree to anything if you ask the question right.
2007-08-15 22:36:42 UTC
Because a person cannot function effectively as a citizen without knowing English. It is the language of the law, of politics, of business, of civil discourse generally. It is not necessary to know English to immigrate, but it is required knowledge -- and properly so -- to become naturalized.
2007-08-15 22:41:56 UTC
UN states that when entering a country , you must respect the culture of the country you enter. This includes the language. THe UN also state it is wrong for a visitor to expect that a host country should accomadate him. It's racist to go to a country and act as if their way is better. It does not work the other way around. THis comes from an international commitee. Truthfully I got this from when Clinton try to bully Singapore to accomadate An AMerican who vandalize cars there. UN wailed on CLinton for his oafish behavior towards the Singaporean culture. Basically I'm saying it's wrong for a foreigner to judge a culture outside their own. Hey did you say you Canadian.
Roland K
2007-08-15 22:42:25 UTC
Why? "You" go to another country and do not speak in their tongue! That is commonly known as "disrespect"! Have the common decent ency and respect to at least know the language in a country you are going to and planning to stay, legally or illegally! It is fine if your just visiting the country.
2007-08-15 22:37:32 UTC
because this is america , we speak english. If you want to have part in this melting pot speak english I am sick and tire of pushing english instead of spanish when I go to take money out of my ATM. If i move over seas and wanted to live there I would learn there language and not

EXPECT them to covert to my language or make special things just for me.
2007-08-15 22:36:22 UTC
Because English is the American language. It wouldnt be right for a bunch of Mexicans to tell people of France that they should also start speaking Spanish.

If they want to immegrate here, they should learn OUR language, we shouldn't have to adapt to learn theirs.
2007-08-16 10:34:49 UTC
first of all if you are going to be in this country you need to be able to communicate. .secondly only a goof ball would get their facts from a game show.

the question only replied to those polled... not to every person in America..... i also watched that show and they even said OF THOSE POLLED.... so next time either google the information you want or pick up a book.

is that how you teach? by telling the kids to watch t.v.? if so no wonder our education system is so screwed up.
2007-08-15 22:34:09 UTC
It is not really racism. Sure, there are bigots that bandy around the "speak English" diatribe. But, to be successful in American society, people need to speak to dominate language: English.
2007-08-15 22:36:00 UTC
that's what I think, but I don't know about the "fluently" thing. I think it's pretty difficult to do that, it'll take a very long time.

I think if they learn English, that's enough for me.
El Chile
2007-08-15 22:44:46 UTC
just as long as English has not been declared official language in the USA .you can speak any language that you like , it is in the constitution , it's called (Freedom of Speech)

best regards . saludos. if that 70% Amer's wants everyone to speak English is because they want to know what everyone is talking about. no big deal.
2007-08-17 17:06:49 UTC
If your in our country you speak our language.
Commandant Marcos
2007-08-15 22:35:21 UTC
You can't press 1 for English in Mexico either.

The french have petitioned to separate from English Canada what about that? Turn the TV off and start educating yourself
2007-08-15 22:32:06 UTC
Currently, you only need to know basic English in order to become a citizen. You need to write simple sentences like "This is a dog".
2007-08-15 22:38:10 UTC
They should be fluent in English if they want to live here. If I were going to move to France I would want to be (and would be expected to be) fluent in French.
2007-08-15 22:54:31 UTC
Paranoia - they think if someone is speaking another language they must be talking about them.
2007-08-16 00:13:58 UTC
Hey if you wanna live here ILLEGALLY, speak english. or get out.
2007-08-15 22:35:27 UTC
I think it's because we've become a society of "instant gratification," and so expect fast results from others.

If you talk to anyone in an old folks home, you'll learn that in general, first generation immigrants ALWAYS strugged with English and usually defaulted to their own language. They would, however, strongly encourage their children to learn English, and their children generally translated for them. Then that generation would be so embarrassed by their parents' "ignorance" that they wouldn't teach the original language to the third generation (and, because of that, could talk "behind the children's back" by defaulting to French, Swedish, Italian, etc). I know story after story about this--the Germans in the Hill Country of Texas, a friend who's Cajun (and whose great grandmother still doesn't speak English), and my father's childhood friend, "Swede" Davis.

The people who think English fluency should be a requirement of citizenship feel threatened by the influx of immigrants, and don't like being around people they can't understand "in our own country." But the real root cause impatience, and thinking the immigrants aren't speaking English because they're just being stubborn. Or, as a racist might put it, "uppity."
2007-08-15 22:32:56 UTC
English is the official language of the US. Thus, all American citizens must speak English so that they will understand each other.
2007-08-15 22:33:44 UTC
Racism? No. It is the law.

Oh, you are Canadian. Of course it seems insane then. Goes with that territory.
2007-08-15 22:31:21 UTC
maybe because english is the language here.. just like going to Russia, requires you to speak Russian, you cant press 1 for english there...
2007-08-15 22:31:50 UTC
there is no official language of the united states so i find it quite irrelevant. plus, its easier to demand when you don't have to take action yourself.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.