Workers walk off the farm job in GA, I thought there are no jobs Americans will not do?
Average Joe
2011-06-29 08:55:24 UTC
Americans put to work to replace illegals walked off the jobs within 30minutes, yet Activists against immigration continue to say that there are no jobs Americans will not do. So who's flocking to take these jobs?

Georgia immigrant crackdown backfires

Georgia Gov. Nathan Deal’s program to replace fleeing migrant farmworkers with probationers backfired when some of the convicted criminals started walking off their jobs because field work was too strenuous, it was reported Wednesday.

And the state’s farms could lose up to $1 billion if crops continue to go unpicked and rot, the president of the Georgia Agribusiness Council warned.

Georgia Gov. Nathan Deal’s program to replace fleeing migrant farmworkers with probationers backfired when some of the convicted criminals started walking off their jobs because field work was too strenuous, it was reported Wednesday.

And the state’s farms could lose up to $1 billion if crops continue to go unpicked and rot, the president of the Georgia Agribusiness Council warned.

Ten answers:
F Ale
2011-06-29 09:03:22 UTC
Illegals are hardworking than legals in usa here.
2011-06-29 19:25:32 UTC
Wow Im sure that Georgia has many many prisoners that should be made to help pick these crops.If we would use the resources that we have in our prison systems we wouldn't have a problem.Hell we are already paying for them so why not use all of that labor.I know I have a brother in prison and all he does is sit around and watch tv and read books, there is no reason he shouldn't get out there an do some picking.I worked yrs ago it can work again.Maybe it would even bring down the crime rate at the same time.Steal a car do 30 days picking crops, I bet they would think twice about doing it again.
2011-06-29 16:52:25 UTC
Sounds like they replaced on group of illegals with another group of illegals. The illegal aliens are criminals and need to be rounded up and deported. The criminals sent to the farms to do the job had even less personal reason to be there. What can be expected.

The jobs should have been given to ANY qualified worker looking for work - not convicts or criminals including illegal aliens.

There are thousands of people looking for work and using illegal aliens or prisoners to do the work does nothing for society or the job market.
2011-06-29 16:10:34 UTC
The easy solution for famers: get workers from other countries on an H2A visa. H2A visa are specifically for agriculture. If the farmer can't find an US citizen, they will not have any problems getting H2A visas approved.

Of course they need to pay prevailing wage and not exploit workers.

It's not like there is no completely legal route getting agriculture workers from other countries. The farmer just has to do it. I guess it's more comfortable not to bother with paperwork and not have anybody be in the position to complain about anything as they are not allowed to work there. But saying lets illegal immigrant do the work because otherwise our profits are going to suffer makes profits on the back of illegal immigrants. I wonder why supporters of illegal immigrant are happy to have those people exploited.

And the other question is: would illegal immigrants still work on the fields for the same wages if they would get legalized and could legally work any job and better jobs? I bet not.
2011-06-29 16:13:04 UTC
American's will do those jobs,takes time to find them.Whites (mostly Okies) and Blacks were working farms picking produce until mid 70's when non citizens started under cutting picked bushel prices.That worker base is gone so will take time for the new base of citizen pickers to fill out.Maybe they should advertise those jobs nationally,only mention I've heard of the problem is here on Y/A and that's only because it's used negatively to say "see illegals aren't so bad".

worked the migrant trail in the summers of 65 and 66 during summer break with a friend and his mom to buy a car.Got to know a few of the white and black migrants who had been doing this for years.Biggest complaint (to put it nicely)/Non citizens who worked for half the price of picked produce by the bushel and the farmers who hired them.

Give it time,that's what is needed to fill the vacuum created by fleeing illegals.Besides,those illegals are needed at home to clean up their own house.
How would I Know
2011-06-29 16:00:43 UTC
Well GreasyTony, your arguments gets pretty weak when it includes "some of the convicted criminals" and not "all" or even "most."

But let's assume they do lose $1 billion. Are they really worse off? Criminal immigrants are a net loss of hundreds of billions of dollars a year. Not to mention that criminal immigrants also carry out thousands of murders in this country and hundreds of thousands of rapes, assaults and thefts every year. Even in your worst case scenario.. Georgia is better off.

You need to find better propaganda to justify your racist belief that people of a certain race have a right to break any law they want in the Us.
Annabelle Lee
2011-06-29 15:59:09 UTC
Nobody wants to be forced to work. The farms need to use their machinery more, and pay a decent wage. They need to be more respectful of their employees.

Of course, if they have illegal aliens working, they do not have to do any of that.
2011-06-29 16:04:54 UTC
The prescribed belief that there are plenty of whiny, entitled Americans who would gladly do the jobs illegals come here to do is a myth. For the aformentioned reason, countless Americans would rather sit on their butts and collect a check from government than do work they consider 'beneath" them in the struggle to make it. As someone who worked in more than a few lousy jobs on my way up the ladder and knowing full well that I have zero guarantees in life, I have zero sympathy for such people.

So let's quit pretending shall we, and in conjunction with fixing the border mess let's at the same time make it easier for people who simply want to come here and do the jobs that whiny, entitled Americans won't do to come here and do them. The economy will suffer without them.
2011-06-29 15:58:01 UTC
Your case in point for allowing illegals to work here is criminals walking off on a job? Criminals. You liberals are really grasping at straws here.
2011-06-29 15:56:43 UTC
They were probably paying the inmates 12 cents an hour.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.