Morris M
2007-05-18 18:43:46 UTC
Why do people hate immigrants so much. They just want to work to feed their families.
Most of them pay taxes and social security, but will never see the benefits of their social secutitycontributions.
If their were no immigrants working for less than half of minimum wage, the price of produce would skyrocket.

So if anyone has a logical, well reasoned answer, not a stupid ignorant remark, I welcome your thoughts. Thanks.
34 answers:
2007-05-18 19:07:54 UTC
I will respond as intelligently as I know how to each issue that you address.

Q: Why do people hate immigrants so much?

A: People are ignorant. People fear what they do not understand and feel threatened by. The fact is that yes many of them work jobs that your "average" american woudn't do for twice the money, but the media and other outlets have lableled these immigrants job stealers and blamed them for many problems. They have become a scapegoat of sorts.

Issue: They just want to work to feed their families.

My response: Well I understand that they just want to feed their families, and who wouldn't? I think that I would completely do the same thing in their shoes, but the fact in question is not thier motivation. The problem is how it affects OUR country. Americans have spent too long concerned about world affairs and not enough time on our own problems. And then on the issue that America does look out for #1 we get blamed for keeping poor people out of our prosperous country. I don't question why they would want to come here, I just think that we can't be responsible for correcting the mistakes of other countries mistakes.

Statement: Most of them pay taxes and social security, but will never see the benefits of their social secutitycontributions.

Respones: I have to completely disagree about this one. Coming from a family that once had to use the wellfare system to survive I know what a blessing it can be. But many, many of these people come over and immeadiately enlist in state aid programs and wellfare (for which legal residency is not checked in many areas). You can't make the statement that they are working all these low paying (in cash non taxable) jobs and then say they pay in to the system without getting anything out. Check your facts on that one. America pays WAY more out in benefits to immigrants than it recieves.

I lived in mexico as a missions worker for nearly 2 years. I know the conditions and have seen them first hand. That is why I don't blame them for wanting to come here. What I do think is that there needs to be some real revision to the immigration process to make it possible for those to come here legally. We shouldn't block them, we should welcome the addition to our society but it should be done in a process and they should have the same rules/ restrictions as any other american.

The problem is the immigration system and how it is done. The problem is not the immigrants.
2007-05-18 19:25:24 UTC
I don't hate immigrants and I don't hate illegal immigrants

what really pissed me off is all of this racism and discrimintation in both side of the problem

I don't see how people pretend to solve the problem

without have any kind of respect

Americans are angry cause illegal immigrants

they don't want respect the US immigration law

Mexicans are angry cause they want have a job

to take care their families without deal with a slow

and broken immigration process.

is just vicious circle where everybody are so angry

and this is not going to help nobody

I'm angry too but I don't blame the illegal immigrants

cause I know very well how the US immigration it works

if today we deal with illegal immigration problems

is because our immigration system it does not work

and our government knew that for years and now

we reach the breaking point

Mexico is our neighbor if you like or not is the way it is

we have a trade agreement with Mexico

America always used Mexican workers with low wages

and everybody know that.

My view how solve the illegal immigrations problem

is to fixed the Mexican economy

in order to cut in half the illegal immigration

cause the first reason why they are here illegally

is for get a low life job that kind of job nobody want take

then I will push all those used the cheap labor with slavery wage to respect the US minimum wage

CAUSE IS THE LAW and those pay $3 or $5 per hours

ARE BREAKING THE LAW because the minimum wage

is $7.25 per hours and not $3 or $5 bucks

moral we need to have a better immigration law

where Mexicans they can legally work in US

then we need to push them to apply for become a legal resident without make them wait 3 or 6 years

to have an answer from the US immigration office

and for those don't want give up the fact this country

is where immigrants come and go

well maybe you are in the wrong country

cause today are Mexicans tomorrow can be somebody else

for those can not accept that are nazi racists
2007-05-18 19:06:25 UTC
We can not be compassionate to the entire world. THeir are billions of people who are worse of than we are. If we accept too many it would drag our economy down and cause social unrest. Look what happen in Europe. The muslim immigrants rioted partially because of the high unemployment and poverty. They may be better off in france or what ever, than their home country, but to see a stark difference in life style of those who have jobs aggravate the situation. A BBC report stated the reason why American pay has stalled despite the giant growth in the AMerican economy is due to the CHina affect. THe article stated the immigrant, particularly illegal immigrants help employers muscle their labor to keep the wages low. Immigrants who come over to AMerica are also treated with less than ideal condition. Many employers perfer immigrants because they tolerate abusive work conditions. This is especially true with illegal immigrants. Legal immigrants come in with questionable credential. The Philipines and India are notorious for churning out graduates with substandard education. If they take jobs in critical areas it could cause deaths. Alot of these immigrants work in medicine which handle things that might determine if a patient lives or dies. Its not an area where people withquestionable certfication should work.
2007-05-18 20:06:34 UTC
First and for all, If the immigration laws wouldnt be so redicelous hard there would be less illegal immigrants.

I speak from experience. I couldnt get a visa because I didnt had "full written custody" of my son, even the fact that his biological father abanded him since birth and lives "some where" in europe didnt count. And even my current husband is Australian and I have a son who is Australian they wouldnt listen to me!

I am a veterinarian and had a job lined up before I went to Australia. I had to cancel it because the "goverment didnt wanted to give me a visa".

I never received any benefits from welfare and when i had to go into labor with a caesarian I had to pay the hospital $9000 up front! Or just to see a doctor $55!

I also find it funny when people say they want the immigrants to learn their english but when it becomes to little johnny jr who had to wait for the transulator to finish it is too much to ask.

I do agree with the fact that it is easier to learn the language to communicate and that every immigrant should at least try to attend some classes. When i met my husband 5 years ago I only knew how to say "hello" and :goodbye". It was terrible communicating with people. Now 3 years later when people say my english is improving by heaps it makes me feel good.

I have been raised by a very racist family. Everyone who had a slighly different skin color than white was dirt. And for many years i was a racist as well. My family accepted my australian husband because he is white. My view of immigrants changed when I suddenly became in their shoes. When my husband had to leave HIS country, his job, his family and friend.. all because the goverment of his country didnt wanted to give me a visa cause of my son's "full custody" status.

Most of my friends now have "different skin color" and they are the best friends i could wish for.

To make a long story short..... yes it is wrong to go to another country just to live of their welfare and other benefits. But when you have a husband and son, a job lined up, a house and family then the "goverment" shouldnt make a big issue of things like "full custody of a child" , especially when you have a protection order against the father of that child, like i had!

Oh 1 more thing..... turtle who the **** do you think you are judging people on how they raise their children on their race or "status"???????? Calling children "brats:???? who the hell you think you are huh? Who says you're raising your kids the right way just because you're an American?????? That is if you have any kids cause any descent father wouldnt call children "brats"!!! You gone too far with this!
2007-05-18 18:57:52 UTC
Legal immigrants pay taxes. Illegal immigrants work either under the table or with a stolen or faked SSI#.

Illegal aliens cost the law abiding taxpayers of this country over 10 BILLION dollars per year.

The facts and figures don't lie.

Illegals are a drain on the system that was never designed for their numbers. Now you can explain to me why 86 hospitals have closed in the border states due to illegals using their services and then not paying. I pay health insurance premiums that keep going up. What exactly do the illegals pay into healthcare. Then we can go on to foodstamps, etc, but I've wasted enough time on your "question".
2007-05-18 20:08:27 UTC
Your not entirely wrong...but consider this? Is it really Immigrant's that people are against,or is it really the way that Immigration is handled! Many legally applying Immigrant's-who have something to offer the country...either get turned away or they have a useful skill,but get stuck in a "dead-end" position or job! Usually because of "language barriers" but yet they'll (The Government) will continue to soak them for taxes...and Votes! If they are qualified Doctor's,they'll have to pay exorbitant fee' write a medical examination. And a good chance that they won't get on the "top 50" list! Oh well...back to driving a Cab,or working on the Farm? I don't know if I agree about the "Price of Produce-Skyrocketing" so much! We have enough people here,who are collecting Social Assistance...because a job won't pay Such and Such amount of Dollar's,without an easy amount of effort! Alot of those Agri-Jobs...use to be done by American's in the past,because ultimately it is still better paying than Social Assistance! But we really don't want to work that hard for's easier to collect a Welfare Check,with no hard work or effort! If we didn't have so many "Safety Nets" I am certain that Agri-Business would have no problems finding Domestic Help...even for the wages they are paying! Flooding the Market with way too many Immigrant's,all at once...and without any control-can only serve to do one purpose? And that is to provide an abundance of Cheap Labour to Business's who'll exploit it for all it's worth...instead of paying a fair share or amount! In other words...It'll only keep wages down,and living standards LOWER! Prosperity can only come with Market Demand,and in the end...the biggest loser's are both Domestic and Immigrant Worker's! I can sympathize with the fact that Immigrant' anyone else,want to support and feed their Familie's! Fair enough! But? We cannot go on being an open door for all of the whole World's problem's! And then there is the problem of Bogus Refugee's and Que Jumper's...who shop the world for better Welfare and Government Handout's? They have a tendency to have absolutely no respect for the Country they are in...only to "milk it" for all it is worth,and then leave it for Greener Pasture's! This also reflects badly on the Immigrant's who applied properly and legally...with good and sound intention's! If these so-called "Immigrant's" who illegally jumped the Border,and entered improperly...could show that much contempt for Due Process-what will their behaviour as "Citizen's" be like? What is the reward or honour of "Citizenship" when you can unlawfully acquire it...simply by entering unlawfully,or without due process??? If I can jump the Border,hide out for a little while...and wait for another Amnesty-how many "Legally Applying Immigrant's" have I just "screwed" out of fair entry? And by the way...many of them have applied "legally" over and over again! And that is the confusion on this whole debate. It's not about Immigrant's,it's about unlawful "Alien" entry...without due process! Immigrant's apply legally,and usually with the express intent to contribute to a society of their choice...and eventually take on Citizenship! So what is the value of "Citizenship" when we can just let anyone walk in and get it??? We might as well dissolve all the Nation's of the World,smash it altogether...and call it Utopia Earth??? An Immigration System needs to have balance,otherwise it'll overwhelm the existing culture of the country...alot of division and instability as well! It plays perfectly into the hands of the "Globalist's" mindset. And that means that you get to be an underpaid "Slave or Serf" to the privileged few...who'll get to control you! And some of those "Element's" feel that,that is their right to do so! You've heard of the Ever-widening Gap of the Rich and the Poor? Do you really want a "Class Society" in America? Do you wish to remain downtrodden,so that no matter how hard you work or improve are completely limited on your potential? Do you purposefully want someone to re-direct you to a position in life...where you have no say-you'll just do has your told? And I can almost bet your "toast" whenever you begin to express any "Discontent" about your situation! I'll bet you thought that President Abraham Lincoln abolished "Slavery" completely as well? I seriously urge you to reconsider these points...and look at the "Bigger Picture" about Illegal Alien's and Lawful Immigration! I think that you should be very Afraid!!!!
steddy voter
2007-05-18 18:50:21 UTC
There is a HUGE difference between a legal immigrant (widely accepted and welcomed) and an illegal alien (lawbreakers that have no right to be here). There are actually very few people who oppose ALL immigration - afterall, that's what we're built on!

Edit: My g-grandparents came legally, herded through like cattle on Ellis Island, after being on a ship for 2 months, and quarantined as small pox tore through the ship. They had nothing when they came - literally. All possessions were taken as part of the quarantine. And, I'm just as po'd at the gov't and the people hiring illegals as I am at the people who are coming here unlawfully. I'm not hording any resources - I'm just trying to preserve the quality of this country, to ensure that it will be there for my children, and future generations of citizens and legal immigrants.
2007-05-18 18:59:04 UTC
My wife is an immigrant. I don't "hate" her.

I DON'T like illegal aliens or approve of what they are doing at OUR expense.

Yes, you are correct, most immigrants pay taxes.

You are incorrect, that immigrants are working for "less than half of minimum wage". If that were true, they would be reported and their employer knows it. They would NOT (and the law would not) allow themselves to be exploited.

There ARE illegal aliens that work for less than minimum wage. They have no legal leg to stand on and no one to report it to because they know they are illegal...Simple fact.

You obviously didn't notice the error of what you wrote. When you said that they are "working for less than half of minimum wage", they are NOT paying taxes and social security.They are working UNDER THE TABLE.

Who do you think you are talking about that pays taxes and "social security"?? An illegal alien is undocumented. The government doesn't "officially" know they are here. If they are, they are using a fake or stolen ID. In this event, if they "never see the benefits of their SS contributions" whose fault is this?

The price of produce would not "skyrocket" were there no ILLEGAL ALIENS working for less than minimum wage.

The price of produce was reasonable before illegal aliens, and it would be after they are gone!!! The employers would just be forced to pay fair wages and benefits.

Just as the price of houses would not "skyrocket" if there were no illegal aliens working in the construction industry driving American wages down and taking Americans' jobs.

You NEGLECT to mention that illegal aliens work in NUMEROUS jobs fields in every state of the union and resorted to the same lame "agricultural" excuse.
2007-05-18 23:06:57 UTC

Unlawful Entry is a CRIME. Zero tolerance for immigration-law violators! No amnesty, no "stealth-amnesty." No "change of status," marriage fraud, "exceptional leave to remain," no "Temporary Protected Status." If you break the law, depart or be deported. Illegal aliens kill more US citizens each year than the war in Iraq has killed in four years. Apologists for illegal immigration like to paint it as a victimless crime. But in fact, illegal immigration causes substantial harm to American citizens and legal immigrants, particularly those in the most vulnerable sectors of our population--the poor, minorities, and children. Additionally, job competition by waves of illegal immigrants willing to work at substandard wages and working conditions depresses the wages of American workers, hitting hardest at minority workers and those without high school degrees. Illegal immigration also contributes to the dramatic population growth overwhelming communities across America--crowding school classrooms, consuming already limited affordable housing, and straining precious natural resources like water, energy, and forestland. Taxpayers are being forced to pay for the free health care, education, and other welfare programs being given to illegal aliens; Those tax dollars could be given back to U.S. taxpayers or used to keep our borders secure; They may be here illegally, but they sure know how to "work the system" to collect "free" medical care, "free" education, "free" food, Section 8 housing vouchers and other housing assistance, and hundreds of other social services. It costs citizens additional hundreds of billions of tax dollars at every level: local, state, and federal. It gobbles up billions of our charitable contributions. And much of that money ends up siphoned out of our economy and into offshore accounts. Illegal aliens, over half of whom work "under the table" with neither job nor income reported (nor taxed), are not counted as employed or unemployed. But some of those day-labor and off-the-books "job-lets" would be "real" jobs - available to American citizen job-seekers - if employment regulations were enforced. Illegal aliens can get away with tax evasion, et al., which citizens cannot. In short, we have too many workforce entrants and too few jobs created. The ratio works out to roughly 7-10 workforce entrants per job created. If all illegal aliens depart or are deported, all legal immigration halted, and all temporary employment visas abolished, we still have a problem with more US-born workforce entrants than new jobs created. Illegal immigration damages our country and our citizens every day at every level. And not even the attacks of 2/26 and 9/11 have awakened many Americans to the vast dangers illegal immigration poses to our selves, our families, our communities, our society, our values, our principles, our civilization. Zero Tolerance for Immigration-Law Violators! We must remember the lessons of 2/26, 9/11, and the costs we bear every single day. God Bless the U S A !
2007-05-18 19:56:55 UTC
oh shut up, corrupt retired country club republicans posting with young kid avatars, all that immigration junk by republicans is to attempt to distract people away from the Billions bush is spending on this "war" in iraq, of which will never end, but great for bush and his cronies in collusion making a buck off that...complain about that

and the republicans are already terrorized and desperate as it is losing, and they know these low-income immigrants will be voting Democratic, not republican, republicans will go down in the history books as the corrupt losers they are, the only question will be why no action was taken to prosecute bush and his cronies in collusion of corruption
2007-05-18 19:13:42 UTC
They are aliens to the USA who are breaking the law...I.E. ILLEGAL ALIENS...PER Websters definition.

And no, produce wouldn't sky rocket...maybe a few cents here and there, but nothing big like the gas that we use!

I wonder how much the illegal alien drives up the costs of gas here in the guess is a lot because from what I have seen they drive the big gas guzzlers.
2007-05-18 19:23:54 UTC
well, let me tell you something. illegals work work work. they are affraid to make a sudden move or be pulled over by a cop out of fear to be arrested. they have no means to get sick, because they cannot afford doctors without medical insurance. all they want to do, is work. they came here illegally. you have to be pretty desperate yo leave your country ( not only mexico-china, russia, ukraine, lithuania, poland, cuba, latvia, columbia and the whole affrica-i was bad at geography). usually they leave to come here to work and send money home. to provide to their families. it sounds like a cliche, but 97% of the time it is the exact situation.

now about the ones that are here legally, and just came here a few years ago (i am not talking at least one generation ago)-it is pretty difficult to get a visa, no matter where you live. bribes, beurocracy, fake ids rule everywhere. and you have to be pretty loaded to afford all that. so the ones that come legally now, are not looking for a 9-5 job. they come with money. a lot of times they come under the cover of students or skilled workers -computer programmists, etc. but they dont do that. they do whatever ..... they can collect unemployment, while working for cash for their friends and relatives.

all these illegal imigrants are under so much fire right now, so many loud expressions towards them-but you people just use the frases you heard from your parents, at school, on tv, in a paper. how can you prove or at least argument about "they are leaching on our country" etc? the same words again and again!.... that is such BS. they produce, they provide, they benefit the country.

illegal imigrant-not only a latino guy in a beat up old car with no english. who is your cleaning lady? who is your plumber? how about the guy who fixed the AC last summer? who restocks the supermarket at night, when you are sound asleep? who cleans the supermarket 11 pm to 7 am? just that you know in this job-supermarket cleaning-you only get ONE day off a YEAR-25 of december. thats right. so how are they leaching on your country?

the gas station where you buy marlboro and premium gas-who works there? you walk around us all the time. you just dont know! this could be a line from amovie :you think you know. you have no idea"

and you dont. all the benefits that this country provides-it provides to legal residents, citizens, documented and registered people. illegals can't even rent a movie from blockbuster-no id. so what other ways these awful, scary illegal immigrants find to leach of a country? when they have to live in bunches of 4-12 in one bedroom appartment?

think about it logically. just stop for a second and think. open your eyes, stop stamping your feet and think.

i hope people still remember, but terror acts of sep 11 and the ones that have been cought on were done and planned by legal immigrants. some even citizens!!! your own local muslims are leaching of your country, not us. please do not confuse us. all we want is to be left alone. with a right to open a bank account, buy and legally own a car, rent an apprtment, and once in a while, just sometimes, when it gets unbearable-to go home to visit your family. at least every 5 years to go home to see our kids all grown up, our old parents, etc. thats all we want.
2007-05-18 19:02:11 UTC
the fact of the matter IS;

for "less than half of minimum wage" you cannot sustain 2 to 6 kids in a household. As a result the state provides them a "free" meal at school that is paid for by GUESS WHO . . .that's right, the AMERICAN taxpayers. Now, in that SAME school little Johnny Jr. has to wait while the teacher teaches little Juanito in espanol so he can learn too.

When the immigrant notices little Juanito is sick, he takes him to the doctor but on "less than half of minimum wage" papa can't pay the hospital bill . . .guess who picks up the tab, that's right, Mr. American tax payer and yes I CAN go on and on but you should get the picture now, I would hope.
2007-05-18 19:22:28 UTC
I don't think it is a matter of immigrants. it is a matter of illegals.

first of all, if they are illegal, they do not pay taxes. by taxes i mean federal, state & local income tax as well as property taxes - not sales tax on your groceries. also, if they are illegal, they most certainly are not paying into social security because they don't even have a social security card. and the bad part about that is, they never have to pay into it to be able to collect it when they are 62. illegals are also eligible to receive state and federal assistance programs such as welfare, food stamps, and medicaid. Medicaid is costing this country trillions of dollars every year and the people who are not contributing the tax dollars to support it, are the ones that are using it. even the illegals that are working every day, populate the groups on free services because there is no paper trail that they are really working. therefore, a huge majority of them lie and claim to have no income and a need for assistance.

to address your reasoning regarding immigrants working for 1/2 of the min. wage. If there were no illegals working for less than 1/2 of the minimum wage, there would be a lot more jobs for legal citizens. this is another reason why illegals are affecting federal funded programs such as food stamps and medicaid. because they are working for less than minimum wage, employers hire them and the legal citizen who can't find a job is forced to look to the government for support. if the price of produce went up, so be it. more americans would have jobs and be able to spend the money. the economy would be up. the employers who hire these people are as much to blame as the illegals themselves. they are skating out of paying all kinds of employement taxes and social security themselves. they are also cheating thier fellow americans out of an honest days work. not to mention what they are doing to the economy.

now the illegal who is working for this less than half the minimum, is quite often not paying what his neighbor might have to pay. i say this for a couple reasons. he usually has no car payment, there most likely are no property taxes, he's not paying income tax or social security and as for housing........ he is most likely living in a house with 10 other people who are also working for the same income. so technically, that household is now making about 5 times what his neighbor, the single parent making minimum wage and paying taxes, is earning.

I don't see how anyone in this country could say they hate immigrants as we all come from them. However, my ancestors had to legally gain admission into this country through ellis island. and, if you know your history, they had to have at least $10 in thier pocket so they did not become a state charge. otherwise, they were turned away and not granted admission to the usa. They were not able to just run over here by cutting through some cattle field and then be able to stay with thier cousins who did the same thing last month. then stand on a corner and wait for someone to drive by in a pickup so they could earn their tax free dollars for the day. the legal immigrants that are paying taxes and into social security should be just as p!ssed off as anyone that there are people who are not. maybe more, because they had to actually take the proper steps to gain access to the US.

i don't think anyone would question how hard some immigrants work, it is just the fact that they have committed a crime by gaining illegal entry to this country and then most of them live off other peoples tax dollars.

Mexico gets the brunt of this because they actually border the US. even though canada is right on our other border and we don't seem to have this problem with them. you also don't see a bunch of germans or brits sneaking in on a daily basis.

and this comment is not meant to be rude or ignorant, just frank. i think there is the language barrier thing. if i were going to go to a foriegn country to live, i think i would at least make an honest attempt to learn their language. i can't imaging trying to go to the store or the bank or even ask for directions and not being able to communicate. and yet, there are so many immigrants that live here for decades and never learn one single word of english. which would not be so bad if they did not treat those of us who do not speak their language like we were the idiots because we can't communicate with them.

i could go on for hours but what it boils down to is illegal immigrants cost me money. i don't like anything that cost me money when i'm not getting anything that i wanted in return for it.
2007-05-18 19:09:21 UTC
In any free society we must watch the influx of immigration into our society and observe the impact on our economy
2007-05-18 18:49:30 UTC
I believe its because people are getting desperate for the economic situation the USA seems to be heading to. And also its illegal to be here without legal citizenship and the media seems to be "egging" the public about this -so they are for it. .
2007-05-18 18:55:14 UTC
nothing is wrong with immigrants.

It is when you have to put illegal in front of it.

If they are allowed to skirt this law,what will be next,,the sky is the limit

they must be stopped at any cost,,I dont care if an apple cost $20

right is right


'' GUV ''
2007-05-18 19:04:42 UTC
i dont hate you.i hate that you are stealing precious resources,such as health care and jobs. you work very cheap,and send your non taxed dollars back to mexico,and that takes the money out of our own economy. if you had to follow the same laws we do,pay taxes as we do,speak our language,as we do we would be much more tolerant.many on yahoo answers have said these things. the few that are hateful are racists,and that exists here in u.s. since you are not leaving,get used to it.
2007-05-18 18:53:14 UTC
well its our country and the stupid mexicans are all comming here and changing it. I mean, seriously we change our country and alter it so on the labels there is spanish and there is always a sales person in a store who speaks spanish for them BUT have you been to Mexico? If you dont speak spanish then its just too bad for you. Immigrants are usually rude and we end up paying for them to go to our public schools and take away from our kid's educations. I went to a public school with many mexican immigrants and it was rediculous. There was about 7 out of 25 kids in every class that was Mexican that couldnt speak english. They all sat in the back of the class and had a translator. YES, our tax dollors are paying for that.

I think that some people are diserving and come to the country for whats best for their family, but not all people. I think we need to be more specific about who enters our country before it becomes overpopulated with rude, dirty mexican immigrants who are not grateful and expect us americans to pay for them.

Overall, i think that we need to be more picky about who we let in our county.
2007-05-18 18:49:18 UTC
I don't hate immigrants. I wouldn't want to give up my job to an illegal immigrant, but I wouldn't want to give up my job to anyone else either!

I don't think that there should be an "open-flow" policy at the borders, but I also have no problem sharing what I have with someone from down the street, or from across the ocean.

I don't think that the news or the government necessarily reflect the opinion of the general public!
2007-05-18 19:03:00 UTC
we are not worried what their lame excuses are for illegally trespassing into our country, they are bringing our country down, they lower standards in education for them, they have illegal babies hoping for citizenship, they deal drugs, join gangs, steal identities and jobs, take help that Americans could use, they run from their own countries instead of bettering their homeland, they are helping to make it easier for terrorists to illegally enter, they bring in disease from not having proper immunizations, they disrespect our flag and our country, how much more of a logical reason do you need???
2007-05-18 18:47:02 UTC
People do not hate immigrants. The problem is NOT immigrants. The problem is ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS !!!

Why don't you get your facts straight????

At the time my ancestors came here, and mingled with the "Native Americans", (Yes, I am 1/32 Shawnee), there were NO IMMIGRATION LAWS. And at the time, I was not around. Today, the United States has been protected by immigration laws for over 200 years, which has prevented some immigrants from bringing in diseases, and has kept out dangerous terrorists, up until the last 20 years or so. We need an immigration system that filters out those who do not need to be here, who could, or, would, bring harm to our society. Our current immigration system has failed us, because politicians have prevented it from being operated as it was intended to do.

Also, immigrants, legal or illegal, still need to learn our language!!! We are a nation of ENGLISH speaking people!!! If they refuse to learn our language, and refuse to obey our laws, then they are not needed here. THEY DO NOT BELONG HERE!!!
2007-05-18 19:13:52 UTC
I just hate illegal aliens, I don't mind immigrants that much.
2007-05-18 19:10:18 UTC
I'm with "dog owner" and "proUSA" and their answers to this.

This exact same question has been asked and re-asked a million times already on this site. Why didn't you just search your question here to find the answers, rather than asking it YET AGAIN, and wasting everyone's time who stopped by to read it?
paul h
2007-05-18 19:04:56 UTC
immigrants are not liked in many cases as they are willing to work and take the jobs that so many people are to lazy to get off there *** and do Ive seen in in England where many Indians and Pakistanis took on work doing garbage then working on the buses now here in Australia we have many Croatians and Philippines etc and let me tell you they are dam good workers and appreciate a job no matter what the work or pay is not like the the people who are to lazy to go and get work and have had it to easy because the government gives them handouts
2007-05-18 18:48:06 UTC
I only hate illegal immigrants.
2007-05-18 18:50:00 UTC
thank you finally someone who agrees i really don't see why the people hate immigrants their just like everyone else && its really not fair what their doing

just because immigrant are soposlly taking up space in a non immigrant country doesn't give these people permission to treat immigrants so badly

i honestly think their just mad because we came from somewhere else and can except us

i kno i didnt answer your question i just thought id state my opinion
2007-05-18 18:47:13 UTC
i empathize with your point of view. however, may i point out that there is a big difference between immigration and ILLEGAL immigration. we should never reward felons!
2007-05-18 18:47:48 UTC
I think employer love immigrants

any "american" w/ descent wage salary loves immigrants

the ones the might hate immigrants

ARE THOSE THAT DIDN'T MAKE IT..the ones that think immigrants took their job..i.e.. a high school dropped, years later he hates immigrants because he can't get a good job to compare to the ones that are on top
2007-05-18 18:47:20 UTC
you forgot ILLEGAL immigrants, that's why people hate them so much...
2007-05-18 18:47:24 UTC
They are draining the system. The take, use and abuse much more than they can possibly contribute.
2007-05-18 18:47:33 UTC
i dont know why..those ppl are so stupid. whats wrong with ppl coming to the USA? my family are immigrants, so i dont have a problem.
2007-05-18 18:48:22 UTC
2007-05-18 18:47:04 UTC
You're going to get a bunch of thoughtless people saying, "What part of ILLEGAL don't you understand." and other assorted tripe. The problem is you're talking to a very vocal and very non-representative minority on here.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.