why do people think illegal immagration is wrong?
2006-08-10 21:08:23 UTC
I mean most illegal immigrants are a vital role in our agricultural, dairy and meat products that are produced in the U.S. so whats the beef they are doing very difficult jobs at below minimum pay wages and unhuman work conditions and people still lash out. Whats the deal!
49 answers:
2006-08-10 21:34:39 UTC
It's illegal - as in against the law. These unplanned workers saturate the job market. This is why unskilled labor jobs pay so little in the US. Just wait until the skilled (educated) illegals begin to come. Then all the jobs will be low paying. Best bet to succeed in the US is to start a company and hire a bunch of low paid illegals.

For most people, it's not a problem until someone else eats their lunch. No other country allows illegal workers to come into their country to work. Unlike the US, other countries enforce their laws.

Go to Mexico and see if they allow you to work there. The answer is No. They will not allow you to work there, but we are expected to allow others to come to the US and spoil our good paying jobs and reduce our lifestyles.
2006-08-10 21:41:12 UTC
Try this on...lets say you were waiting in line for concert tickets, ones you wanted really bad. the line was long and you have been waiting a really long time, just standing there and the line is not moving very fast. somewhere way up in front of the line a whole group of people got in line(took cuts) and no one said anything to them. they got their tickets cheap with discount passes and the concert sold out. and you are still standing in the same spot with no tickets.

wouldn't you be upset.

Think about it.

Now say you want to go get a job because you have to feed yourself and your kids and they all pay 5$ an hour because they found a bunch of people that are used to making 2$ an hour or less. and the job has no medical benefits and you have to work in unsafe conditions because the other people are. there are no other jobs because all the bosses have done the same thing. you remember that your father did the same work for three times the pay with benefits.

would you feel good working there when you can not afford to feed your kids. you could always quit because the boss has lots of peole to hire that will work under those conditions.

would you feel like lashing out, --at the people who are providing a vital role. the people the bosses love to hire.

no you would probably support them and thank them and wish there were more of them ,, right. right.
2006-08-10 21:39:25 UTC
If the corporate interests would pay a living wage with decent benefits, they would not have trouble hiring legal workers. Bush lies when he says that illegals do the jobs that Americans won't. They do the jobs that Americans won't do for $6.00 an hour. Prosecution of corporations for using illegals is essentially non-existent under the Bush administration. Besides, it is illegal. They trash and devalue any area where they live because they put 25 people in an apartment. They are not US citizens and have no vested interest here other than the money they can earn and the benefits that they can leach from us, the taxpayers.
2006-08-10 21:26:53 UTC
I would say for two major reasons. The first is that people who enter the country illegaly are breaking the law. That one should have been reasonably obvious, this is a nation of laws and people who break the law are expected to suffer the consequences. The second major reason is in your question, because they are doing jobs at below minimum wage. Those jobs used to go to people at fair wages but now, companies are using illegal labor to drive costs down which is going to put a citizen of this country out of their job. Now, do you think that's fair? Illegal immigrants aren't coming here and finding jobs that "no one wants to do" at low wages, the problem isn't that simple. Once upon a time people were able to support themselves at those jobs and start families. Illegal immigration has driven the tax base down and put lots of people out of work. I wonder, do you think that's fair? Nobody is saying that illegal immigrants aren't good people or that they don't work hard and don't have the same hopes and dreams as the rest of us, we all know they do but that's not the point I'm afraid. Any nation has the right to ask that people move there legally, it's really not that much to ask, wouldn't you agree?
2006-08-10 21:16:39 UTC
Immigrants are not a vital role in our agriculture. Its just that most Americans wouldn't do that work for the wage paid them by agri, dairy and meat producers who take advantage of illegal workers. In some parts of Mexico their wages are 4 dollars a week. They are driving down wages when they come here illegally and work here illegally. Its wrong to say they do jobs no American will do. They do jobs no American will do at extremely low wages.
2006-08-11 19:31:17 UTC
Define Illegal ?? The answer is in your question. There should be an office where these illegal emmigrants can get help to become legal. They need to be guided in going the right direction. Yes, the Mexican workers are hard workers and they will do the work to stay here. Just like my Norwegian emmigrants, They would work as maids , hired hands on potatoe farms. Wash clothes on a rubbing board for the wealthy. Walk for miles to help do the haying and threashing.

The deal is: They need to do it the legal way. Is that so hard to understand ?? When they become a legal citizen then I doubt very much that they would work as a low paying vegetable picker. Poor things. Exactly what emmigrants have to endure.
2006-08-10 21:50:26 UTC
Illegal immagration is wrong because let's face it, when they get here (America) they take over! They take over and look at you like you're the Immigrant!!! Anyway, I wouldn't be so hard on illegal immagration if our country would treat ALL illegal immigrants the same (that's our fault though!) When Cubans come here illegally, our country don't send them back to their country, but when a Haitian comes over illegally, our country is quick to send them back...sometimes on the same floatation devices they came in...which is sad!!!

But back to what I was saying, illegal immagration is wrong because they're receiving free support from our country; they use our money to get the rest of their families here illegally, then they try to make their languages a mandatory subject in our high schools and some universities....and in some public places like at the's not right, then just because a couple thousand illegal families have been lucky enough to live in the U.S. for 20+ years, they expect to be given equal rights as a citizen...and then make an uproar. Also, they say "we've been supporting your country by working under minimum wage and at times in unhealthy environments..." but they fail to realize that they benefitted from that money too as it is worth way more than pesos and Mexican food stamps, so they shouldn't be complaining, Naturalization havn't picked them up as they are still here wouldn't be so bad if most of them were polite, but truth of the matter is that most of them are not. I'm not just talking about illegal Mexicans either, you have illegal Armenians, Jamaicans, Cubans, etc. etc., but just so happen that the Mexicans are the one's who are the loudest and rudest...not ALL of them, but MOST of them.

I'm only speaking from my personal experiences with the groups that I've mentioned above, it will be different for someone else!
2006-08-10 21:51:23 UTC
The illegals working from the front of HOME DEPOT don't work for less than 10 bucks an hour.

And that is just for weeding/gardening. Drywallers won't work for less than 15 bucks an hour.

You need to get around and find out what you are talking about.

News story on NPR told of couple working on dairy farm in VERMONT....8 bucks an hour plus free rent and utilities.

Not he greatest money in the world but a damn sight more than a LEGAL immigrant or an American makes from working out of day labor place doing the nastiest dirtiest jobs that the union guys or the regular employees won't touch.

Have you worked any really ballbusting jobs?....where they work you like a rented mule?

I have worked on factory trawlers up in Alaska processing Salmon....16 hours a days off...until those fish are processed.

And I had to show picture ID , ss card, and take a urinealysis.

I have lined up at three in the morning waiting for day labor place to open at five and if I was lucky I might be dispatched to minimum wage job humping rebar up to flat roof or humping kitchen cabinets up four flights of stairs.


And I had to show a social security card and picture ID.

And I have worked on a farm picking Cauliflower and Lettuce in the Poconos in Pennsylvania.

I can go on and on naming ugly job after ugly job that I have had to do for less than what an illegal makes.

Where do you get your info...

Pull it out of thin air?

Your logic has appeared on yahoo answers at least a thousand times...

Where do you get off suggesting that the illegals are the only people that work hard?

The illegals DON"T WANT TO WORK ON THE FARMS....they would rather work in construction or other sectors of the economy.

The Hotels need people to vacuum the floors and make the beds.

They can go to the State Job Service and look for LEGAL WORKERS THERE.

They might have to pay a bit more because they will be hiring people legally but thats tough.

If they have to charge more for a room ...fine.

If the Outback steakhouse has to charge more for a steak.

Thats fine too.

What kind of hard jobs have YOU done?
2006-08-10 21:38:16 UTC
There was a reason there was a law against their coming to begin with. Poor people take far more in expensive services, particularly education for children, than they pay in taxes. That is why every developed country in the world that subsidizes services for the poor limits how many poor immigrants can come in. Many countries, such as Mexico, prohibit poor immigrants altogether, unless they are family of citizens. We allow some to come, and those are invited, welcome, and budgeted for.

Illegal immigrants are budget busters who strain services and degrade education in the localities where they concentrate. Take a look at the LA Unified School System, if you want a stark example. Almost all special education funding goes to ESL programs, and programs our own children need are ignored. Furthermore, that vast quantity of ESL students slows instruction for the group.

California spent over $10 billion dollars on illegal immigrant services last year, and Los Angeles county alone spent over $1 billion, according to County Supervisor testimony at a House Hearing last week.

It is not just the expense they are to me, although I would much rather spend the extra tax money on a college fund for my children. It is the fact that the school system where my children attend is degraded and in many schools unsafe at the high school level, at least. That means either my children's future is jeapardized or I have to come up with $30,000 a year to send my children to private school, on TOP of the thousands I pay just to give benefits to illegal immigrants.

There are too many of them, and the price is too high. They benefit employers by delivering cheap labor, but even that undermines wages for our own less educated workers, and finding an after school job for a teen trying to earn money towards college is a virtual impossibility, any more.

Illegal immigration is wrong. That is why there is a law against it.
Mustang Gal
2006-08-10 21:51:32 UTC
You aren't the sharpest knife in the drawer are you?

They come here illegally and then continue to commit crimes. Fraud/ Identity theft, Traffic violations - no drivers license or insurance, income tax evasion, theft of public services, the list goes on and on. Oh, and they demand rights. That really hacks me off. As illegal aliens they should have no rights, except to get the heck out.

If a citizen from another country is caught trying to sneak into Mexico it is a felony and they do serious jail time. They are treated as less than human by the police and the general Mexican public, they have no rights and are deported immediately after serving their jail time. What is good for the goose should be good for the gander.
2006-08-10 23:13:27 UTC
well.... how do i say this ummm.. you Greedy no Ungreatful Americans just dont get it if you sent all of the illegal people back to your country a motherfuc.king gallon a milk will cost you like 8.99$ you veggis will go up ALOT! your lemons wont be 5 for a dollar they will be 5 for 2.99 and your beef rib eye or new york steak bone wont cost 5.99 lb it will be like 8.75$ lb, why because non of you americans will give work out side for 3 dollars an hour 12 hours a day. Right Now you people are bitchin.g about that they dont pay taxes and latter on if they do leave you stupid as.s people are going to be like oh these food prices are too high this is bs and so on, ACTUALLY LETS FACE IT ILLEGAL OR NOT YOU AINT SHI.T TO THE FOOD INDUSTRY, as long as they get cheap labor its all good for them because there the ones making the MONEY and BUSH AND ARABS and who are they making the money off of the americans.
2006-08-10 22:03:17 UTC
Well first off, illegal aliens are criminals because they broke federal law when they came here illegally. Second, legal immigrants can do those jobs at minimun wage if not higher. Considering it is against he law to not pay people the minimum wage, let alone hiring illegal aliens. People who hire them should be fined heavily and then inprisoned if they continue to do so. So people think it is wrong because they understand the need to follow and enforce LAW. If they want to come here and work they can do so legally.
American Pride
2006-08-10 21:52:29 UTC
I'm not sure why Americans have a beef with Slaves from Mexico. I think it's great to pay below minimum wages and make them sleep in the outhouse. But if your illegal you should have no rights here in the US of A.
Dougeatfresh :D
2006-08-10 21:28:58 UTC
By draining public funds, creating unfair competition for jobs with America’s least prepared workers and thereby lowering wages and working conditions, and by imposing unwanted strains on services designed to provide assistance to Americans, illegal immigration causes harm to Americans and legal residents.

Illegal immigrants do not have health care, so when they are injured and taken to the hospital, a healthcare worker by law must help an injured person. The cost for health care is exceptionally high, so government/state sponsored programs allow "legal residents" tax dollars to go and pay for a patient. I for one believe that health care should not be so out of reach for non-wealthy people. If you fix that problem, you fix others as well.

Another problem with illegal immigration is that many "illegals" are gang related, and come into America without prospect for jobs like the farm workers we are so used to exploiting. If an illegal kills a person in America, they will return to Mexico, and hide, and will not be prosecuted in their lifetime unless they return to the United States.

I for one support illegal immigrants who benefit our farmers and work unimaginable jobs, but unfortunately not all the outcomes of these benefits to farmers are positive. It is a shame that farmers are exploited by major companies, for example, ranchers who raise cattle get minimum cattle price per head, while they turn around and hire illegal immigrants for cheap prices and then sell their products to our fast-food industries.

If farmers weren't under pressure by corporate bullies, they would not need to attract farmers to do the work. Those are the faults in America's system.
2006-08-10 21:19:15 UTC
There is an unfortunate population of really racist people who always think in terms of what others might take from them. If they have troubles keeping jobs, they blame foreigners for it. Illegal immigration shouldnt just be "okay", but immigration laws need to change. that being said, I think it will be a great day when those employers who pay pathetic wages to immigrants are forced to pay a decent minimum wage with health benefits. As time goes by, this is what we will be working for.
2006-08-10 21:16:09 UTC
I don't think much about illegal immigration being wrong, because it is wrong, it is breaking the law. Illegal aliens being in our country are an insult to every legal immigrant that had to follow a hard process to be in America. Legal immigrants do not break the law to get here, illegal aliens do. That is a fact.
2006-08-10 21:24:02 UTC
1. Because they're breaking a federal law just by being here illegally.

2. Because, by taking difficult jobs at low wages, they keep the wages for those jobs unusually low. And this hurts American workers who are unskilled, and in desperate need of employment...especially African Americans.

3. They cost taxpayers billions of dollars a year in public assitance programs...and a large number of them (if not most) do NOT pay taxes, because they're working for cash "under the table".

4. According to federal crime statistics, the crime rate always increases in areas in which they settle in large numbers.

5. They expect/demand that we tailor things to fit their needs...bilingual schools, bilingual ballots, bilingual driving tests, etc.

Personally, I admire illegal aliens, too. They come here to support their families, and are hard workers. I'd be willing to go down our welfare rolls and trade Mexico ten for one. And I'd like to see a better setup for immigration. But I'd also like to see a wall built across our entire southern border, and I'd like to see a very aggressive drive to find illegal aliens and expel them from the country. (And make it a felony to employ them, and ENFORCE it!)
2006-08-10 21:20:46 UTC
If the immigrants of what ever country wants to be here and work that's great but the point of the matter is that they do it legally... If you look the word illegal up in the dictionary it means criminal.... something that is not lawfully..... we have no problem with the people that come here lawfully........
2006-08-10 21:34:43 UTC
Think about anyone coming from another country illegally. They could bring diseases here if not vacinated first. Illegals need to quit breaking the law. Laws are made for a reason. To protect the people who have lived here our whole lives. They need to show some respect.
2006-08-10 21:25:47 UTC
Holy Toledo! The inmates are taking over the asyloum again. Illegal means un-legal, Lady.
2006-08-10 21:17:37 UTC
Are you serious?? Let's put this in terms even YOU can understand.. illegal immigration is wrong.. period.. just like robbing a bank is WRONG! GOT IT? I do NOT understand why this is so difficult for you to comprehend. I don't care WHAT job illegals are doing [and don't feed me that rubbish about them doing all those VITAL jobs] if they are here illegally.. they are WRONG.. they should be deported immediately.. Until you have lived among them.. and until you have had to give them public assistance when it went against EVERYTHING you believe.. you should not be so quick to grant them some sort of break.
2006-08-10 21:21:37 UTC
How in the name of God can you consider an illegal activity is right?? We don't know WHO is getting into the country ... we don't know where they are, we don't know what they do ... we don't even know how many they are, so it is impossible to budget for them ... there are untold numbers of people who are at the moment waiting in line to get into the country legally... they have had their backgrounds checked, their medicals done, we know who they are ... is it too much to ask that all prospective immigrants to this country do the same???
2006-08-10 21:19:16 UTC
It's illegal......duh. Plus, most of the illegal immigrants that come to America don't bother to learn English.
2006-08-12 09:19:19 UTC
b.c they know how to work for a living and there different then the person. dang i love the fact they are standing up for themselves. i say let them live here. this country is sopposed to be FREE right or am i worng?!?! but i think we are all illegal immigrants tho the only true americans are the indians!!!!!!!
2006-08-10 21:15:54 UTC
first it is illegal so therefore wrong!!!

second the reason we have **** jobs is because we have crooked business owners that know that they can screw some poor mexican into working for half of what they would pay a citizen and get away with it since they do it all under the table. so they create crappy jobs that no one wants to do and knows that these illegals will have no choice if they want to make it in this country
2006-08-10 21:17:52 UTC
Another smokescreen created by the current administration to hide the fact we are in a "no-win" situation in Iraq.

Other smokescreens: abortion/right to life; global warming; raising interests rates; negotiating peace in Lebanon.

Although illegal immigration is a vital issue, why is there so much concern now? Hmmm...
2006-08-10 21:16:58 UTC
You must be very wealthy, and I guess you hire illegals and pay them under the table. Therefore, they are not paying taxes. And, when they go to a hospital, who pays for that? They certainly don't

If they get a medical bill, they just change their name and address. Guess who winds up paying for those millions of medical expenses?

You and I do.

Oops if you are rich, you dont, because after all, the rich don't pay taxes. They just have tax write offs.

Illegals should be rounded up and deported or executed for invading our country, which in itself, is an act of war, making them the enemy.
2006-08-10 21:14:13 UTC
I'm one of those people that always defends the illegals on this board beucase people say pretty mean things about them. But being an illegal is wrong and they take away from legal citizens.
2006-08-10 21:27:43 UTC
In America people shouldn't be able to pick and choose the laws that they feel like obeying. The laws apply equally to everyone...if the laws were different for some people THAT would be racism...
Black Sabbath
2006-08-10 21:34:53 UTC
They aren't essential, only greedy people hire them in order to make a larger profit.
2006-08-10 21:38:34 UTC
2006-08-10 21:18:50 UTC
Lets see,first they are criminals. They start off by breaking our laws,we do not want people like that here,we have enough criminals that are americans. We don't want people preparing or packaging our food,that has 'who knows what',kind of disease. They abuse the welfare system,and cost us millions of dollars. And,the list goes on.
2006-08-10 21:16:48 UTC
illegal immigration proponents is that those who enter the U.S. by breaking the law are invariably "hard-working" and "law-abiding" once they get here.

1. That argument, however, has one major flaw. According to Justice Department statistics and the analysis of immigration experts, the "law-abiding" claim often isn't true.

As Investors Business Daily reported in March 2005:

"The U.S. Justice Department estimated that 270,000 illegal immigrants served jail time nationally in 2003. Of those, 108,000 were in California. Some estimates show illegals now make up half of California's prison population, creating a massive criminal subculture that strains state budgets and creates a nightmare for local police forces."

Citing an Urban Institute study, director of research for the Center for Immigration Studies Steven Camorata noted in 2004: "Roughly 17 percent of the prison population at the federal level are illegal aliens. That's a huge number since illegal aliens only account for about 3 percent of the total population."

1. Former California Gov. Pete Wilson places the percentage of illegal aliens in U.S. prisons even higher. In 2001, he told Fox News Channel's Bill O'Reilly:

"We had problems related to the costs of educating children who were acknowledged to be in the country illegally, healthcare costs. One in five in our prison population were illegal immigrants who had been convicted of a felony after entering the country illegally."

The Federation for American Immigration Reform also turned to the Justice Department to get statistics on criminal aliens. They report:

"In March 2000, Congress made public Department of Justice statistics showing that, over the previous five years, the INS had released over 35,000 criminal aliens instead of deporting them. Over 11,000 of those released went on to commit serious crimes, over 1,800 of which were violent ones [including 98 homicides, 142 sexual assaults, and 44 kidnaping].

"In 2001, thanks to a decision by the Supreme Court, the INS was forced to release into our society over 3,000 criminal aliens [who collectively had been convicted of 125 homicides, 387 sex offenses, and 772 assault charges]."

1. Up to a third of the U.S. federal prison population is composed of non-citizens, according to Federal Bureau of Prisons statistics - but not all non-citizen prison inmates are illegal aliens.

As to the "hard-working" claim, CIS notes: "The proportion of immigrant-headed households using at least one major welfare program is 24.5 percent compared to 16.3 percent for native households."

Investor's Business Daily concurs: "Once [illegals] get here, they are 50 percent more likely to be on welfare than citizens."
2006-08-10 21:13:10 UTC
It's still explotation and contravenes established laws.
2006-08-10 21:17:29 UTC
because they see them as bad job stealing creatures but they are really good people who came here to escape poverty and to give their children a better future with more chooses and opportunities in life
2006-08-10 21:35:36 UTC
Because the word "Illegal", that was why...
2006-08-10 23:12:58 UTC
what part of illegal do you not understand?
2006-08-10 21:11:55 UTC
well its an election year and the republicans needed an issue to scare people about
Albert F
2006-08-10 21:14:06 UTC
Maybe because it's illegal!
2006-08-10 22:09:57 UTC
Because it is illegal.............I think you answered your own question.
2006-08-10 21:14:05 UTC
Its illegal?
2006-08-10 21:14:52 UTC
bc there are too many of them.. the way hispanics are poppin out kids.. whites will be the minority one day
2006-08-10 21:19:37 UTC
If they get to break the law why can't I?
2006-08-10 21:14:17 UTC
because america wants to rape every third world country there is, steal their resources and put puppet regimes in their place, and then it cant hack it when people want to live there.
2006-08-10 21:13:42 UTC
Maybe it is the ILLEGAL part.
2006-08-10 21:12:47 UTC
Read your question over and over until you get a clue....
2006-08-10 21:14:16 UTC
Its called RACISM.
2006-08-10 21:24:02 UTC
2006-08-10 21:15:00 UTC
its illegal duh

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.