2012-06-22 08:53:43 UTC
The Statue of liberty use to be a symbol of something better. "Give us your tired, your poor, your starving masses yearning to breathe free".
Now it reads "No Vacancy".
The problem isn't the Latino population coming in across the border. It's the illegal population coming in across the border.
I'm no fan of illegals, but I wouldn't take it as far as those guys from Arizona a few years ago. 6 men were convicted of killing over 150 illegal immigrants and dumping their bodies in a landfill.
The U.S. is so concerned with being democracy to the Middle East. Why don't we help the country to the south of us. Give Mexicans a clean Mexico. The larger cities are the only cities with a clean source of water, free of bacteria and disease. And we have the technology to filter it. Why not help Mexico? Then all these illegals wouldnt have to come here and ruin our economy. Yes illegal immigrants are the main reason out economy is f**ked. And our dumb@$$ president wants to give illegals citizenship. I don't think so! Just help out their country, they'll leave. Or if you wanna be a tyrant about, let's invade their country, fix it up, and tell them they can't have it back.