How do your opinions vary between how you view refugees and other types of immigrants?
2009-06-12 10:26:25 UTC
The UK currently hosts 3% of the world's asylum seeking population. This week (15th -21st June) is Refugee Week the UK where the UK celebrates the contribution refugees make to life in the UK and the skills and talents they bring. To find out more about refugees living in the UK and listen to the stories of some of the individuals who have sought asylum in the UK visit
103 answers:
2009-06-24 16:22:02 UTC
People are really starting to get frustrated in the U.K because of this issue.

In my opinion, we should help the world by taking some refugees, and by actually stopping ruining their countries in the first place - Afghanistan, Iraq!?!?

As for the other immigrants, they come here for the way of life, the money, the health care, the tax credits etc. It makes you realise what a great country we have really. Did we take it for granted?

I work with migrants in the adult learning sector and I can't actually understand how and why Job Seekers Allowance / Housing Benefit is available to people who have never made a contribution. In Spain you have to work for two years before claiming anything - that sounds like a step in the right direction to me.

The flip side of the benefit issue that everyone bangs on about is that there are a lot of 'indigenous' dole scroungers who REALLY can't be arsed to work. Why don't we get these guys off their arses and into jobs and cap immigration - then we get full employment and sort the immigrant/race hate issue.

If we don't change Govt there will be a race war in this country. Can't you feel it brewing?
Dolly 1
2009-06-22 13:08:10 UTC
If you're a refugee I can understand that you came here not by choice but because your home is war torn or your life is in danger. If you are an immigrant I also do not have a problem. In the 60's the Queen sent for people from various countries to come and work in England. The only problem I have is that at the moment financially we don't have enough money to support ourselves and to allow other immigrants into the country. The other thing is that, there are a few not all but a few immigrants/refugees who dispite living here really hate the country. They bad mouth it and the people, they come with their negative views and forget that, we didn't have to let them live here amongst us.
2009-06-21 17:05:34 UTC
I have no opinions about refugees or immigrants. The TV shows the same films night after night supposedly showing fresh immigrants storming through our pots: these are obviously a deception! The "news"papers are filled with stories of woe about people coming here who are seeking escape from persecution: turning a once beautiful nation into a crime riddled society. I don't know about you but English people were doing exactly that quite well themselves before any immigration started - according to the sensationalizing mass media. However, a good person that I knew was killed by a drunk immigrant driving a stolen car last year - I understand perfectly well that exactly the same thing happens each year when English youth drive stolen cars while drunk - but I can't help but think that they're doing themselves no favours. The far-right-wing parties use immigration to keep working people divided, thereby significantly weakening every working class movement and area. The large increase in the number of consumers in British society has done the economy more good than any BNP member would ever understand, so on the whole Britain is far better off for having accepted so many new consumers into this country. I remain convinced that while the country has benefited greatly from our new visitors (who will eagerly go home as soon as they can in most cases) we are being misinformed, divided and controlled by a very deceitful mass media for reasons that I am unaware of as yet. The TV continues to do a great dis-service to this country for telling us people stories that can easily be proved as inaccurate.
2009-06-21 11:03:45 UTC
Being a foreigner in another country I can speak from experience (although I am not an asylum seeker, thank God). I chose to live in Spain, but I came here with the intention of contributing to the society that has invited me to stay. I have lived here 20 years, pay my taxes, my bills and do not get any handouts from the State (it's not easy for anyone to do that anyway in Spain, if you haven't paid in you don't get it out, simple)

I can say in the UK I do not blame the Brits for not wanting the immigrants who use the "asylum" card when they genuinely are not in any danger in their home country.........the UK government turns a blind eye to it for fear of upsetting other countries and does not consider it's own people.

Any persons who are genuine asylum seekers should be helped by all countries to relocate and have a peaceful life, but they should not be allowed to cross many countries to get to one small island which is overrun with people as it is.

I feel really sorry for their plight but most arriving in the UK are not genuine and are only interested in sucking the resources that are already thin and in trouble. Who can blame them when it is so easy? Tighter rules should be put in place and adhered to, skills should be looked into and utilised and then Britain would once again become Great with the help of these people, but as it stands they are not helping the economy of the Uk at all, that is why Brits object, and rightly so.
2009-06-19 13:59:04 UTC
I don't think there is anything wrong with offering help to those who need it, so asylum seekers. However, they would need to show they are thankful of this offering, giving back to the community and helping in anyway. If they cannot find a job, do local charity work and help the community in that way.

Illegal immigration simply weakens the structure of the country that they run to, and so helps no one, so is wrong.

Although talking about something completely different, i think this quote sums up the situation well:

"We are not enemies, but friends. We must not be enemies. Though passion may have strained it must not break our bonds of affection. The mystic chords of memory will swell when again touched, as surely they will be, by the better angels of our nature." - Abraham Lincoln
2009-06-20 04:08:40 UTC
Well of course I feel sympathy for and want to help genuine refugees who have suffered real persecution. The problem is there are so many of them coming from so many countries with harsh regimes, how many more of them can this little island hold? In London we are already suffering from the problems of overcrowding.

On the one hand we are told that we have to accept and accomodate all these people fleeing from their own countries, on the other we are told that it is wrong to interfere with the way other countries choose to conduct their affairs.

Then there are the stories that we hear in the news: such as the violent criminal who cannot be deported because he might suffer persecution in his own country. What about the persecution that his English victims suffered at his hands? Send him back and let him get a taste of his own medicine!

I heard another story on the news that an Eastern European man (I think he is Romanian but I'm not sure) whose relative wrote and told him how he is living the life of Riley in an English prison. So this man came here and raped an English woman so that he could live a cushy life in an English prison!

I heard a programme on Radio 4 recently about English workers who had been laid off because their employer had hired immigrants who were happy to be paid below the minimum wage. I think that employer got prosecuted, but how many similar cases are there that we don't know about? I'm sorry I can't remember the details, the programme was probably File on 4.

Have you noticed that nowadays a lot of the beggars and Big Issue sellers have foreign accents and can barely speak English?

These are the things that worry me.
2009-06-22 05:50:22 UTC
wow what an emotive subject.

most educated and liberal folk look at refugees in a kindly manner. legal immigration isn't a real problem.

illegal is and yes everybody agrees we are overpopulated and stresses how much an immigrant brings to Uk but reality is illegal immigration has massive on-costs in social,medical etc

no politician will openly accept we have to reduce amount coming in. for those whom lead comfortable lives and think this small island can continue to offer such benefits to all comers is beyond belief!

there is a finite limit to food ,housing,medical assistance etc that is currently being abused and overstretched.

many illegals and others actually travel through many safe countries such as germany,franc ETC to get to our shores . many are single Young fit men all want only UK as a final settlement point . we take more than our fair share of immigrants and refugees compered to other countries. nothing will chang e until the folk whom run our country get their heads out of their ****s and stop doing expenses scams and run out country for the benefit of its inhabitants.
2009-06-22 10:17:54 UTC
Real refugees generally I don't have problem but in my opinion if they commit a crime of a serious nature they should be deported back to their own country regardless of whats going on there.

They should learn to fit in a bit more as well- I'm not saying change their ways to fit in as such but at least start living amongst without causing hassle. They should also be made to learn english. My dad moved away from greater London just so my brothers could be in class that had mainly an english speaking class!

I could go on all day about this subject but totally agree the free loading fakes non contributing individuals should be sent straight back! Its bad enough we pay out to all the people born in this country who don't contribute.
2009-06-24 02:48:09 UTC
It does sadden me that in this age there is still people in other countries that have live in fear in a war torn countries. They would have feelings of fleeing to a better life, which is natural. It does not mean that we have to accept every stray that has a story to tell. Bad things happen and will continue to but the UK should always put there people first. Australia has a great policy that you have to apply and go through vigorous interviews to see if the skill suit the future of Australia.

I would declare UK closed, I am not cold hearted but the UK can not afford to keep local and immigrant so rightfully the UK should be sorting out the problems of the LOCAL PEOPLE.

It is fact that the UK for some reason opens there arms to refugees and other immigrants with open arms. Uk is flooded with refugees, legal and illegal immigrants. The UK has lost its respect and is seen as a countries that is too soft and forgotten its people. Uk is a little Island as it is. When you notice that every where you turn there is a immigrant, that tells me already there are too many immigrants in this country already.

At times I no longer feel like I am living in the UK, it has lost its identity. I have yet to see the benefits that these refugees and immigrants have brought? The only skills they have brought is for themselves so they can make money for themselves at our expense.

I was homeless for 5 years and it is bad enough that I lost out by criminals and outsiders but being bumped off by refugees and immigrants is taking it too far. I felt that they came first and that I had to put up with it. I don't know where i stand, who am In the scheme of things and where I come form is a question that has yet to be answered. I have seen friends loose jobs only for the jobs to be given to immigrants. Also applying for jobs and been not recognised and it been given to immigrants.

I am so angered by this subject and I probably can go on and on. I think everyone has yet to see the benefit or positives of refugees and immigrants coming to this country. All i see is the slow demise/death of the UK from within. As these people come in they bring there problems too like extreme faith and views, there bad habits like crime and uncleanness, supporting extremist terrorists and end up threatening the UK within. The UK is so soft that these people get away with it and aloud to continue there ways. If we complain about how we are treated we are branded as raciest and bigots. It scares me that my voice has been made silent so not to offend our guests as they continue to suck the UK dry. They don't care, they have the system on there side and they can make money then maybe go home as rich men and woman.

As these people invade we have been tolled that our way of life has to change so not to offend but they can continue to offend by shoving there religion and views on us telling us how wrong we are. Hypocrites. It is fact that if we go to there country we would not get anywhere and be forced in there ways and that is not coming from poor nations this can come from prosperous ones too. We could be hit at or stoned to death.

You can't use the excuse, how would you feel if you where a refugee bla bla Sh*t happens but I stress again it does not mean that the UK have to make locals suffer and we would not be able to help everyone anyway so how would that argument have a purpose to there situation. The locals are being made to feel like SECOND CLASS CITIZENS anyway.

I agree on SKILLED workers like Scientist and Doctors etc but working at a till is not a skill that is greatly needed. Yes we have native problems where they can sponge too but that's what we have to sort out but there are too many hard working natives out of work too because of the economy and the immigrants getting jobs that would benefit a hard working person till they got a job again. There is nothing for school leavers or young adults to get a job while at higher education either. We do not all come from rich family's.

What the Empire done in the past, other nations did it too but why should WE now have to apologies for it?


The UK is already on the slippery slope and the locals have had enough. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH.
2009-06-23 10:59:47 UTC
as has already been said, we have done way more than our fair share, i dont mind taken refugees and immigrants but they all pass through countries that they are safe in or that need workers, such as France and Germany, who both need boosts in their populations, not only do we need to pull up the drawbridge but we need to push some back across it, its true that the only people who support this are Communists and Liberal do gooders who support everyone to have their own views as long as its the same as theirs, we need to only take what our country can cope with and we are not doing that, if you are a refugee or someone who is reading this, dont come here we cant support you and a lot of the British people are angry with you because of this, if there are refugees in Britain they have passed through other countries first in which they are safe, they come here because our government is such a soft touch
2009-06-21 01:26:46 UTC
At a glance your post is immediately recognisable as being loaded with propaganda.

You may be one of a group that celebrates refugees "contributions","skills and talents" but I am certain that your opinions are not aligned with the vast majority of the UK.

Anyone with an ounce of sense realises that probably less then 1% of refugees are genuine cases.Those that were in danger are now free to return to their homelands where the threat has elapsed.

Furthermeore,the rule of thumb is that refugees will stay in the first safe country in which they arrive.

Strange then it is that they travel the length of Europe to get to the UK.

Clearly this makes them economic migrants.

I make no distinction between refugees and other types of immigrants.The people are the same but have different boxes checked on their home office papers.

In my opinion,all of them are damaging to my country and in reality contribute nothing but crime and financial burden.

It is no surprise that they favour Britain over other nations when New Labour hands them a meal ticket for life in exchange for a guaranteed vote.

For more stories visit
2009-06-22 23:52:41 UTC
All immigrants should work as slaves for the first year they are in the UK , then they may achieve 'manumission' if they are deemed worthy .

Let me guess live on a middle class estate with two cars on the drive ---always buy a Big Issue and donate 10 quid to greenpeace .....why not donate all your wages to illegal immigrants , then go to Pakistan and work for the Taliban ....traitor.
2009-06-21 13:10:57 UTC
I do not blame the immigrants,...not in the least.

But I do blame those in power, who live in nice secluded posh districts, they have top jobs and pensions, who cavort with their own kind.

Then on the other hand....we have the british working class with no good housing, little jobs to go around, made to live in little Bangladesh in big city's.

There are those who point at people and shout...racist,

these people have no idea the stress the people of the big city's are going through.

This is unfair to working society, the way, I am not connected to the BMP, and never will.....but one with rational thinking.
Ello Guv
2009-06-20 08:11:55 UTC
According to the UN Refugees are supposed to seek asylum in the nearest safe country. So unless they're seeking asylum from France or Ireland they have passed through safe countries to get to the UK. So lets face it they're not looking for a safe haven, they are economic migrants looking for a wealthy country.
2009-06-18 05:03:52 UTC
If I were an unscrupulous Government, I would look at the cost of keeping 85,000 convicts in prison, and then imagine if I threatened them with something unmentionable, some poor sucker country would take them in as asylum seekers. Problem solved, and the taxpayer saved a packet.

I was robbed outside Rouen Cathedral a few weeks ago by a group of girls, of student age, collecting for UNICEF, with sponsorship forms. They were very pretty, and I fell for it and had all the cash in my wallet fingered.

I am pretty good at guessing ethnicity - they had brown skins, but brown but not black hair. So I guessed Mediterranean, but I did not recognise the accent or language they were speaking. Almost certainly they were Romanians.

The Cathedral staff manning the souvenir stall explained that they were asylum seekers, and the police could do nothing about them hanging about the cathedral, and were sure they were up to no good.

Refugees so often have to survive on their wits, and this makes them somewhat hardened and not caring how many laws they break in order to keep alive. It also makes them splendid entrepreneurs, and many of our best business leaders came from refugee families, so it works both ways.

It is very hard to vet refugees for a criminal record, since it is very likely their local administration is in chaos and all their personal records lost.

And yet, there is still a humanitarian responsibility to take them in, since the alternative would be horrible. We may be in the same position one day, and be very thankful for friends in untroubled lands willing to offer sanctuary.

The solution, which does not come cheap, but maybe we are obliged to adopt if we are to claim to be civilised, must be to not only offer sanctuary, but also prepare for cultural re-education, in particular to prevent crime, before letting them loose on the streets.
2009-06-22 08:44:19 UTC
There is a world of difference between a refugee who is someone fleeing a dangerous place and and economic migrant.

If we want to think of ourselves as civilised then we have a duty of care to the poor souls who flee to our shores. if anything i take it as a compliment that they want to come here and they enrich our shores when they do make it.

If it wasn't for immigration i wouldn't be here as my fathers family came here from Eire back in the 60's.
2009-06-20 01:22:56 UTC
If a person has a skill, i would let them into the UK, If a person is an asylum seeker, again with any skills, i would let them into the UK.

My last lodger, ok, he was illegal, but he was in the UK for 6 years before immigration caught up with him, again, he he was a skilled worker, he worked for a care home.I would again let an asylum seeker have my spare room, i would support as much as possible.
Ringo Starr
2009-06-20 01:01:48 UTC
if you HAVE to flee then so be it, but that should only be a tiny proportion of people, moving a small minority of a war torn country isnt going to help matters of help the general population of that country, as far as immigration goes i think its a great thing, im going to immigrate once i have my BA and MA, if you can offer something valuable such as a skill or trade thats needed in a country then thats great but if your just working in a low paid job here or getting benifits because there alot higher and sending them home to your own country then thats really not good for a society as the money isnt spent in the country and alot of them will move back

i think people should be screened on what skills and talents they have to offer based on whats needed in a society like australia
2009-06-23 07:36:16 UTC
Those that can contribute something to our society, should be allowed to. Those who clog up the local police cells, try to wash my windscreen at traffic lights and especially those who somehow have enough money (without a job) to shop for Prada, should for sure be sent packing.
2009-06-21 02:58:54 UTC
I am an immigrant to the UK. From my own personal experience, if you assimilate and blend in with the average English/Scots/Irish culture then the less you get picked on. However if you look or act different (features, clothing or language) then people seem to get resentful and claim you are taking their jobs etc and the negative stuff starts.
2009-06-20 03:29:24 UTC
I'd hate to ever be close-minded, but I can't help but be annoyed towards immigrants when things like bombings happen, even though it's just a small fraction of immigrants who even think about anything like that.

But despite that, immigrants do jobs that hardly any British person would want to do- such as cleaning, working in poor conditions (such as McDonalds for one), and most of my doctors aren't English and they are highly intelligent, helpfull people. I just think that security needs to be tighter and each immigrant entering the country should be quizzed on there views towards bombings, and their intentions towards living in the UK, and then people need not live in fear about going out.
2009-06-21 09:58:14 UTC
Mass immigration is quite simply the biggest mistake in the entire history of the UK. World overpopulation makes it not just a mistake it is a looming unprecedented disaster
2009-06-21 19:52:13 UTC
This is what they bring: They walk in and get top of the list on council homes... A ordinary White British person will not be able to get a decent council flat unless they wait for 10-20 years, and their on the list right? The list is ranked on who needs it most (immigrants etc at the top of it) As more immigrants come then the person waiting 20 years ends up waiting longer simply because there are others who seem to be more needy?
2009-06-18 16:59:36 UTC
I don't have a problem with asylum seekers, I know lovely people who have been through hell and back and some who walk around like the living dead because of the awful things that they've seen from a young age. Neither do I have a problem with people who are honestly working to make life better for their families 'back home'. those people are helping to bring their countries into the 21st century (and 9 times out of 10 end up going back after a few years anyway) I have a problem with people who come here, take everything we offer and actually laugh at us and take the p%$s because we give it to them, they're racist and they're able to work the system to such a degree that they get everything for free AND work. Those people are the ones I hate. Those are the ones who deserve drowning, but then I feel they should be drowned more for their derision of a country and a people I love (against my better judgement) then because they sponge. There will always be spongers, look on any council estate and you'll see half the 'white british' people on it are spongers too. I'm ashamed to say that immigration and all the issues around it give us white Brits lame excuses to be racist

Isn't it amazing that all the people who've left their opinion on this matter and sounded middle or left wing have got LOADS of thumbs down but the nut job/right wingers don't?! Quick! every sane person out there-give the right wingers the thumbs down!
2009-06-18 05:17:44 UTC
The UK is also responsible for a very high percentage of arms production which enables oppressors to target minority groups in ways that just weren't possible a generation ago.

I thought I'd never met a refugee, but I've realised that some of my best friends fled here from fighting & oppression. It's just that they don't make much of it, in fact you really have to draw it out of them about what they've suffered. These folks are real cool & real hard workers. They're not just economic contributors, it's everything they do is so brilliant & so giving they make us brits seem mean & stingy. Yet we're the ones with the wealth & they're often doing lousy jobs for lousy pay and they save as much as they can to send home to family & friends. My "refugee" friends have totally altered my outlook on life. Actually, I hardly ever travel abroad now because ...

I'm so ashamed to be English!
2009-06-18 03:54:41 UTC
This is a stupid figure, cause no mentions the number of bogus ones. No ones mentions the ones, which passed several safe countries to get to the UK for the benefits. No mentions the one waiting in France, with no Asylum claim, cause they want to enter the UK and claim here.

Someone here, mentions they have no problem with legal immigrants, but how many of those have entered their way in illegally and then claimed asylum hence making them legal.

We should do more to help Asylum seekers, but alot of these people have told us to our faces that their alligencies are to Islamic countries NOT to ours. 7/7 was an Asylum Seeker that was given a house, benefits and a chance to escape an Islamic regime and how did he repay us.

There are alot of economic migrants in the UK who have never lied to enter and made it clear why they are coming. The others lied and claimed asylum, bogus marriages etc etc.
Laura johnson
2009-06-20 00:44:26 UTC
to be honest i think they should p*** off. they get treated better than we british people do and we have lived here all our lives. there all a bunch of scroungers and ive had to many bad encounters with immigrants, i dont think you will find one street in britain where it is all british people its disgusting , and to be honest i think nearly all of the people who try to get into this country always use the excuse "if i go back i will be killed" yeah whatever i saw a news program about 2 weeks ago the crew managed to find some illgeal immagrints on the back of a lorry and they asked "why do you want to come to britain" and the immigrants responce was " because london goverment pay for us" it just shows how greedy these people are i say they should go back to there own f***ing country.
2009-06-18 14:40:10 UTC
If you are in danger of being killed - then you stop at the first safe country.

Why do we get all those people on the boarder of France trying to get to England?

THEY ARE SAFE IN FRANCE, but wait a moment - they will be given money benefits houses hospital treatment and be able to dictate what they want to change about the Christan religion. Plus the race card is a wonderful weapon, Come on - is England really the only country that is safe for all of them to come to? - it would not be the hand outs by any chance would it?.

Ask what the other countries give to these people fleeing death and torture.

Have any of them heard "When in Rome do as the Romans do".

All these do gooders and PC people need to think of the people living in England by right first.

Can anyone tell us why they all make their way to England if not for the above reasons?. Try trying to live in France and say that you are pennyless - you will soon be sent back to where you came from, what ever you would have to face. when you got there.
2009-06-19 14:38:53 UTC
well we the british people should go a round where we live and see if there contributing to community with tax or services (indian etc.) if not pack them up in a bus and send them back to france and they have to pay for the bus
Comrade Bolshev
2009-06-16 13:17:34 UTC
Sorry, but Britain is a dangerously overpopulated country. With the best will in the world, the place is full - we are not self-sufficient in food, and are vulnerable to all kinds of political or ecological threat.

I agree that many of the refugees who have arrived here over the past 100 years or more have been talented and hardworking people; but we are now in a social and ecological emergency situation. Just like an overloaded lifeboat, we cannot take more.

Thank you for speaking up for the world's refugee community, but surely we would do better, as a world community, to take whatever action was necessary to make those refugees' countries of origin a fit and safe place for their people to live?
♥Paddy 4 ever ♥
2009-06-18 11:43:42 UTC
i work in housing.

As soon as they are granted indefinite leave to remain they come in with their bags claiming to be homeless.They are all on benefits and expect and demand what they are 'entitled' to.I have to be honest but in the 10 years Ive been doing this job ive only seen a handful of decent hardworking immigrants. Even those from other EU countries are all entitled to benefits and this is why they come over. We are a soft touch. We need to be more like Australia and USA and have stricter policies before letting these people in. Some live here for years and don't bother to learn to speak english then expect us to pay for an interrupter.

Skills and talents?Don't make me laugh
neil p
2009-06-17 07:39:19 UTC
Well as you can read many british are fed up with immigrants coming here take a look at what Just gone in Northern ireland,in general most come here to sponge off the british,and how can they flee from worn torn wherever and cross many borders only to arrive in the uk...............this just abt sums many of them up.If they come here they should have some kind of sponsorship or financial support and get no handout for at least 5 years.

i reckon we have done allot more than many countries,so its about time they took aload more in before expecting the uk to take more
2009-06-17 04:05:06 UTC
"The UK celebrates the contribution refugees make to life in the UK and the skills and talents they bring"

Your having a laugh, what skills and talents do they bring? The majority bring naff all except grief for the Indigenous population. Its not as if there all doctors and engineers, skills that would benefit the country. The U.K is a tiny island, we don't have any more room, ship them elsewhere. I for one would rather my tax money goes to improve the NHS or Schools or wherever else its needed to improve the country, swamping it with asylum seekers or immigrants isn't the answer. Most are here for one thing, a free ride.
2009-06-19 02:10:23 UTC

Ths UK is the world's Number 1 trash-can for any foreigner from anywhere in the world to come and dump itself on and expect to get help from.

These refugees/asylum seekers "contribute" nothing to the economy,expect to be housed,fed,watered,clothed,get free healthcare,social security benefits,their offspring educated etc. They refuse to learn English,huddle together in their own little groups and clans,sponge off the taxpayer,bring their criminal intentions,and other socially unacceptable habits and diseases with them,commit more criminal acts than the natives,hate the British,know how to 'work the system' and bleed it dry,don't and can't be bothered to fit in to the native way of life,and are a general blot on the landscape.

All refugees and immigrants should be rounded up,deported back to their country of origin in a 365 day 24 hour a day 7 day a week operation by the jumbo-jet load to return this country back to the people who built it up after the war.They contribute nothing,want everything,and complaint and bellyache when they can't get what they want.

The sooner New Labour go and the British National Party get in an start to enforce repatriation,the better. Britain for the British and not for the worlds trash.

Big L 266.
2009-06-24 10:47:13 UTC
This issue is seriously sensitive. Maybe that's all I should say for the time being.
2009-06-19 13:46:14 UTC
Who is listening? My area has changed beyond recognition How fast it was ...a bit of social engineering from the Council I say.
2009-06-18 03:42:15 UTC
Asylum seeker's gain assylum in the first safe country they travel into. To end up here most of them have to travel through a number of safe countries (that don't have a benefit system).

Have you never seen the film of the assylum seekers held in France threatening to set themselves on fire unless they are allowed into Britain. France not safe enough? Spain, Italy, Greece, Portugal, Germany not safe enough?

I'm all for providing a safe harbour for people in danger. I'd just prefer it wasn't up to them where they go, and I suspect the only real danger for most of them is losing money.
2009-06-21 12:18:57 UTC
i am not a racist, and i say if they can better thier life, and get a break let them have it, its a big world, there are plenty british people living abroad, and have imigrated, i dont care what colour your skin is or what religeon you are either
2009-06-20 13:47:07 UTC
Go Back To Your Own Country Get Out Of Ours C**ts
2009-06-20 02:19:10 UTC
Sling them all out. It would solve all our problems at a stroke.

Plenrty of jobs for everyone. Better NHS care. No queue jumping.

The BNP have a valid point.

Have a nice day.
2009-06-17 00:00:27 UTC
Look at what has happened in Belfast, the attacks on Romanians, it was just a matter of time before this happened and this is just the start, though I am in no way surprised that it was the Romanians who have been attacked, we have many of them here in Bristol! all they do is go around the streets begging for money with their pram load of kid's, and if you don't give them money they curse or spit at you, I consider them no more than vermin, I have often seen them stealing from the local shops, but my worst experience of them was when I saw them coerce an older gentleman into buying some baby mild (for the starving children) but the cheaper one was not good enough! they wanted the most expensive, then after receiving the baby milk I saw them trying to sell the damned stuff to passer's by! if you say anything to them you are greeted with a hurl of abusive or violent conflict.

This government has destroyed this once great country, given it away to a hoard of immigrants from all over the world to do with as they please, with all the added benefits of our social services and housing.

There will be a rising and the British people will take back what is rightfully theirs, our forefathers fought and died for Europe to be free from the Nazi's, not for the European trash to invade our country and take all the comforts that the British taxpayer has worked and payed so hard for all their lives, we the British people have been cheated by our own government! but for the life of me I can not understand what they thought they would benefit from it?
Margaret S
2009-06-17 10:24:04 UTC
True refugees would get out of their bad situation and settle in one of the many countries they pass through to get to Britain.

We are an island and we are sinking under refugees and immigrants.

I personally see nothing to celebrate as far as Refugee Week or whatever it is called goes.

Instead of celebrating eveything but British history/culture and tolerance we should be finding our place in the world again as a British society. We should be working for our own ends and not for the residents or refugees of other countries.

Pull up the drawbridge by all means, but after sending a great swathe of our foreign population over it back to the mainland of Europe where they may not find things so cushy but there is more space for them.

We were never asked if we accepted immigrants and or refugees they were foisted upon us and we are quite frankly sick of it.

Stop and Out are the two words which spring to mind for me.
2009-06-19 02:54:55 UTC
Mechanic - the british sure didnt mind destroying the culture and traditions of all the countries they pillaged for resources,Africa,India, Australia,Canada on and on, they didnt give two hoots about the tradition or culture of those people when they knicked off with their diamonds and land.So you know what i dont give a damn abt our culture and traditions any longer and I say that as someone who comes from a long line of English historians.The british empire did'nt give a toss about the culture or tradition of those nations it happily invaded and have GREATLY profited off over the last century.All those traditions that were perfectly carried and nutured for thousands and thousands of years,ALL Britains wealth stems from the destruction of someone else's history and culture - how strange to hear them fret when the same thing is done to them/.
2009-06-16 08:19:14 UTC
Most of the answers to this question are negative but the one thing that no one has mentioned is the fact that there isn't a country in the world where you won't find an Englishman. If, as some suggest, all the immigrants were repatriated then it is only fair to assume that all the Englishmen would be returned to this country. If that were to happen there would be standing room only. In addition there would be a shortage of nurses, doctors and a host of other professions. The only beef I have is when an immigrant breaks our laws. Why isn't he/she deported? I do wish this nationalist thinking would stop and that goes for all countries. The world is too small for us all not to get on. In addition just try to remember what we took from those countries when we had this so called empire and still left them in poverty. What you need to cure in this world is greed.
2009-06-17 01:40:44 UTC
im sure a lot of refugees see the state of their country as an excellent excuse to start a new life in uk. if they were in such dire conditions at home why dont they stop at the first place of safety they get to? no. they keep on going til they reach our gold lined streets dont they.
2009-06-24 07:09:30 UTC
Legal workers can stay. ILEGALS OUT
2009-06-20 16:33:04 UTC
It is the old problem---north versus south. and east versus west

We are all from the one planet, why cant we just live together?

Perhaps the speediest way to create peace is to remove all religion.
2009-06-19 03:00:20 UTC
Reading the answers to this questions just increases the shame I feel at holding a British Passport. Live and let live. Ethnic Diversity is a GOOD thing. Caring for victims of torture and helping them to learn to live fear free is a good thing. Fascist biggots should just go off to Zimbabwe, they`d get on great with Robert Mugabe (oops, he`s black, but as bigotted as many of the answerers, here.).
2009-06-18 16:21:07 UTC
I think the real question is why is there so much bile and hatred towards immigrants in this country?

Are we really becoming a bunch of racist facists?

Immigrants who are hear illegally get nothing and vast majority are here legally work and pay taxes.

All legal jobs have to pay at least min wage and employ people who have a right to live and work in the UK. How exactly are British workers being discriminated against? If foreign workers and foreign contracts win cause they can do the job cheaper then employers are choosing them because of that and not just because of nationality. Britian needs to be able to compete in an international employment market why should business suffer cause there unable to employ cheaper staff?

Immigrants have contributed enourmously to the UK and we can't deny we are a mixed up nation and have been for a very long time.

Yes there are huge problems with immigration and things need to change but comments like send them home and pull up the drawbridge are not helpful and policies like that would cause a disaster for the UK economy and lead to alot of suffering outside.
2009-06-18 08:03:56 UTC
i think the uk has done more than enough helping others. i think its time to concentrate on helping everyone who lives in the country now. there are dangerous levels of poverty amongst children and the health and educational facilities are struggling more and more everyday to cope.
Mummy2B ** 11/01/2010
2009-06-18 08:59:29 UTC
Why is England celebrating refugee week? As answerer no.1 said, pull up the drawbridge. We're overcrowded already, it's not fair they're leeching up all our money.
2009-06-18 09:37:09 UTC
Speaking from experience my father has worked for social services in the capacity of caring for young men brought from Iraq illegally, they have told horrific stories once they have mastered a little English, too horrific to tell in detail example witnessed father rand brother being shot by Arab soldiers Saddam Hussein hench men, this young boy was 15 when he saw this, he fled the country when member of his family put him on a lorry bound for U.K once in this country the driver put them out on a motorway no cash no English nothing this particular boy has spent 5 yrs in this country he has learnt the language, unfortunately cannot work as the government don't allow it, they are not allowed to do anything accept education, he has now been deported back to Iraq with no family a few Aunts and Uncle to speak of his I do think our government have to have a cut off point its knowing where to draw the line, if I were not emotionally involved I would have a totally different opinion as before I met these boys I dint think it was acceptable for the U.K to take them. they can indeed contribute to our society in a positive way given the chance, there are many disadvantages for them to be given a chance.these are human beings who unfortunately were born in such a bad regime, I am sure every human being would would to improve their life by any means they can

within the law.unfortunately that's life and human nature.
Ali A
2009-06-12 11:09:35 UTC
belgian maiden wrote:"I understand that people are negative about this, and I don't blame them. At the same time, I also wonder how all these people being negative would react if they were the ones who became REAL refugees because of the political systems in their country and facing torture and death for themselves and/or their families. Something has to happen for them, and I am sure that other countries are helping them too."

I frankly see no reason why the West should be taking refugees from Third World countries, particularly refugees who are from pre-literate societies with cultures very different than ours. How does it benefit either side to take people who haven't the ability to function in everyday society and make them welfare-dependent. I believe Western governments should concentrate their efforts on providing aid and making sure that neighboring countries in the affected area provide refuge. My experience, for example, in the Middle East, is that other Middle Eastern countries have been extremely reluctant to take and not very welcoming to refugees from countries such as Lebanon.
2009-06-23 19:23:05 UTC
Not a fan!
2009-06-16 14:08:40 UTC
What is it that makes people so intolerant? Our life in this country is massively better because of what all the different peoples and cultures bring to it. I am 52, and remember not being able to buy a loaf of bread after 530 on a Saturday till 8am on Monday. The food that I eat bears no resemblance to what I ate as a kid. And remember, the west basically raped the assets and minerals of the third world during the colonial era. I live in east London, and I see all the white NEETS (not in employment, education or training) moaning that somesone is stealing their jobs! The job seems to be going to sign on!
2009-06-18 11:49:54 UTC
I live in the UK, and I find it really sad how there are so many racist people out there who hate immigrants for no other reason, but just because... they are foreign.

Yesterday, I watched the news and saw what happened to numerous Romanian families in Belfast and was absolutely appaled and shocked by what I learnt. It's just really sad, how people have fallen as low as to using Nazi salutes and supporting Hitler's crazy ideas - I can't imagine how hurtful it must have been to not only all the Romanians who were directly affected by what had happened, but to every single foreigner in this country watching and seeing what's happening to fellow immigrants.

There's this girl in my school and she is Eastern European - she is an absolute genious - literally the smartest person in our year. Even though she's been in England for less than two years, she gets the highest levels in every single lesson and I really do admire that girl - to achieve so much in a place where they speak a whole different language from your own... just amazing.

Also, foreigners don't steal British people's jobs - it is up to the employers to decide who to hire, and if they decide to give the job to an immigrant, then fair enough. Let me give you an example - some British people want to get rid of all... say, the Indian doctors and Polish nurses in the UK - well, guess what if that happens? There won't be enough people to work for the NHS, and even a ten-year old can figure out what the consequeances of that will be.

Without wanting to offend anyone I have to say that Britain depends - in many ways - on immigrants.

2009-06-18 06:43:35 UTC
To those who are asying they are aginast refugees / asylum seekers - I'd advise you to visit the countries some of these people are running from and then see if you feel the same way.

I know you won't though. You won't want to visit the countries because there's a war going on / it's too poor and you wouldn't have access to accommodation/food/clean water when you're there / it's well-known for its corrupt government...

Yet you expect people to just stay there and live with it.
2009-06-17 10:58:48 UTC
The question is loaded. Two points:

1. Many Brits who so are anti-immigration would leave for Australia or the States at the drop of a hat if they could get in.

2. I have worked all over the world and always bump into British ex-pats, wherever I go.

Nobody OWNS anywhere simply because of an accident of their birth. Live and let live and think what is so attractive about the UK, like the climate, the recession, the petty-minded people, yob culture, stabbings, etc, etc... and save the postcard by writing it on the back of the postage stamp.

I respect ANYONE who pays his way and works hard. I don't respect xenophobes and racists... who generally hold their weekly meeting at a local hostelry -over a curry.
2009-06-17 05:17:54 UTC
I can understand Why, they would like to come to the we have freebie housing , health care etc etc - but the Door has to be closed now there are too many of them here... it is not the UK taxpayers problem - what their problems are ..they should take that up with their own governments.
2009-06-18 16:21:34 UTC

Britain has nothing left to give.

Tell a lie we have more homes and jobs and tax payers money to give,

just dont tell our own children they have no future in there own country.

p.s. im not racist im a mother with fear of whats going to be left for her children.
2009-06-18 07:19:44 UTC
send them all home, theyre taking jobs off hard working british people and all the 16 year olds who are leaving school, have no jobs to go into, its a disgrace, i believe in everything that the BNP stand for, i think most people i know are becoming annoyed with immigrants.

skills and talents? like what exactly
2009-06-16 13:08:41 UTC
What a load of crap!

Come on then! TELL us the contributions that these work-shy bums have made to British,or Western Culture!

In the whole of Western Culture,only two "Races" have any importance: Jews and Anglo-Saxons.

You can include the Germans,of course.


As I read you question,I thought THIS sounds like someone who is making a good living out of telling the "Common Peasants" what to think!

AND,looking at your self-aggrandising Profile.......Boy! Was I Friggin' right !

Get out there,and get your hands dirty instead of making a good living out of Charities and the Taxpayer!
2009-06-18 15:28:03 UTC
Refugees are people who need help, if someone came to your door starving, and in fear of their life and you threw them out then you are a S**t. We are a nation of immigrants and that is why we have a thriving culture, if the BNP have their way we will all be in bred, web footed fools with a wife and a sister who is the same person.
2009-06-15 16:22:43 UTC
It amazes me how many western societies are so negative about refugee's and immigrants based on racial values. The reason it amazes me is because historically Britain is a mongrel country playing host to people from all over Western Europe during invasions.

Our Royal Family are rooted to many different nationalities so the question I suppose is WHO or WHAT is a British person? (Rhetorical).

Another point to add, staying with history is that Britain like many other countries such as France, Portugal and Spain al invaded many eastern and African countries building up their empires, so in turn we now owe those nations the fair choice of a home here if they so wish.

However what we must NOT do is take on their debt!!

What would be the point in accepting any form of immigrant if they are of no value to the UK, this is pointless and the EXACT reason why many people are so resilient towards immigration and sadly elect idiotic racists such a those who stand for the BNP!!

Although the 3% statistic is alarming at first reading we have to break that down further to see whether or not it truly is a need for concern. If we further analyse this figure to see how many of those people are in paid employment we can then scrutinise their purpose hear.

It is also worth adding that if we accept refugee's in this country then we accept there is a problem in their home land, which we as a host nation MUST tackle with other countries to stop the need for such mass migration!

For example - if we are accepting refugee's from Zimbabwe then we must acknowledge there is a problem there in more ways than just speech. If we accept their people but in turn fail to act then we become hypocritical. The government then have to answer to the people of this land.

Unfortunately a lot of the hostility in this country is down to lack of information given to the British people about refugee's and immigration including school age. WHY is this topic NOT on the school curriculum considering it is such a major issue throughout the world?!!!! Ridiculous!

People (particularly working class) often comment on how these 'people' are taking our jobs. It is rubbish! It is illegal to pay anyone below the national wage limit so they are NOT cheaper and if the job is there for the taking the unemployed should be applying rather than complaining once the job has gone. However the government must ensure that their equal opportunities and diversity policies do not infringe upon the rights of their own people. This is when you start to build social and public unrest.

People who come to Britain for one reason or another must be used to mutual benefit and use the skills and knowledge that they arrive with. In this country we unfortunately still operate elitist values, which is outdated, unreasonable are extremely disruptive.

Erm enough said (I can go on for hours haha).
Ela B
2009-06-17 13:26:31 UTC
Anyone who is willing to work hard and embrace the various cultures in this country are welcome as far as I am concerned. I believe it is our duty as a wealthy democratic country to extend to hand of friendship and give relief to people who are no longer safe in their own country. I think that refugees should have priority entering the country over other immigrants as their situation is more urgent
2009-06-17 07:46:01 UTC
I love refugees! I mean, most immigrants are pretty good, but refugees? Brilliant. I love how when they leave their wartorn shithole, they waltz over hundreds of boarders - many of which are safe havens capable of accommodating them - and head immediately to the weakest island in the world - the island of Great Britain. There is not another government in the entire world that would allow such a massive influx of migrants and refugees, in a manner that has irreparably changed the very fabric of our society in a manner that most sane people would identify as negative.

You'll forgive the rather crude expression, but we need to send the buggers back.
john s
2009-06-16 09:04:49 UTC
its very hard to deny someone whose life is in danger i just wonder how many countries they pass through to get here and its estimated that by 2011 5 million people will be on the waiting list for social housing gotta be honest i think were full
2009-06-16 17:39:49 UTC
ok, i used to work in the home office and all i can say is 82% of them are bogus! And that's a fact.
Jackie M
2009-06-16 12:24:34 UTC
Would we get benefits in their country that they get in ours? No we wouldn't, if we went to their country we would have to fend for ourselves and find a legal was of making money, we wouldn't get put to the top of their housing list and get our rent and council tax paid, free nursery or tax credit for nursery payments. Charity begins at home! When will they realise that they are not wanted - I have nothing against them if the lived by our way of life and stopped trying to preach to us. They should find a way of making life better for themselves in their own country like we have to do - how many British born people do we have that are, homeless, unemployed, sick and disabled? Help them first, they have entitlements? We have paid our tax and NI we are entitled to it not them.
Music of the Night
2009-06-16 04:39:24 UTC
I have no problem with legitimate asylum seekers. Being Irish, I can't complain, given my country's history of emigration.

Being part of the EU means doors are open to working in any other EU country. Polish workers are as entitled to work in Poland, France, Ireland or the UK. Same way I'm entitled to work in Poland, Belgium or Portugal.

I just find it ironic that the English complain about immigrants. The British Empire covered half the world, there are obviously going to be repercussions of that.
2009-06-18 07:14:48 UTC
Contribution skills and talent ????.You are joking freeloader spongers just spring to mind
2009-06-17 14:51:21 UTC
Personally, I am of the opinion that people are people.

I see no difference between myself and those born in another country. I did nothing spectacular (or in fact anything at all) in order to be born here, so why should I feel I have any more rights than anyone else?

If there are those who could have a better life in the UK, let them! The fact that their own countries would not accept us is proof that they deserve to be here more than it is proof that they don't. Let the people who are prepared to do jobs well do them. Le t the best person for the job get it.

It's ridiculous to suggest that we are better than anyone else or deserve more than them because of where we are born.

And all those who scream "send them back" should try putting themselves in the shoes of a refugee/immigrant and ask "What would I do in their situation?" rather than assuming they are superior and more deserving of the opportunity to live well.
2009-06-16 23:39:45 UTC
Send them all back! For example : What danger is there in Poland? None - this country is full ! Most of the British people are emigrating to get out of this country 'cos wherever you go its full of immigrants! It's like cancer - and its spreading very quickly!
2009-06-16 11:41:34 UTC
I think seeking asylum is often mislabelled and misused. I have met a couple of people who have sought refuge in the UK and heard their stories. If anyone had to live the kind of lives they have then they would not be so easy to criticise. It is hard to imagine in the world we live in what it must be like to be under serious threat with nowhere to turn, no government or police authorities to protect us. Many of these individuals are skilled professionals who have family and comfortable homes, they come in desperation not for petty reasons.They more often that not would love to work, after being in full time proffesional employment, it is hard to change to an unemployed lifestyle. I think progress needs to be targeted in getting asylum seekers into work quicker as the restrictions often prevented qualified individuals from doing worthwhile activities and aiding integration. The refugees that I have met were both fulltime volunteers but were trained to a high level but were unable to work until clearance from the home office came through. They were both male and were working significantly under their skill set, they reported that women would love to volunteer but many problems arose in travel and childcare costs. Other immigration changes the situation, there are completely different reasons for coming to the UK, it is out of choice and for want of a better life. I am unaware of how many immigrants work but I expect the majority do, I don't think that there should be a significant difference in the treatment of asylum seekers and immigrants. But i think a significant thing to identify is that these people have been through hell and yet they are criticised, these people work, yet they are criticised. If someone who lived here all of their was under threat of death they would be protected, all lives are valuable and they need protecting too. I think it is a commendable factor that they come and work, despite the obvious mental trauma they have suffered, this shows real strength that should be respected.

I walked down southbank in London and was met by wonderful music,smells and colour from the various stalls within the area for refugee week I thought it was brilliant to show the mixing of cultures from all areas and it really made me smile.
2009-06-16 09:12:15 UTC
I have no problem with them unless they abuse the system. Often refugees are harder worker the Britain's, we often complain about them taking our jobs, but they are doing the jobs nobody else "would touch with a barge pole" for cheaper and harder! For me they deserve a lot more respect as most of them are doing a lot more than some who live of the state and tax payers money, these refugees are trying to make something of their lives, how can we persecute them for wanting to escape poverty?
2009-06-15 14:31:53 UTC
Personally, I do not care who they are as long as they contribute, pay their own way (eventually). I have strong objections to the people who have lied to get here and then have the audacity to preach hate about our way of life and threaten to turn the UK into an islamic state while living off our benefits. Don't believe me - read this and wake up please - be afraid - be very afraid! Getting Sharia Law is Step 1. do you realise that when refugees come over they can bring their entire families with them eventually and yes, they get free house, free medical free life and then have the cheek to complain - what for!!! Spongers.
2009-06-21 05:27:45 UTC
send them all back
The plooper
2009-06-17 13:37:21 UTC
Many of them are simply beggars who have been let in by the labour party's ever slipping standards.

Vote BNP!
2009-06-17 02:38:27 UTC
why dont they ever go to Russia or China plenty of room for them in those countries
Andrew W
2009-06-16 06:27:20 UTC
I have nothing against refugees or immigrants coming here. As you say, they have much to contribute to society. If only they were all allowed to work, rather than having to live on handouts, the situation would be better and they would have more dignity.

Refugees are at the bottom of the pile, through no fault of their own. They are fleeing harsh regimes in their own countries, for example political activists who are not allowed the same freedom of speech we take for granted, those whose families have been threatened, those fleeing civil war, famine or natural disaster.

We have a moral duty, as one of the richest countries in the world, to do our bit and too often the government panders to the racist, right-wing press in clamping down on supposed "scroungers". We do not do enough to help refugees in Britain.

Well done Yahoo for backing Refugee Week.


It is depressing to read some of the misinformed rants in answer to this question. To the people who are against refugees - what if your family were threatened with imprisonment or torture and you had to flee? Wouldn't you want to live somewhere more civilised?
2009-06-18 03:52:08 UTC
Kick the whole scrounging bunch out
Peter G
2009-06-17 03:54:19 UTC
I do not have a problem with Immigrints the land was ment to lived on not fought over. Thats what Nature intended. Not to have some world leader say who and what can live where.
2009-06-12 16:58:07 UTC
I agree with Belgian Maiden, the key point of distinction is that refugees don't come to the UK out of choice, invariably it's simply a question of survival. In fact the majority of asylum applications in the UK are refused and if you consider global refugee and asylum seeking populations in relation to the host country's overall size, population and wealth, the UK ranks 32nd in the world and supports far fewer refugees than many underdeveloped neighbouring countries. The major refugee-generating regions hosted on average between 83 and 90 % of ‘their’ refugees.

Although many refugees are initially obliged to live off benefits because they are not legally allowed to work until their asylum application has been approved, the vast majority of refugees coming to the UK are highly skilled professionals keen to work and make a contribution to their new home country.This expertise and authority combined with the fact that they are active members of the community is often precisely what puts their lives at risk, but equally it is these qualities which mean they have a highly valuable contribution to make to life in the UK.

Personally I have an enormous respect for anyone who can go through the level of trauma that refugees have had to endure, the transition to a new and often unwelcoming culture and still have the strength of spirit to want to take an active role in society.
2009-06-16 21:53:24 UTC
Send them all back home- save the UK economy...and let my fellow brits to regain their Jobs.
2009-06-12 12:18:11 UTC
My opinions do not vary, I believe that they should not be here under any circumstances they often cross through several countries to get here, so why do they not settle there

The benefit to the UK that is claimed is false any money earned is sent home to their own country and any tax paid is used to pay dole to UK citizens who are forced out of work by them and unscrupulous employers who employ them for a couple of weeks then "lay them off" while still employing them on the side at a cheaper rate

They, and the do gooders are/ have ruined the UK

This is such an important topic it requires a referendum where the citizens of the UK can decide and not our corrupt politicians who all seem to have their own agenda
2009-06-18 14:15:02 UTC
ok every1 u all made your points but why get so over worked up about it.
Belgian maiden
2009-06-12 10:46:53 UTC
I understand that people are negative about this, and I don't blame them. At the same time, I also wonder how all these people being negative would react if they were the ones who became REAL refugees because of the political systems in their country and facing torture and death for themselves and/or their families. Something has to happen for them, and I am sure that other countries are helping them too.

We need a sturdy system to look at the applications for refugee status, because there are obviously loopholes in the system and people can prove what isn't. But I don't think these people should be dismissed just because they are "immigrants".

It would be worthwhile to look at their qualifications / skills too. We may be able to use them, but only if we need these skills and they are real refugees who really need our help.
2009-06-16 01:16:57 UTC
Agree with mr Hairyman. Theres so much ignorance on this subject, why are prejudiced bigots commenting on something they clearly know so little about? I'm familar with our immigration laws, (something I never imagined I never would be), the uk is not as easy to STAY IN as bigots would have you believe.
2009-06-15 14:45:37 UTC
We will soon be a 3rd world country ourselves and It will be us Brits seeking asylum and refugee status from the violence meted out on us by our 'guests ' and their anglo cronies.

If these people can't create a stable, peaceful nation on their own turf, we won't civilise them.

Don't forget the 'refugees' are the losers in a conflict. Had they been the victors they would be murdering and butchering their current oppressors, because that is their way.

All they do is come here and wage their wars from our shores.........Send Them Back.
2009-06-16 07:23:37 UTC
waste of time
2009-06-15 15:15:39 UTC
All this talk of immigrants is irrelevant to me.

There is only TWO types of people in the world .....................

There is BRITISH ..............


There is

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FOREIGN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2009-06-15 15:07:47 UTC
We're full!
2009-06-15 12:36:41 UTC
I love my Asian neurologist who has saved my life more times than he has been to India again.

I love my Chinese food, from that local Chinese restaurant run by Chinese people who have been here for years.

I love my cornershop that's been open everyday, all day for years and has always provided me with excellent service and knows every customer by name.

I love my Iranian neighbour who fought for our country in Iraq and lost his sight at the age of 22.

I love them all and I love the fact that they make Britain what they are. Diverse and individual. We would be 40 years in the past and know nothing of the world.

I love the fact that they act oblivious to all the ignorance and hate in this country towards them for as you say: "sponging off the state".
2009-06-14 15:03:51 UTC
Sweet lord, I've never seen such an outpouring of uninformed drivel as has been posted in response to this question.

If you are a refugee, you have been accepted into the UK as your life was at risk in your home country.

The vast majority of refugees end up in the country beside the one they are fleeing (afghans into pakistan for example)

Of ALL immigrants into Britain in the past 10 years, only6% were Asylum Seekers and only a percentage of those become Refugees.

Refugees are NOT allowed to work, and are only allowed to stay for as long as they would be in danger if they returned home.

When they come here, they leave behind their family, friends and everything they know and love. They would generally rather be back in their own country - as long as they weren't going to be raped, tortured and killed.

As for those who say its 'not their problem' - both Iraq and Afghanistan provide a large amount of refugees that come into the UK - what might have happened in the past 5 years to cause that then??

Really, if you don't know the facts, don't just knock out some uninformed nonsense.
2009-06-14 12:34:18 UTC
I dislike them all.
2009-06-14 10:55:43 UTC
send them all back.. should not be our problem

vote BNP
2009-06-12 15:54:55 UTC
Pull up the draw bridge and fill the moat with crocodiles especially now we tax payer have paid to have it cleaned out
2009-06-12 10:58:26 UTC
The question you have to ask is how you would be welcomed if you went to their country.Their are plenty of highly skilled & talented people that are british and out of work because of the incompetence of this government & with poverty at its highest level since the war we can ill afford to keep paying for these people.I have recently lost my job to "foreigne Competition",you go to that country & try to get a start over their, you would be murdered within a hour.So in answer to your question SEND THEM ALL PACKING!!!!!!!!!!!!!.
2009-06-12 10:53:48 UTC
There are enough of them to replace every single Uk /British citizen and still have thousands or more of them wanting to gate crash here. When we had an Empire there were fewer problems. More people are suffering today than ever before The Empire today is not remembered for their wonderful achievements but for what these INDEPENDENT countries could find to BLAME the Empire. Suffering people should rise up and admit that they could do better under enlightened rule or suffer their Leaders to take them down the garden path.
The Patriot
2009-06-12 10:47:12 UTC
Actually, your figure is wrong. The UK hosts less than 3% of the worlds asylum seeking population.

As for immigrants, I have no problems with legal immigrants or genuine asylum seekers. Regarding legal immigration, it is a hard topic as there are areas were legal immigration is an asset to our nation, and areas where it is not.
2009-06-12 10:44:19 UTC
Who celebrates not the indigenous population that's for sure only the liberal do gooder and the PC brigade will celebrate the destruction of our culture and traditions to make way for people who have no right to be here poncing of our hard earned cash and benefit systems that they haven't paid a penny into , overloading our service Industries and health service that have also not paid a penny into . We pay they play

god with our country and our lives, edicts we did not ask for were not consulted about and we also didn't give them permission to take such liberties . It is criminally irresponsible people who have bought this down on us and they should be made to answer for their crimes in a court of justice . with the people of this country as the jury not some unrepresentative and unelected court at the Hague.
John D
2009-06-12 10:42:40 UTC
That is a staggering figure, we have approximately three quarters of 1% of the worlds population but 3% of the worlds asylum seeking population. This doesn't include the illegal immigrants. As the first reply said, pull up the drawbridge we have more than our fair share. No trendy video is going to change my mind either.
2009-06-12 10:31:30 UTC
I'd just pull up the drawbridge.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.