America was built on other people's pain and blood.?
2006-05-30 07:56:30 UTC
now that those people want to come to the united states, they are being called illegal aliens. God does not like ugly. its always just a matter of time before the past comes back to haunt us. do you think that some of the pains from the past could be reduced by allowing the bill to legalize "illegal immigrants" to pass?
23 answers:
2006-05-30 13:33:46 UTC
OK thats a good question ... up to now I do agree with Gonzalez... I hate to tell you this mi amigo Hayleylov but it is true that there was a big part of land that was taken (NOT Conquered)that is known as US territory now. It is on many US History books and Predator maybe you should take a look before telling someone to read history without reading it yourself first.Pain and blood had run through the US street as well. Back in the time there were the indians who were forced to become "The Guests" of their OWN LAND and the worst part is that they still suffering the damage that this society have done to them. A fair land??? Yes it was fair for the ones that took the Land and worked the slaves. I mean common people this country was build on many people's pain and it continues to be that way until we stop to THINK whats really a GOOD REASON to treat humans that bad (Is power a good reason?) . Otherwise, kingdoms collapse like many did back on time. The pain will continue even if they legalize millions of people (mexicans, asians, cubans etc) it doesnt matter if the racism and hate still spreads around. What difference will it make????

Plus this country is based on immigration LEGAL or ILLEGAL you' all got here someway or another dindt ya?... So pleeeeeeeease stop being such close minded and be realistic for once before making comments. And do whatever you want to do with illegals as long as you do it as a ONE NATION UNDER GOD. Peace =)
2006-05-30 10:52:03 UTC
They are being called illegal aliens because that is what they are.One of The senators that drafted the last amnesty bill has openly admitted that it was a bad decision. According to the PEW Hispanic research center the vast majority of Mexicans entering America illegally were gainfully employed in Mexico. The "amnesty" bill drafted by the senate will not pass the House bill WILL pass. There is NOT a "handful" of Americans that want to see the illegals be deported it is 64% and rising. You talk about opportunity in America for illegals and yet your country of Mexico has the strictest immigration policy in the hemisphere. Americans are making a stand on behalf of ourselves AND those who wish to enter the US legally.
2006-05-30 09:17:12 UTC
No, no.... and no. I don't pay taxes to support illegal immigrants. I also don't feel that cutting in line deserves a reward. Not only is it illegal, it's also unfair to those who have been waiting years to come here and are now being pushed back because of these people. It's not a race issue, it's about the economy. It may not be "nice", but nice isn't what's going to create a good future for our country.
2006-05-30 09:29:56 UTC
I feel the attack on the illegals is sort of like the holocaust; I don't find any justification to be cruel to humanity. So many illegals die trying to cross the border, only because they dont have the resources to do it the right way. Illegals contribute 7.5 billion to our economy, and politicians blame them for costing us $8 bilion in health care, welfare, etc. They are fairly enough paying for their ride; I say give them the same chance of a better life like our ancestors had when they first came here, also illegally, because no one came here legally or righteously.
2006-05-30 08:56:47 UTC
America was built on other people pain and blood ,you should know that one you even see it still going on,and it will continue taking what does not pertane to the US.but soon the end will come when the creator of us comes, and ends this wicked system of things,the goverment is going to be one of the first to go.than we won't have to sit here talking about crap like this all day.past is the past my dear if anything comes to haunt anyone its satan.
lewis d
2006-05-30 08:30:01 UTC
Why should people who legally follow the processes to attain US citizenship be punished by allowing ILLEGAL immigrants amnesty? I don't care if you are from Canada, Mexico, Australia, or Cuba, if you are here ILLEGALLY you should be deported. This country cannot keep IMPORTING people and EXPORTING jobs. IT WONT WORK!!! Either keep the jobs here or regulate the people. That's just common sense. But I guess people with common sense don't vote. Fell free to complement.
2006-05-30 08:04:13 UTC
I agree with you... if a big part of USA formely belonged to Mexico,... now mexicans looking forward to work and make their own American Dream... are called Alliens, or illegals, only because they does not have pappers to work.

I think that boundaries now in 21th Century should not be like wonder walls


I'm mexican guy living near Border, southern to San Diego,CA ... In Ensenada i I see how People of other countries are wellcome to all places in Mexico... Why USA Governors aren't like us?
2006-05-30 08:38:41 UTC
American was built by immigrants. Not ILLEGAL immigrants. We have laws for a reason. Maybe life would be better if people would follow laws. If the ILLEGAL immigrants would have done it the LEGAL way the would be LEGAL.
2006-05-30 08:07:18 UTC
OK. we have all said it before. we don't have a problem with immigrants. we have a problem with any one from another country coming into the united states illegally. they have to get the proper papers to come here. if they were here and left and now want to come back, that's fine. just don't crawl under a fence or climb a wall to get here. go to your country leaders and get the proper documents first. than come one over, I'll give you a tour.
2006-05-30 08:34:56 UTC
America was also built on the pain and blood of our forefathers. Like I said when I answered you last question, We fought for this country and won. Nations are conquered every day. Once again, unless they want to fight for this country and take it away from us then they have to obey our laws! Breaching American borders is a felony!
2006-05-30 08:18:19 UTC
Yes, it will show the real American spirit and reduce the pains from the past. We should all be against the handful or antiamerican racists that are trying to keep this reform from going forward.
2006-05-30 09:34:10 UTC
Killing ourselves with kindness. Think about this. Is the USA really a better place than it used to be? Oh, we have some kickas_s cars, and porn has never been better. But what about the quality of life? You want to just give everything away because your heart is bigger than your brain.
2006-05-30 14:18:36 UTC
2006-05-30 08:15:14 UTC
Huh? How on earth does failing to protect benefits for our home grown poor, elderly and not yet educated address sins of the past?
2006-05-30 12:28:12 UTC
no, that'll cause more pain. only stupid people would want to give amnisty to criminals. why don't you pardon child molesters and murderers while your at it?

america was built on blood and pain, the blood and pain of the first contenental army, not of the descendents of illegal aliens. they have no right to be here. there are laws now, and we must follow them.
2006-05-30 11:34:35 UTC
Nothing good will come from granting amnesty to illegal aliens.
2006-05-30 08:29:22 UTC
w t f to gonzalezii

if a big part of USA formely belonged to Mexico,... now mexicans looking forward to work

go home and make somthing of your country
2006-05-30 08:07:06 UTC
Shouldn’t you be in school? Try studying US history before you ask such a STUPID question.
2016-08-14 05:11:27 UTC
Interesting discussion!
2006-05-30 07:58:46 UTC
How was America built on other people's pain and blood?
2006-05-30 12:11:29 UTC
The illegal Mexican immigrants are invading this country trying to take it over. It's encouraged by Mexico and the American businesses who use them for cheap labor. Their loyalty is to Mexico. They proved that during one of the first rallies when they took down the American flag, hung up the Mexican flag, and then hung the American flag upside down underneath it. THAT is how they feel about America.

Then the people who want to appease them pull out the excuses about how people who are not even alive now, and haven't been for hundreds of years, 'stole' the land from the American Indians. Even American politicians are carrying out this traitorous attack on our sovereignty! If this keeps up, the United States of America will become a 3rd world country, just like Mexico! Mexico's problems are not the fault of Americans, but they are becoming our problems because the Mexicans are invading us and bringing their problems with them.

The illegals make up about 5 % of the work force. The unemployment rate is about 4.5%. Keep in mind that the unemployment rate does NOT represent everyone who is unemployed. It only counts those who are collecting unemployment. Everyone else's plight is ignored. The unemployment rate if everyone was counted would be tremendous. We do NOT have a shortage of labor, we have a large surplus. The more illegals that come in and take our jobs at minimum wage or less (often less) puts more and more Americans out of a job. Most of these Americans are never counted in the unemployment rate if they do not manage to get unemployment benefits. Unemployment benefits are hard to receive.

Illegals draw welfare by stealing people's social security numbers and identities. That means there are a lot of people being directly hurt by these people as well. Innocent people are having their credit ratings ruined, having IRS problems, and social security problems. If someone who has had their social security number stolen gets married, if either spouse dies or become disabled then they can be denied their benefits.

The illegals get welfare by stealing social security numbers and identities and using false papers. Therefore, the time limits under the Clinton welfare reform doesn't apply to them because once the time limit is up, all they have to do is get new stolen social security numbers and identities and false papers and start all over again. American citizens who draw welfare are limited to the time limits from the welfare reform and are then cut off. American citizens who fall on hard times and have to turn to welfare assistance have a harder time finding jobs that pay enough to live off of because the illegals have taken jobs and depressed the wages of those jobs still available to American citizens. Therefore, those in the lower working class are highly unlikely to ever be able to "work their way up" since the opportunities have been stolen which will entrap these people into poverty with little to no way out.

My family moved to the US before WWII. Those of my family that didn't make it over got killed by the death camps. Our family assimilated to the American culture. We didn't expect the Americans to change to suit us. The illegal immigrants from Mexico are not civilized like that.

They not only changed the National Anthem to Spanish, they changed the words. They already burn our flag and hang our flag upside down. They waved the Mexican flag during a lot of their protests. Some schools have stopped hanging the American flag and forbidden students from wearing clothes with any part of the American flag on their clothing all to keep from offending the Mexicans. It's nothing short of an attack of our country, not only by the illegal aliens, but those who seek to appease them.

I am tired of the stereotype that Americans wouldn't do the work that illegals do. Illegals do all kinds of jobs for less than minimum wage which drives the wages down for U.S. citizens. Construction jobs are an example. There are lots of illegals doing construction jobs that Americans used to do because the companies can keep more of the profits if they pay less for the workers. All that does is make companies wealthier and Americans poorer. Illegals are stealing jobs that Americans have done for years.

"Mexico is waging war on the U.S. through mass immigration illegal and legal, through the assertion of Mexican national claims over the U.S., and through the subversion of its laws and sovereignty, all having the common end of bringing the southwestern part of the U.S. under the control of the expanding Mexican nation, and of increasing Mexico’s political and cultural influence over the U.S. as a whole.

Cultural imperialism

We experience Mexico’s assault on our country incrementally—as a series of mini-crises, each of which calls forth ever-renewed debates and perhaps some tiny change of policy. Because it has been with us so long and has become part of the cultural and political air we breathe, it is hard for us to see the deep logic behind our “immigration problem.” Focused as we are on border incursions, border enforcement, illegal alien crime, guest worker proposals, changes of government in Mexico City, and other such transient problems and events—all of them framed by the media’s obfuscation of whether or not illegal immigration’s costs outweigh its benefits and by the maudlin script of “immigrant rights”—we don’t get the Big Picture: that the Mexican government is promoting and carrying out an attack on the United States.

Another reason we miss what’s happening is that our focus is on the immigrants as individuals. Thus our leaders talk about illegal immigrants as “good dads,” “hard working folks” seeking to better their lives and their family’s prospects. In fact, this is not about individual immigrants and their families, legal or illegal. It is about a great national migration, a nation of people moving into our nation’s land, in order to reproduce on it their own nation and people and push ours aside.

Thus, in orchestrating this war on America, the Mexican state is representing the desires of the Mexican people as a whole.

What are these desires?

(1) Political revanchism—to regain control of the territories Mexico lost to the U.S. in 1848, thus avenging themselves for the humiliations they feel they have suffered at our hands for the last century and a half;

(2) Cultural imperialism—to expand the Mexican culture and the Spanish language into North America; and especially

(3) Economic parasitism—to maintain and increase the flow of billions of dollars that Mexicans in the U.S. send back to their relatives at home every year, a major factor keeping the chronically troubled Mexican economy afloat and the corrupt Mexican political system cocooned in its status quo. "
2006-05-30 13:57:22 UTC
damm where touchie today
*** The Earth has Hadenough***
2006-05-30 08:07:25 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.