Illegal immigration could be stopped very easily by taking away the incentive for people to come here. If there are no jobs, no way to make a living, illegal immigrants would self-deport, free of charge to the American people. So how can we do that?
Simple: make e-Verify mandatory. The system works like a charm. Then fine employers who employ an illegal alien $10,000 for a first offense per person, $25,000 for a second offense per person, and at the third time revoke their business license. Game over.
Why aren't we doing that?
Because we do not want to stop illegal immigration, stupid. Corporate America needs work slaves that work for under minimum wage, can't complain, and can be ditched in a second should they become inconvenient. Since corporate America pays for the politicians' elections, there will be no law that will stop illegal immigration before we take corporate money out of the elections.