Dean represents the radical wing of the democrats and the ones that can use internet and media to attack other democrats. So they made a compromise and let him run the DNC or did they?
I f John Edwards or a few other Democratic candidates came out and stated they fill the boarder should be secured and that ultimately a compromise has to be reached then that person would go far. As it is to say let everyone one become an instant American is insane. Let's rationally look at the picture, then you are welcome to pick apart.
In 1986 the number they stated would apply for amnesty ended up being way off base, in fact the number ws 3 TIMES as many. They state 12-15 million, with that in mind it could be up to 45 million. You scoff. Look aa the 2005 figures. 1 in 7 that were caught were froma TERROR sponsoring country, they caught about 800,000 and for everyone they caught the government said five got through or 4,000,000. We also know when the "amnesty" cry is hear, it increases illegal immigration.
Is our medical system already overburdened. I know that the 86 hospitals that closed is not very many, but could this just be a start? Granted when in Dallas and i went to medical faciliites an asked who are they, the staff stated illegals. i know the employer is also at fault as they should be paying workers comp, some health, taxes,
Then if even the 12 million and immediate family come in could be a bunch. Clinton increased legal imigration to 2.5 million and Bush cut to 1.25 million so that's 30+ million new Americans.
They will have t be a comromise, but why would some politicians want to do something that the country cannot handle.
Crime is a huge problem and granted if is only 300,000 in federal pens, but that is 27% of the total of 300 million Americans, wht % are the illegals of total population. Taking the high "fantasy" number of 15 million illegals or "undocumented immigrants" you have 5% of the population. Yet this 5% accounts for 27% of the Federal prisoners. Estimates show that another 300,000 are in state jails. So you have 600,000 out of 15 million in jail for crimes. According to the sheriif of arizona, he released and deported 2,100 of these they comitted 8,500 felonies and a total of 11,000 crimes, not sure if the numbers would include being undocumented as a cirme. But you see that of the 300 million about 803,000 are Americans. Under 1 in 300 vs 1 in 28.
The criminals also commit crimes in the areas where they blend in. Now in Arizona over 70% of the people wanted the lws enforced and just check and see how many are registered democrats that follow the partyline. See following this then you know the minorities are also upset with the drugs and crime.
If the border is secure then we could sort this out, but until that they will be pouring in. look at the 1,000 attacks on border guards, 70% in San Diego.
Mexico has strict immigration and that is why I wonder how these folks form all over the world are being caught on the southern border. One thing you need to understand is that the 9 million visas we issue a year, when they expire over a third or 3 million do not honor it and hide in the country, so in ten years that's another 30 million form all over the world. then we hav the "favored nation" clause that lets 27 differnent countries people come here on a 90 day pass and visit and how many of them do not go back. With Europes oen borders in areas, how many come and hide out. In 2005 over 33 million came.
Throwing up Mexicns is moot, they are a sister country and if that were the fact it sure wouldn't be as many here, facts I listed above show it is zillions form all over. How many from South America?
So if medical is in trouble, social security, how can yo do this without creating a huge probelm and add to the ones now. Yes the employers are also to blame as they have taken advantage of many of these folks, but firends have done it the leagal way and appreciate America and abide by her laws. If the number is 40-60 million and families come how can we absorb so many. It was hard to absorb the 33 milllion of Clinton and Bush.
There is something going on as they have closed every plant in my state voer two decades ago and shipped them to Mexico, now going to places next to Russia and china and the people are on welfare now. Before had a minimum wage job. So are we to become a welfare state. How much more does it cost to pay someone minimum wage to make a pair of basketball shoes that cost $2 over in China and they sell for $100 here. Also picking veggies, if yo pick 100 pieces an hour and pay dirt wages, then increase to $7 an hour, so you pass on the cost of 3 cents more for a head of lettuce. How greedy are these people.
But since the "big boys' ahve moved our industry out of the country and created a welfare state and now allow millions to keep coming in to also take those lower jobs away, you have t ask yourself WHAT'S UP! Take care. Far as I am concerned the greedy SOZs should have to relocate the people and give them a bunch of cash to help them get started again. Wonder if Washington knows this stuff?