You can write to any USCIS Service Center with a letter addressed to FDNS. Additionally:
Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE)
Visit ICE Website.
Contact ICE Field Offices.
Contact ICE to report illegal aliens, employers that hire illegal labor, smugglers, document fraud, and other crimes by illegal aliens. Bilingual services are offered. Confidential reporting is allowed. ICE operates under the Department of Homeland Security (DHS).
Department of Homeland Security (DHS)
Operator Number: 202-282-8000
Comment Line: 202-282-8495
Visit DHS Website.
Send DHS a message online.
The Department of Homeland Security encourages citizens to contact their local law enforcement and local FBI office first especially if the matter involves personal safety. You can contact DHS to provide information and reports about suspected terrorist activity or crimes related to terrorism.
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
Visit FBI Website.
Locate FBI field offices.
Submit a tip to the FBI online.
The FBI investigates many crimes related to illegal immigration such as fraud, governmental fraud, insurance fraud, money laundering, terrorism, public corruption, healthcare fraud, identity theft and financial institution fraud as well as terrorism.
United States Department of Justice USDOJ
Report trafficking crimes or get help by calling the toll-free hotline
888-428-7581 (voice and TTY)
Para registrar su queja o obtener ayuda, llame gratis a
888-428-7581 (linea directa y de TTY para personas con incapacidad auditiva)
Exploitation Task Force Complaint Line at 888-428-7581 (voice and TTY). Laws provide options for trafficking victims regardless of immigration status. Operators have access to interpreters and can talk with callers in their own language. The service is offered on weekdays from 9 AM to 5 PM EST. After these hours, information is available on tape in English, Spanish, Russian, and Mandarin.
Social Security Administration (SSA)
Main Number: 800-772-1213
Visit SSA website.
How to report fraud.
SSA needs to know when people are selling and using fraudulent Social Security numbers and cards and abusing Medicare and Medicaid. They are interested in abuse involving their employees, crime rings, and terrorists.
Internal Revenue Service (IRS)
Fraud Line: 800-829-0433
How to report criminal activity with the IRS. While the IRS has the task of making sure we pay the extensive bill for illegal immigration, they can also be an asset to your efforts. Please report employers that hire illegal labor and use illegal alien day laborers to the IRS.
The Better Business Bureau (BBB)
4200 Wilson Blvd
Suite 800 Arlington
VA 22203-1838
National Office: 703-276-0100
Visit the BBB website.
Find your local BBB chapter.
The Better Business Bureau handles complaints about businesses that want to stay in good standing with the community. Issues relating to the employment of illegal labor, identity theft problems, and other business issues should be reported to national and local BBB offices. A business that intentionally hires illegals is not a good neighbor.
Local and State Law Enforcement
Contact information for your local and state law enforcement agencies should be listed in your local phone book. These agencies understand the local crime patterns and can provide great assistance to you. These agencies should be encouraged to do as much as they can to make sure illegal aliens that are arrested for crimes are then processed by ICE. Cracking down on illegal immigration reduces crime rates in areas where local police have taken action.