should illegal immigrants be able to become u.s citizens?
2006-11-14 10:06:04 UTC
im doing a essay for school its a prossuasive essay. i think i spelled that right well anyways . i would like to know what u guys think about this topic dont hold back your true fellings. let me know what you think ..........
35 answers:
2006-11-14 10:08:47 UTC

If you say no you forgot the history of USA
Cold Fart
2006-11-14 10:16:13 UTC
They are called illegal for a reason. Persuasive is correct spelling, friendly reminder...

I think that just because there are tons of illegal immigrants that we should change the face of the united states. I don't want English as a second language in California (where I'm from) and it's already starting to happen here in the Fresno / Visalia region, which is 10 hours north of the border... i.e., they are putting English/ Spanish menus at McDonalds, and other fast food chains, dual-linguistics categories for the local stores like WalMart and FoodsCo, and I really never learned Spanish nor do I intend to, but the way things are looking, if illegal immigrants are granted citizenship, we would be in some deep doodoo.

If the governator had anything to do with anything, it's that he's not being the "regulator" of laws that he is supposed to follow. We could always build the fence borders to Mexico and Canada lined with 10,000 volt fences, that might help for a little while... plus, if that fails, then put a secondary brick wall 700 feet tall. We'll see what happens from there.
2006-11-14 10:54:14 UTC
The answer is no. Many legal immigrants have to work for years in the US under a H1 visa and then spend time/money applying for a Green Card. These people going thru the proper channels should be allowed to be PR or citizens if they choose to.

Do you know that while Mexico has an open border to the north, they have a tight border patrol to the south?. Do you think Mexicans have not deported illegal migrant workers?. I have lived and worked in Mexico for 2 years (Sonora). Every nation today has immigration laws, different but they exist to protect the rights on their nationals.

No country in this world provides free immigration to illegals, it is opening pandora's box. Once this happens, its saying to people that your nation does not have rules or laws.
2006-11-14 10:15:24 UTC
If illegal immigration were stopped going forward, that could be looked at for screened illegals (no 'twice illegal' and no gangs) but right now with more streaming in every day, we have to look at the message that sends to people coming. Crossings went way up when Bush started talking about a guest worker program and people picked up said they were 'coming for the amnesty'.

The reason immigration of poor people is limited to begin with is that poor people can not make enough money to pay enough taxes to cover their family's cost in education and other services poor people use. We provide universal education we subsidize for our own poor people, and live next door to a country that does not do that for its poor people. Our schools are failing and emergency rooms are closing due to the mass of impoverished, unskilled and uneducated illegal immigration. We need to take care of our own people.

But we aren't heartless. When there were a few hundred thousand we carried, we ignored it. When there were a few million we gave them amnesty, only to find that those amnestied often became 'bases' to bring in relatives and friends illegally, thereafter. How do we address that if we legalize the 12 to 20 million here now?

Our schools aren't just STARTING to fail, they are currently failing.

What shall we do?

I say we have to solve the problem by removing the benefit and employment magnets that draw them here, and track visa exits and operationally control our border.

I am not into 'mass deportations' of the good sort who have established lives here, but I think we need to solve the problem before we can legalize, or we will only make it worse.

And that won't be good for anyone, including the illegals of the good sort whose schools, frankly, are the ones most impacted.
2006-11-14 12:59:46 UTC
Yes definately. My husband is a mexican. He does not have papers , but he is a really good person. He works hard, does not cause problems for anyone, loves to help people in any way that he can, great husband, great father, Yet, He can not file taxes, or buy a house or new vehicle or do anything else that requires a social security number and papers. it's not fair that someone who is such a great person can not do so many things just because of lack of a piece of paper. But we have U.S. citizens that can do what they want- and too many of them are nothing but lazy drug heads that do not work, sit on their butts and do drugs, drink, beat their wives and kids, live on welfare, etc.- yet they are aloud to stay in this country and do these things with no problem, only because they have papers.
2006-11-14 10:19:53 UTC
Persuasive- that's how you spell it.

There is a proper way to do it. They can apply for a visa as long as they are coming here to work and not live off of Welfare. I have not problem wiht immigrants wanting to stay here, Mexico and other countries just don't have the resources for people to live the way they want to that's why the chose to leave. But in order to get here they have to go thru all the right channels and be here legally. The channels are not hard, just time consuming. I bring people here under a guest worker program and they return back home with a whole bunch of money and they have asked how they can stay here legally...forever. I show them the website and I always tell them to do it this way so that they don't have to be looking over their shoulder all the time. I also encourage them to learn our core values here in American and I really encourage them to learn how to drive and how to speak English.

But if they are here illegally I don't think they should be citizens. They just need to apply for visas which could get taken away after commiting crimes and failing to participate in required classes to learn English
2006-11-14 12:22:56 UTC
I think that anyone that wants to become a US Citizen should have to go through the proper channels. It may be difficult and expensive, but we have laws for a reason. This is a frustrating topic for me because my husband is not a US citizen, but we did everything by the book. Meanwhile there are people just waking into our country and getting free medical service, among other things. If I wanted to emigrate to another country, I would have to follow their laws, so why shouldn't people coming to the us have to do the same.
2006-11-14 20:18:04 UTC
Yes, but first they have to go through the right paperwork, people just don't jump from being illegals to become US citizens, they first have to become Permanent Residents and have a clean record, so when the FBI check their names it can come back clean. So after a few years proving that one is eligible for citizenship then yes, why not?
2006-11-14 12:26:17 UTC
Yes, but only if they adopt the American values. The economy needs them and by becoming legal they will pay taxes. Think about it there are 20 million or even more that do not pay taxes now. It would be a smart decision and everyone would benefit of it if only is done the right way.
2006-11-14 11:14:32 UTC
You do not give someone who is breaking the law the opportunity to be excused. Illegal immigration is ILLEGAL, they should be charged prosecuted and convicted, then denied becoming US Citizens, because of willfully, and knowingly breaking the law.

Other who have not crossed illegally in the pass ( that we know of) and or not felons, may be given the opportunity to go through the legal process.
2006-11-14 10:52:03 UTC
to all you bunch of forgetful individuals,,, this was my country before your great grandparents came on your stupid flea infested ships and stole , oh my fault discovered this country FOOLS! how morally right was that! and you have the audacity to talk about legal,, well let me tell you something if you don't like the idea of AMNESTY ,, i have a suggestion ,, GO BACK TO WHERE YOU CAME FROM,,, AND NOW THAT IS NOT EXACTLY A JUMP OR SWIM AWAY, HUH? so to you all that are in disagreement can start packing your pretty little things and and buy your one way ticket to where you came from....

I was in disagreement with the whole amnesty thing but then i came across all these comments,, thank you for helping me make up my mind.. oh by the way ... the way ALL these immigrants reproduce will wipe out the current LEGAL RACES in this country.. ha ha ha ha FOOLS!! Check the southwest states, manifest destiny, the history of AZLTAN..
2006-11-14 10:17:34 UTC
Any immigrant that breaks the law can have their citizenship revoked depending on the seriousness of the crime. If they are here illegally to begin with, then there's not a chance because they broke the law in the very beginning. I think they should go back where they came from and try getting in the legal way. you know, wait in line like every one else. Nobody likes a person that cuts in line.
2006-11-14 10:12:48 UTC
Sure, if they take their happy butts back across the border and get in line. Not only are they illegal....but they are so arrogant as to flip off legal immigrants by refusing to follow the rules, regulations and policies implemented to become a US citizen.

Sure, those White Rich Landowners from England were immigrants, but as the Natives had no laws regarding immigration, then they were perfectly legal. Granted, the mass murders and genocides afterwards are another story, but the immigration was not illegal.
2006-11-14 10:16:25 UTC

An Illegal ALIEN (Immigrants are individuals authorized entry into the USA)

--HAS CHOSEN to break US entry laws in order to obtain something they want (job,$$,a better place to live with real roads,clean water, hot showers, free education/medical etc)

They- under the law- are CRIMINALS

Why should the USA provide citizenship opportunity to people (regardless of where they come from) to potential neighbors who believe that THEIR desires/needs are ABOVE THE LAW?

Does that mean that if you want a fancy car you can go steal one from the dealers lot..because life would be "better" if you had that cool car??

or you cut in line because you don't want to wait?

or ..............

the answer is NO
2006-11-14 10:19:51 UTC

Deportation is the only way! They can go back to their countries of origin and apply just like everyone else has to do! Get in line and wait! No cutting in line and demanding rights they don't even have a right to!

No Exception, No Excuses, No Compromises, No AMNESTY!
2006-11-14 10:12:15 UTC
No, even if given amnesty to stay, they are not willing to follow our laws and should be branded that way! If our Government lets illegals stay, they should at least make them pay hefty fines to pay toward the national debt everyone is so worried about. Illegals should never be allowed to vote in our elections or carry weapons of any kind.
2006-11-14 12:11:27 UTC
Bush said one thing right. Why reward them for doing something illegal?

We are over-crowded as it is and I see so many committing crimes in our country.

We are supposed to learn THEIR language.

Even white people are a minority now.

They take our jobs.

Need I say more?
2006-11-14 10:15:40 UTC
absolutely not.. all illegal immigrants need to be sent back home and if they wish to become US citizens, they need to go through the proper channels to do so, and be here legally

Also no Cristi@n I have not forgotten the history of the USA and it has nothing to do with the current situation..
2006-11-14 10:23:08 UTC
Not without jumping through more hoops than LEGAL immigrants have to go through.

And it's spelled, 'persuasive'.

Kids these days! Can't even use a dictionary!
2006-11-14 10:13:09 UTC
Bottom line , if you want to be a citizen of the United States or any other country, then go through the proper and legal channels. It doesn't matter if you agree or disagree with the laws, you just need to follow them. Remember you aren't special and when you put yourself above the laws, then expect to pay for it! Oh and don't say to me "We do it this way in my country", because you aren't in your country, got it???
2006-11-14 10:10:18 UTC
Only if they learn to speak English, adapt to the American way of life and go through the propper channels to become a US citizen!

Illegals who are currently in the US should not be given amnesty!!
2006-11-14 10:09:41 UTC
There should be NO amnesty. Any illegal alien should be sent home and if they wish to become an American citizen, then they have to follow the legal steps to do so. Only then should they be allowed to be in America, and become a citizen.
2006-11-14 10:09:53 UTC
Not unless they leave and apply to come back the legal way. There should not be any "amnesty" granted.

I love America and I feel anyone who wants to come here – the correct way and add their history to ours should be able to do so. But, I HATE people who cut in line – at the bank, the grocery store – and in regards to immigration.

These people have committed felonies - at least 3 laws are broken if a person is here illegally. Do you REALLY want to grant a felon legal status?
2006-11-14 10:34:16 UTC
First of all your question should have been.

"Where would I find information on finding a tutor to help me with my non-existent grammar and spelling skills?" There is even a spell checker for God's sake.

As to your question. NO
2006-11-14 10:14:19 UTC

As soon as they go back to there country of origin and go through the naturalization process.
2006-11-14 10:09:16 UTC
No, I don't think so... but then again, it happens everyday, so I don't think it matters much what we think. I think that if they're going to come into the country illegally, they should be deported.
2006-11-14 10:10:05 UTC
No way, we must show that all have got to respect our laws. Here in American we do not reward law breakers.
2006-11-14 10:14:39 UTC
Yes. If they are in our country illegally, and they just live here without becoming a citizen, then that is wrong. But if they decide to take the classes and learn English and become a citizen, then more power to them!
2006-11-14 10:15:00 UTC
Yes they should become the U.S citizens as long as they are willing to learn English, obey the laws and rules, blend in the American culture, and respect the fellow U.S citizens.
2006-11-14 10:09:23 UTC
If you look at the stats, the Aliens make up a lot for the US population percentage. They are a fraction of this economy, without them there would be some economic impact.

Plus the US has better living conditions then Mexico or Cuba in their mind
2006-11-14 10:07:35 UTC
Not under any circumstances.
Old School
2006-11-14 10:18:21 UTC
NO NOT AT ALL. And please use spell check next time.
2006-11-14 10:07:00 UTC
2006-11-14 10:15:30 UTC
2006-11-14 10:08:31 UTC
i think so but their are many reasons why

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