If illegal immigration were stopped going forward, that could be looked at for screened illegals (no 'twice illegal' and no gangs) but right now with more streaming in every day, we have to look at the message that sends to people coming. Crossings went way up when Bush started talking about a guest worker program and people picked up said they were 'coming for the amnesty'.
The reason immigration of poor people is limited to begin with is that poor people can not make enough money to pay enough taxes to cover their family's cost in education and other services poor people use. We provide universal education we subsidize for our own poor people, and live next door to a country that does not do that for its poor people. Our schools are failing and emergency rooms are closing due to the mass of impoverished, unskilled and uneducated illegal immigration. We need to take care of our own people.
But we aren't heartless. When there were a few hundred thousand we carried, we ignored it. When there were a few million we gave them amnesty, only to find that those amnestied often became 'bases' to bring in relatives and friends illegally, thereafter. How do we address that if we legalize the 12 to 20 million here now?
Our schools aren't just STARTING to fail, they are currently failing.
What shall we do?
I say we have to solve the problem by removing the benefit and employment magnets that draw them here, and track visa exits and operationally control our border.
I am not into 'mass deportations' of the good sort who have established lives here, but I think we need to solve the problem before we can legalize, or we will only make it worse.
And that won't be good for anyone, including the illegals of the good sort whose schools, frankly, are the ones most impacted.