Immigrant-rights groups critical of upcoming radio event is FAIR a hate group ?
2007-12-27 12:04:04 UTC
DES MOINES, Iowa (AP) — Immigrant-rights groups are criticizing the organizers of an upcoming radio event that will promote a crackdown on illegal immigration.

The groups accuse the Federation for American Immigration Reform of endorsing bigotry and racism. FAIR is sponsoring a broadcast marathon for Thursday and Friday in a downtown Des Moines hotel. The event is expected to attract 22 radio talk show hosts from across the country to discuss immigration.

``We don't agree with their views that are demonizing immigrants, and we don't appreciate their coming to Iowa telling us what we should think about immigrants,'' said Alicia Claypool, chairwoman of the Iowa Civil Rights Commission.

Dan Stein, president of FAIR, said his group is being demonized. ``They're trying to discredit an entire side of the debate,'' Stein said.

FAIR held a similar radio event last spring in Washington that it claims influenced the U.S. Senate's defeat of a bill that would have created a path to citizenship for illegal immigrants. note that the Southern Poverty Law Center, a civil rights organization, recently added FAIR to its list of hate groups operating in the United States.
Wow, the ultimate "hate" group has a "hate" group list. I guess that list must be pretty nice guys then, double negative and all.
Ten answers:
Sue H
2007-12-27 17:54:13 UTC
I hope the radio event is a hit! I just heard on a New York radio station that all these types of attention are making the illegals so "upset and nervous" that they are "self-deporting" in other words, they are going home on their own because they are tired of looking over their shoulder. Keep up the heat! its working!!!!
2007-12-27 13:47:17 UTC
The Southern Poverty Law Center is a well-respected organization that tracks hate crimes. They are considered fair and balanced. They have an outstanding reputation.

SPLC reports that:

The group, the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR):

* is the creation of a man who operates a racist publishing company and has compared immigrants to "bacteria;"

* has employed members of white supremacist groups in key positions;

* has promoted racist conspiracy theories; and

* has accepted more than $1 million from the Pioneer Fund, a racist foundation devoted to eugenics and to proving a connection between race and IQ.

FAIR and its ties to white supremacy are examined in the latest issue of the SPLC's quarterly Intelligence Report.

I am sure that you will not agree with me, but does not matter. SPLC's reporting and evaluation is well-respected. Good thing that some folks will raise their voices against organizations such as FAIR.
2007-12-27 12:33:47 UTC
Yea, right on! You make good points. If there is a "hate" group, it is the Illegals and all the ignorant people that support them.

Any one who knows the story of the "Golden Goose" should be able to see we are headed for hard times if we do not crack down on Illegals.

Logically speaking, why bother to pass laws if the Government does not intend to enforce them?
Ken B
2007-12-28 02:53:30 UTC
No, they're not a hate group. Just trying to make our Government uphold our laws. In fact, it has a patriotic ring to it. SPLC is the hate group.
Lori K
2007-12-27 12:13:47 UTC
Of course it's not a "hate group". Fair advocates enforcement of US federal laws. Only law breakers could possibly see them as a "hate" group.

I also find it offensive when these illegal aliens are called "immigrants". They are NOT immigrants and calling them so obfuscates the true issue and insults those who ARE legal immigrants to this country.

2007-12-27 12:30:39 UTC
Nope. Illegal immigrant supporters just love to cry 'hate' and 'racism' when something happens that they don't agree with. Standard tactics.
2007-12-27 12:08:57 UTC
I see nothing hateful about wanting to help these lost people find their way back to their homeland. It's no "demonizing immigrants" it's returning illegal aliens.
2016-10-09 10:14:54 UTC
honest lies approximately immigration suggestions to augment their arguments. They discredit themselves. in case you examine between the strains you spot that for the duration of addition they decide to shrink criminal immigration. Don´t have faith the honest lies...
2007-12-27 12:56:47 UTC
Enforcement of the laws is not hate, it's justice.
2007-12-27 15:39:09 UTC hide your racist view behind a 'fake' question and stab from the back. I'll have more respect for you if you stab from the front.

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