Who's giving us the truth on the negative effects of illegal immigration to the US?
2010-01-18 08:38:22 UTC
And how do you desipher the truth when hate groups have hijacked the immigration debate? What do you think about it?


Hate Groups Hijack Immigration Debate

Editor’s Note: This week the Southern Poverty Law Center classified the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR) as a hate group. With the number of hate groups up by 40 percent since 2000, the immigration debate has proven to be a fertile ground for hate groups looking to spread their racist beliefs under the guise of immigration reform, writes Mark Potok, who monitors hate groups for the SPLC. IMMIGRATION MATTERS regularly features the views of the nation’s leading immigrant rights advocates.

FAIR has accepted more than $1 million from the Pioneer Fund, a racist foundation devoted to eugenics and to proving a connection between race and IQ. While others have returned the fund’s money after learning of their background, FAIR President Dan Stein had no qualms about it, telling a reporter in 1993, “My job is to get every dime of Pioneer’s money.”
Thirteen answers:
2010-01-18 10:02:54 UTC
Unfortunately you can't decipher tangible or accurate reports on illegals because sadly, you really won't know who to believe. Even with some legitimate newspapers and programs they are totally focused on ratings so you have to be careful because some reports are just personal opinions, not truly edited for accuracy. For example, people view La Raza as a hate group, however, I have never found anything backing up that theory. They also say that it's a Mexican group, which is not so because they have a branch in Puerto Rico. La Raza is a group focusing on assisting ALL hispanics not just Mexicans, much like NAACP with African Americans and ACCESS for Arabic's.

The saddest part is that people can and do associate with hate groups that are targeted against illegals, especially if it has to do with hispanics, mostly Mexican, however, many will deny it saying that they are against all illegals, which is not true and it has been proven on these boards because people will only publish negative news about hispanics, particularly Mexicans and no other racial group, even though there are mountainous of articles of other races who are illegal, committing crimes.
2016-05-26 16:09:24 UTC
There are major advantages. Anyone who has ever known an illegal immigrant who worked his/her *** off day-in and day-out will know what a benefit they are to the work ethic in this country. The immigrants I've known, both legal and illegal, have been a better example of hard work for me than any US-natives. The problem is that there are so many who give the good ones a bad name. I don't know what the proportions are (and neither does anyone else answering here; most of what you've read is Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt) but the hard working ones avoid being noticed as much as possible, because they need the benefits of working here for better wages than their native countries, while the others are very visible because of the media's tendency to comment on race any time a crime is committed by anyone other than Caucasian Americans. Seriously, turn on the tv the next couple nights and watch your local news. When a crime is committed by a Caucasian there will be no mention of the race. When it is committed by a Hispanic person you will see and hear clear references to culture. The double standard is sickening. Anyway, despite the advantages of having hard workers willing to do difficult work for low pay, in the long run that is damaging to the economy. Taxes are rarely paid by such workers, while many benefit from government assistance. There are hospitals in Texas where more children are born to illegal immigrants than any other service they provide, and those bills are paid only by government programs. I have personal experiences as well that confirm that behavior, but the free labor-and-delivery services (while concurrently providing US Citizenship) at border-town hospitals is a much clearer example. The simple fact is that the ones who work hard to immigrate legally are more consistently honest, upright contributors to society. That doesn't mean all immigrants are bad (what an ignorant point of view that is), it just means that the process of doing it legally makes it more meaningful to the immigrant than if they had to sneak across the border in the night and live in fear of the INS the entire time they live here. The immigration system is seriously messed up. My sister-in-law is a legal immigrant from Japan. Even having done everything properly, and having been here for well over a decade, it's still a hassle and witnessing the hoops she has to go through is a clear witness of why so many feel forced to come here illegally. That said, a wall, however deep and high, will not solve the problem. Throwing money at such an embarrassing display of insecurity will never solve the problem. Fixing (completely recreating) the immigration policies and the INS itself is the only way to solve the immigration problem, and as long as money is being spent on building a wall we will never have the resources to actually improve the situation.
2010-01-18 08:54:29 UTC
1. You are spouting bigotry and prejudice when you call the people who want the immigration laws enforced hate groups.

2. The issue is not immigrants and never has been. Illiterate people or very ugly people continue to pretend the issue is... immigrants. The issue is.... ILLEGAL ALIENS.

3. The source of the information for the advocates who want the immigration laws enforced tend to be investment groups that MUST know what the illegal aliens want, and are doing, and the States that are coping with the invasion without a Federal Government that will not enforce the laws.

4. Why are we doing that? Look at the link and click on the links the web suggests. You will find the information well documented and excellent.

5. When you look at this site, you will discover the illegal aliens are the most criminally inclined group in the United States.

6. This report was issued by the City of Los Angles and it continues to get worse in that place.

La Country Illegal Alien Cost

LOS ANGELES COUNTY - Figures from the Department of Public Social Services show that children of illegal aliens in Los Angeles County collected more than $21 million in welfare and more than $22 million in food stamps in March 2009 -- an increase of $1 million from the previous month, according to a news release from Los Angeles County Supervisor Michael D. Antonovich.

Annually the cost of illegal immigration to Los Angeles County taxpayers exceeds one billion dollars, which includes $220 million for public safety, $400 million for healthcare, and $500 million in welfare and food stamps allocations, according to the news release.

"Illegal immigration continues to have a devastating impact on Los Angeles County taxpayers," Antonovich said in the statement. "The total cost for illegal immigrants to county taxpayers exceeds $1 billion a year - not including the millions of dollars for education."


Deport the illegal aliens and if you can, write Congress asking for exactly that.

Per the article and the Southern Poverty Law Institute. They should be sued into the ground.

Southern Poverty Law Center
2010-01-18 08:51:27 UTC
Hey these people are much smarter than me. but I can only see thing simple ways. For example: if you are keeping to set of books (legal and illegal) that will catch up with you. If there are Mayans, Persians, Asians entering the country off the books. this not above board. why not just do what we should do and put these people on the books. Do it in the light not hide it from the truth. Have these people pay taxes and insurance and what ever else they are to pay. THAT doesn't mean they should also benefit from being an american and receive social security and ....

Why do we need to have these people lie why is it good to lie and steal from ourself? either put them ALL out or put them on the books.
2010-01-18 09:12:53 UTC
The only original people of the united states are the native americans. Every other person in the United States is a product of immigration. What ever happened to " Give us your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to be free". That is only a section of what is written on the statue of liberty.

Illegal immigration costs us tax dollars. I'm willing to pay more taxes.

Our immigration cost native americans their lives. This country will come to a stop without illegal immigrants. Who will pick our crops and do all the other low paying jobs that we feel are beneath us?

I'm Irish italian when my ancestors came to this country they were treated as dirt. Look at us now!
2010-01-18 08:58:11 UTC
Grow up and save the character assassinations. Painting horns and pitchforks on some of the proponents of a policy you don't like does NOT refute the basic truth here: Illegals are here ILLEGALLY. Are we a nation of laws or not?

Just explain why Mexicans shouldn't follow OUR laws about gaining entry to this country. And if you think they don't need to, then why shouldn't I be allowed to pick and chose which laws I'll obey, as a full, net-federal-tax-paying citizen?
2010-01-18 09:06:49 UTC
Your source lovely is splc, a radical racially motivated group that no one can believe. Educate yourself on what morris dees really is, a con man after the money himself. Guess it is okay for these racially motivated groups to call everyone else racist when their name and intentions speak for them self. What about our tax money going to fund these people and la raza, guess that is okay with you. These are the worst hate groups there are, they hate Americans.

La Raza, founded in 1968 by Raul Yzaguirre, takes its name from “La Raza Cosmica,” a phrase coined by Mexican scholar Jose Vasconcelos. The English translation, and the first definition found in Spanish/English dictionaries, for “la raza” is “the race.” Contrary to La Raza’s contention that the phrase means “the people,” or “the community,” the Spanish for those phrases are “la gente,” and “la comunidad.”

In 2005, La Raza received $15.2 million in federal grant money for charter schools and get-out-the-vote campaigns and in 2006 got another $4 million in congressional earmarks for housing reform. The organization’s financial statements for 2008 show that it received another $5.1 million in federal grants, and holds assets worth $97.4 million. La Raza has received more than $30 million from the federal government since 1996.


The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) has been rated "poor" by Charity Navigator, stating that net assets were $152 million.

...Morris Dees [founder of the Southern Poverty Law Center] won a judgment for a black woman whose son was killed by Klansmen. She received $51,875 as settlement. Mr. Dees, according to an investigation by the Montgomery Advertiser, pulled in $9 million from fund-raising solicitation letters that featured a particularly gruesome photograph of the grieving mother's son. Mr. Dees, who pays himself an annual salary of $275,000, offered the grieving mother none of the $9 million her son's death made for him.

In fact, unknown to most CFC donors, the tax-exempt SPLC flunked an audit by the Arlington-based Better Business Bureau's Wise Giving Alliance, which requires that "a reasonable percentage, at least 50 percent of total income from all sources, should be applied to programs and activities directly related to the purposes for which the organization exists."

...SPLC...spent 89 percent of its total income on fund-raising and administrative costs...

Granted, administrative costs tend to run high when executive salaries are in the six-figure range. For example,... Morris Dees, SPLC's chief trial lawyer, pulls down a cool $280,699...
Professor D
2010-01-18 10:33:16 UTC
idk what to believe now not even the facts people put here are real, i mean i went to a Nazi website and the same stuff posted by the ones against illegals is the same $hit
Maricopa County
2010-01-18 09:23:29 UTC
On Wednesday, Salt Lake City Bishop John C. Wester told reporters: “It is our view, and that of others, that the American public, including the Catholic and other faith communities, want a humane and comprehensive solution to the problems which beset our immigration system, and they want Congress to address this issue.”

The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops recently voiced their support for the latest amnesty bill before Congress, this time introduced by Rep. Luiz Gutierrez (D-Ill.). The group called it “an important first step in the legislative process.”

While the leadership of the Catholic Church has been more than welcoming to the millions of Mexican and Central Americans who have entered the U.S. illegally, the rank and file membership does not share their feelings.

A November 2009 Zogby poll asked Catholics: “Which approach do you prefer to deal with illegal immigrants in this country? Statement A: Enforcing the law and causing them to return home over time. Statement B: Granting legal status and a pathway to citizenship to most illegal immigrants.”

64 percent of respondents said they preferred statement A, as opposed to the 24 percent who chose statement B.

The poll also asked Catholics whether the 38 million legal and illegal immigrants, along with the 1.5 million more entering the U.S. were “too high, too low, or just right?” Sixty-nine percent of the respondents answered “too high.”

So why the disparity of opinion between the church’s hierarchy and its members?

Countless child sex abuse scandals have rocked the Catholic Church over the last several years, and American families have been leaving the church in droves. As American men and women whisk away their children from the potential risk of molestation in the Catholic church, they also take their much needed money. The coffers of U.S. Catholic churches have been running on empty and the church sees the pocketbooks of illegal immigrants as its only hope.

During Pope Benedict XVI’s 2008 visit to the United States, he gave many speeches and sermons. Among other things, the Pope admonished Americans to adopt a welcoming attitude toward those who break our laws by entering this country illegally. Benedict said: “I want to encourage you and your communities to continue to welcome the immigrants who join your ranks today, to share their joys and hopes, to support them in their sorrows and trials and to help them flourish in their new home.It was discovered that the Pontifical Commission for Latin America, a Vatican-based group which answers directly to the Pope has made a large donation to help build a shelter for Central Americans on their illegal journey to the United States. The money was given to the Brothers On The Path refuge, located in the Mexican city of Ixtepec.

Between 2005-2007, the number of Central American nationals caught by the Border Patrol entering the U.S. illegally has averaged 11 percent of their total apprehensions. While the majority of the 875,000 caught sneaking across the border annually are Mexicans, those coming from countries such as Guatemala, Honduras, and El Salvador are adding to the incredible burden placed on our Border Patrol agents.

Along with the usual problems posed by illegal immigration, a particularly violent gang known as MS-13 hails from El Salvador, but now has many Honduran and Guatemalan members as well. In addition to other parts of the country, MS-13 has been gaining a large presence in Northern Virginia, and is responsible for several machete attacks in the area. In 2005, an Alexandria teenager lost four fingers during a savage encounter with MS-13 members and a Fairfax man also became a victim of a MS-13 machete attack.

In June 2005, Los Angeles Cardinal Roger Mahony wrote an op-ed piece for the Los Angeles Times in which he defended and even encouraged illegal aliens to enter this country. Of course, Mexicans and other Latin Americans are overwhelmingly devout Catholics. Mahony along with the rest of the church’s hierarchy is undoubtedly anxious to tap this potential source of income.

In 2006, Cardinal Mahony directed all priests in his 288 parish archdiocese to simply ignore any federal law which requires anyone working on behalf of the church to inquire into the citizenship of anyone seeking help (The Catholic church offers assistance to illegal aliens applying for various welfare programs). The directive was given by Mahony in response to the immigration bill passed by the U.S. House of Representatives in December 2005, which declared all illegal aliens and mandated the prosecution to anyone who knowingly aided an illegal alien.

For decades, the Catholic Church shielded and protected child-molesting priests. As complaints would come pouring-in from parents threatening to involve the police, the church would simply ship the offending priest off on a sabbatical, eventually pawning them off on another unsuspecting parish where the process would begin again.
2010-01-18 08:41:35 UTC
About 5% are giving us the truth. There are a lot of conspiracies that are connected to the immigration debate. The most ridiculous is that Obama wants to grant Amnesty just because he wants their votes. LOL! Anti's just fear immigrants ever since they lost power.
2010-01-18 08:45:01 UTC
great question! it's hard to tell these day. One thing that give them away is how they dehumanize illegals. that's a given that they are tied to these groups.
2010-01-18 08:41:21 UTC
Maybe you believe what you hear too often
2010-01-18 08:46:17 UTC
FOX news sure isn't

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.