How can I apply for new US refugee programme for Iraqis?
2007-02-17 03:29:33 UTC
I am iraqian in italy now for several month (study issue) and i am afraid from comeback to iraq with known reason. during my job in iraq I worked with US army after that I have been kidnapped but I survived. because of that I traveled to EU (italy) for study planning to immigrate to any where but before few days I heard about refugee programme from US government. My Question is , How can I apply for this programme and where?
Can I apply for it here in italy?
Four answers:
2007-02-18 07:35:19 UTC
You can ask Italy to do the same, I think it'll be more simple than for the US; Italy's measure to safeguard an individual’s civil rights and liberties are very strong. I suggest you ask for advice to local authorities (Questura, carabinieri or relief organiztions like Caritas or others).



Art. 19

(Divieti di espulsione e di respingimento)

(Legge 6 marzo 1998, n. 40, art. 17)

1. In nessun caso puo' disporsi l'espulsione o il respingimento verso uno Stato in cui lo straniero possa essere oggetto di persecuzione per motivi di razza, di sesso, di lingua, di cittadinanza, di religione, di opinioni politiche, di condizioni personali o sociali, ovvero possa rischiare di essere rinviato verso un altro Stato nel quale non sia protetto dalla persecuzione.

2. Non e' consentita l'espulsione, salvo che nei casi previsti dall'articolo 13, comma 1, nei confronti:

a) degli stranieri minori di anni diciotto, salvo il diritto a seguire il genitore o l'affidatario espulsi;

b) degli stranieri in possesso della carta di soggiorno, salvo il disposto dell'articolo 9;

c) degli stranieri conviventi con parenti entro il quarto grado o con il coniuge, di nazionalita' italiana;

d) delle donne in stato di gravidanza o nei sei mesi successivi alla nascita del figlio cui provvedono.

Art. 20

(Misure straordinarie di accoglienza per eventi eccezionali)

(Legge 6 marzo 1998, n. 40, art. 18)

1. Con decreto del Presidente del Consiglio dei Ministri, adottato d'intesa con i Ministri degli affari esteri, dell'interno, per la solidarieta' sociale e con gli altri Ministri eventualmente interessati, sono stabilite, nei limiti delle risorse preordinate allo scopo nell'ambito del Fondo di cui all'articolo 45, le misure di protezione temporanea da adottarsi, anche in deroga a disposizioni del presente testo unico, per rilevanti esigenze umanitarie, in occasione di conflitti, disastri naturali o altri eventi di particolare gravita' in Paesi non appartenenti all'Unione Europea.

2. Il Presidente del Consiglio dei Ministri o un Ministro da lui delegato riferiscono annualmente al Parlamento sull'attuazione delle misure adottate.
2007-02-17 04:02:23 UTC
I would question whether you would qualify. For one thing, you say you are living in a third country. The US would consider that you do not have any urgent need. Secondly, you say you are there as a student. The US would especially reject the notion that someone in Europe on a student visa would have refugee status, even taking into account your work with the US military and your alleged kidnapping in Iraq.

The US is only letting in 7,500 Iraqi refugees - GENUINE REFUGEES - this year. I am quite sure the criteria would include you are currently living in Iraq and directly affected by the fighting there, so poor you do not have the resources to get out even if you tried to seek refuge in a third country. But you're not.

Are you seriously implying the Italian government would send you back to Iraq when your student visa expires? Are you seriously implying that you are a refugee when you are in fact a foreign student?

You sound like an "economic refugee" - someone who would like to enjoy a slightly better standard of living (and the living standards in Italy are very high, some say the overall quality of life there is actually better than for most Americans). Under the recently announced refugee program, economic refugees are automatically rejected.

You can apply under the U.S. green card lottery. I don't believe there are any quotas for Iraqi civilians.
2016-09-29 09:42:07 UTC
From what I been listening to, the administration considers Iraqis to be protection threats and is granting few interviews and NO refugee status. in the event that they helped the U. S., we are turning our backs on them as we've continually accomplished. How long? possibly the subsequent administration will undertake a saner physique of strategies.
2007-02-17 05:50:03 UTC
You may not qualify for the US immigration but you can always apply for the same in Italy to keep staying in the EU!

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