Absolutely NOT, and i speak for each and every true SINGAPOREAN. The idea itself is ludicrous. Nobody i personally know agrees with this. Frankly, the comments which agrees with the SM are most likely made by all the immigrants.
I don't know about the rest of my disappearing singaporean brethrens, but i can't take it anymore. I'm FED UP. I cannot afford to migrate to europe or states but all my friends who could have already done so. Year after year my friends come back to visit me and they all tell me how different and hostile it is here and that they don't ever want to come back anymore. And honestly who could blame them?
I'm now working hard to leave this little air-conditioned island, i can't afford europe at the moment but I'll just settle for Thailand. Anywhere is better than here really and if that means i'd have to give up the "comforts" singapore provides, then so be it. The anger, hatred, resentment and indignity is too much to take. Anyways, i seriously doubt our comforts will last long at the rate this is going.
I'll understand if they bring in really SKILLED expats that comes here to teach us things we're not experienced with. But not all those cats and dogs you see on the street.
- Foreigners OBVIOUSLY do not bother to integrate or stay for long.
-They always throw us disdainful looks, look down on us and laugh at us, especially those in the service sector.
-They have no respect for our pple or culture.
-They can't speak english to save their lives.
-They bring their 3rd world habits here.
-They commit crimes blatantly and yet strangely those crimes are not reported anywhere on the news.
For your info, i do not dress like a hooker (im always in jeans and t-shirts) but everywhere we go, even at home! My friends and i get STARED at lustfully as if we're naked. The kind of stares they give is itself enough to warrent them a jail term.
I also got stalked twice by those immigrants(called the police,no use at all, very ineffective, had to deal with it myself in the end!) and even been taken advantage once by one of them in escape theme park! A supposed family friendly place! and i was with my 13-years-old sister! Really can't believe that I had to deal with all this BULL! plus i've witnessed a DAYLIGHT robbery occuring in the SM's territory itself! just Imagine!! they're getting bolder and bolder everyday.
We're nothing in the govt's eyes, and nothing's gonna be changed, i seriously agree with another comment earlier on, i think there will be mass rioting/civil war in the streets like indonesia, its not surprising, with all these resentment and hatred.
The governtment's weak and insulting “integration” propaganda attempts are just adding salt to the wound. I agree with every comment made earlier that's against this post. The singapore that im born and bred in, that i know of and was once fond of, is disintegrating.. its going to the dogs now and i've no more love for this place anymore. So don't blame us for being "quitters." YOU'VE PUSHED US.
You might argue that we were a country of immigrants to begin with, but you must understand, our forefathers bore the risks of shipwrecks, uncertainty and diseases to come over here. Went thru the japs, seperation from m'sia, etc.etc. They sweated, toiled and bled for our country, to transform it frm a literal kampong to what we are today. The new immigrants, what did they do except cause us unhappiness and inconvenience? They came when everything is clean and green for them. Do you think they will stick thru thick and thin with us when the times are tough? NO WAY!
Everyday when i walk on the streets im just filled with revulsion and disgust!
Basically, the govt is jus telling and showing us that we're very dispensible and unimportant. And that they don't mind letting 3rd world pple run our "1st world country."