Why are there illegal immigrants? If you can come to this country (USA) and be a legal citizen, why doesn't everyone do that? Why do people illegally cross the border when they can just be legal?
Sixteen answers:
17 years ago
Illegal immigration is desired by both parties. The process to become a legal citizen is long and many hoops they must jump through. Many illegals have no desire to become US citizens, they want to make money to send it back to their families, staying illegal is easier to get health care without having to worry about creditors tracking you down for payment. Many illegals just come across to smuggle drugs, and slave labor. Then there are those who have lived in constant fear, and deplorable living conditions, these are pretty much the bulk, who are good people who just want a descent life for there families. Their situation is so drastic, the immediate move is the only option.
Pink Honey
17 years ago
This planet belongs to everyone and what fu**ed it up was when whites wanted their land, and when mexicans wanted their land and when russians wanted their land, so walls and gates and bounderies were entrenced upon this spinning earth, The other reason we have all this confusion about who belongs here and who doesn't is also because you have lots and lots and alot of haters who are miserable people and misery loves company. God does us a favor by making people different shades and what people do is stick to their own kinds. Sad! Let us not overlook the dealings of the kkk's and those disgusting lynchings, and I could come up with more, but, how people can get to those points of insanity is part of reality which you or I can never change no matter how much we try. As for illegal immagrants, hey, if it wasn't the mexicans who are here illegally, people would find something else to bicker about. I love everyone, yes, mexicans and blacks and puerto ricans, chinese and japanese and indians and I even like all white people except for those who are off the hook
17 years ago
I have never met anybody that came here and wanted stay and become a citizen until they had lived here for a long time. Most want to make a little money and go home. Truly the days of this being a problem are declining. There is a huge number of illegals going home. See my source below.
Mostly this has become a media circus in an effort to energize the republican base. The US economic problems and declining dollar are making this country unattractive to the people that used to come here. Even people that have been here for twenty years are realizing that they can have a better life back home. See my source. This immigration fight is as real as WMD in Iraq. It is now just a cherished myth to get you to vote.
Combine the fact that the value of the dollar has declined and the economies of most Central and South American economies are growing quickly and we are starting to see a strain on the supply of laborers in the US. I live in Texas and went by a hospital that was under constructiion that had all white workers, and a sign up advertising for all trades. Even just counting the citizens in Texas we are not a majority white State so this was a real eye opener.
17 years ago
Because it's easy.
We admit 1.2 million LEGAL immigrants in this country on visas every year, more than pretty much the legal immigrants admitted in the rest of the world combined.
But there are groups within this country who want to get their relatives in here by the shortcut of coming in illegally. 600,000 of the 1.2 million admitted every year are already here, staying illegally with legal friends and relatives.
Three actions, (1) a Mexican-border security fence and (2) a strong INS crackdown on illegals already in the country, and especially (3) a crackdown on employers of illegals and give them the incentive to be here in the first place, would solve this problem in a matter of months, if our leaders were under the pressure to do so. And in the last year, I've seen that pressure building.
LEGAL immigrants are welcome here.
Illegals are not.
17 years ago
Because it's a long and tedious process. They choose rather to do things illegally. Even when they get caught and released, they still don't show up for court. And then they wonder why they never become legal. They broke the law just coming in. Why do we assume they won't keep doing it? I know. I work for a place the detains illegal immigrants.
9 years ago
Like some of the men mentioned about1.two million immigrants legally input the nation on visas & allows each and every yr, greater than regularly the relaxation of the countries on the planet mix, good then MOST unlawful Immigrants, approximately 50% in line with ICE, overstayed their allows fitting unlawful the opposite part of all ilegal immigrants sneak into our nation no longer simply the MEX/USA additionally CANADA/USA and sea ports, the one option to finish that is to REFORM our immigration procedure. Why a few immigrants do not follow for a allow and simply sneak in, good thats BECAUSE the system to go into the USA is far to lengthy and pricey & many times they do not qualify to go into the USA. Thats why and amnesty isn't an reply we want a REFORMATION of our procedure to take people who cannot reside within the USA for lots of causes out of right here, and to permit people who overstayed their visas to combine into our procedure, so they are able to all in their taxes no longer simply those from GOODS and SERVICES. Take France and Spain for illustration they ended with their unlawful immigrant, predicament in only one yr, HOW?? They honestly sat down and labored toguether to create a brand new immigration procedure, no border round their seashores used to be want it to hold the Africans aways only a reform.
17 years ago
Why buy a cow, when the milk is free? That is why! When America allows services and benefits to illegally residing people, why wait to come legally? That is why they do not wait, and come the legal way! Personally, I do not blame them....I blame the US government that allows these people to come here illegally for exploitation...then acts as though they must do something to stop the flow! American Big Business is behind illegals coming here with the blessing of Mexico and Washington, DC government! The Mexican and American people are caught in the middle of this nightmare!
17 years ago
Its easier than having to go through the paperwork,learn English,understand our history,make money greater than the country they have left/faster.Its not fair to the people whom are going through the proper immigration channels to get here.Also any states dont enforce the laws already in place to handle the illegal problem,We dont need new laws,we need the ones on the books enforced.
17 years ago
Employers are the magnets that are drawing illegals to come north in large numbers. Execute, err I mean prosecute these employers, and you send a strong message across the USA for employers to stop hiring illegals, or suffer the consequences. Currently, federal laws allow for certain conditions to legally hire illegals who succeed in evading border patrol agents.
The Feds passed the Immigration Reform Control Act of 1986 to supposedly stop the practice of hiring illegals. The law was just the opposite; it contained loopholes to give employers immunity from criminal prosecution for hiring illegals. Job applicants are required to furnish documents to prove their right to work in the US; but it DID NOT require employers to verify / authenticate these. This means FAKE social security cards, FAKE birth certificates, and FAKE identification cards are allowable forms of documents. So long as employers have these on file, they CAN NOT be prosecuted for hiring illegals.
17 years ago
oohh Im not touching this one...My ma came here legally like my grandparents on her side...my ma (from DomRep)married my dad and me I was born here... It used to be when you got married to an American you were instantly an American...they changed the rules..now...you have to wait why...who knows. I guess the stock (xenophoia) has changed who is coming here and there color of skin has changed also. Im all for immigration thats what makes this country great.
I know people who came here with family medical problems to change their wives and childrens lives and I dont blame them. If they are a drain on the resources then so are the 45% of Obese Americans that are going to cripple our health system!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This country was built on immigration and now act like they are all full now.
Ironically Big CEO has one good point its the employers that dont get prosecuted for their hiring processes when they arent giving them fair wages anyway.
17 years ago
They can't provide complete documents apply visa.
17 years ago
They don't want to wait in line.
Plus, they can not pay taxes and still get social services. There's no incentive to do things the right, the legal, way.
17 years ago
there are alot near the border and states surrounding them.
and its hard i guess to become a citizen.
it takes years.
& sometimes i guess people just think over here they can have a better life.
17 years ago
Hell, everyone else is doing it.
17 years ago
not everyone can come here legally.Mexico does not get visas right now and only if have college education can you come here.so working class have no visa and no way to came.
17 years ago
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