1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
147 answers:
2016-05-16 13:51:20 UTC
2016-05-16 13:15:29 UTC
2016-05-16 13:21:54 UTC

1. you are suspected of being an terrorist

2. have no education, skills, trade, or qualifications

3. is over age 40 and likely to become too old or retired soon


5. IS NOT ABLE TO SPEAK THE language of the country in

6. have little assets or financial resources to support yourself

7. have previously been deported from the country you are indeed in

8. have extreme ideologies or religious views

9. OPPOSE THE GOVERNMENT or advocate in the overthrow of

10. have too unstable of transportation and living arrangements
2016-05-17 10:01:48 UTC
It has to be deportation. You either have Rule of Law or you don’t, and if you don’t then it is anarchy. That is the evil of the Left, 0bama picking and choosing what laws he enforces and those he ignores. A government exists to maintain an orderly society, where the law is passed by an established system and enforced equally upon all. If the government won’t do that, why am I paying 40% federal tax? I would rather keep my money and take my chances with anarchy where I can assuredly obtain my interest better than m0r0n politicians are doing.

It is too easy: These are economic immigrants, with some arriving to freeload off a generous welfare state and others who may work but certainly take far more than they contribute. These economic immigrants will run for the border if you impose a $10,000 first offense fine, $20,000 second offense fine, and start seizing their assets in satisfaction of the debt. Taking their houses, cars, all the fruits they derived from their illegal entry and illegal employment depressing wages.

Public education averages $10,500 per kid per year. Incarceration is $35,000 a year medium security, $75,000 maximum security. Over 50% of illegal alien families receive welfare, more than native born. Last year was over $750 million in 0bamacare subsidies… The aggregate burden of their invasion is staggering. Deportation is THE BEST economic stimulus any politician can conceive of. An open border welfare state? That is the idea of evil jew George Soros implemented by his minion 0bama as is now happening across western civilization. Save America. Ensure domestic tranquility and provide for the common defense. The politicians talking gang of eight amnesty solutions are complicit in the open border plan to collapse western civilization.
2016-05-16 16:37:59 UTC
That means they are here illegally and yes they should be deported. Yet the American government lets whoever they want stay, no matter how they got here! My stepdad came to the United States from Russia, and he had a hard time getting all the documents he needed to come here. So, why should people who sneak across our boarder be allowed to be citizens? If they want to come here, make them go through the same things those who are here legally do, then we will welcome them in.
2016-05-16 13:37:44 UTC
I live in the United States and they should be deported because they have broken the law by being here in our country illegally to begin with.
2016-05-17 07:19:14 UTC
They should be deported. They are breaking the law. We can't allow people to disregard laws they don't like. Also, they are jumping the line ahead of immigrants who are following the rules and have been waiting a long time to become citizens or residents. That is unfair.
2016-05-17 11:44:14 UTC
2016-05-16 21:18:41 UTC
2016-05-17 13:56:44 UTC
2016-05-18 01:50:15 UTC
i will use the USA as an example. there are just too many people in the US to deport. what needs to happen is an over haul of social programs, citizenship and some privacy rights. it would be like this.

Step1: stop all social programs in place that help illegal immigrants(it will help give them incentive to follow through with step 2 so they can receive some help as a citizen while paying income taxes so that way they pay some kind of money back into the system). also stop anything in favor of illegal immigrant, make it unfavorable to be an illegal immigrant in the US so they want to receive citizenship.

Step 2: make a law that can give existing undocumented immigrants immediate citizenship by going to a government run establishment and applying( it will be a one time thing that takes all day or so, they fill out papers, get a social, etc. then go on their way as a us citizen). at first while this process is happening, an appropriate time window will be given for the estimated number of illegals in the country to do the quick program so everyone gets a fair chance to receive citizenship.

step3: make a law saying that if a cop pulls you over and thinks your not a citizen, they can ask you for proof of citizenship. if there is no proof they will arrest you and take you to the station and the police will look from there. if there is still no proof, the presumed illegal will be immediately deported. there will be no hearing weeks later that the illegal will never show up to. they are handed over immediately to border patrol and immigration. These people in this situation had a chance to apply to the easy program explained above and didn't, meaning they don't want to be a citizen and have alterior motives for being in the US. If they don't want to be a citizen, they don't deserve to be here.

Step 4: make this the new process for all immigrants coming into the country. At the border, patrol would take finger prints of non citizens entering the country and give them 6 months to go and get citizenship. This finger printing would help show that these immigrants are still in the "transition" period. If they were pulled over and an officer suspected they weren't a citizen they could have proof of a "transitional immigration that will soon attain citizenship. This also again helps show if the immigrant did not transition within the allotted time line and show they have no intention of becoming a citizen, giving a right to be deported. To help keep this system fool proof, an immigrant is allowed 3 transitional periods that are a year apart starting from the date they were deported. after the third time if they still haven't applied to the super easy system to become a citizen, they will be deported forever. These particular individuals would have their names, finger prints, and physical descriptions input into the system forever so if they ever tried to reenter the US, they would come up on the "forbidden" list and not be allowed to enter. If for some reason they were to enter without getting caught, this would again provide officers with reasonable suspicion, that this person is to be deported immediately. Deportation would also be allowed for those in the transitional stage if they are suspected terrorists, drug traffickers, a criminal in their home country, etc. anything that puts citizens at risk.

This is what i would do for our broken immigration system. More citizens in the US who can be taxed is a positive thing. It would help build our economy and build the labor force we need.

2016-05-18 10:48:41 UTC
2016-05-17 01:23:57 UTC
In all honesty being a illegal immigrant myself (Left the USA when I found out I was illigal in middle school ,now am trying to get proper papers)

I think those who

- can speak the language,

- can have a decent job that won't go away after they have to be paid minimum wage

- has no criminal background in their native country or the USA

- Swear loyalty to the USA

- are not a suspect in any criminal investigation or terrorism

Should be able to get legalized.

I also think the first generations should have a birth limit. They should at max be able to have as many kids as they can financially take care of because we want those kids to go to University and live the American dream and contribute to the success of the USA.

So if there is a single mexican mother who has 2 minimum wage jobs she should only be able to have one kid or none if there is no father. Because when these mothers work 2 jobs and no fathers are around the kids are likely to go to criminal activities.

But thats my 2 cents and I doubt we can find 12 million illegals when they couldn't find me. I left on my own hoping to come another day and that day may be soon (Lets hope) Even if we do I'm scared we might do something other than deport them. Cause just look at history when you start grouping people up they all go to camps of some sort.

To all the people telling me to leave, you dummies I left when I found out I was illegal I was brought to the USA when I was 2 and left in middle school to re-enter legally with a Green Card.
2016-05-18 09:16:26 UTC
Just as long as you are being useful to the economy, pay taxes, work to make a living not for yourself but others as well, are not a criminal, not involved in drug use/transportation, use the opportunity of staying here positively and effectively, and be an asset to to our country, Why not? If he/she can be a useful and productive citizen I don't see the issue. Deportation/Legality of Country Status is just all politics. Hell, even citizens of our country are counterproductive by not paying taxes, robbing money from others, participate in crime, and abuse one's owns status of being an American Citizen and take everything for granted. The real issue is that personality, hard work, skills, and the ability to be an asset do not discriminate. The only discriminating factor is the politics of labeling a person based on citizenship/country status, but behind that label is a person who either a positive or negative impact on society. So.., how can being labeled undocumented be a testament towards whether a person has the capability to be apart of society for the better. Put yourself in their position and visually see and feel what being labeled feels like. If this nation is a promised land for all who desire freedom and no persecution,so... who is "all"?
2016-05-18 18:23:16 UTC
2016-05-19 08:50:33 UTC
2016-05-19 07:23:59 UTC
2016-05-19 05:15:29 UTC
2016-05-19 03:44:27 UTC
2016-05-19 00:00:58 UTC
2016-05-18 11:27:35 UTC
Undocumented people must be here illegally, so they should be arrested immediately for trepassing, and after being sentenced and doing their time in an american prison, they should be deported back to their own country with a warning that trying a second time will get life in prison.
2016-05-18 05:25:11 UTC
2016-05-18 00:44:16 UTC
2016-05-18 15:56:01 UTC
Be made citizens because a lot of undocumented people make up our country there's way too many people too deport and it's too expensive
2016-05-18 04:12:02 UTC
Depends on the person if they get caught doing a crime they should get deported but if there just trying to get by then made a citizen also things like if they have family and how hard they work should also be made into account
2016-05-18 00:43:45 UTC
Smokies Hiker
2016-05-18 09:04:19 UTC
Deported! Absolutely deported! "Undocumented" means they're here in the United States illegally! Illegal means that you've done something wrong to circumvent our country's Federal laws. If you will break one law, you'll break dozens of other laws. Go home and return when you have proceeded to enter the United States by LEGAL means! I'm expected to obey the laws, why shouldn't immigrants obey the laws! They claim to be coming here for protection from their own country's anarchy, yet the first thing they do is break our Federal Law! Come here legally like the other immigrants who RESPECT our country and our laws! That doesn't mean you jump in line in front of others who have proceeded to become US citizens the right way!
2016-05-18 09:09:15 UTC
Part of Paige's solution would work very well in Iran or North Korea.

Wanna deport illegals? All we need to do is...

Identify them.

Find them.

Arrest and process them.

Detain them (this means feeding them, clothing them, and providing healthcare).

Put them through the judicial system. The laws of the US provide for due process.

If applicable, put them through the deportation process.

Easy, right?

Do you think Obama is soft on illegal immigrants? You'd better think again. Since he's been in office, the Obama administration has deported more illegals than Bush. Much more. To be fair, under Bush, there were more illegals "returned" at the border. They did not go through the deportation process.
2016-05-21 09:10:31 UTC
2016-05-18 02:23:04 UTC
Deport the disease ridden garbage. More cheap jobs will be available for hardworking unemployed Americans, the US's school ranking in the world will increase, prison spaces will be freed up tom plus a myriad of other great results of deporting that third world garbage. If Pope Francis and the church don't like it send them to Vatican City to become upright citizens there.
2016-05-19 15:06:19 UTC
I believe that all undocumented people should be deported or if they refuse to be deported send them to concentration camps like what happened to the Jews during the holocaust. They have no right to reside in the United States and they are a threat to the future of America.
2016-05-18 15:00:55 UTC
Deported. If you re not a legal documented citizen then you shouldn t be here to begin with. Like shut up about bathrooms already and let s start deporting these illegals!!!
2016-05-17 04:48:46 UTC
I think some of them should be deported and some should be offered a way to become citizen and stay here. Case in point: Children born in America by illegal parents. It would be heartless to deport them.
2016-05-17 20:05:44 UTC
2016-05-16 13:43:52 UTC
There is not a practical way to find, round up and deport 12 million people, so another alternative needs to be found.
2016-05-17 15:50:06 UTC
Made citizens- this country was built by immigrants. The white people came without papers and killed the natives. If we're gonna deport someone it should be the whites because they killed ppl while the rest of us try to have a better life.
2016-05-18 23:05:09 UTC

Also, I'm not some angry white guy who thinks the country is being taken over by Mexicans. Illegals should not have the rights that citizens have because they entered the country ILLEGALLY! Therefore they need to go home.
2016-05-16 15:13:14 UTC
I'm arresting many of them and putting them on a military transport that holds around 300-400 maybe more undocumented people and there dropped over your country for automatic burial courtesy of the USA.
2016-05-17 23:26:33 UTC
Personally, if they're working and paying taxes like every other citizen without criminal offenses then give them a path to citizenship. Otherwise, deportation.
2016-05-17 03:01:37 UTC
I think undocumented people should be made citizens and given full rights as a citizen would have.
2016-05-18 11:05:11 UTC
Why should illegals in America be treated any differently than people who go into any other country illegally? America has destroyed itself by outsourcing all of our jobs, then giving our jobs to illegals inside the country. We are having economic problems and charity starts at home. If we desire to help other people, we must first help ourselves. Once we are weak, we can no longer support the weak -- and will the weak support us, when we fall? If America really wants to help other nations, why do we have to tie people to our nation, why can't we just help them become truly independent? Being able to stand on your own two feet is stronger than being dependent upon other nations. Now it's a domino effect, if one nation struggles (like America) it effects the other nations as well.
2016-05-18 22:02:02 UTC
they are criminals, they should be given the option to leave or get prosecuted. They want to come here and then start making demands, they have no respect for the people that live here, our borders, our laws, our way of doing things. And the ones that come here to have a baby, so they can cry about "don't separate families" we need to change the law that makes their kid a citizen and give them the same citizenship status as the parents so they can be deported right along with the parents....honestly, taking their kid from them and put in foster homes just like if a kids parents went to prison for life.....they have no business being here, they need to leave and if they want to come back the right way I will welcome them with open arms....until then, they are the biggest problem in this country....
Jimmy C
2016-05-16 14:42:40 UTC
Entering the country illegally means they all broke the law, so they should be deported. There are plenty of people who have filled out all the forms and are waiting to enter legally.
2016-05-17 18:46:55 UTC
Make english official language. Hire americans displaced from the economy to be english teachers and to process paperwork of legal immigrants. End automatic citizenship of children of illegal immigrants. Deport illegal immigrants and their descendants. Hire unemployed americans to do the work involved in deportations. Make the laws same i.e. I have to have american b.c. to get I.d. so should they. I get pulled over without license I get towed. So should they. Fine or shut down employers who hire immigrants but not citizens as well as those that hire illegals. End the guest worker and student visa programs. We have plenty of students and willing workers here.
2016-05-17 12:35:27 UTC
Undocumented is the same as illegal. In other words, breaking American laws. Time for them to get the hell out! Go back to their third world country and stop trying to turn America into one. If you don t come in through legal channels and have permission from the government to stay, then you don t belong here. Also if you came in illegally and then went back to your country, stay there. You should not be allowed to come back even through legal channels. You already showed a propensity to break our laws.
2016-05-20 07:51:43 UTC
Every other country but USA deports. Only in last year or two has Europe lost its mind and stopped protecting its border.
2016-05-17 14:18:08 UTC
I understand people want a better life here in the U.S but we just can't support any more immigrants right now. Legal or not, they have to be deported. We have our own mess we have to clean up.
2016-05-17 23:52:42 UTC
Illegal immigrants who are good citizens should have the opportunity to stay; on the other hand, the bad illegal immigrants residing in the US the ones that commit crime etc. should be deported to their origin of country immediately

The United States does not need More bad illegal immigrants.
2016-05-17 21:50:43 UTC
They need to come in LEGALLY.

If they're caught here illegally, they should be DEPORTED like a criminal, not given special treatment.

I don't work my butt off just so illegals can come here and get welfare with my tax money. That money is supposed to go towards helping our own LEGAL citizens who are in need.

BUILD THE WALL! Nuf said! ;)
2016-05-17 11:33:58 UTC
Deported. If people want to come to the USA, they need to do so legally! They also should know English. Or at least be learning it. People need to have no criminal record and have a solid job and/or plan in place to make it here.
2016-05-16 17:34:20 UTC
there has been a process for becoming a citizen for decades, millions of people have gone thru it and become legal citizens, just because someone thinks that the land once belonged to ancestors or theirs(or not) does not make them citizens of the gov't that controls the land

coming here without permission is illegal and I can't think of any way to make that word mean anything but NOT legal

yes people who have come here illegally need to be returned to their own country and if they came here to have their child born in the US that was wrong, should also be illegal, and the choice of breaking up the family was theirs to make which the did by the illegal act
2016-05-19 09:55:53 UTC
well if you talk about USA almost everone is under scanner , goverment is not stupid , they know aboiut the illegal immigrant but they are not doing anything to stop it, the reason is simple POLITICS.

1) people will get cheap labour, as the illegal person wont have SSN , and also empolyer wont have to get the insurance foe the empolyee and pay the TAX .

2)there wont be more stress on the governing bodies who give food stamps and stuff like that.

if goverment wanted to DEPORT the illegals then they had donr that long ago, and wont be a current problem.

think about this why goverment is supporting illegal immigrant???????? A BIG QUESTION..!!!!
2016-05-20 23:03:12 UTC
2016-05-16 14:45:39 UTC
Deported, BUT, only after a few years hard labour to pay for the costs first.
2016-05-17 20:20:11 UTC
Deported, simple.
2016-05-16 16:44:39 UTC
That goes without saying. They need to be deported. Why would anybody be stupid enough to make them citizens?
2016-05-18 06:42:53 UTC
Anyone here presently should be made a citizen, after they agree to pay a fine for breaking the law. Then have a law in effect with harsh punishments for anyone who enters from this point on.
2016-05-18 10:42:35 UTC
Enforce the existing law! Why does one group gets special treatment over others ??? USA is a sinking lifeboat.

BTW, how much energy is used and pollution created by having an extra twelve million people ???? I welcome emigrants that meet legal requirements to enter and stay in the US. We are so emotionally tied into this disaster .

Is it to much to track all individuals that enter with temp visas? The INS has no idea who overstayed, who left when visa expired. Law enforcement spends more time enforcing parking tickets than orderly processing visa jumpers.
2016-05-19 12:14:28 UTC
I live in UK but I'm from Pakistan. If people undocumented could prove they worked hard/ made a positive contribution towards their local community, wherever they are, I think they should be made citizens.
2016-05-18 04:27:37 UTC
I don't care if you paint them yellow and call them oompaloompas, they are here "Illegally" and need to leave. It's going to get to a point where one of these little ******* can walk into your house, sit on your couch and demand a sandwich. And you won't be able to do a damn thing about it because all of these cactus huggers are putting them above the law.

There is actually a town in CA where the local government wants to make it harder for police to give tickets to "Un-licensed Drivers" because it's impossible for illegals to obtain a drivers license. They say that the police are just harassing "Hard working people". That is friggen insane.
2016-05-16 13:34:58 UTC

LOL, you mean, " ILLEGALS !" and EVERY COUNTRY needs to be the same for illegals and / or immigrants !!
2016-05-18 12:00:40 UTC
Deported and banned for coming here and stealing from tax payers and our social services. DEPORT AND BAN FOR LIFE! And take the kids with them.
Tad Dubious
2016-05-17 07:24:58 UTC
Each individual case should be addressed individually, Black. Sweeping decisions might admit a terrorist or deport a scientist capable of finding the cure for cancer. Peace.
2016-05-19 11:12:57 UTC
Deported. American jobs belong to American citizens. Importing offshore talent merely legitimizes America's educational shortcomings. If an American corporation can't find the people they need, they should be required to either educate their existing American employees or to pay a significant tax penalty for using imported labor.

It should NOT be cheaper to fire loyal employees and hire foreigners, than to provide the necessary education to keep existing employees up to date.
2016-05-18 01:03:08 UTC
This is not the kind of matter that we should resolve by listening to our hearts, but to our heads. So I say Deported.
2016-05-16 17:56:33 UTC
I wonder how you yahoo users would feel if native American Indians felt the same way about YOU uneducated yahoo user people. And after living in our country for decades; YOU yahoo user people were DEPORTED.
2016-05-19 08:58:57 UTC
You don't make a citizen. They either do what is necessary to become one or they should be deported!
2016-05-17 05:35:23 UTC
Illegals queue Jumpers and all their Families no matter where thy were Born must be deported

or close down all US ingratiation and cancel all Immigration laws
2016-05-16 20:06:06 UTC
I say deported because when they came here they broke the law re should not be given id what kind of nonsense is that
2016-05-19 22:02:51 UTC
i think that unless they are capable of paying taxes and can speak the language, they should definitely be made citizens. however, for those who have criminal background and drug usage should be deported. Also, i think that we should decrease the social program and use that money to increase border patrol to prevent further immigration.
2016-05-18 15:19:25 UTC
they should be made citizens because they make up so much of our population and I bet you none of these people who want them deported could stand one day in their shoes . the back breaking jobs that these immigrants do in order for all of us to have the food that we have .
2016-05-16 13:16:02 UTC
2016-05-16 19:12:34 UTC
Deport some, deal humanely with he rest. Protect the borders.
2016-05-17 09:16:42 UTC
In my opinion, they should be deported. Even though I'm a democrat, I feel that people should follow the legal procedure for entering this (or any) country. Regarding immigrants that have come here legally, I welcome them.
2016-05-16 17:51:13 UTC
If someone is called Soul Kun or something underneath who cares anyway.

Don't send a man to do a God's works.
2016-05-18 00:26:20 UTC
Should uneducated jackholes like Trump be deported or educated?
2016-05-18 13:47:47 UTC
Neither. They should be denied jobs, welfare, food stamps, medical aid, education and any other tax supported assistance. When they find that they can't make it here they'll go home willingly on their own dime and perhaps come back legally. America loves legal immigrants.
2016-11-08 17:59:23 UTC
2016-05-17 00:56:56 UTC
They are undocumented which is illegal so deport
2016-05-19 17:25:22 UTC
In history, a nation can not stand forever when it has unprotected borders. Do you really think these illegals who won't fight for their country will fight for yours? They have no respect of the laws of your country and will not thrive to make their adopted country better. They are not looking to assimilate into your country. Other countries have stricter immigration laws than the US but the media makes it sound like the US has to take in everybody that can cross the border, big mistake.
2016-05-16 21:15:47 UTC
Deport them, and ban them from ever re-entering the country. Their country should also forbid them from ever leaving
2016-05-18 02:46:02 UTC
deported, but on who's dime? who's gonna pay for the x-ray machines that detect the tunnels they come through next time? i would like those questions answered immediately.
Aurora Dawn
2016-05-16 23:36:15 UTC
I would say it depends. I know that some illegals have come here, gotten jobs, educations, and lived responsible lives. Those people should be given a chance to stay.
2016-05-17 08:49:28 UTC
Made citizens, in my opinion.

Most of them have built a life here and they deserve the same chance we'll get
2016-05-20 17:47:47 UTC
2016-05-17 02:13:24 UTC
Regarding citizenship, I don't have an answer because I don't think there's a clear-cut answer to this. Every situation is different.

What we really need to do is eliminate the loophole allowing people to have "anchor babies."
2016-05-19 08:22:46 UTC
Neather Tourest are good for a Country. Should they be allowed to work there NO. But visit yes. Send there money while there go home broke program.
2016-05-16 13:15:48 UTC
deported. THE USA IS BECOMING OVERCROWDED AND there is way too much debt. all the illegals must be deported. the systems cant support them
2016-05-18 17:04:08 UTC
How about all the bigots learn to respect the next generation of immigrants. Just how their white ancestors took over by doing injustices to the native americans, now a "new" wave of immigrants is taking over... its called pay back.
2016-05-19 20:52:52 UTC
Here in Canada we have very few undocumented people as we enforce the laws we have and we require employers to check their social numbers and it they are caught with illegals on the payroll they face criminal charges. If the US enforced their laws, the ones already on the books and sent to jail people who employed illegal immigrants, the illegals would leave. It is jobs that attracts them to the USA.
2016-05-19 03:13:40 UTC
make a cut off date.anyone not registered is deported.anyone with a felony deported. and trumps wall will keep them out.
2016-05-17 17:37:43 UTC
Deported why should we reward law breakers ?
2016-05-16 20:42:11 UTC
Deported. The Bible says to respect the law of the land.
2016-05-16 13:34:15 UTC
Send 'em home until they're willing to respect our laws and enter the country through the many legal channels that are available.
2016-05-20 21:45:23 UTC
In the US they are called "undocumented", but in every other country in the world they are called prisoners, convicts, inmates. The liberals aqre so intent on making us like all the other countries in europe, so why not be the same on imigration also.
Debra H
2016-05-17 03:36:46 UTC
DEPORTED !!!! They are here illegally and therefore are breaking the law.. not to mention killing and staling etc. Deport them.
2016-05-17 20:36:54 UTC
Deported, why should they get special treatment?
2016-05-17 14:29:54 UTC
2 choices. Join the military for 3 years (you will become a citizen), or get the fu@$ out!!
2016-05-17 21:04:11 UTC
2016-05-18 17:03:08 UTC
Under strict conditions legalize them to be citizens.
2016-05-16 13:15:31 UTC
deport like trump i am a trump believA
2016-05-17 05:29:44 UTC
Concentration camps
2016-05-22 02:13:05 UTC
I think if they are genuine refugees they should be given tempory working visas Which can be withdrawn when it is safe for these refugees to return to their country of origin.
2016-05-17 17:52:54 UTC
If they're here illegally, and don't plan to become a Us citizen. SEND THEM BACK!
2016-05-17 07:22:20 UTC
2016-05-16 19:25:22 UTC
2016-05-19 13:34:10 UTC
Illegal aliens should be deported.
2016-05-17 13:48:56 UTC
2016-05-18 07:37:17 UTC
Documented by whom? We take to very much for granted. Things of which we have no concrete proof.. Just have been conditioned to believe..
2016-05-17 01:13:29 UTC
Made Citizens. If its good enough for Melania Trump, its good for anyone.
2016-05-16 15:14:02 UTC
It's not an either-or choice. There are other options besides those two.
2016-05-16 15:46:04 UTC
None of the above corp should be charged a felony for hiring illegals,
2016-05-17 06:06:18 UTC
deport them
2016-05-18 10:02:43 UTC
Undocumented people? You mean illegal aliens.
Moka San
2016-05-16 18:20:11 UTC
Everyone who isn't a descendant of native americans needs to get the hell out of our territory!!
2016-05-18 14:32:03 UTC
ditto deported bye bye
2016-05-17 03:05:57 UTC
Out Government knows it very well
2016-05-17 08:44:13 UTC
If they are working, productive residents, they should be made citizens.
2016-05-18 03:05:59 UTC
if they are beautiful, they can stay.

otherwise they should be killed or deported. they can make the choice.
2016-05-18 18:40:35 UTC
They shuld put them in camps and teach them how to be landscapers and fruit pickers to save us more dollars so fruit will be cheap
2016-05-16 13:16:24 UTC
friendly advice from maine
2016-05-18 20:06:13 UTC
Those who stole their way into this country should not be rewarded with citizenship.
2016-05-18 05:48:59 UTC
Wood chippered.
London Man
2016-05-16 23:42:40 UTC
Yes otherwise this will encourage more and more illegals , they HAVE broken the law after all
2016-05-18 17:17:18 UTC
Kicked out.
2016-05-16 13:15:07 UTC
2016-05-17 11:12:13 UTC
Of course not
2016-05-18 20:09:44 UTC
2016-05-22 04:46:49 UTC
2016-05-17 11:33:49 UTC
Depending there moment.
2016-05-18 11:16:38 UTC
2016-05-16 13:15:11 UTC
I don't give a **** just don't step on my lawn
2016-05-18 12:01:26 UTC
2016-05-16 14:14:56 UTC
Get rid of them.
2016-05-17 11:25:52 UTC
2016-05-17 15:59:01 UTC
2016-05-18 20:01:31 UTC
DEPORTED.... NOW... not years from now...
2016-05-17 08:25:48 UTC
It depends on if they are hot or not.
2016-05-17 15:11:11 UTC
Executed immediately
2016-05-18 11:09:30 UTC
throw the bums out.
2016-05-17 00:04:48 UTC
Neither, they should be KILLED.

2016-05-16 20:00:04 UTC
2016-05-18 22:17:51 UTC
2016-05-18 19:09:42 UTC
2016-05-17 06:12:20 UTC
2016-05-17 15:26:28 UTC
2016-05-17 15:05:01 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.