indigenous people of north america did not come from asia. recent dna has proven this. asian dna is not found in us but indigenous dna did move into asia thousands of years ago. archaeological sites have also proven we have been in the americas longer than europeans have been in europe. if we can not be called native to this land, than neither can the europeans be native to theirs.
why the focus and so much effort to try to persuade people that we are not who we claim to be? political motives and guilt are the first 2 reasons that come to mind.
the indigenous nations of the americas are the rightful inhabitants of these continents and have been for over 60,000 years. we are native.
interesting that you say we are not "native americans" but you also say you have the right to that title. that alone shows you have another motive.
eta: so you say.."just becuase it happend a long time ago doesn't change the fact that it happened" and then go on to tell us to shut up about it because it happened a long time ago? umm ok.
people with no conscience rarely feel remorse for anything so no surprise there. you continue to benefit from the theft with no direct involvement and claim innocence but we still live with the consequences and the present day theft of lands and poisoning of our waters on rezervations by corporations who are allowed to by your government. and no...we will not shut up about it. you don't get to tell us what to do anymore. those days are gone. you may have missed the news that tonto is dead.
your "facts" conveniently ignore the most recent findings.
2008 - An international team of geoarchaeologists have discovered footprints in central Mexico that place the presence of early humans in the Americas further back than previously thought: around 40,000 years ago. The discovery helps to settle a long-standing debate as to when humans first came to the Western Hemisphere.
Humans walked America 40,000 years ago
New Evidence Puts Man In North America 50,000 Years Ago
Evidence of modern man's migration out of the African continent has been documented in Australia and Central Asia at 50,000 years and in Europe at 40,000 years. The fact that humans could have been in North America at or near the same time is expected to spark debate among archaeologists worldwide, raising new questions on the origin and migration of the human species.
you may have to finally admit that native people in north america have been right all along..we come right from here, not asia.
50,000-year-old Americans of Pedra Furada, Brazil
i'm sure it will make little difference in your opinion. but at least other people will see the truth. unless of course its too hard on the ego and the answer is deleted.
so why do you hate native people so much anyway?