dan the man wrote:"As for illegal aliens, if they are just found in the U.S. working, not hurting anyone then they should be fined. I really do feel bad for them. They live right next to a country full of opportunity through hard work, and are often willing to work hard, but our immigration process is very long. Some immigrants have to wait over 20 years JUST to get a visa."
Oh, brother. MEXICO should be a land of opportunity for Mexicans. It's the 13th or 14th largest economy in the world and is home to one of the richest men in the world, Carlos Slim Helu, the son of Lebanese immigrants. He's certainly managed to do well there. Why can't MEXICANS?
As for our immigration process being long, yup, and do you know why? Because one country, MEXICO, has a lock on 15-20% of our legal immigration and has had for the past 20 years due to our emphasis on FAMILY REUNIFICATION. Immigrants from other countries have a much shorter wait than 20 years because there are fewer of them in THIS country to sponsor family members and thus no problems with country quotas (which apply, by the way, only to EXTENDED family members, such as brothers and sisters, not to the nuclear family). Since the U.S. immigration policy should be for the good of the U.S. and U.S. citizens, how does it benefit US to take in people, many of whom are unskilled and uneducated, who compete with our own low-skilled workers and who are subsidized by us? And why should ONE country have such a preference in our immigration system?