Does anybody know what the new law against immigration is called and whats it about?
2006-03-28 13:09:25 UTC
Does anybody know what the new law against immigration is called and whats it about?
Four answers:
2006-03-28 13:26:07 UTC
It is no a law yet. It is a proposal agreed upon by the senate judiciary committee. It must be passed now by the senate and the house, the two must reach a consensus and after that the president must sign it so it's a long way until it becomes a law. It will most likely change in some way before it is passed.

The law tries to deal with the issue of illegal immigration and address issues such as a guest worker program.
2006-03-28 14:03:51 UTC
Its not a law yet, it is a bill (HR4437) that has passed the House and is currently with the Senate, from what I read, the senate has voted 10/7 in favor of the bill. What it does is makes being an illegal immigrant a felony, this means that he police will enforce it and the immigrants will be sent to jail with normal criminals until they can be deported. It will make anyone that aids one a criminal too. This incuides non-profit groups if they transport them for any reason, their employers, and landlords. Just imagine thousands of people being ripped from their jobs and sent back to their country. Think about the effect to the economy. And good luck going to a restaurant.
Miguel Angel
2014-06-17 03:23:55 UTC
Be updated about the immigration issues in this blog.
2006-03-28 13:27:29 UTC
I don't know the name, but an interesting article can be found here:

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