What a lot of people tend to overlook is the fact that the United States allows more immigrants legally than any other nation in the world; actually, all other nations in the world combined! Because of what is called "family reunification", not only do we allow an immigrant and his or her spouse, but once legal, we also allow that spouse to bring along immediate family members, such as their children and their mothers and fathers (who, if of social security age, immediately is eligible for social security benefits in which all of us have been paying since we began working).
Also, the United States allows for several different types of visas, which include guest worker, student, tourist, and a few others, which brings the total of new immigrants to a mind-boggling total of at least 2 million a year!
With such a large influx of immigrants (not counting the million or so illegal immigrants) coming into the US every year, its no wonder we are having so much trouble integrating them into our society; therefore, yes, we should close the doors to all immigrants (illegals included) so that we can get a firm grip on the chaos which is our immigration sytem.
Of course there are those out there who are going to say that what I propose is ridiculous, but anyone out there who has a computer can check the United States' history on immigration and see that it (putting a moratorium on immigration) has been done several times, which helped those already here get acclimated to the US. Not only was this done, but President Eisenhower actually implemented a program in 1953 called "Operation ******* " where he sent (with many also leaving) approximately 1 million Mexicans back to Mexico (which is ironic considering that today, politicans and Hispanic leaders tell you that it is impossible to deport 12 million people).
Putting a moratorium to all immigration would greatly benefit the United States, but the politicians (out of fear of being labeled anit-immigrant; therefore, being anti-Hispanic) and Hispanic leaders (who seem to only care about bringing all of their family members abroad) will not let it occur.
*And for the record, we are not a nation of immigrants (as many uneducated people tend to say, which I am so sick of hearing)! We are a nation of native-born Americans (only 10 percent or so of this country is foreign born)!!!