Who is in favor of NO immigration in USA Shut the door?
2007-03-23 08:11:11 UTC
You should not let the media tell you legal immigration is OK! It is not because of the millions of displace several generational Americans! Neither are the unemployment statistics correct for people "legal Americans" wanting & needing job/income! No other nation in the world allows millions a year to show up take jobs from their vested citizens!
33 answers:
2007-03-23 08:51:31 UTC
The old argument of if you aren't Indian you aren't American is a fallacy. My ancestors came to this country in 1702,since that day my entire family are native born Americans. The first Americans were not indigenous to this nation ,having migrated here from other continents. Everyone migrated from somewhere else.

That being said I will address the question.

I strongly feel that a 5 to 10 year moratorium on legal immigration be imposed.until we as a nation solve the excising issue of illegal aliens.

Our borders must be secured and then the systematic identification,location and deportation of most illegal aliens. Then reform our immigration laws to be more "good for America " orientated and less all inclusive,while closing the revolving door we call our borders. America needs to think more about whats good for America and Americans and less about being politically correct.

Any and all employers that break the Federal felony law by hiring ,aiding and abetting illegal aliens must be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. With zero tolerance.

I own a company and I do not hire illegal aliens. I verify all employment seekers with a back ground check and they must be able to be verified or they do not get hired. ALL employees not just some.
2007-03-23 12:02:38 UTC
kats they were the original people to this land and the fact goes back 30,000 years. you claim they migrated and that may or may not be true it is a theory and since I highly doubt there was a bastion of people here before 30k years ago they were the original inhabitants of this land, everyone else is an immigrant.

Now, if we don't have immigrants we don't have support for our social programs such as Social security. We also don't generate more jobs or the revenue we need to maintain this country. Immigrants do generate jobs whether they own a business or not and many do own businesses that employ others. BMW, Mercedes, Kia, Nissan are all factories that are here because of immigrants. We would not have had the invention of the light bulb or electricity if it were not for immigrants. Most of the inventions we have in fact were created by immigrants.
2016-10-19 14:29:27 UTC
the explanation why immigration is increasing is via the fact that is getting extra and harder to flow to united states of america. The be conscious is getting out that human beings who're thinking to flow to the country do it as quickly as conceivable, because of the fact the time is working out. interior the previous 30-40 years immigration regulations are transforming into stricter and that is getting harder and harder to get a visa legally. the U. S. denies visas for even vacationers in many countries on the instant. that is getting harder to flow to united states of america. human beings comprehend this, so as that is why immigrants flood the U. S. attempting to flee from their international places on an identical time as that is possible. As a capitalist, my view approximately immigration is a few thing that a lot of human beings does not prefer to take heed to. In a capitalist u . s ., each working individual is an asset. It makes no distinction what they artwork and how plenty funds they make. in the event that they pay taxes and shop the regulations, then they are materials to the financial gadget. The extra human beings we've right here, the extra materials this u . s . has. So, I prefer immigration. Social risk-free practices, medicare, and loose healthcare are a pair of issues which could make this u . s . bankrupt in spite of ways a lot of human beings there are interior the country! purely end giving out loose stuff to human beings. which will remedy all the immigration subject concerns.
2007-03-23 11:05:06 UTC
Actaully you are right. Hundreds of other companies allow big business from other countries (ie US) and use their people for cheap labor. Cheaper than anything that Jose down at McDonalds is making. By the way its not about $ for these jobs. Its about bustin your *** to put food on the table. And although it be sad, it is harshley true that this is no longer the American way. Lottery tickets, instant gratification, and Superstar Athletes with rediculous contracts have taken over our childrens imagination. What 16 year old do you know that says they want to get married, have kids, and work in the same job for thirty years so they can retire with pride. ZERO! Its all about the "BIG BUCKS"! Thats where American polotics and Mega marketing and media have put us today!
Terry H
2007-03-23 08:54:40 UTC
What a lot of people tend to overlook is the fact that the United States allows more immigrants legally than any other nation in the world; actually, all other nations in the world combined! Because of what is called "family reunification", not only do we allow an immigrant and his or her spouse, but once legal, we also allow that spouse to bring along immediate family members, such as their children and their mothers and fathers (who, if of social security age, immediately is eligible for social security benefits in which all of us have been paying since we began working).

Also, the United States allows for several different types of visas, which include guest worker, student, tourist, and a few others, which brings the total of new immigrants to a mind-boggling total of at least 2 million a year!

With such a large influx of immigrants (not counting the million or so illegal immigrants) coming into the US every year, its no wonder we are having so much trouble integrating them into our society; therefore, yes, we should close the doors to all immigrants (illegals included) so that we can get a firm grip on the chaos which is our immigration sytem.

Of course there are those out there who are going to say that what I propose is ridiculous, but anyone out there who has a computer can check the United States' history on immigration and see that it (putting a moratorium on immigration) has been done several times, which helped those already here get acclimated to the US. Not only was this done, but President Eisenhower actually implemented a program in 1953 called "Operation ******* " where he sent (with many also leaving) approximately 1 million Mexicans back to Mexico (which is ironic considering that today, politicans and Hispanic leaders tell you that it is impossible to deport 12 million people).

Putting a moratorium to all immigration would greatly benefit the United States, but the politicians (out of fear of being labeled anit-immigrant; therefore, being anti-Hispanic) and Hispanic leaders (who seem to only care about bringing all of their family members abroad) will not let it occur.

*And for the record, we are not a nation of immigrants (as many uneducated people tend to say, which I am so sick of hearing)! We are a nation of native-born Americans (only 10 percent or so of this country is foreign born)!!!
Just here.
2007-03-23 08:31:38 UTC
Ok this is a touchy subject with me BUT I want to answer with all due respect;

I'm American! But I'm married to an immigrant. Legal immigration is fine! Its great!

Because you can't talk about all the lazy Americans that can't find work. Immigrants can't work legally in our everyday jobs, they do the ones that Americans are tooooo lazy to do. Chicken houses, catching chickens, good Mexican restaurants are founded on the Mexican population. Then you have the potato fields....

Show me some Americans that will do that job. That's why the jobs to that nature are so available. Because this day and time Americans wont do them. They would rather sit at home and get fat on well fare.

I really wish people would look at that before they judge the "Legal Immigrants". Because even when they cross the boarder totally legal, they don't live normal lives over here. No SSN no job!!!!! They have to do what is available....and NEWS FLASH those jobs wouldn't be available if Americans would get off the high horse and swallow some pride!!!!!

I'm sorry that's how I feel!!!!!!
2007-03-23 08:19:15 UTC
"It is not because of the millions of displace several generational Americans!" ---- What? You might want to check your grammar.

"Neither are the unemployment statistics correct for people "legal Americans" wanting & needing job/income! No other nation in the world allows millions a year to show up take jobs from their vested citizens!".... So please provide statastics that support your argument. If people are blinded by what they see in the media than your job as a citizen is to educate people. As for the other 'no nation' in the world. A number of European Union countries are experiencing illegal immigration.
2007-03-23 08:29:11 UTC
I do n they should do the same in Canada to.It's pretty bad when we get our prayer taken out of school to accommodate every other culture.Can u believe this women went to my kids school and asked that they don't let the kids dress up for halloween for it's against there religion.Come on we have to follow rules when going to other countires n here is Canada changing our Country to accommodate people coming here for a better life.Jobs god the government complains about the people on welfare well hello all the money n help seems to b in favour of people that r new to Canada n not the people who live n where born here.They should give the opportunity for work to a Canadian born n raised b4 someone from another Country.To me it's not fair n yes they should close the flipping doors at least for a while.
2007-03-23 12:38:36 UTC
I am married to a mexican who was illegal but is not now. I would like to say my peace with this. My husband works in the field he works in a grapevines up North no right minded american is going to get out there with the snow and minus temps to trim grapes for next season crop only immigrants. Think about what you say because if americans got off their behinds and did some of these jobs then maybe but they won't also if americans tooks these jobs they would want more money and health insurance which would drive the cost of things up and put farmers out of work. Next time think of other things besides yourself. Most of us can hardly afford some foods now if what you wanted we would have starvation on our hands.
2007-03-23 10:32:27 UTC
That's because the USA is the land of the free. The land of Opportunity.

Just because we were fortunate enough to have been born US citizens doesn't give us the right to act selfishly. If you were born into the same situation they were born into, you would be singing a different song.

You sound like the popular kid at school picking on the geeky kids. That geeky kid grew up to be Bill Gates you know.
2007-03-23 09:31:14 UTC
Without immigrants, this country would have vanished long ago. People of all races and cultures are the life force of this ever-growing, ever-evolving society. It's like having biodiversity. One of the biggest problems we have right now is that the spineless officials have made it extremely difficult for the immigrants who are highly educated/skilled/intelligent/cultured to be part of this society and contribute to it.. In the mean time, they have allowed millions of ignorant/illiterate/uneducated/unskilled illegals who only care about getting a job in the car wash or drive through. The total disregard of law and order, absence of basic sense of citizenship , refusal of assimilation into the society, and lack of motive in learning and improving in selves that I have observed from these illegals is big enough of a force to bring any strong nation into a boiling mess that they came from. if this country wants to even stay above water in the global competition, we better be getting more "quality" immigrants so that we don't end up( say, in twenty years) being the bottom of the ****-hole of "the AMERICAS"

I know this would bring flaks but it is the truth.
2007-03-23 11:19:32 UTC
The media never told me that illegal immigration is ok. what are you talking about? Displaced Americans? Are you refugee status because of illegal aliens? Has an illegal ever took a job from you? You have to have a job in the first place to have it "stolen".
Jacob W
2007-03-23 08:24:56 UTC
Not me. But let me qualify my remark. I believe America should go back to the system that worked for many, many years before Ted Kennedy screwed it up. (you will have to check his history. I do not have time to explain)

We should allow in only the people we need. That would include the best, the brightest and the highly skilled.Once we have enough of them, we can assess how many of the

next level we need such as semi-skilled and entrepreneurs. We should spread it out around the world evenly to all countries.

Finally, the unskilled but of high moral character. As far as temporary workers, such as seasonal fruit and vegetable pickers, they should be granted special temporary status but highly controlled. Any violation can cause them to loose their status and be deported immediately.

That would work.

2007-03-23 08:17:25 UTC
I am a Native American, and I could care less if no more immigrants moved here. I am in favor, although I don't see that happening.
2007-03-23 13:06:18 UTC
i am american citizen, born and raised. I have been living abroad for the past few years and am married to a doctor from the czech republic. who are you to tell me that i don't have any right to move back to the country i was born in to raise my kids just because my wife isn't american? sounds to me like your an idiot.
2007-03-23 10:01:44 UTC
AGREED!!! American's are WANTING to work but they want to be PAID for their time! I certainly am in favor of closing the doors AND borders.
True Red White & Blue
2007-03-23 08:16:06 UTC
Need to first get the illegals out and then have immigration that is agreeable for the American people, not big corps!
2007-03-23 08:14:19 UTC
Brain drain, influx of semi-skilled migrant workers..and you expected something intelligent out of the media or this administration?
Thom Jefferson
2007-03-23 08:24:46 UTC
Great, and I suggest to throw in the ocean all americans who have at least one ancestor who immigrated. Give back the earth to native americans !! seriously, your idea is both unfair and unrealistic...
2007-03-23 08:45:09 UTC
Legal Immigrants and Lawful Americans are completely and Totally against ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION and Trolls, trying to incite riots!
2007-03-23 08:21:01 UTC
America is founded by immigration and only supports it's population via immigration.

Immigration is essential to providing the workforce that enables the growth and development of industry and therefore economy.

And unless you are Native American you have no right to harp about immigration.
2007-03-23 08:16:03 UTC
how the hell you going do that "Shut the door" i mean look we have like a average of 3 million entering illegal each year. now you want stop the legal one that play by the rules?
2007-03-23 08:16:41 UTC
I totally agree!!

We need to STOP all immigration for a few years at least! First, all ILLEGALS need to be deported,since they are ALL criminals to begin with! Then we need to put all applications on HOLD for about 20 years!
2007-03-23 08:19:01 UTC
Can You Run For President!
2007-03-23 08:27:30 UTC
No, I believe legal immigration is ok.
tom the plumber
2007-03-23 08:15:01 UTC
legal yes bust the door down,NO!
2007-03-23 08:39:00 UTC
No me, let them come and help us out, they do jobs Americans will not do! America planned this, help build our country then do a forced exodus!!!
2007-03-23 08:34:18 UTC
You have absolutely lost your mind. Get an education (and a clue) and then you will have job security.
2007-03-23 08:42:54 UTC
not me. theres nothing wrong wit legal immigration.
Time to Shrug, Atlas
2007-03-23 08:13:29 UTC
Are you Native American?
2007-03-23 08:33:07 UTC
2007-03-23 08:13:33 UTC
yeah, except none of us - including you - would be here if we didn't let people emigrate in
2007-03-23 08:14:33 UTC
loser! youre not a NATIVE American so hop off!

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