Using a stolen social security number is a felony, in every state, in every city, in every job. It is a federal crime.
Misuse of someone else's SSN is a violation of Federal law and may lead to fines and/or imprisonment.
You can not "make up" a social security number, that is a felony,
You can not use someone elses social security number, that is a felony.
You can not use a social security number which you "buy" from someone, that is a felony.
You can not use a social security number which belongs to any other person, any relative (including your child) , or any friend, that is a felony.
You cannot get a social security number from your employer, that is a felony.
You can not lie about your immigration status to get a social security number, that is a felony.
You can not tell any untruths, or give any false information, including false name, false ID, false place of birth, false birth certificate, or make any other fraudulent statements to get a social security number, that is a felony.
Any such social security number, fraudulently used and or obtained is considered a "stolen" social security number.
The penalty for using any such stolen number is a prison sentence of 25 years and a fine of $250,000.00.
Illegal alien who commit that felony are deported as a felon.
The USA does not allow any sort of entry to any foreign national who has been deported with a felony, for the rest of their life.
No visa.
No immigration.
No legal entry.
No legal residency.
No legal citizenship.
Nobody can sponsor you or petition for you to enter the USA for any reason for any amount of time if you are deported with a felony.
People who think "oh, what is the problem, it's just a made up number, no big deal".... are wrong. It is a felony, it is a serious crime, and anyone who commits that crime is considered a hardened criminal by the United States, and that person is not welcome in the United States.
Stop making excuses for the crimes people commit.
Some illegal aliens are using stolen social security numbers to work, and to take out loans they do not pay back, buy cars they do not pay for, get credit cards, charge them to the max and never pay a dime, get medical care they do not pay for, get social serivices which the real number holder is forced to pay for.
Using a social security number which does not legally belong to you, can become the rightful owners nightmare for a long time, and cost the rightful numbers owner a lot of money.
Shame on you people who think this is a victimless crime, it is NOT.