Would you break the law to seek a better life for you and your family?
2009-10-21 16:31:39 UTC
SPRINGFIELD -- The issue of illegal immigration divided people across America on Monday. Protests heated up over jobs, taxes, and border-related crimes.

A family in Springfield lives in shadows with a dark secret. They risked everything to come here.

The father in the family didn’t sneak across the border just once. He snuck across several times to bring his family to America for a better life.

He and his wife are illegal immigrants and none of their friends, co-workers or neighbors know that. They have jobs. They pay taxes. They are scared to death of being discovered as illegal immigrants.

Ten years ago, when he joined a dozen other Mexicans who paid “coyotes” -- or smugglers -- $1,300 each to take them on a three-day trek, the father almost lost his life trying to cross the border.

“You have to swim across the river and then we walked for two days and two nights with no food or water,” he said. “Sometimes we walked to farms and begged for food or ate corn out of animal feeding troughs.”

The smugglers abandoned them in the middle of the desert and they were busted by the Border Patrol and sent back to Mexico. The next day, he tried again and made it to America.

He got a job and started saving money. Then he went back to Mexico to bring over his wife. They had been apart from each other for three years.

“We tried to pass immigrations with two papers: someone else’s passports with a visa,” he said.

They paid a smuggler thousands of dollars in order to borrow the documents. His wife got through immigrations but he got caught and spent three days in jail. They had to then pay more money to get more papers and get across again.

The risks to find a better life meant a painful sacrifice. They left behind their little children in Mexico.

It took five years to reunite the entire family. Their youngest child was born in the United States and the older siblings had to be smuggled across the border one by one.

Both parents work long hours at work and at home. They also pay taxes out of every paycheck, hard-earned money that paid for a big piece of the American dream, their first home.

But it is a bittersweet life that they have built here in Springfield. Every day, they worry about getting deported and losing everything they have worked so hard to get.

Illegal immigrants risked everything for better life here
Eleven answers:
2009-10-21 16:38:31 UTC
100% I would. No question about it. Before I saw my children do without the basic necessities, like decent housing and education, and work opportunities, I would go to another country, illegally if need be, in a New York minute.


EDIT: To anthony

So I am a criminal because I answered a hypothetical question?
2009-10-21 18:15:21 UTC
No. You break the law, and you show contempt for the country. That idea is particularly strong amoung the Mexican People, and they hold us in contempt for the way we deal with the illegal aliens. At the same time, they have discovered they could manipulate the American People like a rodeo bull, and they have.

Mexico is the number 13 economy in the world. The International community, the United Nations, and the United States as well as Mexico tell us living is pretty good down in Mexico. Why should they break the law and come north to find a better life? Mexico is plenty with the exception that the welfare is not nearly so good as it is here.
None of your business
2009-10-21 18:29:59 UTC
I guess I would do anything for my children but I would never agreed to be separated for 2 years from my children no matter what.And also other question is the risk. I they get caught what's going to happen to the children? Where are they going to go? If I had children already I would definitely make sure that they have stability first. And if the life in Mexico is so bad how can people afford having so many children? And why? Why would you bring a child to the world if you know you can't provide for them. It seems a little bit selfish for me. And if they wanted to have a child on their own I can understand thei feelings why do they have to have more then one? So I feel a little bit confused about it.
2016-09-29 11:51:54 UTC
All international locations enforce immigration regulations even third worldwide international locations. Its in simple terms that persons use the race card right here in the U. S. as a results of fact its basically in the U. S. that persons are incredibly afraid if being called a racist. you attempt that in the time of Japan or Germany and that they're going to throw you in penal complex cellular till finally they have a aircraft waiting to take you returned to whever you come returned from.
2009-10-21 17:23:24 UTC
I understand their situation because I would probably do the same thing

but first I would see if I can liberate the country Im in from corruption-in other words I would stand and fight- if there is no movement or nothings happening then I leave. Lets face it this illegal immigration thing is never going to end even though the U.S govt is saying it is doing everything possible to end it-the govt depends on illegal immigration it always has dating back to African Americans it should just accept it.
2009-10-21 18:17:50 UTC
No, unless you are a criminal like Donna! Breaking the law is breaking the law. illegals wouldn't have it so bad except they are lazy and worthless. Thats why they trashed their own country and bankrupted it. Now they want to free load and destroy ours. After enough hispanics and latinos come here they will bankrupt our great nation as well draining from the welfare and foodstamps and other government programs. We have enough toliet cleaners here already. Let no more in!! You don't see white americans running away to Canada to free load on them when things get bad, do you?
2009-10-21 17:29:32 UTC
It does not excuse the behavior.

People in the US are living in poverty, wondering where their next meal will come from, where they will spend the night or get their next bath.

Do they break in someplace and take those things away from the person who worked hard to earn them? NO! they don't.

If you have any self respect you will try to work out something the right way first.

It is irresponsible to continue to have large families when you do not complete your education and have enough income to support them.

That is the true problem. Lack of education and birth control. They want to live their life they way they want and when it's not working for them they want to come and take it from someone who has worked hard and earned it.
2009-10-21 17:13:25 UTC
I might, but I would understand that it was a risk and that if I were caught, there would be consequences, and I wouldn't become indignant if I were forced to face those consequences.

What's your point? I'm trying to make a better life for my family going through legal channels. That's my point.
2009-10-21 18:07:38 UTC
First of all immigration is not only a American phenomenon, but a world phenomenon. Is happening in all the world and to almost any country that can offer a better chance of living and resources. Have you ever heard of Survival of the Fittest, well, that's exactly what's going on in the world today. It is natural for a person or individuals to search for the resources their nations lack. Mexicans migrate because they have same necessities as any other human been, but even Mexico has an immigration and migration problem. Rural people in Mexico also have migrated to more developed areas in Mexico, like Mexico City, Monterrey, Cancun, Acapulco, and near the US border. Other Mexicans compliant that migrants workers from rural areas take city people jobs.

In Europe, countries with growing immigration population are England, Spain, France, Italy and other Western Europeans. The majority of immigrants are from Eastern European nations and they are view as bringing down the standards of the west, hey, and they are white and European too! But also Europe gets a lot immigrants from Saharan Africa, Middle, East, and Asia. Other immigrants included people from within the European Union who immigrate freely between nations in the EU.

In Asian nations, Immigration is also a major issue. In Japan there many Hindus, Arabs and Southeast Asians and even Brazilians. China has also brought in many immigrants from all over the world.

In Latin America, Dominicans migrated to Puerto Rico and the US. People are immigrating from less developed Latin American nations to more develop one where there an opportunity for money and food.

Immigration and migration is as old as Human creation. People have always been migrating in search of resources. From Ancient times, to the Age of Discovery to Now. Societies, Ethic groups, bands, tribes have old either conquered others or live together and share resources.

Human Immigration as a basic law of nature. "If you lack resources for survival, immigrate and search for those resources that you lack" This is part of the Natural Laws of Humanity. Either eat or perish.

People say, "They have broken the Law, so they are law breakers and shouldn't even be here."

So what is greater, the law writen by man's hands or the Natural Law which is part of all humanity?

Thomas Hobbes, a great English Political Philosopher,

said this; "The things that make a good judge or good interpreter of the laws are, first, a right understanding of that principal law of nature called equity (Justice) ; which, depending not on the reading of other men's writings, but on the goodness of a man's own natural reason and meditation," (The Leviathan CHAPTER XXVI


Immigrants legal or illegal has the right to be examine as an individual, not base on the fact that he or she broke a law, that prohibit a human the necessities for human survival and dignity to live as other Humans who have what they don't got.

Justice should be done base on character and desire for a Human to be here, that he or she when as far to brake one law to be where we are and live or try to live like the more fortunate ones.


We Say: "Let's stop world hunger and help the poor"

But when poor folk comes to your nation and your home, you rather give him or her a snake or shoot the poor bastard in the head"

What a bunch of hippocrates!
Gypsy Dave
2009-10-21 17:08:16 UTC
Tuff luck. Every time you sneak into my home, i'll do any and everything i can to get rid of you.If you come to my door and knock you will be invited in and fed and made welcome. I will not have anyone that starts out as a criminal federal law breaker made welcome. There are proper ways to do this. I suggest you avail yourselves to them. 'Til then get out, stay out.Try it again legally and be suprised how much help you get.
2009-10-23 14:56:23 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.