Wow!! by now you must have realised that how much superiroity complex your white comradian have got. Their emotions are overflowing and they are blaming your for being racist, whereas every one of them have one thing in common, ' who are you to show them the mirror? they are the best nation on God's earth'.
A student of history is very well aware of the barbaric culture the west had and their wisdom, science, and 'civilization' especially in dark ages and the period of Enlightenment. I hope you will acknwoldge the fact that the primary civilization was Mohinjo-Daro, a place in Pakistan.
1- The piece of land known as Pakistan is the pioneer of civilized nation in the world. Shocked? Please check history and google it. Their history starts from 3000B.C.
"Mohenjo-daro in ancient times was most likely one of the administrative centers of the ancient Indus Valley Civilization. [6] It was the most developed and advanced city in South Asia, and perhaps the world, during its peak. The planning and engineering showed the importance of the city to the people of the Indus valley.[7]
" You can compare their life style, their civilization with the barbaric tribes of Anglo and Saxons. The real civilization, if any, was in Subcontinent, China, India and Egypt. The Romans and Greeks came long after them.
As far as the white race supermacy is concerned, it is only due to the gun powder, which sadly enough was never invented by them. It was a chinese invention and European, by misusing this invention, by developing the mass destruction weapons, they claimed their supermacy over civilized local inhabitants ( Please watch, The Last Samorie to give you an insight what I am trying to say) . Please take note that it was only the gun powder which tilt the balance in Europeans favour. Please check the results of crusades in this regard in which both the 'civilizations' were on equal footings.
It is an undeniable fact that Europeans plundered the wealth of the Africa, India, Middel east; build their cities, armies and universities and became the champion of Civilization.
P.S andrew m A.K.A William Wallace;
Let us make it clear that we are not here for blame game, we all hold our opinion and we should respect others in this regard. Thank you for referring me the link, I have checked it and especially liked their ‘dating’ segment))
Do you have any idea how much peaceful my land was, before the invasion of poor and blood thirsty Europeans ? It changed history and everything. This is not the place; otherwise, you will be astonished to compare the level of civilization which people were having in this corner of the world with Europe. who gave Europeans the right to invade others? If you consider might is right, than how can one ever hate Hitler and his crimes against humanity and people of Europe? Where are your values?? If one take pride in itself for being a thug and dacoit, just because he is well equipped against hapless unarmed simpletons, it will only announce his arrogance, barbarianism and ignorance and nothing more.
I cant be bothered about how Pakistanis are conducting themselves in UK but I am sure they are doing great job as well. All are not equal. I admit that they are an easy target and at times they are wrongly framed. It is the poverty, exploitation, hatred, discrimination which makes people bad. But hey, we believe Adam and Eve generated the mankind, and that makes every human being a relative to other.
Chill out, I personally consider that people in UK are by and large excellent people and a great nation. It is only the economic recession which is testing their nerves, once things are back to normal, they will be civilized again.
I am impressed from the progress Europe made in the field of science but they have their foundation in East. Europe is also responsible for all enviornmental hazards, mass destructive weapons, pollution, expolitation and double standards they gave to the civilization. What business uk has in Afghanistan, Iraq and other states is unknown. But people of UK are an honourable generation!!!!
You can detect the contradiction in your response. To quote one example, on the one hand you aresuggesting ‘wikipedia’ source is not trust worthy and on the other hand, you are quoting the same link again and again!!!wow!!
All I was telling you that we all are humans, we all have past and a future; to single out some one on the basis of colour is illogical, unethical and amounts to racism. One times most civilized nation is now considered as the root of all sorts of problems. I was pained to read the comments bragging about European’s supremacy and considering other nations dumb and taking credit in being more resourceful , cunning and clever. What kind of reasoning is this? If the African are sexually more prowess, do they have a right to take every white and other girl around into their bed??? If one is strong, does it give him right to knock out every one coming into their way? If some country has atom bomb, should it wipe out the rest of the world? Does it mean there is law of jungle? Does it mean slavery was justified? Does it mean, might is right?
You are grumbling just because other nations are coming into UK to make it more prosperous and beautiful and since you appear to be less achiever in your life, therefore you are unable to compete with them and hence you are grumpy. I for one am least bothered about supremacy of any country and I am very happy, since I am back in my own country. If my country has problems, it has pleasures as well and trust me, I am proud of it. I have firm believe that at least 99.99 per cent of my countrymen know for sure, who their father are. I believe, my nation will get rid of its negative reputation and will become the leader of the world. I believe, Scotland will also achieve her independence one day. I believe, till than you will become a successful person and start loving people on the basis of their qualities and not their colour:)). Peace .