Have the chickens come "home" to roost?
Jordan Mardan
2009-08-30 00:40:38 UTC
Green Monkey asked "Why do people migrate to the UK when they seemingly dislike the British people or way of life?"

Well, I can just as e-a-s-i-l-y ask "Why did Europeans colonize and live in South Africa, India, China, etc. when they seemingly disliked the people living in those countries?!"

The Europeans wanted to steal (and did) those countries' natural resources.

Hence, I find it damn ironic that Whites are "always complaining that "immigrants are coming to the U.S. and Europe to get welfare."

What has been stolen from Africa alone (diamonds, oil, etc.) is astronomically higher than any welfare benefit African immigrants might receive in America and Europe.

And it's the same for the people of India and other countries migrating to America and Europe.

The aid given by America and Europe to countries at or below the Equator pales greatly to what was stolen through colonization.
Thirteen answers:
2009-09-06 23:43:34 UTC
yeah they came they are waiting for you hurry
2009-08-30 03:57:22 UTC
All your links to prove your point are just totally underwhelming. Many of the natural resources you are talking about are still there... no one is dealing with them though because the people in those areas would steal the cane from a blind man. Copper is a very good example. But look at African Oil as a case in point.

Further... if you look at assets seized by the governments of Africa, you discover ....e-a-s-i-l-y ... that the African Nations got a whole lot better deal than the Europeans. There are two exceptions.. but for some reasons no one wants to go to Portugal and Belgium. Hummm.
Jim J
2009-08-30 01:31:33 UTC
Europeans did not steal anything, they took and utilised resources that natives for the most part did not know they were there, did not need or use . In return we gave Africa, farms which now feed the bulk of Africa, Railways, Roads, Governments, Technology, medicine, and education.

Europeans got to the colonies because they mastered long distance navigation at sea First along with their advanced society in literature, science, arts etc expanded to countries and continents advanced societies need resources. Its not our fault that the peoples they encountered were eons behind in technology and civilisation.They would 'never' had advanced if the Europeans had not have colonised.

Some African leaders and diamond merchants do very well out of the trade, you don't honestly think Whites take it all?

I assume you are an African American? if so well the medium you use to write your racist rant was invented by us evil Europeans the Computer and internet, the English you speak and write in, yes you guessed it. The clothes you wear the heating in your home, the Car you drive, yes all evil European inventions. In fact It appears you have a net benefit from colonialism, It benefited you exponentially. would you prefer to live in Africa now with their tribal systems, black magic, corruption and greed even though European NGOs are still there trying to fix it Because Africans wont fix it themselves ? Be a little more objective and grateful before you spout your racist diatribe again.

People who migrate today to Europe and the USA are simply looking for a better life in a more advanced civilised country. Ask yourself with technology, modern Government, education which is open to everyone on the planet, why do they still come to us in the west, the evil Europeans?

America and Europe are the only places immigrants want to go too, why not China or the Middle east? because we gullible whites as usual have a guilt complex about colonialism, when we should be celebrating it, about taking billions out of the darkness like yourself and asking those that benefited like yourself to be a little more grateful. Stop thinking no further than your bias's

It is not our job to be transnational social workers, and as a Black American or Ethnic, I can tell you now that mass immigration will affect you and you children, you have a right to be in the USA as a birthright, as more and more hispanics (who have no right) come and get naturalised this goes for Europe too, this will effect the quality of your home, lack of jobs for blacks, and health care and general resources, Numbers cannot be sustained so 'all' Americans-Europeans have an innate duty to protect it from mass immigration. It will destroy the very things you complain about i.e the Evil White mans values and customs that keep you alive and safe.

In other words, Whites did not just invent civilisation, We 'are' Civilisation.
2009-08-31 06:58:51 UTC
Firstly, you are a racist.


"Well, I can just as e-a-s-i-l-y ask "Why did Europeans colonize and live in South Africa, India, China, etc. when they seemingly disliked the people living in those countries?!""

Whatever happened in the past, these countries now have their independence. Their countries are their own and they can rule and govern then as they see fit. Instead they have turned them into corrupt, poverty-ridden shitholes (despite the fact that the natural resources we supposedly "stole" are still there) and they are all desperately trying to get out of them and come to the UK.

So the fact that they insist on flocking here to live makes it look like they can't cope without us to look after them.

I can't understand why people from third world countries would come here and live off British Government handouts They fought for independence and the right to be free of British control and decide their own destinies. They got it. And millions of them just packed straight up and came to the UK to live off British handouts and let old Blighty take care of them. Seems a bit lacking in self respect to me . . . after all their ancestors went through for independence . . .
2016-12-17 11:16:55 UTC
No God on no account modifications the guidelines, he has continuously had a plan. Rain falls on all, yet undesirable issues ensue to surely everyone, no longer in basic terms the non-Christians or merely the Christians. ' On a part be conscious... i could desire to assist you already know of a few thing that's occurring authentic now that shows a quick time left earlier Jesus comes back. (the rapture) i found out national identity taking part in cards are popping out... this might, they're being enforced then, so this suggests that's going to in basic terms be a count of time earlier the anti-christ unites the worldwide. (national identity taking part in cards might have all your spending records, eating conduct, social protection, sources, well being records, jobs, commute records, tax records, something own and secret, in the palms of the completed worldwide, no longer in basic terms our government) My guess is he could might desire to be linked with the banks that very own international locations, (The Federal reserve no longer owned by skill of the government, that's a set of deepest agencies which may make all the money they want out of skinny air, that's actively in contact with different such agencies. (the monetary institution of britain, in the U.ok.) to make the worldwide one united government, they have been aiming in direction of this for terribly a while now... As a believer, understand that ingredient is short, i'm no longer say, Run! that's the tip of the worldwide!!" i'm merely letting you already know to tell those you care approximately Jesus, as time is shorter than even I expected....
2009-08-30 02:27:05 UTC
Well I find it ironic you are using the morality of today in the past.

The Europeans colonised just like ALL the peoples of the world were trying to do at the time.

So please explain to me what you mean by stolen? Did not the Zimbi in Africa do the same against fellow Africans? Did not the Aztecs or any other people do the same?

Sounds like you need an education and get rid of the chip on your shoulder!

Edit and by your point of view is that Europeans are all guilty for the supposed 'crimes' of their great great great grand parents - sounds like your views are racist!
Captain Sarcasm
2009-08-30 00:50:20 UTC
Why can't you all stop raising issues about race and immigration and just get along with life?

I would suggest carrying weight like these chips on your shoulders is a bad for your health, it will give you a bad back!
2009-08-30 01:02:23 UTC
After digging to a depth of 100m last year, Russian scientists found traces of copper wiring dating back 1000 years, and came to the conclusion that their ancestors already had a telephone network one thousand years ago.

So as not to be outdone, in the weeks that followed, American scientists dug 200m, and headlines in the US newspapers read:

"US scientists have found traces of 2000 year old optical fibres, and have concluded that their ancestors already had advanced high-tech digital telephones 1000 years earlier than the Russians."

One week later, the South African press reported the following:

"After digging as deep as 500m, S.A. scientists have found absolutely nothing. The governmen have concluded that 5000 years ago,their ancestors were already using mobile phones due to cable theft problems."


A missionary is sent into deepest darkest depths of Africa to

live with a tribe. He spends years with the people, teaching

them to read, write and good Christian values. One thing he

particularly stresses is the evil of sexual sin. "Thou must not

commit adultery or fornication!"

One day the wife of one of the Tribe's noblemen gives birth to a

white baby. The village is shocked and the chief is sent by his

people to talk with the missionary.

"You have taught us of the evils of sexual sin, yet here a black

woman gives birth to a white child. You are the only white man

who has ever set foot in our village. Anyone can see what's

going on here!"

The missionary replies, "No, no, my good man. You are mistaken.

What you have here is a natural occurrence - what is called an

albino. Look to thy yonder field. See a field of white sheep,

and yet amongst them is one black one. Nature does this on


The chief pauses for a moment then says, "Tell you what, you

don't say anything about the sheep, I won't say anything about

the white baby."
2009-08-30 02:14:25 UTC
Celt i loved that one we white sheep know where those

Black ones come from!!
2009-09-01 03:54:35 UTC
Wow!! by now you must have realised that how much superiroity complex your white comradian have got. Their emotions are overflowing and they are blaming your for being racist, whereas every one of them have one thing in common, ' who are you to show them the mirror? they are the best nation on God's earth'.

A student of history is very well aware of the barbaric culture the west had and their wisdom, science, and 'civilization' especially in dark ages and the period of Enlightenment. I hope you will acknwoldge the fact that the primary civilization was Mohinjo-Daro, a place in Pakistan.


1- The piece of land known as Pakistan is the pioneer of civilized nation in the world. Shocked? Please check history and google it. Their history starts from 3000B.C.

"Mohenjo-daro in ancient times was most likely one of the administrative centers of the ancient Indus Valley Civilization. [6] It was the most developed and advanced city in South Asia, and perhaps the world, during its peak. The planning and engineering showed the importance of the city to the people of the Indus valley.[7]

" You can compare their life style, their civilization with the barbaric tribes of Anglo and Saxons. The real civilization, if any, was in Subcontinent, China, India and Egypt. The Romans and Greeks came long after them.

As far as the white race supermacy is concerned, it is only due to the gun powder, which sadly enough was never invented by them. It was a chinese invention and European, by misusing this invention, by developing the mass destruction weapons, they claimed their supermacy over civilized local inhabitants ( Please watch, The Last Samorie to give you an insight what I am trying to say) . Please take note that it was only the gun powder which tilt the balance in Europeans favour. Please check the results of crusades in this regard in which both the 'civilizations' were on equal footings.

It is an undeniable fact that Europeans plundered the wealth of the Africa, India, Middel east; build their cities, armies and universities and became the champion of Civilization.

P.S andrew m A.K.A William Wallace;

Let us make it clear that we are not here for blame game, we all hold our opinion and we should respect others in this regard. Thank you for referring me the link, I have checked it and especially liked their ‘dating’ segment))

Do you have any idea how much peaceful my land was, before the invasion of poor and blood thirsty Europeans ? It changed history and everything. This is not the place; otherwise, you will be astonished to compare the level of civilization which people were having in this corner of the world with Europe. who gave Europeans the right to invade others? If you consider might is right, than how can one ever hate Hitler and his crimes against humanity and people of Europe? Where are your values?? If one take pride in itself for being a thug and dacoit, just because he is well equipped against hapless unarmed simpletons, it will only announce his arrogance, barbarianism and ignorance and nothing more.

I cant be bothered about how Pakistanis are conducting themselves in UK but I am sure they are doing great job as well. All are not equal. I admit that they are an easy target and at times they are wrongly framed. It is the poverty, exploitation, hatred, discrimination which makes people bad. But hey, we believe Adam and Eve generated the mankind, and that makes every human being a relative to other.

Chill out, I personally consider that people in UK are by and large excellent people and a great nation. It is only the economic recession which is testing their nerves, once things are back to normal, they will be civilized again.

I am impressed from the progress Europe made in the field of science but they have their foundation in East. Europe is also responsible for all enviornmental hazards, mass destructive weapons, pollution, expolitation and double standards they gave to the civilization. What business uk has in Afghanistan, Iraq and other states is unknown. But people of UK are an honourable generation!!!!


You can detect the contradiction in your response. To quote one example, on the one hand you aresuggesting ‘wikipedia’ source is not trust worthy and on the other hand, you are quoting the same link again and again!!!wow!!

All I was telling you that we all are humans, we all have past and a future; to single out some one on the basis of colour is illogical, unethical and amounts to racism. One times most civilized nation is now considered as the root of all sorts of problems. I was pained to read the comments bragging about European’s supremacy and considering other nations dumb and taking credit in being more resourceful , cunning and clever. What kind of reasoning is this? If the African are sexually more prowess, do they have a right to take every white and other girl around into their bed??? If one is strong, does it give him right to knock out every one coming into their way? If some country has atom bomb, should it wipe out the rest of the world? Does it mean there is law of jungle? Does it mean slavery was justified? Does it mean, might is right?

You are grumbling just because other nations are coming into UK to make it more prosperous and beautiful and since you appear to be less achiever in your life, therefore you are unable to compete with them and hence you are grumpy. I for one am least bothered about supremacy of any country and I am very happy, since I am back in my own country. If my country has problems, it has pleasures as well and trust me, I am proud of it. I have firm believe that at least 99.99 per cent of my countrymen know for sure, who their father are. I believe, my nation will get rid of its negative reputation and will become the leader of the world. I believe, Scotland will also achieve her independence one day. I believe, till than you will become a successful person and start loving people on the basis of their qualities and not their colour:)). Peace .
Patriot Paul
2009-08-30 03:36:32 UTC
I wonder if you even realise what a RACIST you are!
2009-08-30 03:40:26 UTC
Chickens come home to roost..?....

This is the first world,i personally live in Scotland a small country of just over 5 million people..a country that has given us in the world important innovations and sciences inventions etc such as :




pnuematic tyre

the bicycle

the political economy,(CAPITALISM)..VIA ..ADAM SMITH


developed cloning techniques..


I could go on and on and on and this is only one small country on the northern edge of Europe, how about England,Wales,Ireland,France,Germany,Holland,Denmark,Belgium,Austria,Sweden,Norway,Finland,Italy....ETC ETC then our predeccesors built the new world countries of the United states of America,Australia,New Zealand,Canada etc etc.....and these places have went on to innovate and lead the world alongside Europe with our advanced industrialised and now post industrialised societies.

cars,aeroplanes ,spacecraft,computers,industrial technichques,medical innovation,science,mobile phones etc etc etc etc...were all invented and devised here...not in Japan or China or in India or South America or Russia........and definitley not in Africa...

The British empire did a lot of bad things in Africa and in India and elswhere in the world...though they did a lot of good things too that have been overlooked,such as introducing irrigation methods,christianity and they took some resources from these places..and why not...the local populations of these countries were not intelligent or resourceful enough to utilise the natural resources that they lived upon....why because most of these populations were still savages many of whom still practised cannaballism and archaich religious we exploited their natural resources and sometimes their people via slavery etc.....that was hundreds of years ago....and these places cannot blame British people or Europeansand Americans for the state their lands are still in......countries like Britain take money from their own poor and give it to rich leaders in places like Africa....who do not give the £ to their poor but spend it on large houses and big cars and further their greedy rule.....every other developed nation sends money and the same thing happens...its corruption in these countries..not out fault....just look at Robert Mugabe..and look at his starving people....we have yoing men from war torn lands such as the Congo coming to live here and trying to re create the violence of their homeland on our streets in London etc....we have an aids epedimec in Britain caused by the amount of sub saharan Africans coming here carrying the disease...this is not racism this is the height of the raj in India the amount of British in India numbered less than 250, Britain there are over four million Indians alone...!!

coming here with primitive religious veiws and 3rd world attitudes and diseases....taking benifits and scamming everthing in sight...this is fact ...........its not my fault or any other normal every day British people that your countries are crap....THE BLAME GAME WONT WORK....YOU ARE THE EMBITTERED RACISTS NOT US...!


There is what people in the West get angry about and some racist...people from Africa or India or Pakistan blaming the west about something that was perpatrated by their forefathers 100 or 300 or 900 years talk about Adolf Hitler and the Nazis and the two wars that ravaged Europe and Britain in the early part of the 20th they plundered and murdered ...over 50,000,000 people were killed in WW2 alone....the British lost their Empire that was gained via plundering other nations for their resources ....SO what we got over it and rebuilt one blames Germans and the people there today for the atrocities of WW1/WW2 and they are both still within living does it not prove a point that the white Europeans are more resourceful and more forgiving than these peoples in Africa,Asia,India ,Pakistan who lay the blame on the stuff the white men done 100-200-or more years ago....i do not think a German or an Austrian or Japanese person owes me nothing...even though they killed millions of my countrymen...destroyed our economies and plundersd our towns and cities via bombing raids....thats life....we are all in every nation guilty of some atrocity of some far as i am concerned British people or European people , Americans,Australians ,NZ etc dont owe anybody nothing,....yet we get people bleating on about how their resources were stolen from them hundreds of years as far as i am concerned it should be something that you should consign to history....these people should stop moaning and make their country better...stop fleeing to the western nations for handouts and stay and tough it out in your own country..and make it a better place for future genarations......but no....still these people come and take take take..and in many cases kill kill kill....and they bring their primitive ways of living with them and expect to transport them to our lands...archaich religious veiws,refusal to speak English..having 5 or 6 children per family....and expecting our welfare state to pick up the tab,.....shouting at our soldiers on the street who are marching in their country,....these soldiers fought and fight for democracy.thats freedom of speech,freedom of religion and many other freedoms that are a dream in pakistan,India,Africa etc, the next time a pakistani who wants to escape poverty,religious persecution or any other crap that they receive in their advanced civilization...wants to come here and hate they should use that brain of theirs....and if they do not like the British soldiers because of what they do in Afghanistan or Iraq etc ....they should not be coming here to settle....wether right or wrong the British army and her soldiers fight for freedom and if you disagree with that fair enough...just stay out of our country and live within your own repressive regimes...
2009-08-30 01:33:12 UTC

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