Hey Thugo,
Nobody is better than you. Period! It's not us that need to realize that. It's you.
If, as a child, I was taught to carry a stone all my life and that if I dropped that stone, it meant I hated my mother and father, then I'd carry it.
But, if my own mother and father came to me and convinced me that the stone was just a stone? That they needed my intelligence, my thoughts, my helping hands and a good education? I'd drop that stone and better myself AND my parents.
That "stone" has always been Spain's most powerful weapon of control over its people. To this day, I see the "stand-off" between groups of "committed" Latinos that almost never occurs among Americanized people of any ethnicity. Faced with conflict, almost all Americans "of Hispanic descent" aren't encumbered to emotion and, hence, can effortlessly gravitate toward logic. They're no smarter. Just free. They were never told to carry a senseless burden to show a pretend "loyalty" to a disloyal culture.
So, now, the "burdened Latinos" live life feeling trapped. They look at los gentes del norte bouncing around weightlessly and happily without that invisible thing tearing us down.
Hey, Thugo, buddy. Are you sure you want that burden? Would you like to weigh it against the alternatives? Do you do ANYONE any service by carrying this "loyalty?" If I could carry it just long enough for you to realize that it's anything BUT loyalty, I'd do it. For you. Then the next victim and the next. Why? Because I know that as soon as you see the light, you'd be doing the same for as many others as you could. Liberty just feels too DAMN GOOD!!!! You Want Everyone you see to FEEL IT!!!!!
I'm hopin' and prayin' for ya buddy!
Keep your eyes open and your hands free!
And I wish you all the best!