why don't you just admit it already?
2007-02-10 00:59:16 UTC
If you are anti illegal, you probably have used the word "wet back." I have seen the videos made by anti illegal protestors, first they say Mexicans are racist for putting up Mexican flags then they yell out "******* wetbacks" now thats a little thing called hypocrisy. Sure, maybe there are a few exceptions for this, but for the most part...

Another thing, people call Mexico a **** hole but don't mention nothing about the u.s. as if it was heaven on earth and nothing is wrong with it. Damn it, why didn't people in Mexico show more patriotism and fight for the land, instead of letting Santa Anna sell it for a few thousand pesos.

All in all, its just history repeating itself again, Mexicans used to be the ones getting mad because white people came in. And now not just white people, but anti illegal's are mad at mexicans for coming in. If stopping the flow of immigration didn't work for mexico, it's not gonna work for the u.s. Maybe we ought to start learning from the past.
Eleven answers:
2007-02-11 10:01:54 UTC
I'm pretty sure the words "anti-illegal" mean that you are against illegal behavior. In this case, specifically illegal immigration. Most people are. I've never heard the word wet back used in my personal life and I've never used it. So I do not believe this is the exception to the rule. Ad hominem arguments lumping all anti illegals together as racists because a handful are, is in itself a racist argument that holds no weight. White people are not the majority race in the southwest (including California) and seem to pull less weight politically than immigrants and illegals. For example, my area is at least 60% immigrant, about half of which is estimated to be illegal and only about 10-15% white. This is becoming the norm all over the southwest. And white people are not the only minorities getting mad about illegal immigration. Anyone who has been directly impacted by it are mad, including Mexican Americans and Native Americans. Talk about the past. Santa Ana and the transfer of the southwest to the US?! That was over 150 years ago. What does that have to do with the geographical, political, economic and ethical conditions of Mexico TODAY?
2007-02-15 07:50:27 UTC
The U. S. Need workers in the fields because as far as I know only a small portion of American citizens want to do the job. Why? who knows! and Latinos not just Mexicans I repeat Latinos are willing to do the job. I see nothing wrong with it, what I don't think is wright is that they must do it in a non legal way because there's no legal way to do it. There are no visas to do that kind of job, as far as I know. And that is maybe the reason they stay there. I don't see any other reason for they to stay. Maybe if they can get a visa for a Temporary job it will be easier for them an American citizens. Because I was reading the other day that Mexicans are consider the best soldiers in the world, because they are getting back their territory and more without a single bullet.

I don't see anything wrong with the word wet back. what's the big deal! is better that than illegal if you are not a wet back or illegal don't pay any attention, it really is not that important is just a word, is not a very smart thing to give racist people the power to give you a hard time.
2007-02-10 09:46:44 UTC
I'm anti illegal immigration and for the simple fact illegal immigration. I'm and immigrant myself, and if you think Mexican nationals should have an easier path then the rest of us than that is so Racist of you. I don't agree with treating this issue with racial hate but everyone that is anti illegal immigration is not racist. On the other hand they could be patriots. US citizens need visas and passports to enter Mexico, they also need authorizations if they want to work or conduct business in Mexico, so why shouldn't the United States be afforded the same right? Don't discriminate against the US. Remember illegal immigration and illegal immigrants are wrong for the simple reason it is a crime and pro illegal immigrants, people and businesses are promoting a crime.
2007-02-10 17:58:10 UTC
Lets make some things perfectly clear about 'history repeating itself'.

1) The Mexican-America war was only for Texas and the slice of land that extends to the left of Mexico - it was the Mexcians who offered to keep that land and give us the other states.

2) The treaty of Guadelupe-Hildago expressly states that when Mexicans are in the USA they are to follow our laws and customs.

Mexico was far superior and well prepared for war with the USA. Their losses on the battlefield outright shocked Mexican leaders.

What part of history do you expect to relive exactly?
2007-02-10 09:42:44 UTC
What people did in the past is just that the past. But, Mexico didn't have to take the money. You are missing a big part of the history of Mexico.

Also, you are assuming that we can't stop illegals from coming in. Your wrong we can, but we aren't. Our government wants it this way. It is to bring wages down in this country to be competitive in the global market.

They don't care one way or the other about Mexicans or other illegals they just care that they work cheaper than an American.

We better learn from the present, because it is a lose lose proposition all the way around.
2007-02-15 07:04:41 UTC
i am anti-illegal. i have never used those terms in reference to mexico or illegals. But here's the thing-if we allow illegals to stay here and if we don't protect our borders it means that we have no reason to make other immigrants go through the lengthly process of gaining citizenship?? it would be pointless. it means they went through all of that struggle for nothing. my grandparents didn't come here because it was a free for all-they came here because it was a land of hope.
2007-02-10 10:47:17 UTC
Hey Thugo,

Nobody is better than you. Period! It's not us that need to realize that. It's you.

If, as a child, I was taught to carry a stone all my life and that if I dropped that stone, it meant I hated my mother and father, then I'd carry it.

But, if my own mother and father came to me and convinced me that the stone was just a stone? That they needed my intelligence, my thoughts, my helping hands and a good education? I'd drop that stone and better myself AND my parents.

That "stone" has always been Spain's most powerful weapon of control over its people. To this day, I see the "stand-off" between groups of "committed" Latinos that almost never occurs among Americanized people of any ethnicity. Faced with conflict, almost all Americans "of Hispanic descent" aren't encumbered to emotion and, hence, can effortlessly gravitate toward logic. They're no smarter. Just free. They were never told to carry a senseless burden to show a pretend "loyalty" to a disloyal culture.

So, now, the "burdened Latinos" live life feeling trapped. They look at los gentes del norte bouncing around weightlessly and happily without that invisible thing tearing us down.

Hey, Thugo, buddy. Are you sure you want that burden? Would you like to weigh it against the alternatives? Do you do ANYONE any service by carrying this "loyalty?" If I could carry it just long enough for you to realize that it's anything BUT loyalty, I'd do it. For you. Then the next victim and the next. Why? Because I know that as soon as you see the light, you'd be doing the same for as many others as you could. Liberty just feels too DAMN GOOD!!!! You Want Everyone you see to FEEL IT!!!!!

I'm hopin' and prayin' for ya buddy!

Keep your eyes open and your hands free!

And I wish you all the best!

2007-02-17 08:06:47 UTC
Who cares what anyone is called. Every race has stereo types. And every race makes fun of another, usually behind their back.
2007-02-10 10:57:34 UTC
I happen to like the term ******* and use it a lot....beaner is the one I dont like to use...******* fits since a lot of them still swim or wade across.....Ole Santa Anna did try to fight but got his a hole kicked at San Jancinto by a bunch of rednecks.....too bad they didnt know to call the enemy wetbacks....coulda used a nice battle cry to go with the Alamo thing....."theres those wetbacks now...lets kick their as* and Remember the Alamo"....pretty cool huh?
2007-02-10 09:41:36 UTC
Maybe we should start deporting ALL of the illegal aliens.

Better yet, the US should adopt Mexican immigration laws.
2007-02-17 12:34:53 UTC
maybe we should meet you coming across the border send your butts right back.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.