While I don't condone killing just anybody. The criminals who would rape our country and its economy because their own government is too stupid to support them and their loads of kids, need to be stopped.
Messytoe may be correct. But some people have tried to stay within the law. They captured illegal aliens who trespassed on their property. The aliens were criminally in this country. They were criminally trespassing. The brain dead courts sided with the criminals and awarded them the property on which they trespassed. In the light of that, it's better not to leave witnesses... don't you think? (1) It prevents their coming back as they're wont to do if deported. (2) It prevents their taking jobs from US citizens. (3) It prevents their further breaking laws by illegally gaining access to benefits paid for by citizens of this country, (4) It eliminates the cost of incarceration, and (5) it removes the consequences imposed on citizens for trying to protect their rights.
In fact, illegal aliens have absolutely no rights in the United States other than to be deported. They are not entitled to a trial. They are not entitled to representation. They are not even entitled to a hearing.
I'm not talking about legal aliens... those who are here on student, work, or other similar visas.
I'm not talking about illegal immigrants... those who, due to the political climate and the persecution of the government in their country are forced to flee or be killed, are forced to skip some of the formalities. These are those who obey the laws in this country, who work to improve their lives, and their newly adopted country and its economy, who pay their taxes, who learn the language, adopt its culture. I agree that these few deserve a short period of amnesty.
I'm naturally talking about legal immigrants... those who have taken all the legal steps to enter this country, who obey its laws, etc.
I'm talking about the criminals who sneak into the country because they know their entry is illegal. They are intentionally breaking the law. I'm talking about the criminals who take payment for work illegally provided to illegally avoid paying taxes. I'm talking ab out the criminals who, because they only accept payment in cash do not have any reported income and who drive to free clinics in their new SUVs and get free medical and dental help paid for by the legal citizens of this country. I'm talking about the illegal aliens who are so lazy (or stupid) that they force schools to teach classes in Spanish because they don't understand English. I'm talking about the thousands who have found their way into the criminal system and who tax-payers are supporting. I'm talking about the criminals who steal from this country and send the money out of the country.