Why can we not help illegal immigration by helping Mexico become a better place to live?
2010-01-25 06:05:15 UTC
I hear both the left and the right argue, Insult and threaten each other about immigration without either side seeking the root cause! They say it is the Americans who hire them that encourage the illegal actions. While we could put more people into the over flowing court and prison system, costing even more money, why do we not assist Mexico in creating an economic system that would encourage it's people to stay home? I have worked with immigrants from Mexico for fifteen years, I have never met one that moved here to stay. They have come here to earn money to better the life they have in Mexico.I asked a group of thirty two people from Mexico - various cities, What it would take for them to have stayed home? Please keep in mind that without these workers I would not have a cheap workforce to produce the product for the company that I work for, American Teens are not willing to work for minimum wage - yes they will take the job, but they will not work for it, the lack of work ethic lost in America is another topic. I base this on fifteen years of experience in the same industry.The response was unanimous, A livable minimum wage, and a non corrupt government. My next question was why don't you as a people change this? The response was that the military and the crime bosses are working together to keep Mexico the same so that they can do as they please.So why can America invade other countries to help the people construct a workable government and not a neighboring country that a majority of Americans consider the mass influx of people a hindrance on the economy?
23 answers:
2010-01-26 06:41:41 UTC
Why can we not help illegal immigration by helping Mexico become a better place to live?

That is a very good question and my response to that is how?

Mexico has to change for the better from within. No matter how much aid or how many times we rebuild their infrastructure, it will never make Mexico better.

So what should Mexico do to themselves in order to better themselves? Here are a few suggestions.

1. They have to really change their culture (everyday lifestyles, mannerisms, code of conduct, etc.) like there was no tomorrow. They really have to show basic human respect for the own people, the men have to stop practicing their negative machismo and adulterous way of life, and women have to act more independent and not rely on men most of the time.

2. The poor people just have to stop reproducing. I’m sorry but poverty breeds more poverty. If that means not having sex then so be it! If they really care about their future children then they would not have them. If they know they will always be poor then they should just not have children. A person being poor is a “wake-up” call for not having children. With parenthood come financial and emotional responsibilities that poor people just cannot handle. It does not take a “rocket science” to understand this. I know it sounds very abrasive but there is no other way to say it. If poverty can be reduced then you can reduce the slums, violent gangs, organized crime, terrorism, slave trade, child prostitution, and a lot of social problems that come with poverty. This will eventually reduce illegal and legal immigration to other countries.

3. The Mexican government and its administrative divisions are corrupt. They must reduce corruption and punish real criminals both in government and the private sectors.

4. In line with poverty and with the rest of the world, Mexico has to reduce its population. There are just too many people. There will never be enough jobs and resources will further be depleted as the population expands. This also includes their increased home-grown pollution.

5. Mexico’s economy has to also improve. Assuming Mexico can create jobs; income inequality remains a problem and has to be reduced. Huge gaps remain not only between rich and poor but also between the north and the south, and between urban and rural areas. Sharp contrasts in income and human development are also a grave problem in Mexico.

There is more but I just mentioned the basics but it still has to come from within. This is just one area that the United States and the rest of the world cannot solve.

Additional Comments: Ali A, you are correct.
2016-04-05 07:27:30 UTC
The way to avoid becoming like Mexico is stop the Mexicans from entering our county. The type of law used to achieve this is really irrelevant. Most people are angry of Mexico's incredible hypocrisy in criticizing SB 1070 while they themselves have the harshest immigration law on the continent. Obama's passive agreement with Mexico just angers people more.
2010-01-25 14:40:36 UTC
A very excellent idea. It would cost less than 1/5th as much to provide excellent educational opportunities and far less to provide excellent medical facilities.

Mexico is corrupt and that stands in the way of solution. Further, Mexico reaps about 19 Billion a year from the wages sent home by the illegal aliens and they may want that forever and a day. Congress could have stopped this a long time ago with the Real I.D. and they screwed it up, and killed a lot of Americans as they did so. Illegal aliens kill about six Americans for every illegal alien that is killed by the way.
2010-01-28 18:48:46 UTC
Well, yeah, if you can up root and eliminate every single one of the cartels that have been infesting and ruining their country for the last 50 years!

Joe C: I admire your clear and fair view of the problems

Greasy Testicles: Is that all you can come up with when it comes to how your beloved Mexico could improve??

Karen: ...(yawn)......

You explained why Mexico is the way it is....10 thousands excuses and brilliant ways to add more, but no single minded will to do anything to better themselves. because you think everything should be handed to you for free. LOSER!
2010-01-25 07:07:42 UTC
We wouldn't even have to give Mexico any more money than we already do. Simply undoing NAFTA so that US corporations can't build factories there would keep subsistence farmers on their land (because these are the people pouring over the border in droves). Securing the border and depriving the Mexican government of the safety valve of illegal immigration would ultimately force some kind of social revolution in this very corrupt country. There's a reason Calderon and Fox before him were all in favor of sending their poorest, least skilled across the border to be wards of the American taxpayer.
Ali A
2010-01-26 07:30:56 UTC
evelyn j. wrote:"could not agree more. im sick of people saying that they should stay and help fix their countries. no one said that to thousands of immigrants that came into ellis island from Europe, but wait..they were white. but we definitely had the nerve to prohibit all chinese immigration into the US. :\ "


Funny thing, ASIA is none too hot on immigrants from non Asian countries and at the time you're talking about they were even less so. And try becoming a citizen in MEXICO today. It's tough and even if you manage it, you're STILL prohibited from certain occupations. Crying "racism" is the height of hypocrisy, especially since it's up to the CITIZENS of a country to decide who they want to enter and on what terms.

As for the immigrants you're talking about, you overlook the fact that they DID come through Ellis Island and specified points of entry, followed the rules and risked being turned away for health or an inability to support themselves. Illegal aliens are line jumpers, liars and cheats, which says a lot as to WHY their homelands are such a mess. We don't need any more of those--we already have enough of a problem with those who enable illegal immigration by out and out breaking the law or failing to enforce it.
2010-01-25 10:23:46 UTC
Mexico is already number 11 in GDP.

Do you know how many times the USA has sent money to Mexico to help them out only to have their corrupt government steal it? Until the people down there are willing to vote out and weed out the corruption and corrupted officials - no matter how many times we help them it won't do any good.

To answer your last question - Mexico reminds the USA of their sovereignty, but neglects to recognize ours. If Mexico allowed our troops to go in and clean up, it would actually happen.
2010-01-27 14:26:24 UTC
I've often thought we should just annex Mexico. I mean, most of them are going to wind up here anyway. At least that way we could close their southern border, which is MUCH shorter than the current Mexican US border.

We could go in, naturalise their companies and resources to subsidize turning them into decent people worthy of becoming Americans.
2010-01-26 08:04:26 UTC
"American Teens are not willing to work for minimum wage - yes they will take the job, but they will not work for it, the lack of work ethic lost in America is another topic"

Unfortunately this is a topic I couldn't ignore. I have many young coworkers who have really stepped out of their comfort zone and actually went the extra mile during these difficult times. It isn't because of their parents as much as for the example provided for people around them.

The closed minded people shuts every door regardless of the positive influx into their communities. They focus on retaliating against and attacking the foreigners instead of trying to respectfully coexist. Illegal immigrants are just their perfect target but in reality they focus on immigration as a whole.

As for Mexico, being a Republic we can only influence them so much if we are able to hear them back. Imposing a culture is not well seen as you certainly acknowledge from the whiners who complain about Spanish speakers although they don't seem to care much for Greek, Italian, or German speakers.

Our government cannot nor should invade Mexico as the "good neighbor" relationship is already very compromised.

"the lack of work ethic lost in America" that is OUR problem, our low income citizens don't want to work for minimum wage although they do not seek further education and much rather stay home claiming government aid. If they only didn't have this aid for a while, they could probably walk a mile on the foreigners shoes and who knows? that might force them to learn about work ethics again. We both know this isn't going to happen though......

In my humble opinion, helping someone is NOT providing them with the fish for a meal but ACTUALLY teaching them how to catch the fish by themselves. Our american citizens have been fooling the system and themselves for too long already. All they have learned to do is bickering about others who dared to survive and coexist within their culture without the hand outs they are able to receive from our government and without English proficiency.
2010-01-25 08:05:15 UTC
And where exactly would the money come from to make Mexico's economy better? Perhaps you can take some of the profit that your company makes by hiring illegal cheap labor and start the ball rolling. I for one have enough worries about taking care of my own family. I certainly don't want my taxes going up to pay for a country who's people have no desire to help themselves. If you are hiring them,you are part of the problem. If they were forced to stay in their own country and fight for it,we wouldn't have them sneaking across the border to be hired by companies who's bottom line is profit and the not the betterment of our own country.

Let me know what company you work for and what product you make so I can stop buying it.
2010-01-25 10:11:51 UTC
I read an article that stated the US has $214 billion that is BILLION to Help Mexico's police department. I think this is bs. Mexico is not a poor country. If the government needs money it should be collected from the business to improve their own police department. From the articles I have read, it is hard for the government to know who is a crook and who is not. the police local and through to country were high on list of crooked. It is not the business of the US to settle a country's internal problems, that would be declaring war on that country.
2010-01-25 15:08:45 UTC
Because Mexico does not want any help from anybody.If Mexico was concerned about the country, why want they allow American military troops to fight the drug cartel ?Is it because the drug cartel pump billions into Mexico banks, business, bribes, sales tax without their paying sales tax what would happen ? You can use your own profits and send to the Mexico red cross
2010-01-25 13:47:34 UTC
Yeah that's what I was kind of thinking the other day...

If all we do is whine and complain about them all day, then were technically just making the problem worse. Why not get to the base of the problem already?

People. are. going. to .imigrate. if. their. country is. no .good.

Were involved with pretty much all the middle east, so what's another country? It's sounds like were making excuses not to help them. Come on now.

-Glenda =)


@ Judy B..

WTF!? Have you ever actually been to Mexico? Mexico IS poor. Maybe you've been to the cities where it's not so bad, but does anyone bother to go see the poverty-filled villages? NO.
2010-01-27 06:31:47 UTC
I think we have our hands full with our own country and we are taking on Haiti as well
2010-01-26 17:03:29 UTC
If you think in terms of neighbors, it is easy to see the pitfalls to "help" from the US. Here is a little to get you started:

You are a small, poor man, your next-door neighbor is a huge, (are you white? make him black. Are you black? make him white.) rich man, known to bully and force his way all over the neighborhood. You are working but not making enough to feed your family well, and your house is getting a little ragged. Your neighbor comes to your door with 5 of his huge, poorly-behaved sons (he can't bring them all because they are busy at other neighbors, fixing their lives) and informs you that you need help and they are going to fix things for you. You do need help, but you and your family are getting by. Your neighbor's house is in pretty bad shape, too, and you really aren't sure he knows what he is doing. You know his help will have strings, because he has helped you before, He uses your sons to make things in the little workshop he has set up on your side of the property line. You know he doesn't pay them enough for them to buy the things they make and he doesn't share the profit with you, then there is all that trash and garbage he leaves on your side. He got that fine for leaving it on his side, but no one fines him on yours. And you remember you used to have 1/3 more land before he decided many years ago that he needed it more than you and beat you up and took it. It was a long time ago and you're over it, but still... Do you let him in? Do you have a choice?

On the other side is the little old lady who wants to give or lend you money. She will also come live with you, since she is sure your wife is just not running your house correctly or you would have money. The fact that she owes billions and her children are on welfare and locked up? Not important, she will fix your finances and teach your children the right way.

When you want to help neighbors, you are friends first, then you ask, "Would you like some help? What can I do for you?" And you do it without thinking, "How can I get more than I give or get over on them?" You do it because what helps your neighbor helps us all.

So my answer is: we can- by using fair business, fair trade, fair everything in our dealings with them; by asking, without believing we know what is best for others, how we can help; by focusing on the very real problems we have in our own country- poor education, violence, drugs, gangs, dishonesty, lack of values, rudeness, hate, racism, etc. and working to change our country and make it better.

The people in Mexico, like the people in the US, do work and vote to make their country better. The military is not in cahoots with the crime bosses, nor is "The Government" corrupt. I live here, it is no better or worse than the US (where I have lived most of my life as a citizen) as far as corruption. There are always bad in with the good.
2010-01-26 19:18:46 UTC
this is a really funny question..! ill apologize if im wrong, but some how i assumed ur Mexican.
2010-01-25 10:55:17 UTC
You wanna know the truth?

The USA actually LOVES the fact that we have so many illegals here, working for cheap labor. Oh come on, do you think if they REALLY didn't want illegals in the USA they would've truly enforced something that would've WORKED?

Don't you know that when something unlawful persists for a long time, it's because SOMEONE is making money off of it?
2010-01-25 06:15:55 UTC
BEcause it is not our place to help a country who has damaged themselves such as mexico has done. We are being invaded by these people and it is not our responsibility to allow them to come here by breaking laws. There are over 20 million illegals present, over 57% of these are illegal mexicans alone. If these 12 million illegal aliens who have abandoned their country were to return, they could make a difference for their country and their people. They do not even stay and fight for their people or their country. mexico is not a poor country as these illegals want you to believe. They need to stand up for themselves and they won't do that. They would rather come here, destroy our country and disrespect our laws!! Not to forget to live off welfare and sponge up all our services in which they are taking from American citizens!!
2010-01-25 06:16:00 UTC
We have sent them a great deal of our industery now. You can only do so much. The rest is up to them!
Professor D
2010-01-25 08:05:23 UTC
we should invade mexico and make it like a "little USA"
2010-01-25 06:11:39 UTC
Why don't Mexicans quit breaking our laws and make their country better for themselves? We cannot give them a backbone or national pride. They need to take their country back on their own and the more we enable them, the worse it will get.
2010-01-25 06:50:56 UTC
good point. Anytime we help another country, it helps us out.
2010-01-25 06:15:16 UTC
Great question! There are plans to help them out, but not soon enough. We help everybody else in the world, but our own neighbors....Hmmmm!

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