What can the government do to stop illegal immigration?
2012-02-21 22:18:18 UTC
I'm writing a PERSUASIVE 10-15 pg. paper on illegal immigration. I dont want to write about how it's bad because it's illegal and everyone already knows its bad. So I want to persuade my audience (legislature) about somehow changing something in order to stop illegal immigration. The problem is i'm drawing a blank as to what I can persuade them about? I can't really come up with something they already know. So if any of you guys can give me a hand here I'd greatly appreciate it thanks! PLEASE NO IMMATURE ANSWERS AND NO SMART-*** REMARKS, THANKS!
Eleven answers:
Armchair Goddess #1
2012-02-22 01:28:00 UTC
If you go to the website and then click on "Immigration" there will be a detailed description of what is now and has been done to both slow and stop illegal migration across our borders. There is also the problem of what to do with the millions already here, some of them for many years, and with the children brought here as infants who are now adults (this latter the population addressed with the proposed "Dream Act" that has circulated in Congress...try website for details). The information provided at these websites might give you some ideas of what has worked so far. Check out the penalties in place for greed-driven employers who routinely hire illegal immigrants, knowing these illegals will work for less than minimum wage and will not ask for any benefits such as health care coverage, vacation pay, or a retirement plan.
Moosey Flathead
2012-02-21 22:29:08 UTC
Immigration law just like all other laws form the basis of an orderly, civil society. If people can pick and choose which laws to obey, then why should we pay tax or dive within a speed limit. Why shouldn't people steal what they want? The rule of law is very important.

How do we control illegal activity? We create a penalty that is more severe than the benefits obtained from violating the law. In the case of illegal aliens, the USA can reduce their incentive to come here illegally by raising income tax on non-citizens who do not have a work Visa.

The IRS got Al Capone when no one else could. They can also be used to remove the economic incentive for illegal aliens to ignore work Visas.

The USA should also issue work Visas more economically and more quickly to encourage compliance with the law.
2014-07-07 20:24:44 UTC
Enforce the laws currently in place. I'm sorry to say that what is happening now has roots that go way back. Our government is far more corrupt than that of King George III. Our current "leadership" is made up of Ivy- League spoiled brats that use people (like illegal immigrants) for political ends. B.O. wants to destroy our borders, free enterprise, the middle class (and anything that once made this country great). Well, with the response of the citizenry, they will be successful. That is, until the brats start the infighting with the other brats when they have no one else to blame for their own ignorance, incompetence and selfishness. History repeats itself!
2016-10-19 07:57:06 UTC
the authorities does not sense inspired to implement our immigration guidelines, i do not condone taking the regulation into your own fingers yet some thing might want to be executed. the only ideal way for now might want to be to position in writing your state, community and federal authorities to particular your perspectives and evidently your vote, discover out how your applicants stand on unlawful immigration. they're profiting by low-priced labor, $$ is the reason maximum politicians turn their head to unlawful immigration, even even if that is the taxpayer choosing up the tab for each little thing.
Alex G
2012-02-22 00:38:15 UTC
Jail the employers of illegal immigrants!

Send the bill for deportations to the Mexican government.

Disbar immigration lawyers who profit mostly from human trafficking and seize their assets.
Chris Jsjs
2012-02-21 22:55:26 UTC
Nothing I am affraid because America Loves Illegal Immigrants. I wish we can have the Arizona law everywhere in America but we can't because ****** up Obama and the ******* corrupt government. They should with E-Verify with every job and sooner or later illegal immigrants will be out with jobs and Hard Working Americans will Have jobs.. LETS STOP ILLEGAL IMMIRGRATION ASAP!! EMAIL ME FOR YOUR THOUGHTS AND HATE OF ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS!! I WANT TO START A PROTEST IN CHICAGO!!
2012-02-21 22:26:03 UTC
I doubt the government will ever be able to stop immigration. Maybe write about how they could improve efforts to help people become legal citizens. Or improve efforts at the border, not in a violent way. o - o hope this helps
2012-02-21 22:26:18 UTC
Stronger borders

*Predator Drones

*More men

* Reinforced fence

More money to the INS

Make people learn English or they will get deported. This will make people understand that we are not a hispanic country.
Mr. Smartypants
2012-02-21 22:32:14 UTC
Illegals don't come here to subvert America or do terrorist acts. They don't come here to have 'anchor babies' and they certainly don't come here to get free welfare and health care. They come here to work to try to get a few bucks ahead and better themselves.

If you want them not to come, your best bet is to go after the people who hire them. Illegals who get caught will be treated humanely, deposited safely back in their own country. But employers really have something to lose. Go after people who hire illegals and the jobs will dry up and the illegals won't come.

Here in California, no big company does its own janitorial work. They hire an agency that supplies janitorial workers for cheaper than the companies could hire them themselves. In all my time in Silicon Valley I never saw a janitor who could speak even bad English. And when one of those agencies gets caught the companies that hire them always pretend to be SHOCKED. 8^P

The fact is, illegals serve an important part in our economy. Alabama passed a strong anti-immigrant law and millions of dollars in crops rotted in the fields.
2012-02-21 22:21:16 UTC
Bad? Haha! Illegal Immigrators as the base and foundation of the US. They do the dirty, low wage, and hard jobs that you people never wanted to do. Without them, your country would be ina bigger recession because no one would work.
Texas Boy
2012-02-22 00:20:45 UTC
Stronger Border patrol is the only way

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